Cancer Biology
2150-1041 (print); ISSN: 2150-105X (online),
doi prefix:10.7537,
Volume 14 / Issue 4, Cumulated No. 56, December 25, 2024
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Authors /Abstracts
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Review On Infectious Bursal Disease, Newcastle Disease, Marek’s
Disease And Avian Pox
Eyachew Ayana
Bahirdar Animal
Health Investigation And Diagnostic Laboratory, P.O. Box 70,
Bahirdar, Ethiopia
Viral diseases
are posing a growing threat to the young poultry industry
flourishing in the country. Infectious bursal disease, Newcastle
disease, Marek’s disease (MD), and Fowl pox are among the
serious threats to poultry production. IBD is considered as AIDS
of chicken since it severely affects the immune system of
chicken. NDV is a human pathogen and the most common sign of
infection in humans is conjunctivitis. Marek’s disease (MD) is a
lymphomatous and neuropathic disease of domestic fowl. Avian pox
is a viral disease of a wide range of both domestic and wild
bird species. It is a slow-spreading and characterized by the
formation of proliferative lesions and scabs on the skin, and
diphtheritic lesions in the upper parts of the digestive and
respiratory tracts. Many viral diseases of poultry can be
diagnosed on the basis of clinical signs together with post
mortem findings and histopathological changes. However,
confirmation of the involvement of specific viral pathogens
requires specific laboratory procedures. There is no specific
treatment for viral diseases of poultry. However, antibiotics
are sometimes given in viral disease outbreaks to prevent
secondary infection with bacteria. The most practical way to
control viral diseases in poultry and prevent losses through
effective biosecurity practices, timely vaccination and good
hygiene accompanied by improved management is therefore of the
greatest importance at all times.
[Eyachew Ayana.
Review On Infectious Bursal Disease, Newcastle Disease, Marek’s
Disease And Avian Pox. 2024;14(4):1-12]. ISSN: 2150-1041
(print); ISSN: 2150-105X (online).
01. doi:10.7537/marscbj140424.01
Key words:
Avian pox, Borrel bodies, Infectious bursal disease, Newcastle
disease, Marek’s disease |
Full Text |
Request to immediately stop radiotherapy and chemotherapy to
treat leukemia, cancer, AIDS
Sun Chunwu
About the author: Sun Chunwu (1948-), male (Han nationality),
Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China, mainly engaged in
natural science research;
E-mail: WeChat ID scw20171020
Never mistake
the virus for causing cancer cells to grow wildly. Long-term use
of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and water infusion. Because the
human body is a complex systematic project, such as more water
and less water, high and low water temperature, fast and slow
water flow rate, and treatment of entering the patient's body
and stomach, we should pay more attention to it. Water can
relieve pain, and water can aggravate illness. If you hang water
for a long time, it will at least destroy the unity of the
system's work and movement in your body, and will not cure the
root of your illness. Such long-term treatment will be combined
with the painful airflow during the treatment of patients, etc.,
and will be rolled by the gene centripetal vortex system, like
snowballing, which will roll the chemicals and painful airflow
bigger and bigger, and polymerize and copy them into a complete
new cancer cell with poor quantity [that is, chemotherapy will
encourage the generation of anti-treatment cancer cells].
[Sun Chunwu.
Request to immediately stop radiotherapy and chemotherapy to
treat leukemia, cancer, AIDS.
2024;14(4):13-30]. ISSN: 2150-1041 (print); ISSN: 2150-105X
02. doi:10.7537/marscbj140424.02
ellipse, leukemia, cancer, AIDS, cause and prevention |
Full Text |
Cancer Biology
Research Literatures
Mark Herbert, PhD
39-06 Main Street, Flushing, Queens,
New York 11354, USA,
Abstract: Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases.
Although there are many kinds of cancer, all cancers start
because abnormal cells grow out of control. Untreated cancers
can cause serious illness and death. The body is made up of
trillions of living cells. Normal body cells grow, divide, and
die in an orderly fashion. During the early years of a person’s
life, normal cells divide faster to allow the person to grow.
After the person becomes an adult, most cells divide only to
replace worn-out or dying cells or to repair injuries. This
article introduces recent research reports as references in the
related studies.
[Mark H. Cancer
Biology 2024;14(4):31-64]. ISSN: 2150-1041 (print); ISSN:
2150-105X (online).
03. doi:10.7537/marscbj140424.03
Key words:
cancer; life; research; literature; cell |
Full Text |
Cancer Biology
Research Literatures
Mark Herbert, PhD
39-06 Main Street, Flushing, Queens,
New York 11354, USA,
Abstract: Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases.
Although there are many kinds of cancer, all cancers start
because abnormal cells grow out of control. Untreated cancers
can cause serious illness and death. The body is made up of
trillions of living cells. Normal body cells grow, divide, and
die in an orderly fashion. During the early years of a person’s
life, normal cells divide faster to allow the person to grow.
After the person becomes an adult, most cells divide only to
replace worn-out or dying cells or to repair injuries. This
article introduces recent research reports as references in the
related studies.
[Mark H. Cancer
Biology 2024;14(4):65-117]. ISSN: 2150-1041 (print); ISSN:
2150-105X (online).
04. doi:10.7537/marscbj140424.04.
Key words: cancer; life; research; literature; cell |
Full Text |
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