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Science Journal


New York Science Journal

(N Y Sci J)

ISSN 1554-0200 (print); ISSN 2375-723X (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 14 - Number 7 (Cumulated No. 149); July 25, 2021

Cover (jpg), Cover (pdf), Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, ny1407

The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from June 15, 2021. 
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Nonlinear Active Suspension System Control using Fuzzy Model Predictive Controller


Mustefa Jibril, Messay Tadese, Nuriye Hassen


Msc, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Dire Dawa Institute of Technology, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia



AbstractRecent years, active suspension system has been widely used in automobiles to improve the road holding ability and the riding comfort. This article presents a new fuzzy model predictive control for a nonlinear quarter car active suspension system. A nonlinear dynamical model of active suspension is established, where the nonlinear dynamical characteristic of the spring and damper are considered. Based on the proposed fuzzy model predictive control method is presented to stabilize the displacement of the active suspension in the presence of different road profiles. Parameters of the model predictive and Fuzzy logic control laws are designed to estimate the (Bump and Sinusoidal) road profile input in the active suspension. At last, the reliability of the fuzzy model predictive control method is evaluated by the MATLAB simulation tool. Simulation result shows that the fuzzy model predictive control method obtained the satisfactory control performance for the active suspension system.

[Mustefa Jibril, Messay Tadese, Nuriye Hassen. Nonlinear Active Suspension System Control using Fuzzy Model Predictive Controller. N Y Sci J 2021;14(7):1-10]. ISSN 1554-0200(print);ISSN 2375-723X(online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 1. doi:10.7537/marsnys140721.01.


Keywords: Active suspension system, Fuzzy model predictive control, Nonlinear dynamical

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Evaluation on Success of Graduating with Distinction in Higher Education using Fuzzy DEMATEL Method


Mustefa JIBRIL


School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Dire Dawa Institute of Technology, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia



Abstract: The aim of this paper is the evaluation of the success of graduating with distinction in higher education (SGDHE) using the fuzzy DEMATEL method. The observation has been done using cause and effect criteria. 11 cause and 14 effect clusters have been used in this study. The study result of this work shows that all the effects are connected to the given causes and a cause-effect graph has been generated for each connection. This proposed approach is demonstrated with the empirical case of Dire Dawa University students in Dire Dawa Ethiopia.

[Mustefa JIBRIL. Evaluation on Success of Graduating with Distinction in Higher Education using Fuzzy DEMATEL Method. N Y Sci J 2021;14(7):11-16]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print);  ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork.   2. doi:10.7537/marsnys140721.02.


Keywords: Evaluation, Distinction, Fuzzy DEMATEL, Higher education, Cluster

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The Impact of adjustment on Academic achievement among University Students in Dire Dawa Ethiopia


Mustefa JIBRIL


School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Dire Dawa Institute of Technology, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia



   Abstract: In the present study an attempt is made to assess the comparison of adjustment and academic achievement among students in Dire Dawa university, Ethiopia. A total of 100 students studying in Dire Dawa university were randomly selected.  They were administered in Students Adjustment Inventory (SAI) which measured adjustment of an individual in 4 areas (Campus Life, health, time management and social life). Academic achievement scores were collected from the respective university. One-way ANOVA was employed to find out the significance of difference between students with different levels of adjustment in various areas and their academic achievement scores.  Results revealed that only campus life adjustment had significant influence over academic achievement.  Social life, time management and health adjustments did not have significant influence over academic achievement of the sample studied.

[Mustefa JIBRIL The Impact of adjustment on Academic achievement among University Students in Dire Dawa Ethiopia. N Y Sci J 2021;14(7):17-20]. ISSN 1554-0200 (print);  ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork.   3. doi:10.7537/marsnys140721.03.


 Key words: Academic achievement, Campus Life, Health, Time management and social life

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My understanding and application of Tai Chi diagram


Sun Chunwu


Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China, mainly engaged in the research of natural sciences, etc., Jiangsu Yangzhou Sanli Electric Group Co., Ltd. E-mail: yzscw0514@163.com, qq number: 458669609


Abstract: The fusion of China, I like to move the arrow of the dynamic field on the Taiji chart to the heart of one of the following laws of motion, the creation of yin and yang, the movement of metal, wood, water, fire and the earth to give rise to all evolutionary philosophical thoughts. The Taoist inaction WTO emphasizes the unity and contradiction of opposites. Confucius is indeed another gossip about the centrifugal movement, such as arrows, benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, and belief in the birth of Confucianism. They are born to promise the highest degree of ethical adaptation. Unfortunately, they are usually viewed from a macro and micro perspective. Analysis of the problem. I don’t really understand the picture of the voltmeter of Tai Chi Bagua, and there is no way to find the source below, nor does it explain all the real meanings of Taiji Bagua. It cannot play a huge role in science and technology.

[Sun Chunwu. My understanding and application of Tai Chi diagram. N Y Sci J 2021;14(7):21-41]. ISSN 1554-0200(print);ISSN 2375-723X (online). doi:10.7537/marsnys140721.04.


Keywords: celestial body; matter; mass energy; force; eccentric vortex engine; planet; galaxy; center; orientation; center vortex orbit; elliptical motion; density wave

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The construction and validation of a Test of Wrestling Skill


Khodadad Kashi Sholeh1*, Tojari Farshad2*


1Phd of Sport management, KN. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2Phd of Sport Management, Islamic Azad University, Center Branch, Tehran, Iran



Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the objectivity, reliability and validity of a wrestling skill test protocol among male Samples (n = 50), consisted of skilled (n = 25) and amateur (n =25). Researchers tested a researcher made questionnaire and Rear take down test twice in a single trial, test and re-test protocol. Pearson-Product Moment Correlation method's was used to determine the value of objectivity and reliability. Validity tested through independent T-test, analyze of variance, and discriminate analysis. Findings suggested that the high consistency between the two testers with a value of r = 0.90. Likewise, the reliability value between test and re-test for the Rear take down test (r=.83). RMANOVA conducted to check objectivity and there were no difference between each time conducting the test (p > 0.05). Validity of Rear take down checked trough ANCOVA, significant differences between skilled and amateur wrestler (F=11.932, p<0.05) specified, Agility (F= 3.68, p= 0.014), and power (F= 2.68, p= 0.028) had significant effect on the Rear take down skill. To check the remaining items validity a discriminate and T-test analyses was run and revealed all skills except single leg tackle predicted significantly meaningful (Canonical Correlation= o.442, Wilks’ Lambda=0.804, sig. = 0.039).

[Khodadad Kashi Sholeh, Tojari Farshad.. The construction and validation of a Test of Wrestling Skill. N Y Sci J 2021;14(7):42-48] ISSN 1554-0200(print);ISSN 2375-723X(online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 5. doi:10.7537/marsnys140721.05.


Keywords: Agility; Objectivity; Power; Questionnaire; Wrestler

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A Mathematical Approach with Term Frequency Ranking for Mining Web Content Outliers


S. Sathya Bama 1, M.S. Irfan Ahmed 2, A. Saravanan 1


1. Department of MCA, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641042, India

2. Department of MCA, Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India



Abstract: The Internet is a massive collection of information that makes it extremely difficult to search and retrieve the required and valuable information. So, Search engine became an important tool for searching various data from the web. The primary evaluation of search engine is effectiveness and efficiency. While searching for information through search engines, always users retrieve redundant and irrelevant information. This replicated and uninteresting information affects both the effectiveness and efficiency of search engine by wasting users’ time by browsing the uninterested documents and its accessing time. Web content outlier mining plays a significant role in identifying and removing these redundant document (outliers) which is an important issue among the information retrieval and web mining research communities since most of the people rely on search engines to get the required information. Most existing algorithms for web content outlier mining focuses attention on applying weightage only to the common terms in the documents whereas in this research work, a mathematical approach based on term frequency ranking to identify the duplicates, and uses the domain dictionary to check for relevant document has been carried out to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the search engine.

[Sathya Bama S, Irfan Ahmed MS, Saravanan A. A Mathematical Approach with Term Frequency Ranking for Mining Web Content Outlier. N Y Sci J 2021;14(7):49-55]. ISSN 1554-0200(print); ISSN 2375-723X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 6. doi:10.7537/marsnys140721.06.


Keywords: Correlation Coefficient, Search Engines, Term Frequency Ranking, Web content Mining, Web Content Outliers

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The manuscripts in this issue were presented as online first for peer-review, starting from June 15, 2021. 

 All comments are welcome: newyorksci@sciencepub.net.

For back issues of the New York Science Journal, click here.

Emails:  newyorksci@sciencepub.net; editor@sciencepub.net

Website: http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork

Marsland Press, 310 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. Phone: 718-404-5362; 347-321-7172

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doi prefix: 10.7537

Global Impact Factor: 0.324 (2012); 0.435 (2013); 0.534 (2014); 0.654 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Factor: 4.89 (2015)

IF A2016: 3.62

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