Science Journal


ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly
Volume 11 - Issue 6 (Cumulated No. 120), June 25, 2019

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Assessment of microbial and chemical hazards associated with freshwater fishes at different localities in Egypt


Doha A. Salah Eldin1, Shahat A. Ahmed2, Laila A. Mohamed1, Waleed S. Soliman1 and Abdelgayed M. Younes1


1 Department of Hydrobiology, Veterinary Division, National Research Centre, Egypt.

2 Department of Food Hygiene and Control, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.


Abstract: Fish make a significant contribution to food and nutrition security in low and middle income countries; however, they are also prone to contamination with a variety of chemical and biological hazards. The aim of this study was to assess the chemical and microbiological quality of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and catfish (Clarias gariepinus) from three different locations in Egypt. The results showed that only lead and cadmium were exceeded the national and international permissible limits on the other hand, levels of contamination with microbial pollutants indicated there was a higher levels of coliform, fecal coliform and Staphylococcus counts with a high prevalence for pseudomonas aeruginosa in examined fish samples that exceeded the permissible limits and may pose a health hazard on public health. Effect of frying and grilling on reducing the studied heavy metals was also detected with a predominant effect for frying on reducing cadmium, iron, copper and chromium which can improve the quality of fish meat.

[Doha A. Salah Eldin, Shahat A. Ahmed, Laila A. Mohamed, Waleed S. Soliman and Abdelgayed M. Younes. Assessment of microbial and chemical hazards associated with freshwater fishes at different localities in Egypt. Researcher 2019;11(6):1-12]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 1. doi:10.7537/marsrsj110619.01.


Key words: Microbial hazards, heavy metals, Nile tilapia, Catfish, Egypt, Fry, Grill

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Role of color Doppler ultrasonography Vs computed tomography angiography in evaluation of diabetic foot


Ahmed Abdelfattah Mahmoud Abo Rashed, Mohamed Salah El-Den Abdelbaky and Mahmoud Mohamed Abdelbaset


Radio-Daiagnosis Department, Sayed Galal University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Alazhar University, Cairo, Egypt


Abstract: Background: Diabetic foot infections are among the most serious and frequent complications in patients with diabetes mellitus. Aim of the Work: The aim of our study is to highlight the role of multidetector computed tomography Angiography (MDCTA) and Color Doppler ultrasonography for evaluation of patient with diabetic foot. Patients and Methods: Our study was performed on thirty type II diabetes patients with uncontrolled hyperglycemia. clinical presentation including rest pain in six (20%) patients, intermittent claudication pain in nine (30% ) patients, minor tissue loss "ulceration" in six (20%) patients, major tissue loss in twelve (40%) patients. All patients subjected to computed tomography Angiography (CTA) and Color Doppler ultrasonography. Results: In this study the number of segments were 399 for 57 limbs, each arterial tree of one limb was divided into 7 segments (common femoral, superficial femoral, popliteal, anterior tibial, posterior tibial, peroneal and dorsalis pedis arteries). In assessment of the agreement between Doppler and CTA regarding detection of patency, stenosis, occlusion and occlusion with collaterals refilling reveal that: the number of stenotic segments was 38 (9.5%) and 42 (10.5 %) on MDCTA & DUS respectively, the number of occluded segments with distal collaterals refilling was 16 (4 %) and 16 (4 %) on MDCTA & DUS, respectively, while the number of segments with a total occlusion was 65 (16.2%) and 63 (15.7%). on MDCTA & DUS, respectively. Conclusion: Imaging of the diabetic foot entails a variety of imaging modalities. The usage of CTA increases the ability for better delineation of vascular anatomy, it can visualize the arterial tree, localize the obstruction, assess the severity stenosis, detect the presence of collaterals and distal run off which helps in planning for management of peripheral arterial disease.

[Ahmed Abdelfattah Mahmoud Abo Rashed, Mohamed Salah El-Den Abdelbaky and Mahmoud Mohamed Abdelbaset. Role of color Doppler ultrasonography Vs computed tomography angiography in evaluation of diabetic foot. Researcher 2019;11(6):13-20]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 2. doi:10.7537/marsrsj110619.02.


Key words: Computed Tomography Angiography, Color Doppler Utrasonography, Diabetes Mellitus.

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A Survey Study Of Nutritional Awareness And Health Status Among Students In Jammu And Kashmir State


Aajaz Ahmad Bhat 1, Dr. Jai Shankr Yadav2


1 M. Phill Research Scholar Dr. C.V. Raman University Kargi Road Kota Bilaspur

2 Associate Professor Dr. C.V. Raman University Kargi Road Kota Bilaspur


Abstract: chemicals in food which our body needs are called nutrients. The food we eat directly affects our health. A proper diet helps in prevention of certain illnesses and also helps in recovery from diseases and injuries. An inadequate or improper diet increases the risk of different diseases. Eating a balanced diet is the right way to have all the nutrients that our body needs.100 samples were selected from south Kashmir of jammu and Kashmir. Self made questionnaire was used. The questionnaire was base on the life style and having its aim to assess the health status of the individuals. Through this questionnaire we assessed the eight variables like. Health related fitness, avoiding chemical dependency, stress management, personal hygiene/health, disease prevention, personal safety, environmental health and protection. There was five point rating scale. Self made questionnaire was used. This questionnaire contains 20 questions. Each question contains 3 options of 5 marks each. This questionnaire should be filled with in 5 minutes. The Scoring is done according to the responses of the subjects. Results shows that Health related fitness, 27% students were found under excellent category, 41% students were found under good category and 32% students were found under needs improvements category. Avoiding chemical dependency, under this variable 30% students were found under excellent category, 33% students were found under good category and 37% students were found under needs improvements category. Stress Management, Under this variable 13% students were found under excellent category, 43% students were found under good category and 44% students were found under needs improvements category.

[Aajaz Ahmad Bhat, Dr. Jai Shankr Yada. A Survey Study Of Nutritional Awareness And Health Status Among Students In Jammu And Kashmir State. Researcher 2019;11(6):21-24]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 3. doi:10.7537/marsrsj110619.03.


Keywords: Nutritional awareness, Stress Management and Health related fitness

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Scope of Android Mobile Application Development in India


Manjunath R


#16/1, 8th Main Road, Shivanagar, Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560010, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding Author Email:



Abstract: Android accounts for approximately 85% of all devices sold today. Android Application Development simply means developing new applications that can run on the devices powered by android operating system. Google states that "Android applications can be written using Kotlin (an alternate programming language for developing android applications. Many renowned technology firms have started using Kotlin for developing their android applications such as Pinterest, Uber, Atlassian, Pivotal etc.), Java, and C++ languages" using the Android software development kit, while using other languages is also possible. When thinking about the scope of Android Application Development in India (one of the fastest growing nations in the world as far as IT market is concerned) -- one of the major benefits of choosing android application development is astonishing job opportunities associated with it. Many IT firms and startups require android application developers who can create cost effective apps that are capable of delivering best user experience.

[Manjunath R. Scope of Android Mobile Application Development in India. Researcher 2019;11(6):25-28]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 4. doi:10.7537/marsrsj110619.04.


Keywords: Android; Smartphones; Architecture; Applications; App Developers.

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Recognition Of Privacy As A Fundamental Right: A Study Of Indian Constitution Vis-À-Vis Australian Constitution


Siddharth Kumar Jha[1], Dr. Ashish Kumar Singhal2, Prateek Tripathi3


Icfai Law School, Icfai University, Dehradun, India


Abstract: Privacy is the ability of an individual to seclude themselves or a piece of information about themselves and thereby express him or herself selectively. The boundaries and content of what is considered private differ between cultures and individuals. In simple term, it is the right to be let alone or freedom from interference or an intrusion. Privacy, as it is conventionally understood, is only about 150 years old. Most humans living throughout history had little concept of privacy in their tiny communities. Sex, breastfeeding and bathing were shamelessly performed in front of friends and family. The lesson from 3000 years of history shows that privacy has usually been a back-burner priority. Let’s go in the history earlier than 6000 BC where almost humans were living tribal life. The hunter-gatherer children used to sleep with their parents, either in the same bed or in the same hut, there was no privacy. Children see their parents having sex. Parents took no special precautions to prevent children from watching them having sex: they just scolded the child and asked them to cover their heads that’s it. As appears from the history initially it was not a norm, then the question arises from where did it start? In the ancient age, the Greeks displayed some preference for privacy by using their sophisticated understanding of geometry while making houses. In early middle age, early Christian Saints pioneered the modern concept of privacy i.e. Seclusion. In late medieval period, the foundation of privacy was built. Moreover, In Pre-industrial age, the home becomes private and by this age, it was quite common for the wealthy to shelter themselves away in the home. In the period of 1840-1950, which is also called as gilded age, privacy became the expectation and by this time, officials began recognizing privacy as the default setting of human life. In the late 20th Century, the world was feared for privacy. By the '60s individualized phones, rooms and homes began the norm. Upon entering the office, the former Vice-President Gerald Ford assured the American people that their privacy was safe and there will be strict laws to prevent illegal invasions of privacy in government and private activities. The word Constitution means the basic document, which determines or lays down the formation of any particular state or country, together with that it also specifies the structures, the powers and the functions of the organs of the state. The constitution is important for a country because it secures the basic rights of the citizens and ensures the aims, objectives, values, and goals, which they want to secure. This paper aims at analysing the recognition of the right to privacy as a fundamental right in India and Australia. In achieving this aim, the paper will be focusing on a blend of evaluative and descriptive doctrinal research methodology and would be limiting the study solely as a comparison between the Indian and Australian Constitution. Privacy in the Context of Modern Society has emerged as the very essential element for self-development, as it allows us to make our own decisions free from any compulsion; it allows us the time and space for self-evaluation. It also allows us to maintain our own dignity to keep some aspect of our life or behaviour to ourselves and to ensure our physical and mental security by controlling the personal information shared.

[Siddharth Kumar Jha, Ashish Kumar Singhal, Prateek Tripath. Recognition Of Privacy As A Fundamental Right: A Study Of Indian Constitution Vis-À-Vis Australian Constitution. Researcher 2019;11(6):29-43]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 5. doi:10.7537/marsrsj110619.05.


Keywords: Privacy, Right to Privacy as a fundamental right in India, the importance of Constitution, Privacy in International Law, Right to Privacy in Australia

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Synthesis & Characterization of Calcium Ruthenate (CRO) – Design of a Supercapacitor


S Pradhan1, A Acharya2


HOD, Physics, Vedvyas Mahavidyalaya, Rourkela, Odisha, India1

SIT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India2


Abstract: Calcium Ruthenate (CaRuO3) has been synthesized by solution route method and characterized by analysis of TGA/DTA, XRD and SEM-EDX. Finally the V-I characteristic have been drawn from which the specific capacitance have been calculated the value indicate that this material (CaRuO3) when used as an oxide electrode will act as a supercapacitor.

[S Pradhan A Achary. Synthesis & Characterization of Calcium Ruthenate (CRO) – Design of a Supercapacitor. Rep Opinion 2019;11(6):44-49]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). 6. doi:10.7537/marsroj110619.06.


Keywords: Nanomaterial; Thermal analysis; X-ray diffraction; Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis

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Study On The Impact Of Harness In The Control Of Back Sore Of Donkeys In And Around Gondar Town


Dr. Kindalem Bayew Wassie


Animal Health Department Head in Janamora Wereda Livestock Development Office, Janamora, Ethiopia.


Abstract: Across sectional study was conducted from November, 2018 to March 2019 on randomly selected working donkeys to assess the impact of harness in the control of back sore of donkeys in and around Gondar town (Azezo and Loza Mariyam). A total of 384 donkeys were examined. From this 67 donkeys were wounded. The overall prevalence of wound was 17.45%. Wounded donkeys with respect to age of young, adult and old animals have the prevalence of 11.9%, 18.52% and 15.56% respectively. From this result adults have the highest whereas young donkeys have the lowest prevalence. According to the sex Males and females have the prevalence of 17.18% and 17.65% respectively have wounds. From them females are slightly more affected than males. Wounded animals respecting to body condition score poor, medium and good body conditioned have the prevalence of 15.12%, 19.65% and 13.04% respectively. From this finding medium body conditioned donkeys have the highest prevalence when we compared to others. According to the origin of wounded animals Azezo and Loza Mariyam kebeles have the prevalence of 14.52% and 22.79% respectively. From this result Loza Mariam kebeles has the higher prevalence of wounded donkeys than Azezo kebeles. The prevalence of wounded donkeys with respect to fertilizer sac only, fertilizer sac + straw, leather, blanket and no padding is 40%, 11.33%, 24.32%, 29.79% and 29.17. From this finding pack saddle used donkeys with leather and no paddling donkeys have the highest prevalence next to pack saddle used the fertilizer sac only.

[Kindalem Bayew Wassie. Study On The Impact Of Harness In The Control Of Back Sore Of Donkeys In And Around Gondar Town. Rep Opinion 2019;11(6):50-54]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). 7. doi:10.7537/marsroj110619.07.


Key words: Donkeys, Azezo, Loza Mariyam, Gondar, Back sore, pack saddle

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Antimicrobial Resistance Of Foodborne Zoonotic Bacteria Its Contributing Factors And Status In Ethiopia.


Berhanu W


1Addis Ababa University, College of Veterinary Medicine and, Agriculture Bishoftu, Ethiopia

2Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Jimma, Ethiopia

Main & Corresponding Author: Berhanu Wakjira


Mobile: +251 913 753681


Abstract: Food-borne diseases encompass a wide spectrum of illnesses and that are common in developing countries including Ethiopia. Their occurrence is mainly because of the prevailing poor food handling and sanitation practices, inadequate food safety laws, weak regulatory systems, lack of financial resources to invest in safer equipment and lack of education for food-handlers. In Ethiopia, the cases of food-borne illnesses are rarely investigated in detail and under reported. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to review food-borne Zoonotic microbial commonly bacteria and their status of resistance of drug, illness reported so far in Ethiopia and forward recommendations that addresses the weak sides. Based on literatures assessed, food-borne bacterial diseases reported in Ethiopia were mainly caused by Salmonella spp, Campylobacter, Listeria, E.coli and Mycobacterium, staphylococcus aurous and Listeriosis. These food-borne bacterial diseases were reported from different parts of Ethiopia though it does not seem to cover wider geographic areas. Similarly, antimicrobial resistance has been reported against sulfisoxazole, ampicillin, streptomycin, cephalothin, cotrimoxazole, trimethoprim, cephalothin, tetracycline, methicillin, vancomycinand, clindamicin. The main risk factor for the increase in the antibiotic resistance has been suggested to be an extensive use of antibiotics in human health, Veterinary Medicine and agriculture which lead to the emergence and dissemination of resistant bacteria and resistant genes in animals and humans. Therefore, coordinated surveillance and monitoring system for food-borne pathogens must be designed and community awareness for improvement of management and hygienic practices as well as professionals working in the area of food animals must get refreshment courses in order to deal with the changing pattern of food-borne pathogens epidemiology.

[Berhanu W. Antimicrobial Resistance Of Foodborne Zoonotic Bacteria Its Contributing Factors And Status In Ethiopia. Rep Opinion 2019;11(6):55-67]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). 8. doi:10.7537/marsroj110619.08.


Key words: - Zoonotic, Food born, Antibiotic resistant, Bacteria, Ethiopia.

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Body and Sexuality: Reading Meena Kandasamy’s Ms Militancy as Poems of Resistance


Sanjana Antil


Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of English and Foreign Languages, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergrah, (Indian)



Abstract: Meena Kandasamy is the polemical writer who utilizes her pen as a sword to fight the monster that is Caste. Kandasamy uses her poetry as a means of violent resistance against the nationally ingrained and prevalent system of caste. Kandasamy’s attempt to bring out an alternate version of feminist poetry to give independence to the voices of non-dominant caste women strikes a parallel with the final phase of Gynocriticism. The very notion of the ‘body’ of the third world woman, especially the underprivileged woman bring it closer to the postulation of the “subaltern” in Spivak’s essay Can the subaltern speak? (1985). Spivak points out the threefold oppression faced by these women i.e. patriarchy, race and domination by first world feminists. Spivak asserts that the “subaltern” should favour to write their own body and stories. Kandasamy’s attempts to dig out the inscribed voices from history and to reread them retrieves the diffusive traces of suffering and pain which are often overshadowed by the facade of empathy shown by the dominant existing socio-political discourse. Meena Kandasamy tries to problematize this camouflaged circulation of power through her intensely inquisitive poetry. Active resistance or revolutionary activism, the discourse which seeks to analyze what needs to change and set it right, is the core theme of Kandasamy’s raw and out rightly unbridled poetry, “full of jagged edges” (Duarte). Hailing from a caste-conscious background, her poetry reflects a society that grants inhuman sanction to caste discrimination and violence on Dalits. Kandasamy uses her poetry as a means of violent resistance against the nationally ingrained and prevalent system of caste which enables dominant caste people to subjugate the non-dominant caste persons. The title of her first anthology Touch reiterates the most inhuman of stigmas attached to Dalits — their very touch being considered polluting. Kandasamy’s poem Touch voices her sentiments towards the predicament of her community set by the starkly biased and hypocritical Hindu Brahmanical system.

[Sanjana Antil. Body and Sexuality: Reading Meena Kandasamy’s Ms Militancy as Poems of Resistance. Rep Opinion 2019;11(6):68-71]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). 9. doi:10.7537/marsroj110619.09.


Keywords: Indian Poetry In English, Dalit Poetry, Literature And Identity, Body and Sexuality

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The effect of monetary policy on price bubble in the Tehran Stock Exchange


Robabe Rafiei Khoshnood1, Asgar Esmaeil Loo2


1Department of Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.

2Department of Accounting, Marand University, Marand, Iran.

Khoy University of medical sciences, Khoy, Iran.


Abstract: Monetary policy refers to some processes by which financial experts change the general liquidity of economy through the available legal mean in order to stabilize the price level and decrease the gap between actual and potential output. Moreover, the deviation of stocks value from its long-term balance value is called bubble. The impact of monetary policies on the bubble in Tehran Stock Exchange as well as the behavior of investors from 2009 to 2013 was reviewed in this research. All the estimations of the predicted model were made in Eviews6. Furthermore, the estimation of model was performed with the regression of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). Study results showed that the volume of money had a positive impact on the stock market bubble in Iran, where as quasi money had negative impacts on it.

[Robabe Rafiei Khoshnood, Asgar Esmaeil Loo. The effect of monetary policy on price bubble in the Tehran Stock Exchange. Rep Opinion 2019;11(6):72-77]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). 10. doi:10.7537/marsroj110619.10.


Keywords: Stock Market, Stock Price Index, Interest in Investment.

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Effect of the Corporate Governance in Reducing of the Gap Between Income Tax and Final Tax


Dr. Heydar Mohammad Zadeh Salete1, Asgar Esmaeil Loo2, Bahram Jamali Khoyee3


1- associate of professor and faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Marand University, Marand, Iran.

2- department of Accounting, Marand University, Marand, Iran.

Khoy University of medical sciences, Khoy, Iran.

3- department of Accounting, Marand University, Marand, Iran.

Khoy University of medical sciences, Khoy, Iran.


Abstract: Corporate governance is a set of functions, mechanisms and policies seeking for the better direction of the managers and achievement of responsiveness, transparency, justice and stakeholders’ right (including government). The present study is classified as a correlation-descriptive study and the theoretical data are gathered from the library studies. The required data is collected from the stock exchange and the related financial reports. The sample is composed of 58 listed firms on the Tehran Stock Exchange during a period covering the years from 2006 to 2010. The findings revealed that the percentage of the non-executive board members has no impact on reducing the tax gap.

[Heydar Mohammad Zadeh Salete, Asgar Esmaeil Loo, Bahram Jamali Khoyee. Effect of the Corporate Governance in Reducing of the Gap Between Income Tax and Final Tax. Researcher 2019;11(6):78-81]. ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online). 11. doi:10.7537/marsrsj110619.11.


Keywords: Income Tax, Final Tax, Non Executive Members of the Board, Tax Gap

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The manuscripts in this issue were presented as online first for peer-review starting from May 29, 2019. 

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Marsland Press, 310 West 18th Street, Unit 1A, New York, NY 10011, USA. Telephones: 718-404-5362; 347-321-7172


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