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Science Journal


New York Science Journal

(N Y Sci J)

ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 15 - Number 5 (Cumulated No. 159); May 25, 2022

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*Dr. Komal Lata Nagpal and **Showkeen Ahmad Gulzar


*Associate Professor, Department of Botany, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Research Scholar, Department of Botany, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**e-mail- gulshowkeen838@gmail.com


Abstract: Using genetic engineering techniques rice can produce beta-carotene (pro-Vitamin A) in the seed endosperm tissue as for example in Golden Rice (has a gene that produces vitamin A). Although the precise amount of beta-carotene that Golden Rice variety can produce is not clear, the fact remains that it could still be beneficial to millions of people with Vitamin-A deficiency that could possibly lead to blindness. Similarly research is underway to fortify rice with iron using molecular assisted breeding techniques as it could help reduce anemia in women. These efforts are particularly important, as rice being a staple food is the best mechanism to deliver nutrients to the needy, but nevertheless should not be seen as a substitute to an otherwise balanced diet. Rice milk, rice flour and rice grain cereals, are specially benefited with the emphasis on nutritional fortification of rice.

[Nagpal, K.L. and Guljar, S.A. GENETIC CHARACTERIZATION AND POPULATION STRUCTURE OF INDIAN RICE CULTIVARS. N Y Sci J 2022;15(5):1-4]. ISSN 1554-0200(print);ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 1. doi:10.7537/marsnys150522.01.


Keywords: Rice, India, Genetic, Character.

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*Dr. Rajni and **Hilal Ahmad Dar


*Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Research Scholar, Department of Environmental Science, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**e-mail- Gowhardar393@gmail.com


Abstract: Solid waste management is defined as the discipline associated with control of generation, storage, collection, transport or transfer, processing and disposal of solid waste materials in a way that best addresses the range of public health, conservation, economic, aesthetic, engineering, and other environmental considerations. In its scope, solid waste management includes planning, administrative, financial, engineering, and legal functions. Solutions might include complex inter-disciplinary relations among fields such as public health, city and regional planning, political science, geography, sociology, economics, communication and conservation, demography, engineering, and material sciences.

[Rajni and Dar, A.H.. REVIEW OF LITERATURE RELATED TO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT. N Y Sci J 2022;15(5):5-9]. ISSN 1554-0200(print); ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 2. doi:10.7537/marsnys150522.02.


Keywords: Solid, Waste, Management, Review of Literature

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Study of the Quality of Life in Egyptian University Students with IBS


Nancy A. Ahmed (CA) MD1; Hala S. El Wakil, MD2; Ramy H. Agwa, MSc3; and Mohamed H. Ahmed, MBBCh4


1Professor of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine Mansoura University, Egypt

2Professor of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University, Egypt

3Lecturer of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine Mansoura University, Egypt

4Resident of Internal Medicine, Ministry of Health Port Said, Egypt

E-mail: nanna@mans.edu.eg


Abstract: Background/ Purpose: The assessment of QoL grew, yet little attention had been given to QoL of university students. We aimed to study quality of life in different Egyptian university students, find the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome among university students and the relation of IBS to QoL. Methods: 656 students were included in the study 82 from each faculty; two questionnaires (quality of life and ROME IV) were handed over to students of Faculties of Medicine and Education in Mansoura, Alexandria, Port Said and Assiut Universities. Results: Only 365 students completed the questionnaire, Medical students had significantly lower QoL than students in Faculty of Education (median score of QoL in medical students = 127 vs 152 in non-medical students). Male students (median score of QoL = 142) had higher QoL than female students (median score of QoL = 134). Younger students had higher QoL scores in all dimensions than older students (median score of QoL = 147 vs 129). Only 40 students had IBS (11%). Conclusion: Medical students had significantly lower QoL than non-medical students. Male and younger students had significantly higher QoL than female and older students respectively. Prevalence of IBS among students was 11%.

[Nancy A. Ahmed, Hala S. El Wakil, Ramy H. Agwa, and Mohamed H. Ahmed. Study of the Quality of Life in Egyptian University Students with IBS N Y Sci J 2021;14(5):10-18]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork  3. doi:10.7537/marsnys150522.03.


Key words: QoL & IBS.

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Bandit, Herdsmen and Boko Haram Attacks: How they affect Food Security?


Hamisu Ali*1 Japhet E. Yerima (Ph.D) 2


*1Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Department of Economics

2Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Department of Political Science and Administration

Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria


Abstract: The North West Nigeria is characterised by violent and conflicts such as political crisis in the seven (7) States in North West.  All these parts have remarkable contrary effect on the nation’s economic growth and development with related magnitudes and cost on the design of governance in the nation and on other African regions.  The violent conflict involving herdsmen and farmers in some parts of West African stands out as one of the most unresolved security concern in the North West for instance, where the Boko Haram hangout in North East of Nigeria. The dispute between the farmer and herdsmen have also disproportionately contributes to undermining Nigeria national security and shortage of food supply within the communities.  The crime cases of these new security threats frequently reported from different parts of the country. This paper examine the causes of bandit, herdsmen and Boko Haram attacks in North West, establish means in which the challenges caused by group could be address to provide lasting solution, not only specific in North West and Northern Region of Nigeria, but the entire country at large. The study utilized secondary data and quantitative content analysis were used to analysed data, documentary evidence which was verified with existing relevant theories in the literature.  The conflicts have worsened security conditions in Nigeria; escalating conflicts among the three (3) groups which claimed the total of three thousand seven hundred and thirty one thousand (3731) lives under the study period.  This could potentially generate more bloodshed or even wider scale unless drastic measures and the task of ending the violence are pushed up the national priority ladder.  Thus, this paper also recommends that; there is need for the restructuring of the security architecture of Nigeria to meet up with the current security challenge of the country, Nigerian government should screen the media houses and establish law to guide them in reporting violence and government should build grain stores in each of the state, the State Governors should liaise with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture to design the road map in connection with the NGOs to assist and reduce the level of food crisis in the study area.

[Hamisu Ali, Japhet E. Yerima (Ph.D). Bandit, Herdsmen and Boko Haram Attacks: How they affect Food Security? N Y Sci J 2022;15(5):19-29] ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 4. doi:10.7537/marsnys150522.04.


Keywords: Bandit, Herdsmen, Boko Haram, Food Security

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COVID 19 Lockdown on Revenue in Airline Industry (Domestic Carriers): Nigerian Experience


Hamisu Ali*1 Bosco Moses2 Nuhu B. Bakari3


1Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Department of Economics

2Mphil/Ph.D Student, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria

3M.Sc Student, SMIT Modibbo Adama University, Yola


Abstract: This paper is well-timed investigation of the COVID 19 Pandemic that is presently desolating the entire world.  The main objective of the paper is to study the COVID 19 lockdown on Revenue in Airline Industry (Domestic Carriers): the Nigerian Experience.  The methodology adopted is fundamentally quantitative and logical in nature, relating the use of secondary data through journals, publications, government official documents, concern authorities’ data and internet materials. Nigeria economy and airline industry in Nigeria particular has been in a collapse, which had been terrified into a massive difficulty. Some of the findings during the lockdown were the closure of all the International and Domestic Airports in Nigeria on 23rd March, 2020 and resumption on the 29th August, 2020, which lasted for one hundred and fifty nine (159) days, revenue loss stand at N21billion naira monthly within the period of lockdown which amounted to N126 billion in aviation sector for the entire period.  The debt profile which hit N37 billion in aviation industry and severe loss of jobs.  The N5 billion as bailout to airline industry is another shortfall to Nigeria economy, despite the loss of huge revenue during the lockdown. The following recommendations were made; airline industry has to consider the political, economic, social, and technological aspects into consideration and keep airlines working to make its ecosystem as safe as possible, the governments should work in collaboration with other organizations to provide a healthy and sanitized environment for airline and employees, the greater use of data and digital technologies must be an essential part of the airline industry’s recovery and resilience planning, airlines should develop a COVID-19 Airline Recovery by tracking the COVID-19 progress and recovery at a global, regional, sub-regional, and country-level, flight demand analysis by identifying the air route for reactivation, tracking the demand for global air travel and through e-commerce strategy.

[Hamisu Ali*1 Bosco Moses2 Nuhu B. Bakari .COVID 19 Lockdown on Revenue in Airline Industry (Domestic Carriers): Nigerian Experience. N Y Sci J 2022;15(5):30-37] ISSN 1554-0200(print);ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 5. doi:10.7537/marsnys150522.05.


Keywords: Covid 19, Lockdown, Revenue Generation, Airline Industry, Domestic Carriers.

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1Updesh Kumar, 2Govind Raj Naunyal ,


Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics, KGK (PG) College Moradabad

3Dinesh Verma

drdinesh.maths@ gmail.com


Abstract: An electrical inverter presents the function of converting DC voltage (or power) into AC voltage (or power) at the aspiration frequency. This paper make obvious the application of the Dinesh Verma Transform for examine the basic series inverter.The study of basic series inverter by submit an application Dinesh Verma Transform gives the answer (electric current) of the basic series inverter which is usually geted by calculus and analytic methods. In this paper, the answer of a basic series inverter is geted as a demonstration of the application of the Dinesh Verma Transform (DVT).

[Updesh Kumar, 2Govind Raj Naunyal .ON NOTEWORTHY APPLICATIONS OF DINESH VERMA TRANSFORM . N Y Sci J 2022;15(5):38-42] ISSN 1554-0200(print);ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 6. doi:10.7537/marsnys150522.06.


Index Terms: Dinesh Verma Transform (RT), Basic Series Inverter, Response.

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The essence of pedagogical responsibility and its role in preparing students for professional career


Nasibahon Abdullaeva Jurahanovna


Head of General Pedagogy department, Associate Professor of General Pedagogy, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Andijan state University, Uzbekistan, Botu76@mail.ru


Abstract: This article discusses the role of pedagogical responsibility in the professional activities of future teachers and ways to form this quality in students.

[Nasibahon Abdullaeva Jurahanovna. The essence of pedagogical responsibility and its role in preparing students for professional career. N Y Sci J 2022;15(5):43-46] ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 7. doi:10.7537/marsnys150522.07.


Keywords: personality, freedom, responsibility, duty, conscience, responsibility, pedagogical responsibility, personal components, professional components, integral components.

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Signal Generation Using Micro Ring Resonators for Long Distance Communication


A. Nikoukar, T. Anwar


Faculty of computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 81300 Johor Bahru, Malaysia


Abstract: The min idea of this study is to generate soliton signals and transmit over various distances. Optical solitons can be formed when a balance has been established between self-phase modulation and group velocity dispersion within the regime of anomalous dispersion. The consequent governing wave equation is of the nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) type for long-distance communication systems. The use of soliton transmission is an interesting method due mainly to its potential capability to overcome the effect of fiber dispersion and to provide all optical transmission systems. In this work, series of (MRRs) connected is presented as a soliton pulse generator. The system uses chaotic signals generated by a bright soliton pulse propagating inside a nonlinear MRR system. The chaotic signals can be generated via a set of MRRs. The nonlinear behavior of light within a nonlinear MRR is investigated. Travelling of light inside an MRR system is analyzed by manipulating the variable parameters such as radius, nonlinear refractive index and coupling coefficient of the MRR. In this paper, we investigate the results based on the generation of chaotic signals within nonlinear fiber ring resonator. The mathematical equation of the ring system is solved using the Z-transform method.

[A. Nikoukar, T. Anwar, Signal Generation Using Micro Ring Resonator for Long Distance Communication. N Y Sci J 2022;15(5):47-53] ISSN 1554-0200(print);ISSN 2375-723X (online) http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 8. doi:10.7537/marsnys150522.08.


Keywords: Nonlinear fiber optic, Ring Resonator, Soliton, Long distance communication

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The manuscripts in this issue were presented as online first for peer-review, starting from May 8, 2022. 

 All comments are welcome: newyorksci@sciencepub.net.

For back issues of the New York Science Journal, click here.

Emails:  newyorksci@sciencepub.net; editor@sciencepub.net

Website: http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork

Marsland Press, 310 W 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. 718-404-5362, 347-321-7172

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doi prefix: 10.7537

Global Impact Factor: 0.324 (2012); 0.435 (2013); 0.534 (2014); 0.654 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Factor: 4.89 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Impact Factor (IF, 2019): 2.5

IF A2016: 3.62

, Root Indexing; Journal Index I2OR


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