Science Journal


ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly
Volume 15 - Issue 6 (Cumulated No. 168), June 25, 2023

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Internet's role in business as an electronic marketing tool


* Zubair Mohammed Khan and **Dr. Rajpal Singh


*Research Scholar, Department of Management, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Associate Professor, Department of Management, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)



Abstract: Internet marketing and e-services are considered the latest areas of research, which represent a strategic importance for businesses that have directed their efforts towards e-marketplace. Studies have shown that online consumer behavior differs from consumer behavior in the traditional marketplace. On the other hand, managers seem to have a good understanding of the needs of consumers to meet them effectively and efficiently in the electronic environment. Few things have dramatically and instantly affected our lives and the way many businesses operate more than the development of the internet. The ways in which some marketing activities are carried out have changed since businesses turned to trading. The Internet offers opportunities for an organization to grow its business in an efficient and practical way. This means that the internet can be used to conduct marketing research, reach new markets, better serve customers, distribute products faster, solve customer problems, and communicate more efficient with business partners. The benefits of online marketing include improved information flow, new products and customer service, improved availability, and better market transparency. To design and implement a successful e-marketing program, a number of theories, applications, and technologies need to be carefully analyzed and understood. In this paper we will examine the best ways of Internet marketing for business success. The main objective of this article is to understand the impact of the Internet on various areas of marketing, such as product development and service delivery, promotion, pricing and channel distribution. The paper shows that when manufacturers connect directly with customers and shorten distribution channels, inefficiencies can be eliminated, product delivery time can be reduced, and manufacturers can build closer relationships with customers. Consumers use the internet to reduce costs, find otherwise unavailable products, or increase the ease of their purchase. Online customers expect simple, understandable and secure ordering and payment systems. Consumers want confidence that orders will be fulfilled immediately. E-commerce creates value for consumers in many ways. Consumers are treated as a market of one. They may have access to a greater variety of products, often at lower prices. The study suggests that businesses need to pay special attention to the impacts of the Internet and its uses in marketing to be successful and profitable.

[Khan, Z.M. and Singh, R. Internet's role in business as an electronic marketing tool. Researcher 2023;15(6):1-5]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN2163-8950 (online). 01. doi:10.7537/marsrsj150623.01.


Keywords: Internet, Marketing, Business, Companies, Strategy, Consumers, Success

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Study on the Review of Literature on E- Commerce


*Nagalambika Devi and **Dr. Rajpal Singh


*Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Associate Professor, Department of Commercent, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)



Abstract: Some preliminary works on e-business and banking have been made through using data analysis. This literature review was also conducted to help put the research methodology in a better conceptual framework. In this regard the review focused on: the evolution and definition of e-business; processes of e-business adoption; benefits, barriers and challenges to e-business adoption. E-Business probably began with electronic data interchange in the 1960s (Zwass, 1996). However, (Melao, 2008) suggests that it was only in the 1990s, primarily via the Internet, that e-Business has emerged as a core feature of many organizations. In his opinion, the hope was that e-Business would revolutionize the ways in which organizations interact with customers, employees, suppliers and partners. Some saw e- Business as part of a recipe to stay competitive in the global economy.

[Devi, NAGALAMBIKA and Singh, R. Study on the Review of Literature on E- Commerce. Researcher 2023;15(6):6-11]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 02.doi:10.7537/marsrsj150623.02.


Keywords: E-Commerce, Business, Globalization, Review of Literature

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Agronomic and Yield Performances of Cucumber [Cucumis sativus] on Soil Amended with Different Rates of Cattle Manure in Derived Savannah Agroecological Zone of Ondo State, Nigeria


Eleduma, Ajayi Festus


Department of Agricultural Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, P. M. B. 1019, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria



ABSTRACT: Most soils have experience nutrient depletion as a result of long-term farming, making good yields only possible with the application of fertilizers. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used to create a total of fifteen (15) plots in the study, which was conducted at the Rufus Giwa Polytechnic's Teaching Research and Commercial Farms in Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria. The study examined the impact of various rates of cattle manure on cucumber. The results revealed that the performance of cucumbers was significantly impacted by an increase in the rate of cattle manure, with 15 tha-1 of cattle manure producing the best results in terms of growth and yield (3.45cm, 73.46cm, 171.22cm2, 16.83, 9.83cm, 21.89cm, 17.19cm, and 5.14kg as stem girth, vine length, leaf area, number of leaves, number of fruits, fruit weight and fruit circumference) and the lowest from control. According to the study, applying cattle manure in the study area at a rate of 15 tha-1 considerably improves cucumber growth and yieldt. In order to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil and eliminate the need to apply inorganic fertilizer, farmers in the research area are advised to amend their soils with 15 tha-1 cattle dung.

[Eleduma, Ajayi Festus. Agronomic and Yield Performances of Cucumber [Cucumis sativus] on Soil Amended with Different Rates of Cattle Manure in Derived Savannah Agroecological Zone of Ondo State, Nigeria. Researcher 2023;15(6):12-17]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online).


Keywords: amend, cattle manure, cucumber, inorganic fertilizer, substitute

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An intelligent model for a smart vehicle tracking system.


Kusanhyel Francis Usman, Yusufu Gambo,  Omega Sarjiyus*


Adamawa State University Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria


Department of Computer Science, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria


ABSTRACT: This paper presents a comprehensive overview of an intelligent model for a smart vehicle tracking system. This system utilizes advanced technologies such as Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) and GSM to provide real-time vehicle tracking and control. By installing an “onboard module” in the tracked vehicle, owners can accurately monitor its location and access up-to-date information. The system’s main objective is to enable users to operate, observe, and track vehicles in real-time, providing vital fleet management functionalities like routing, tracking, and dispatching, It enhances onboard information and security. With its potential applications across the transport and logistics industries, this system ensures uninterrupted service, efficient data processing, and improved scalability. A server-side application is employed to process the incoming data from client applications. We built the system’s server component using Apache Kafka, a reliable and scalable platform utilized for event streaming capabilities and Hibernate ORM for efficient storage and processing of relational mapping. Additionally, third-party React libraries are employed on the client side to provide an interactive interface, allowing clients to view GPS data and vehicle information on a map. The development process leveraged IntelliJ IDEA as the integrated development environment. The system is divided into two main parts: tracking and monitoring. The tracking component is implemented using the Android/iOS platform on the client side in conjunction with the server-side functionalities. This comprehensive system caters to the diverse needs of users, offering real-time vehicle tracking capabilities accessible through a standard web browser. By combining cutting-edge technologies and a user-friendly interface, the developed model establishes a robust foundation for efficient vehicle tracking, ensuring real-time monitoring and enhanced operational control. We thoroughly examine the literature review, methodology, results, and discussion of the intelligent model for smart vehicle tracking. Our analysis encompasses gaining insights, assessing effectiveness, evaluating findings, and engaging in an enriching discussion. Ultimately, we present a comprehensive and concise conclusion, offering valuable insights and potential areas for future research.

[Adamawa State University Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria. An intelligent model for a smart vehicle tracking system. Kusanhyel Francis Usman, Yusufu Gambo,  Omega Sarjiyus. Researcher 2023;15(6):18-26]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online).


Keywords: Intelligent, Map, Real-Time, Tracking, Vehicle

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Prof. A.S. Ajiboye, Jimoh, Rukayat Olanike


Department of Statistics, Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. 


Abstract: Decision-making is an important part of daily life for both individual and organizations. Although the multi-criteria decision-making methods provide decision makers with the necessary tools, they have difference in terms of the assumptions and fundamental theory. Hence, selecting the right decision-making method is at least as important as making the decision. CRITIC and TOPSIS method are powerful multi-criteria decision-making tool used to make decision. The CRITIC-TOPSIS is an outranking multi-criteria decision-making approach that helps to select the best candidate in consideration of a set of predefined criteria. This method simultaneously measures the distance of each alternative to the best ideal solution and anti-ideal solution. It provides a closeness coefficient denoting the suitability of a particular option so that experts can easily identify the best. This study proposed CRITIC and TOPSIS methods used to select the best school among the seven government schools in Oyo town. The school assessment was proposed with two subjects, that is English Language and Mathematics which was used in evaluating the performance of schools. The weight of each alternatives was determined by CRITIC. In order to get the ideal and anti-ideal solution, seven alternatives were considered, School of Science, Community Secondary School Oke Olola, Community High School Orayan, Isale Oyo Community Grammar School, Community Secondary School Durbar, Community Secondary School Idi Ope, and Olivet Baptist High School. The result of performance evaluation show that among the seven school, the best school is Olivet Baptist High School which have closeness coefficient value of 0.9999. Olivet Baptist High School is the overall best and should be emulated by order schools in Oyo town to improve the educational system in the state.

[Prof. A.S. Ajiboye, Jimoh, Rukayat Olanike. A MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION ANALYSIS USING THE CRITIC AND TOPSIS METHODS. Researcher 2023;15(6):27-34]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online).



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Olusegun Sunday Ewemooje, and Jimoh Segun O.


Department of Statistics, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria.

* Email:;


ABSTRACT: In recent times, our society is increasingly relying on the internet and other information technology tools to engage in personal communication and conduct business activities among other several benefits. While these developments allow for enormous gain in productivity, efficiency and communication they also create a loophole which may totally destroy an organization. There loopholes are capitalized by those who engaged in cybercrime. Sampling survey is commonly used in numerous fields of statistics research. Sampling survey which related to sensitive information is inevitably encountered. Sensitive questions mean that the content of questions themselves can be considered as intrusive and the answers to questions are socially undesirable or the meanings of questions have threat of disclosure. In this research Alternative Estimator in Dichotomous Randomized Response Technique model by Ewemooje et al (2019a) was used to detect sensitive questions to determine the rate of cybercrime among undergraduate student. It was compared to determine the most efficient model between Ewemooje et al (2019a) model and the direct method. IBM SPSS was used to analyse the data. Using direct method 14 (4.7%) responded Yes to the sensitive question, why 286 (95.3%) responded No to the sensitive question. Comparing it with the proposed model Alternative Estimator in Dichotomous Randomized Response Technique it shows that 141 (47.0%) of the respondent actually responded Yes to the sensitive question and 159 (53.0%) of the respondent responded No to the sensitive question. With the use of the proposed model it shows how effective the proposed model is used to detect the sensitive question from the respondent.schools in Oyo town to improve the educational system in the state.

[Olusegun Sunday Ewemooje, and Jimoh Segun O. SURVEY OF CYBER CRIME AMONG UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS USING RANDOMISED RESPONSE TECHNIQUE. Researcher 2023;15(6):35-39]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online).



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The Beas River will be full and overflowing with floods till about 2075 in the coming years


Gangadhara Rao Irlapati


H.No.5-30-4/1, Saibabanagar, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad, India-500055


Google/Phone pay A/C No. +91 630 557 1833


Abstract: Water generally collects in a river from precipitation and other sources such as groundwater recharges, springs, natural ice snow packs and climate changes, heavy rains, droughts affect the river. It is possible to predict what climate conditions will be like in river basin catchment areas in the next 50 years roughly through Monsoon Time Scales. According to an estimate, the Beas river will overflow with floods in the coming years. Through this research proposal we can know the future consequences of the Beas river. Plans can be made accordingly. So, scientists can establish Monsoon Time Scale for that river basin catchment areas and predict what is going to happen in the Beas river basin catchment areas in the coming 50 years roughly.

[Gangadhara Rao Irlapati. The Beas River will be full and overflowing with floods till about 2075 in the coming years. Researcher 2023;15(6):40-105]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 07. doi:10.7537/marsrsj150623.07.


Keywords: Global Monsoons Time Scales, North American Monsoon Time Scale, North African Monsoon Time Scale, Indian Monsoons Time Scale, East Asian Monsoon Time Scale, Western North Pacific Monsoon Time Scale, South American Monsoon Time Scale, South African Monsoon Time Scale, Australian Monsoon Time Scale, European Monsoon Time Scale.

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The manuscripts in this issue were presented as online first for peer-review starting from June 6, 2023. 

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Marsland Press, 310 W 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. 718-404-5362, 347-321-7172


doi prefix: 10.7537

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