Science Journal


ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly
Volume 14 - Issue 5 (Cumulated No. 155), May 25, 2022

Cover (jpg), Cover (pdf), Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, Researcher1405

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Pavan Kumar Sanvare, Anjali Mishra and Dharmananda Pal


Research Scholar, Department of English, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)



Abstract: Theory is an important preoccupation of articles published in Feminism & Psychology. This Virtual Special Issue includes 10 of those published since the journal’s inception that have a primary focus on theoretical issues related to two related topics – differences and the biological. The concern with differences includes the socially constructed categories sex and gender, as well as sexuality and social class. Those articles addressing the biological represent critical scholarship that is working to negotiate a place for the biology within feminist psychology and entails moving away from the view that the biological is natural and innate. This introductory article addresses how theory fits within feminist psychology and offers a brief history of debates concerning differences and the biological before offering summaries and observations related to each selected article. The featured articles can be located on the Feminism & Psychology website and are listed in Appendix 1 at the end of this article.

[Sanvare, P.K., Mishra, A. and Pal, D.. CONCEPT OF FEMINIST PHILOSOPHY. Researcher 2022;14(5):1-4]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 1. doi:10.7537/marsrsj140522.01.


Keywords: theory, sex differences, gender differences, inter sectionality, critical neuroscience, feminist psychology

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Incidence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Proximate Composition and Single Cell Protein Produced from Fruit Wastes


1Ajibade, Hauwa Yetunde; Ayegba, Sarah Ojochenemi; Abdallah, Hauwa Yusuf; Egbi, Titilayo Kemi


National Biotechnology Development Agency Abuja, Nigeria


Abstract: The study on incidence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, proximate composition and single cell protein produced from fruit wastes was conducted in Abuja. Malt extract agar was used to isolate Saccharomyces cerevisiae from fruit wastes which include watermelon, banana, orange, pineapple and pawpaw respectively using spread plate technique of inoculation. After homogenization, 1g of the fruit wastes sample was dissolved in 10 ml sterilized distilled water. The sample suspension was diluted up to 103. About 0.2 ml of the samples was inoculated on already prepared Malt extract agar plates. The inoculated plates were incubated at ambient temperature (25 ± 20C) for 72 hrs and were subsequently sub cultured to obtain pure isolates. The frequencies of occurrence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from the fruit wastes were significantly (P<0.05) higher in banana fruit waste compared to the other fruit wastes, four (4) were isolated from banana waste, three (3) from orange waste, two (2) each from pawpaw and pineapple respectively while only one was isolated from watermelon being the least. The protein content for the selected fruit wastes showed that the crude protein content was higher in pawpaw (18.09±0.02 %) and lower in pineapple (5.11±0.47 %) and, there was no significant difference (P< 0.05) between the proximate values of each of the fruits wastes obtained. The extracted fruits juices were filtered with the use of a Muslin cloth. The juices were separately inoculated with 103 cells/ml of 48 hrs old culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolate and then incubated for 5days to ferment. After fermentation, the dry weights were measured and the protein estimation was determined. The result showed that the dry weight of banana waste was the highest (210 mg), followed by pawpaw with 200 mg. Pineapple had a dry weight of 190 mg and the dry weight of orange was 170 mg while that of watermelon was 100 mg. Based on the fermentation caused by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the highest biomass (wet and dry biomass) was recorded for banana being 270 and 210 mg respectively. The single cell protein obtained from the fruits wastes using Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed that banana had a significantly higher (P>0.05) quantity of single cell protein of 26.2 mg than pawpaw and watermelon with 20.7 mg and 20.2 mg respectively.  Similarly, Orange produced 15.5 mg of single cell protein which was higher than that of pineapple having produced only 12.6 mg of single cell protein, being the least. It is evident that the fruit wastes have significant proximate values which rapidly promote the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells for the production of single cell protein.

[Ajibade, Hauwa Yetunde; Ayegba, Sarah Ojochenemi; Abdallah, Hauwa Yusuf; Egbi, Titilayo Kemi. Incidence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Proximate Composition and Single Cell Protein Produced from Fruit Wastes. Researcher 2022;14(5):5-12] ISSN1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online) 2. doi:10.7537/marsrsj140522.02.


Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, fruit wastes, single cell protein

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1Akomolafe A. A., 1Olopha P. O., 2Afolabi H. A., 3Olawale A. O. and 1Oladuti O. M.


1Department of Statistics, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.

2Department of Statistics, Osun State University, Osogbo, Osun State

3Department of Statistics, Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State


Abstract: In an effort to increase response rates and control survey costs, survey designers have come to increasingly consider mixed mode survey designs. However, the impact of differential administration by mode is less clear for ongoing data collection efforts that are primarily designed for a single mode of administration, where alternative modes have emerged over time upon respondent. This is the case for the Consumer Expenditures Quarterly Interview Survey, a personal visit household survey with a non-ignorable percentage of cases interviewed by telephone. This research draws on six months data to assess variation in mode of administration and evaluate the size of mode effects in key survey estimates. The results of the study suggest that mode itself matters less than does the respondent behavior typically associated with mode. While telephone interviewing may impact the quality of Consumer Expenditures data collected relative to that of personal visit interviewing,

[Akomolafe A. A., Olopha P. O., Afolabi H. A., Olawale A. O. and Oladuti O. M. MONITORING MODE EFFECTS IN A SURVEY OF CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR. Researcher 2022;14(5):12-19] ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online) 3. doi:10.7537/marsrsj140522.03.


Key Words: Mode equivalence, Consumer Expenditure, mixed mode  designs, Survey costs; Respondent Behaviour

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1Akomolafe, A. A.,   2Oloyede A.O., 3Awogbemi C.A., 4Oladimeji A.O. and   5Oyegoke.O.A.


1Department of Statistics, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.

2Department of Computer Engineering, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Lagos.

3Department of Statistics, National Mathematical Centre, Kwali, Abuja, Nigeria

4Department of Statistics, Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, Ondo Stae

5Department of Statistics, Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Osun State

*Corresponding Author:


ABSTRACT: The impact of the software buying decisions has a rising relevance in social and economic terms This research focused on the organizations buying decisions of Operating Systems and Office Suites for personal computers and the impact on the competition between incumbent and alternative players in the market in these software categories. Questionairing method of data collection was used using 5-point likert scale mode, some hypothesis testing were carried out on the most relevant factor of the subject matter at 5% level of significance. It was concluded that in this market beside brand image, product features or price, other factors could have influence in the buying choices. Network effect, switching costs, local network effect, lock-in or consumer heterogeneity all have influence in the buying decision. The results showed that the free licensing with the perception that Open Source Software global cost is lower than  the local network effect. The influence of market factors like network effects, lock-in, consumer heterogeneity or switching costs also favors the incumbent Proprietary Software.

[Akomolafe, A. A., Oloyede A.O., Awogbemi C.A., Oladimeji A.O. and Oyegoke. O.A. SOFTWARE MARKET IN NIGERIA: A CASE STUDY OF ITS BUYING BEHAVIOUR HETEROGENEITY. Researcher 2022;14(5):  18-23] ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online) 4. doi:10.7537/marsrsj140522.04.


Keyword: Consumer Behaviour, Software Market, Lock-in, Network Effect, Switching Cost, Software; Buying Decision.

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Appraisal of Urban Planning and Growth Analysis using Quick Bird Satellite Data


Vinay Prasad Mandal1, Sham Sutrana2, N.Ravisankar1, N.Subash1, Sandeep Sharma1


1Project Directorate for Farming Systems Research, Modipuram, Meerut

2 Punjab, Govt. of Punjab, India

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Abstract: In the present study we have taken the urban area of Jind District of the Haryana state. The study has been done on the basis of Design Standards and Methodology formulated in “National Urban Information System” (NUIS) scheme by “Standing Committee on Urban Management” (SC-U) under the “Ministry of Urban Development” (MOUD), in 2006.The major objective of NUIS scheme is to design, organize and establish a comprehensive information system and the study area, materials and methodology designs standard have been discussed. Urban planners require information related to the spatial information within time frame. Remote sensing and GIS along with collateral data help of analysis the LU/LC mapping. In the present study conduct high resolution data (Quick Bird and Resources Sat-1 LISS IV and other side secondary data census of India 2011. The result conceded of the study area highest agricultural land covered by 71.31% which is optimised through RS and GIS based. Image classification scheme LU/LC going to be Level IV and the resulted shown Level II 19 categories identify of the study area. The study areas occupy 9365.80 ha-1 lands and out of 17.48 % taken urban built up land.     

[Vinay Prasad Mandal, Sham Sutrana, N. Ravisankar, N. Subash, Sandeep Sharma. Appraisal of Urban Planning and Growth Analysis using Quick Bird Satellite Data.  Researcher 2022;14(5):26-35] ISSN 1553-9865 (print);   ISSN 2163-8950 (online) 5. doi:10.7537/marsrsj140522.05.


Keywords: LU/LC, Urban planning, Quick bird, LISS-IV, RS and GIS Approach

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The Relation of Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence with Personality Traits


Shahrzad Motaghedi


Master of Educational Psychology, Allameh Tabatabaii University, Tehran, Iran


Abstract: Nowadays we witness an increasing interest in the spiritual issues and their relation with other psychological components among experts of behavioral sciences. In the recent years, the concept of intelligence is not only regarded as a cognitive ability, rather it has extended to other fields such as emotional intelligence, natural intelligence, existential intelligence, and spiritual intelligence. The present paper is aimed at determining the relation of spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence with characteristics of high school boys in Tehran. This paper is an applied research in terms of objective and a correlative research in terms of data analysis method. the research statistical universe comprises tehran high school boys of Tehran high schools. By using Cochran formula and cluster random sampling method, 300 students were selected. The research findings revealed that there is a significant relation between characteristics and dimensions of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence of high school boys. Also the regression results showed that spiritual intelligence is more effective on the student characteristics compared to emotional intelligence. Goodness of fit indices indicated the research model fitness with the measured components.

[Shahrzad Motaghedi. The Relation of Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence with Personality Traits.  Researcher 2022;14(5):33-41] ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online) 6. doi:10.7537/marsrsj140522.06.


Key words: spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, personal characteristics, high school, tehran high school boys.

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Indirect Assessment of Student Learning in a Software Testing Course


Abdulhameed Alelaiwi


Department of Software Engineering, College of Computer & Information Sciences, King Saud University, P.O. Box 51178, Riyadh 11543, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Abstract: The assessment of student learning is always an important task for educational institutions, and several techniques and methods have been developed for this purpose. Assessment results lead institutions to change their curricula and teaching methods to make it easier for students to acquire appropriate knowledge and complete their required programs successfully. Student feedback is an important type of indirect assessment. This paper discusses a case study where indirect assessment, that is, feedback from students, was used during a course in software testing. The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology methodology was used for the indirect assessment. This paper shows students’ feedback about the course and analyzes the data to determine students’ assessment of the course. We compare Student Outcomes with Course Outcomes that are derived from the ABET standards.

[Abdulhameed Alelaiwi. Indirect Assessment of Student Learning in a Software Testing Course.  Researcher 2022;14(5):45-53] ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online) 7.



Key Words: Student Outcomes (SOs), Course Outcomes (COs), ABET, Indirect Assessment.

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The manuscripts in this issue were presented as online first for peer-review starting from May 5, 2022. 

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Marsland Press, 310 W 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. 718-404-5362, 347-321-7172


doi prefix: 10.7537

Global Impact Factor: 0.324 (2012); 0.435 (2013); 0.534 (2014); 0.676 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Factor: 4.79 (2015);

InfoBase Index IBI Impact Factor (IF, 2019): 2.5

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