Science Journal


ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly
Volume 15 - Issue 2 (Cumulated No. 164), February 25, 2023

Cover (jpg), Cover (pdf), Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, Researcher1502

The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from January 26, 2023. 
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Tajudeen Bamidele Akinrinola


Department of Crop and Horticultural Sciences, University of  Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.



Abstract: Cassava is a major crop usually cultivated under low soil fertility by African farmers in an attempt to combat hunger and alleviate poverty. However, its production is limited by inadequacy of funds for the purchase of fertilizer to boost yield. Thus, the introduction of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation, but information on its effect on cassava under different weed management options is limited. Therefore, the study assessed AMF inoculation (Glomus clarum) on cassava under commonly practised weed control methods for two years in South western Nigeria. In a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement, AMF inoculation (no AMF and with AMF) and four weed control methods (hoe, atrazine, melon and atrazine+melon) were evaluated in a randomised complete block design with 3 replicates. Cassava (TMS 30572) was planted at 10,000 plants/ha and each plot size was 5 x 5 m. Data on cassava performance at harvest, nutrient concentration and weed biomass were analysed using analysis of variance (p<0.05) and descriptive statistics. Relative to the non-inoculated cassava, AMF inoculation improved the growth parameters in both cropping years. The total weed biomass was significantly reduced by AMF inoculation in the first cropping and by 19.6% compared to the no AMF treatment in the second year. Hoe treatment significantly reduced cassava height and increase total weed biomass compared to atrazine, melon and atrazine+melon in both years. The atrazine+melon treatment had the highest shoot biomass in the first year and significantly higher shoot biomass compared to the other treatments in the second year. The AMF treatment improved cassava fresh root tuber yield by 15.4% in the first year and with significant increase in the second year. The atrazine, melon and atrazine+melon significantly increased fresh root tuber yield in cassava compared to hoe treatment in both years. The yields varied significantly among the treatment interactions with increase in AMF inoculated interactions than the non-inoculated. The highest fresh root tuber yield were observed in AMF x melon, but was similar to AMF x atrazine and AMF x atrazine+melon treatments, while the non-inoculated x hoe treatment had the lowest yield. The AMF inoculation with melon or atrazine+melon were suggested for the cultivation of cassava.

[Tajudeen Bamidele Akinrinola.CASSAVA PERFORMANCE AND WEED BIOMASS AS AFFECTED BY ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL INOCULATION AND WEED CONTROL METHODS. Researcher 2023;15(2):1-15]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 01. doi:10.7537/marsrsj150223.01.


Keywords: arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation, atrazine, melon, weeds, tuber yield

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Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore: Man, God and Nature


Dr. Sakshi Antil


Flat No. 203, Tower-9, Fresco Apartment, Nirwana Country, Gurugram-122001, Haryana (India)



Abstract: Rabindranath Tagore has been called a poet rather than a philosopher. But as every intellectual man has his own view or philosophy, so had Tagore. His writings depict the philosophy of this literary man. One of the coherent view of his life is: "Let that little be left of me whereby I may name thee my all"

[Antil, S. Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore: Man, God and Nature. Researcher 2023;15(2):16-22]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 02. doi:10.7537/marsrsj150223.02.


Keywords: Rabindra Nath Tagore's, Man, Nature, Spiritualism

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Dr. Aprajita


Associate professor in History, Govt. College, Sector-1, Panchkula, Haryana (India)



Abstract: The peasants movements created an atmosphere for post- independence agrarian reforms, for instance,’ abolition of Zamindari. They eroded the power of the landed class, thus adding to the transformation of the agrarian structure. The growth of peasant movement’s exercised considerable pressure on the Indian National Congress. Despite this, the Karachi Congress Charter did not even touch the fringe of the peasant problem. But the political pressure of the Kisan Sabha succeeded in the Faizpur Congress agrarian programme. However, the Congress could not under the pressure of the native bourgeoisie grant any radical concession to the peasant demands, at the cost of jeoparadizing the interests of zamindars This was amply demonstrated by the performances of the Congress ministers during the short period that they were in office before independence. The peasants suffered from high rents, illegal levies, arbitrary evictions and unpaid labour in Zamindari areas.

[Aprajita. STUDY ON CONCEPTUALIZING PEASANT MOVEMENTS IN INDIA. Researcher 2023;15(2):23-30]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 03. doi:10.7537/marsrsj150223.03.


Keywords: Movement, Conceptualizing, Peasant, India

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Cassava Performance and Weed Biomass as Affected by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Inoculation and Weed Control Methods


Tajudeen Bamidele Akinrinola


Department of Crop and Horticultural Sciences, University of  Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.


Abstract: Cassava is a major crop usually cultivated under low soil fertility by African farmers in an attempt to combat hunger and alleviate poverty. However, its production is limited by inadequacy of funds for the purchase of fertilizer to boost yield. Thus, the introduction of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation, but information on its effect on cassava under different weed management options is limited. Therefore, the study assessed AMF inoculation (Glomus clarum) on cassava under commonly practised weed control methods for two years in South western Nigeria. In a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement, AMF inoculation (no AMF and with AMF) and four weed control methods (hoe, atrazine, melon and atrazine+melon) were evaluated in a randomised complete block design with 3 replicates. Cassava (TMS 30572) was planted at 10,000 plants/ha and each plot size was 5 x 5 m. Data on cassava performance at harvest, nutrient concentration and weed biomass were analysed using analysis of variance (p<0.05) and descriptive statistics. Relative to the non-inoculated cassava, AMF inoculation improved the growth parameters in both cropping years. The total weed biomass was significantly reduced by AMF inoculation in the first cropping and by 19.6% compared to the no AMF treatment in the second year. Hoe treatment significantly reduced cassava height and increase total weed biomass compared to atrazine, melon and atrazine+melon in both years. The atrazine+melon treatment had the highest shoot biomass in the first year and significantly higher shoot biomass compared to the other treatments in the second year. The AMF treatment improved cassava fresh root tuber yield by 15.4% in the first year and with significant increase in the second year. The atrazine, melon and atrazine+melon significantly increased fresh root tuber yield in cassava compared to hoe treatment in both years. The yields varied significantly among the treatment interactions with increase in AMF inoculated interactions than the non-inoculated. The highest fresh root tuber yield were observed in AMF x melon, but was similar to AMF x atrazine and AMF x atrazine+melon treatments, while the non-inoculated x hoe treatment had the lowest yield. The AMF inoculation with melon or

[Tajudeen Bamidele Akinrinola. Cassava Performance and Weed Biomass as Affected by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Inoculation and Weed Control Methods. Researcher 2023;15(2):31-45]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 04.doi:10.7537/marsrsj150223.04.


Key Words: arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation, atrazine, melon, weeds, tuber yield

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Amfilochia Geoscope & its exploration of earthquakes


Gangadhara Rao Irlapati




Google/Phone pay A/C No. +91 630 557 1833


Abstract: Amfilochia is a seismic activity region. Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates, volcanic eruptions, geological faults, man-made activities and some other minor causes. It is the sudden movement of earth's crust. Tectonic plates are pieces of the earth's crust and upmost mantle. The earthquake belts exists along boundaries of tectonic plates. Earthquakes occur at transforms plate boundaries creating strike-slip lines, cracks in earth's crust where planets meet. They occur where plates are sub ducting, spreading, slipping or colliding. Geoscope Amfilochia is proposed and designed by me in 1987 for all world seismic zones, faults, belts, tectonic plates  in easy and modern ways for unraveling the mysteries of the earth's underground and resources, studying the mechanism of geological hazards and exercising the benefits of mankind. India is also a dangerous earthquake prone area. Geoscope can be set up in the  Amfilochia  seismic area to study and predict the earthquakes 24 hours in advance. 

[Gangadhara Rao Irlapati. Amfilochia Geoscope&its exploration of earthquakes. Researcher 2023;15(2):46-129]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 05.



Keywords:       Geoscope,   National Geoscope System/National Geoscope Projects

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The manuscripts in this issue were presented as online first for peer-review starting from January 26, 2023. 

All comments are welcome:

For back issues of the Researcher, click here.


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Marsland Press, 310 W 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. 718-404-5362, 347-321-7172


doi prefix: 10.7537

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