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Science Journal


New York Science Journal

(N Y Sci J)

ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 15 - Number 6 (Cumulated No. 160); June 25, 2022

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Comparative Analysis Of Single Cell Protein (SCP) Produced From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae By Utilizing Fruit Wastes


1Ajibade, Hauwa Yetunde; 2Appah, Joseph; 2Suleiman, Ahmed Babangida; 2Dikwa, Karderam Bukar; 2Abdulsalami, Muhammed Sani


1National Biotechnology Development Agency Abuja, Nigeria

2Department of Biological Science, Nigeria Defence Academy, Kaduna, Nigeria

1ajibadeyetunde@gmail.com, foruappah1@gmail.com


Abstract: Comparative analysis of single cell protein (scp) produced from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by utilizing fruit wastes was conducted in Abuja. Malt extract agar was used to isolate Saccharomyces cerevisiae from fruit wastes which include watermelon, banana, orange, pineapple and pawpaw respectively using spread plate method of inoculation. After homogenization, 1g of the fruit wastes sample was dissolved in 10 ml sterilized distilled water. The sample suspension was diluted up to 103. About 0.2 ml of the samples was inoculated on already prepared Malt extract agar plates. The inoculated plates were incubated at ambient temperature (25 ± 20C) for 72 hrs and were subsequently sub cultured to obtain pure isolates. A total of twelve Saccharomyces cerevisiae belonging to one strain were isolated from the five (5) different fruits with four (4) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (33.33 %) isolated from Banana fruit, three (3) from orange (25 %). Two (2) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (16.67 %) each were isolated from Pawpaw and Pineapple respectively while only one Saccharomyces cerevisiae was isolated from Watermelon equivalent to 8.33 % being the least. The fruits juices were filtered with the use of a Muslin cloth. The juices were first combine in ratio 1:1 and then inoculated with 103 cells/ml of 48 hrs old culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolate and then incubated for 5days to ferment. After fermentation, the dry weights were measured and the protein estimation was determined. The dry weight for the combinations of pawpaw and banana was the highest (210 mg), followed by the combinations of pineapple and banana (205 mg). Based on the fermentation caused by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the highest biomass (dry weight) was recorded for banana being 220 mg. Although the biomass obtained was significantly high, but there is no significant difference between the biomass obtained from various combinations of fruits wastes (P< 0.0). The maximum Single cell protein content by Saccharomyces cerevisiae was 52.3 mg from the combination of pawpaw and banana fruit wastes. Also 52.2 mg of protein was obtained from the combination of orange and banana fruit waste, followed by the combination of pineapple and watermelon with protein content of 51.7 mg. The minimum protein content with Saccharomyces cerevisiae was obtained to be 25.2 mg on the combination of pawpaw and orange fruit waste. The best fruit waste combination that produced maximum single cell protein was determined to be that of pawpaw and banana which is significantly higher (P>0.05) than all other combinations. The fermentation of the fruits waste by Saccharomyces cerevisiae has given good result for single cell protein production, which is an indication that Saccharomyces cerevisiae is effective in utilization of carbon source from the fruits wastes.

[Ajibade, Hauwa Yetunde; Appah, Joseph; Suleiman, Ahmed Babangida; Dikwa, Karderam Bukar; Abdulsalami, Muhammed Sani. Comparative Analysis Of Single Cell Protein (SCP) Produced From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae By Utilizing Fruit Wastes. N Y Sci J 2022;15(6):1-7] ISSN 1554-0200(print); ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 1. doi:10.7537/marsnys150622.01.


Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Fruit wastes, Single cell protein

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Feeding Habits of Rhesus Monkey, Macaca Mulatta (Zimmermann, 1780)


*Rekha Verma and Dr R K Agarawal


*Research Scholar, Department of Zoology in Kalinga University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)

**Associate Professor, Department of Zoology in Kalinga University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)

*Email: Soni.soni1979@gmail.com


Abstract: Food preference of Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) in the wild was studied in semi-deciduou s and tropical semi-evergreen forest of Pakhui Wildlife Sanctuary in East Kameng District of Arunachal Pradesh, India during the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. A group of 25 Rhesus Macaques of different age and sex classes was observed. Data was collected using group scan method. Rhesus Macaques ate 28 plant species, with a preference for 10 species and the order of preference varied in different months. Highly preferred plant species were Udal (Sterculia villosa), Pipal (Ficus religiosa), Jutali (Altingia excelsa), Panijamun (Syzygium syzygioides) and climbers. The monkeys primarily fed on young leaves, mature leaves, fruits, flowers, flower buds, petioles and seeds during study.

[Verma, R. and Aggarwal, R.K.. Feeding Habits of Rhesus Monkey, Macaca Mulatta (Zimmermann, 1780). N Y Sci J 2022;15(6):8-15] ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 2. doi:10.7537/marsnys150622.02.


Keywords: Rhesus Monkey, Feedings, Bir Bara, Preferred, Tree species.

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Feeding Habits of Rhesus Monkey, Macaca Mulatta (Zimmermann, 1780)


*Rekha Verma and Dr R K Agarawal


*Research Scholar, Department of Zoology in Kalinga University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)

**Associate Professor, Department of Zoology in Kalinga University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)

*Email: Soni.soni1979@gmail.com


Abstract: Food preference of Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) in the wild was studied in semi-deciduou s and tropical semi-evergreen forest of Pakhui Wildlife Sanctuary in East Kameng District of Arunachal Pradesh, India during the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. A group of 25 Rhesus Macaques of different age and sex classes was observed. Data was collected using group scan method. Rhesus Macaques ate 28 plant species, with a preference for 10 species and the order of preference varied in different months. Highly preferred plant species were Udal (Sterculia villosa), Pipal (Ficus religiosa), Jutali (Altingia excelsa), Panijamun (Syzygium syzygioides) and climbers. The monkeys primarily fed on young leaves, mature leaves, fruits, flowers, flower buds, petioles and seeds during study.

[Verma, R. and Aggarwal, R.K.. Feeding Habits of Rhesus Monkey, Macaca Mulatta (Zimmermann, 1780). N Y Sci J 2022;15(6):16-23] ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 3. doi:10.7537/marsnys150622.03.


Keywords: Rhesus Monkey, Feedings, Bir Bara, Preferred, Tree species.

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Simulator for software maintainability


1Dr. Rajeev Yadav and 2Gulshan Kumar


1Professor, Department of Computer Science, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

2Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)



Abstract: Using this analysis one can generate a new sequence of random but related states which look similar to the original. This Markov process is stochastic in nature which has the property that the probability of transition from a given state to any future state depends only on the present state and not on the manner in which it was reached. The simulator is developed in this chapter to compute n-step e steady state stationary transition probabilities for various state of the software under maintenance. The one step transition probabilities for five initial states of deterioration of the software under maintenance. The transition probabilities are chosen  according to Markovian property i.e. the sum of the probabilities of going from one state to all other state is one. The operating efficiency of the software is supposed to be 0.95, 0.87, 0.79, 0.75 and 0.70. The steady state transition probabilities for each state denoted by 0,1,2,3 and 4 are shown. This simulator is executed for a maximum value of n=100 or till the system reaches a steady state while calculating n-step probabilities successively.

[Yadav, R. and Kumar, G. Simulator for software maintainability. N Y Sci J 2022;15(6):24-30] ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 4. doi:10.7537/marsnys150622.04.


Keywords: Software, Simulators, Quality, Maintenance

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1Dr. Rajeev Yadav and 2Vivek Kumar


1Professor, Department of Computer Science, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

2Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)



Abstract: The prior research efforts that relates to proposed work falls into: (i) Theoretical Frameworks of Exploratory Search (ii) Proximity-based Relevance Manifestation, (iii) Context-aware Information Search, (iv) Interactive Search Intent Modeling, (v) User Search-Interactions, and (vi) Search Intent Visualization. The definition of exploratory search is complex and multifaceted. Almost all searches are in some way exploratory. Although there may be circumstances where exploratory strategies are used continually to allow people to discover new associations, kinds of knowledge, and decision making, they are often motivated by a complex information problem, a poor understanding of terminology and information space structure (White et al., 2006a). As illustrated in this example, exploration is an important aspect of many search processes. However, it is not only the act of exploring that makes a search exploratory; it also must include complex cognitive activities associated with knowledge acquisition and the development of intellectual skills. Learning is an important mental function reliant on the acquisition of knowledge and supported by perceived information. It leads to the development of new capacities, skills, values, understanding, and preferences. Once a person has acquired information and internalized it, such that they understand its meaning, translation, interpolation, and interpretation, they may then apply that knowledge in new domains and pursue higher-order learning activities such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001; Bloom, 1956).

 [Yadav, R. and Kumar, V. REVIEW OF LITERATURE RELATED RELATED TO THE CONTEXT-AWARE ITERATIVE INTENT ESTIMATION FOR EXPLORATORY SEARCH. N Y Sci J 2022;15(6):31-36] ISSN 1554-0200(print); ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 5. doi:10.7537/marsnys150622.05.



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Review of Literature Related to the Study of e-Governance


1Dr. Rajeev Yadav and 2Jyoti Rani


1Professor, Department of Computer Science, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

2Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

Email- jyots.kharb@gmail.com


Abstract: Governments across the world consider Digital Government to be a political priority Tambouris et al. (2014), and in recent years significant capital has been invested in the development and adoption of Digital Government services by public bodies Meneklis et al. (2005). Despite all the good intentions, efforts, and considerable investments in Digital Government projects, a majority of these projects (60–85%) fail Heeks (2005), and the existing investment and development efforts are often ineffective and a massive waste of funds. Furthermore, the Digital Government environment has developed rapidly, yet Digital Government systems are less dependable and up-to-date, as compared to e-business and e-commerce Sedek et al. (2012). In the context of the Digital Government, some particular requirements or concerns must be taken into account, not only during the implementation phase but also at the early design or architecture modeling phases Meneklis and Douligeris (2007).

 [Yadav, R. and Rani, J. Review of Literature Related to the Study of e-Governance. N Y Sci J 2022;15(6):37-42] ISSN 1554-0200(print);ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork.

6. doi:10.7537/marsnys150622.06.


Keywords: Review of Literature, e-Governance, Concept, Strategy and Implication

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Sensory Integration Therapy in children with cerebral palsy: A review article


Esraa E. Elkiky, M.Sc., Elham E. Salem, Ph.D. and Mai Abas, Ph.D.


Department of Physical Therapy for Growth and Development Disorder in Children and Its Surgery, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

Email: Esraa.elkiky@gmail.com


Abstract: Cerebral palsy is a term used to describe a series of permanent mobility and postural disorders that limit activities and it caused by a non-progressive lesion in the developing fetus or infant brain. The motor disorders of CP are often accompanied by disturbances of sensation, perception, cognition, communication, behavior, epilepsy, and secondary musculoskeletal problems. There are many approaches used in the treatment of children with CP such as drugs, surgeries, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, Botox therapy, hydrotherapy, hippo therapy, domestic massages, sensory integration therapy (SIT) etc. among which SIT shows promising results and it is widely accepted around the world.

Conclusion: Sensory Integration Therapy is an effective method to use in treatment of children with cerebral palsy.

Esraa E. Elkiky, Elham E. Salem, and Mai Abas. Sensory Integration Therapy in children with cerebral palsy: A review article. N Y Sci J 2022;15(6):43-47] ISSN 1554-0200( print); ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 7. doi:10.7537/marsnys150622.07.


Keywords: Sensory integration- Cerebral palsy

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China-Pakistan economic corridor initiative and its impact on future energy consumption in Pakistan


Wajid Ali khan 1, Xiaoyan Li 1, Daud Abdul1, Rafid Ullah Khan1, Usman Ullah 2


1. School of Public Administration, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing,210094, China

2. Department of Economics, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan



Abstract: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a key strategic initiative designed to promote economic ties between Pakistan and China. We appraise the impact of CPEC-concerned economic development on electricity usage and the forecast indications for Pakistan by 2030. The Johansen cointegration technique helps to classify the long-run correlation between energy usage and its sources at the aggregation and sectoral levels and anticipated future power needs using scenario analysis. According to the predictions of the baseline scenario, energy usage in 2030 would be almost 41% higher than in 2013. Below the baseline scenario, power usage in the industrial and commercial sectors will rise by 136 and 414 percent appropriately, in 2030. The scenario interpretation results are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations that account for future uncertainty. For each sector of the economy, the government should operate diligent accounting and correlated planning to account for the conceivable growth of energy consumption due to CPEC-linked economic projects.

[Wajid Ali khan, Xiaoyan Li, Daud Abdul, Rafid Ullah Khan, Usman Ullah. China-Pakistan economic corridor initiative and its impact on future energy consumption in Pakistan. N Y Sci J 2022;15(6):48-66] ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 8. doi:10.7537/marsnys150622.08.


Keywords: CPEC, Energy, Johansen-Juselius cointegration, Pakistan

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The manuscripts in this issue were presented as online first for peer-review, starting from June 5, 2022. 

 All comments are welcome: newyorksci@sciencepub.net.

For back issues of the New York Science Journal, click here.

Emails:  newyorksci@sciencepub.net; editor@sciencepub.net

Website: http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork

Marsland Press, 310 W 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. 718-404-5362, 347-321-7172

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doi prefix: 10.7537

Global Impact Factor: 0.324 (2012); 0.435 (2013); 0.534 (2014); 0.654 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Factor: 4.89 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Impact Factor (IF, 2019): 2.5

IF A2016: 3.62

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