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ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly
Volume 10 - Issue 5 (Cumulated No. 107), May 25, 2018

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Impacts of climate change on Livestock production and productivity and different adaptation strategies in Ethiopia


Solomon Tiruneh and Firew Tegene


Bahir Dar university, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Department of Animal Production and Technology, PO Box 5501 Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.


Abstract: This review work was conducted to explore the likely impacts of climate change on livestock production and productivity and different adaptation strategies in Ethiopia. National average temperature has increased by 10 c since the 1960s. Most of the livestock owners in the country perceive there is a climate change impacts on Livestock production and productivity. The major effects of climate change on livestock production include feed shortage, shortage of water, livestock genetic resources loss, reduced productivity, and decreased mature weight and/or longer time to reach mature weight in their order of importance. Higher temperatures resulting from climate change may increase the rate of development of certain pathogens or parasites that have one or more life cycle stages outside their animal host. Furthermore, the spatial distribution and availability of pasture and water are highly dependent on the pattern and availability of rainfall. Shortage of feed and water contribute to reduced productivity and reproductive performance of livestock. This includes slow growth rate of animals, loss of body condition, reduced milk production and poor reproductive performance in mature animals. Draught oxen that are emaciated and in poor body condition cannot provide adequate draught power for plowing, and thus affects crop cultivation. Bush encroachment as well as population pressure lead to diminishing availability of good pasture and hence to a decline in the total number of animals. Different adaptation options are followed by Livestock owners, such as Conservation of feed, out-migration of some household members to earn additional income, destocking, settlement and intensification of livestock production, undertaking supplementary income generating activities and awareness creation on the factors affecting climate change.

[Solomon Tiruneh and Firew Tegene. Impacts of climate change on Livestock production and productivity and different adaptation strategies in Ethiopia. Researcher 2018;10(5):1-9]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 1. doi:10.7537/marsrsj100518.01.


Key words: Climate change, Livestock, Production, Impact, Adaptation

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Role of AMF in enhancing the growth of Cenchrus ciliaris under different field capacities.


Ayidh S. Albaqami1*, Abdul Aziz A. Alqarawi1 and Abdulaziz A. Al Sahli2


1 Department of Plant Production, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences

2 Department of Botany & Microbiology, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2460 Riyadh, 11451, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding author’s email:; Tel: +966552074282


Abstract: Plants in their natural environment are exposed to various abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, extreme temperatures. Drought severely impairs plant growth and development and hampers performance of plants. It inhibits many metabolic processes and eventually constraints plant growth. We investigated whether the role of AMF can be major factor in improving the efficiency of Cenchrus ciliaris growth under different field capacities. Results showed that AMF inoculated seedlings of C. ciliaris had significantly higher growth at low field capacities than those of Non-AMF inoculated plants. It is concluded that AMF fungi may play a positive role under drought conditions and helps in improving the efficiency of the C. ciliaris to grown under drastic adverse abiotic drought conditions.

[Ayidh S. Albaqami, Abdul Aziz A. Alqarawi and Abdulaziz A. Al Sahli. Role of AMF in enhancing the growth of Cenchrus ciliaris under different field capacities. Researcher 2018;10(5):10-15]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 2. doi:10.7537/marsrsj100518.02.


Keywords: Abiotic Stress; Drought; AMF inoculation; Efficiency

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A comparative evaluation of different doses of propofol preceded by fentanyl on intubating conditions and pressor response during tracheal intubation without muscle relaxants in children

Marwa Hosny Ibrahim Ali

Department of Anesthesia, Aswan University Hospital, Egypt


Abstract: Background: The aim of our study was to assess of tracheal intubation by different doses of propofol preceded by fentanyl for successful tracheal intubation and to see its effectiveness in blunting pressors response in children aged 2-12 years. Methods: This prospective, blind, randomized study was conducted on 60 ASA grade I and II children, between 2 and 12 years undergoing elective surgery who were divided into three groups. The children received different doses of propofol (group I, 2.5 mg/kg; group II, 3.0 mg/kg; and group III, 3.5 mg/kg) preceded by a fixed dose of fentanyl (2 µg/kg) 5 min earlier. The tracheal intubating conditions were graded based on scoring system devised by Helbo-Hensen et al. with Steyn modification which includes five criteria; ease of laryngoscopy, degree of coughing, position of vocal cords, jaw relaxation, and limb movement and graded on a 4-point scale. Heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) changes were also noted. Results: Tracheal intubating conditions were acceptable in 25% of the patients in group I, while significantly higher (P<0.001) in group II (80%) and in group III (90%). The pressor response was not effectively blunted in group I (increases in HR), while effectively blunted in groups II and III. A fall in hemodynamic was seen in group III indicated by a decrease in MAP and HR. No airway complications were noted. Conclusions: Propofol 3 mg/kg (group II) preceded by fentanyl 2 µg/kg is the safest option dose combination in our study. It provides acceptable intubating conditions in 80% patients, blunts pressor response to intubation without significant cardiovascular depression.
[Marwa Hosny Ibrahim Ali. A comparative evaluation of different doses of propofol preceded by fentanyl on intubating conditions and pressor response during tracheal intubation without muscle relaxants in children. Researcher 2018;10(5):16-24]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 3. doi:10.7537/marsrsj100518.03.

Keywords: Tracheal intubation; Propofol; Fentanyl; Intubating conditions; Pressor response

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Rehabilitative Balance Exercises Program for Restoring Stability and Performance after Ankle Injuries

Dr. Fatemah Asaad Khuraibet

Assistant professor in Department of Physical Education and Sport, College of Basic Education, Kuwait.


Abstract: This research aims to identify the effectiveness of balance exercises on restoring the stability and functional efficiency of ankle joint. The researcher used the experimental approach (two-group design) with pre- and post-measurements. Participants (n=10) were purposefully chosen from soccer players of Al-Qadesia Sports Club – Kuwait. They were divided into two equivalent groups. The experimental group (n=5) contained players with functional disorder and instability of ankle joint (right foot) because of repeated ankle sprain injury. The control group (n=5) included players who were free of any ankle injuries. Results indicated that: - The recommended balance exercises improved stability of the injured ankle joint. - The recommended balance exercises improved function of the injured ankle joint. - The recommended balance exercises fully rehabilitated the injured ankle joint. - The recommended balance exercises improved confidence and decreased fears of lack of stability among injured athletes. - The recommended balance exercises improved proprioceptors function of the injured ankle joint.
[Fatemah Asaad Khuraibet. Rehabilitative Balance Exercises Program for Restoring Stability and Performance after Ankle Injuries. Researcher 2018;10(5):25-31]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 4. doi:10.7537/marsrsj100518.04.

Key Words: Balance Exercises – Stability – Ankle Injuries

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[Researcher 2018;10(5):32-38]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 5.

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Investigate the Effect of Working Capital and Cash Holdings on Profitability of Companies Listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange


Bahram Asakereh 1, Dr. Reza Abbasi 2, Mehdi Basirat 3


1MA Student Department of Financial Management, Persian Gulf International Branch, Islamic Azad University Khorramshahr, Iran. Email


2Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Entrepreneurship Management, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

3Assistant Porfessor, Department of E conomics, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran


Abstract: The aim of present research is investigate the relationship between financial variables of working capital, Cash holdings and profitability. In this research, average of collection period, average of inventory turnover duration, average of debt payment period and free cash flow of the firm are independent variables and return on assets and return on capital are dependent variables. Also, Firm size and financial leverage are control variables. With regard to the research subject, statistical population of present research includes listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. In this research, selected samples were 77 companies. Data of this research has been collected by using the companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange from the beginning of 2009 to the end of 2014. In this research, to test the hypothesis was used multiple regression analysis with the method of mixed data with the fixed effects. Research results indicated that there is a significant relationship between working capital and cash holdings and return on assets. Also, there is a significant relationship between working capital and return on capital.

[Bahram Asakereh, Reza Abbasi, Mehdi Basirat. Investigate the Effect of Working Capital and Cash Holdings on Profitability of Companies Listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange. Researcher 2018;10(5):39-45]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 6. doi:10.7537/marsrsj100518.06.


Key words: working capital, Cash holdings and profitability, return on assets, return on capital.

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Biocontrol Efficacy of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Fortification on the Nutrient and Aflatoxin Compositions of ‘Ogi’

Gbolagade S. Jonathan, Oluwatosin B. Ogunsanwo, Michael D. Asemoloye, Glory I. Baysah and Omolola O. Omotayo.

1Mycology/Fungal Biotechnology Unit, Department of Botany, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
2Department of Biology, Adventist University of West Africa, Liberia

Corresponding authors: M.D. Asemoloye (; +2348064844977) and O.O. Ogunsanwo (+2348131205333;


Abstract: ‘Ogi’ is a fermented maize product which is commonly used as weaning food for children in Nigeria. However, there is dearth of knowledge on the possible aflatoxin contamination of many of such indigenous maize products due to commonly associated fungi and possible control measures. This study was therefore conducted to investigate the fungal and aflatoxin composition of stored Ogi powder and the effect of ginger fortification in relation to the shelf life of the product. Ogi samples were prepared in the laboratory and fortified with different concentrations of ginger at 5 different batches namely: Control (unfortified Ogi), TreatmentT1 (97.5% Ogi+ 2.5% ginger), Treatment T2 (95% Ogi + 5% ginger), Treatment T3 (92.5% Ogi+7.5% ginger) and TreatmentT4 (90% Ogi+ 10% ginger). They were later dried into powder and stored for eight weeks. The nutrient and aflatoxin contents (AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2) of the samples were analyzed before and after storage using Thin Layer Chromatography. Generally, the pH and the nutrient contents such as crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat of the samples reduced with the increased storage time but increased with the ginger concentrations. The treatments also improved the sensory attributes as T2 was the most generally accepted sample after 8 week of storage. Result obtained also showed that different fungi are associated with the samples which increased with the storage time, the isolated aflatoxigenic fungi includes Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, A. penicilloides A. tamarii, A. fumigatus and A. ellipticus while others belongs to Fusarium, Penicillium, Saccharomyces, Rhizopus, Trichoderma and Alternaria species. In addition, the control had the highest fungal load (5.33-12.00 cfu/mL) and aflatoxin contents but they were significantly reduced in T1-T4, respectively. The aflatoxin contents of the samples increased with the storage time but none was higher than the tolerance limit. Consumers are therefore encouraged to consider using ginger as additive in preparing Ogi especially at 5 % concentration to improve the taste and reduce the possible aflatoxin contamination.
[Jonathan S. G., Ogunsanwo O. B., Asemoloye M. D. Baysah G. I. and Omotayo O. O. Biocontrol Efficacy of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Fortification on the Nutrient and Aflatoxin Compositions of ‘Ogi’. Researcher 2018;10(5):46-55]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 7. doi:10.7537/marsrsj100518.07.

Key Words: Ogi powder; Ginger; Treatment; Aflatoxin; Tolerance limit; Sensory evaluation

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Study on the Prevelece of Tick Speceies and Assosciated Risk Factors in Bambasi District of the Benishangul Gumuz Region, Western Ethiopia


1Bossena Fantahun, 1Mulugeta Zerihun, 1Gutema Gudeta, 1Mokonen Golassa, 1Yami Bote and 2Birhanu Eticha


1Assosa Regional Veterinary Diagnostic, Surveillance, Monitoring and Study Laboratory, P.O. Box: 326,

Assosa, Ethiopia;email:

2 Benishangul Gumuz Regional State Livestock and Fisheries Resource Development Agency, P.O Box 30,

Assosa, Ethiopia; email:


Abstract: The distribution and abundance of bovine tick species in Bambasi districted was studied from October 2017 to November 2017. Adult tick was collected from eight sites a total of 447 local cattle which were under extensive management system. A total of 3566 adult ticks collected from half body part times two were identified, in which two species belong to Amblyomma, one species belong to genus of Boophilus, two species Rhipicephalus and one species belong to genus Hyaloma, of all the total tick collections, boophylus, Amblyomma, Hyalomma and Rhipicephlus constituted 40.8%, 39.3%, 0.30% and 37.82% respectively. The tick species encountered were B. decoloratus (40.8%), A. variegatum (38.4%) R. evertsi-evertsi (24.02%), R.praetextatus (13.8%) A. cohaerens (0.09%) and H.m, rufipes (0.30). The burden of ticks on cattle by their age group (1<year, 1-3 year and >3 year had statistically significant difference (p<0.05), (mean =1.7 tick /head, mean=7.8 tick/head/mean =16.9 tick/head) respectively in the study area. The study result indicates that the favorable predilection sits of Boophilus species are dewlap, back and hoof, Amblyoma species are found most of the time ventral body part and hoof, because of long mouth part. Adult R. evertsi–evertsi had a strong predilection site is under tail as well as ano-vulav areas. The body condition also indicates high infestation in poor body condition and less infestation in good body condition the burden of tick in body condition (poor, medium and good has statically significance (p<0.05), (mean=12.9 tick/head, mean=8.7tick/head, mean=4.1tick/head) respectively in the study area. In finalize tick should be managed at the level that they cause no more economic loss; since there is no single method that adequately control the problem of ticks and tick borne diseases, combination of available techniques to produce an integrated system of tick management is necessary; further studies on the distribution pattern of tick species and their epidemiology are necessary for the continuous understanding of control strategies thereby bringing the tick number on livestock to numbers that are more manageable.

[Bossena Fantahun, Mulugeta Zerihun, Gutema Gudeta, Mokonen Golassa, Yami Bote and Birhanu Eticha. Study on the Prevelece of Tick Speceies and Assosciated Risk Factors in Bambasi District of the Benishangul Gumuz Region, Western Ethiopia. Researcher 2018;10(5):56-63]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 8. doi:10.7537/marsrsj100518.08.


Key words: Bambasi/cattle tick/predilection site/tick prevalence/risk factors

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Assessment of reference evapotranspiration models in cold weather conditions

Gholamreza Bostanian

Graduated from Water Engineering Faculty, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran


Abstract: Evapotranspiration is one of the important factors that knowing the exact amount, for determining water requirements and irrigation system design is essential. One way to determine evapotranspiration using experimental models, but to use them in every place must first be evaluated. For this purpose, the study compared the results of 18 models evapotranspiration with drainage Lysimeter and the Penman-Monteith (FAO56) was evaluated. This study was conducted in Hangar research station of the University of Mohagheghe Ardabili, Ardabil. For this purpose grass were planted in 3 Lysimeter and around the Lysimeter. Grass evapotranspiration measured by volumetric Lysimeter based on water balance equation components (input and output water volume, save moisture and evapotranspiration), was estimated. To estimate reference evapotranspiration 18 models, including models such as temperature, radiation, and the combination was chosen. The meteorological synoptic station of Ardabil was used to prepare the information needed to model. Besides the results of Lysimeter, evapotranspiration obtained by the FAO Penman-Monteith model also was used as a reference for comparing the performance model. Evapotranspiration estimation models using statistical indices, root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), the estimated margin of error (PE), the ratio (MR) and spearman’s rho coefficient is calculated as follows to cross they were evaluated. The results showed that for all models, high dispersion of points around the line one to one, or answer them consistent with the results of Lysimeter answer is not good. Moreover, some of these models overestimated and underestimated some of them to calculate evapotranspiration. Using statistical indicators may be compared with the results of Lysimeter, at the most proper research models, respectively Blaney Cradle, Ravazzani and the Rn and the weakest models respectively Irmak and Valiantzas. Overall fit the model results against the results of the FAO Penman-Monteith model compared to its results compared to the results of Lysimeter, was more suitable. Also according to the statistical criteria in this study, the FAO Penman-Monteith model, the most appropriate models were Turk, Berti and the Trajkovic, and the weakest models, modified Hargreaves-Samani, Irmak and Scandal were determined. In both assessments methods (Lysimeter and FAO Penman-Monteith model) were not the same in determining our study was the weakest model in place. That is, both methods together, Irmak models (2003) and models Valiantzas (2013) had the weakest results. In other words, although the sum of the two methods compares the most appropriate models cannot be identified with certainty, but the weakest model was determined.
[Gholamreza Bostanian. Assessment of reference evapotranspiration models in cold weather conditions. Researcher 2018;10(5):64-74]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 9. doi:10.7537/marsrsj100518.09.

Key words: Evapotranspiration, Drainage Lysimeter, Evaluation, FAO Penman-Monteith Model

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Surface Durability of Newly Glass Ionomer Cement Modified with Chitosan


Rehab S. Sayed1, Heba A. Shalaby2, Yasser F. Hussein Ali3 and Nofal.K.Soliman4


1Demonstrator, Dental biomaterial Department, Faculty of oral and dental Medicine, Nahda University, Egypt.

2Assistant Lecturer, Dental biomaterial Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Alfyoum University, Egypt.

3Professor, Dental biomaterial Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Minia University, Egypt

4Lecturer, Basic science Department, Faculty of oral and dental Medicine, Nahda University, Egypt


Abstract: Aim of the study: The evaluation of Surface Durability of newly developed conventional glass ionomer cement modified by chitosan. Materials and Methods: A total of 380 cement disks were prepared to represent 4 groups; 90 disks for each. Conventional Glass Ionomercement disks; control group, (Group 1) and other groups' disks were modified by adding chitosan solution to poly carboxylic acid liquid of GIC (v/v) in ratio of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75/1 to represent Groups 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The disks of each group were subdivided into 9 subgroups; n=10. Working and setting time of different groups were measured. Then, water sorption and solubility were calculated after storage in distilled water (37ºC) at time intervals 72 and 168 hrs. As well, micro-hardness and surface roughness changes after different storage time intervals 24, 72 and 168 hrs for each investigated groups were measured. Surface chemistry was analyzed by XRD. Results: Despite the highest significant prolonged working time and setting time was recorded by Group 1 (4.76±0.41,10.79±.43min), it was insignificantly decreased in the other investigated groups. The highest water sorption was recorded by Group4 after 72 and 168 hrs (105±7.9, 41.1±29.4 μg/mm3), but the least values were recorded by Group 1 (61.8±11.5, μg/mm3). Also, the highest water solubility was recorded by Group 4 after168hrs (196.27±58.6μg/mm3) whereas Group 2recorded the least one (150.7±38.3 μg/mm3). Regarding the micro-hardness, Groups 2,3 & 4 revealed lower hardness value than Group 1 after 24 hrs (50.8±2, 45.3±5.38,37.1±8.76 and 54.9±2.9VHN). Meanwhile, Groups2 and 4 recorded the highest significant surface roughness (3.2±0.99 and 2.9±0.94 µm). The XRD chemical analysisreleaved that the surface of the samples composed mainly of aluminum silicon and sodium silicon fluoride. Conclusions:1) Increasing chitosan amount decreased both working and setting time of conventional GIC. 2) Increasing percentage of chitosan was adversely affect water sorption and water solubility; in addition to, surface hardness. 3) Durability of GIC was adversely affected by chitosan addition.

[Rehab S. Sayed, Heba A. Shalaby, Yasser F. Hussein Ali and Nofal. K. Soliman. Surface Durability of Newly Glass Ionomer Cement Modified with Chitosan. Researcher 2018;10(5):75-83]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 10. doi:10.7537/marsrsj100518.10.


Keywords: Chitosan, glass ionomer cement, surface hardness, surface roughness, water sorption, solubility, setting working time, XRD.

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Evaluation of six methods to prediction of reference evapotranspiration based on air temperature in Khuzestan province


Elahe Zoratipour1, Amir Soltani Mohammadi2


1 -M. Sc. Student of Irrigation and Drainage, Faculty of Water Sciences Engineering, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2- Associate professor of Irrigation and Drainage, Faculty of Water Sciences Engineering, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


Abstract: The reference evapotranspiration (ET0), is one of the important components of the hydrological cycle, which needs to be precisely estimated for optimal water resources management. The present study aim to evaluation of six different methods to predict reference crop evapotranspiration based on air temperature in 11 stations of Khuzestan province in Iran. For this reason, the monthly weather data of the study stations was used during the statistical period 1996-1996. The results of the methods were compared with the result of the FAO Penman – Monteith method (PMF-56) and in order to evaluate the performance of the methods, were used statistical indices of R2 and RMSE. The results showed that among the methods examined, Blaney and Criddle and Hargreaves and Samani methods had the best performance, having the highest coefficient of determination, were, on average 0.93 and 0.94 respectively, and the lowest Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), respectively, was 1.29 and 1.1 mm per day, on average, at study stations.

[Zoratipour E, Soltani Mohammadi A. Evaluation of six methods to prediction of reference evapotranspiration based on air temperature in Khuzestan province. Researcher 2018;10(5):84-88]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 11. doi:10.7537/marsrsj100518.11.


Keywords: ET0; Air temperature; PMF-56; Khuzestan province

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Beta-Binomial Mixture Models: Its Consistent And Efficient Performance Over Binomial Model.


1*Akomol Afe. A. A., 1maradesa. A. And 2yussuf T. O


1 Department Of Statistics, Federal University Of Technology, Akure, Nigeria


2national Institute For Educational Planning And Administration, Ondo


Abstract: Beta binomial Model is a standard choice for modeling multiple sequences of binary responses. This research was carried out based on the efficiency and consistency of Beta-binomial Model (BBM) in tracking and forecasting purchasing pattern of consumers of Soft drink using secondary data collected from whole sales outlet of a standard bottling Company, The model (BBM) as compared to binomial model (BM) was fitted to the data. Akaike Criterion, Bayesian Criterion and  QUOTE   goodness of fit were used to establish the efficiency and flexibility of BBM over BM in predicting the customers’ purchasing pattern. The analysis shows that Beta-Binomial Model fitted better coupled with it low standard error in predicting future purchasing when compared with Binomial Model. We can therefore say that the predictive efficiency of this model is high. The usefulness of BBM as illustrated using real data depicts that it can be relied on for consistent planning and decision making.

[ Akomol Afe. A. A., maradesa. A. And yussuf T. O. Beta-Binomial Mixture Models: Its Consistent And Efficient Performance Over Binomial Model. Researcher 2018;10(5):89-97]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 12. doi:10.7537/marsrsj100518.12.


Key words: Beta-binomial model, Predictive Beta-binomial Model, Akaike Information Criteria (AIC), Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC), Coefficient of variation

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