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Science Journal


Academia Arena

(Academ Arena)


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi prefix:10.7537, Monthly

Volume 15 - Number 1 (Cumulated No. 163), January 25, 2023

Cover (jpg), Cover (pdf)Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers


The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from January 2, 2023. All comments are welcome: editor@sciencepub.net

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Marsland Press, 310 W 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. 718-404-5362, 347-321-7172



Titles / Authors /Abstracts

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1Afzan Naheed, 2Dr. Treta Devi and 3Dr. Devendra


1Research Scholar, Department of Education, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

2Assistant Professor, Department of Education, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

3Assistant Professor, Department of Education, BIMT College, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh (India)

Email: naheed.afzan@gmail.com


ABSTRACT: Physical handicaps may cause various degrees of weaknesses and inco-ordination of the limbs which may affect mobility, posture and manual dexterity. Other physical problems such as heart diseases may cause poor exercise tolerance and low level of physical fitness. All these may directly result in pupils' difficulty to cope with ordinary school routine and limit their ability in exploring and understanding the environment. The Federal (IDEA) definition of orthopedic impairment means a severe orthopedic impairment that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The term includes impairments caused by a congenital anomaly, impairments caused by disease (e.g., poliomyelitis, bone tuberculosis), and impairments from other causes (e.g., cerebral palsy, amputations, and fractures or burns that cause contractures).

[Naheed. A., Devi, T. and Devendra. STUDY ON PROBLEMS RELATED TO TEACHING OF ORTHOPAEDICALLY IMPAIRED CHILDREN. Academ Arena 2023;15(1):1-6]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 01.doi:10.7537/marsaaj150123.01.


Keywords: Orthopedically impaired children, Personality

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A Study of Vivekananda's Thoughts on Nationalism


Dr. Jayveer Singh and Shivcharan Namdeo Dhande


*Associate Professor, Department of History, OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan (India)

**Research Scholar, Department of History, OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan (India)



Abstract: Thoughts of Swami Vivekananda are proving true after 120 years. He had said that "the basis of nationalism is religion and culture". He established "Hinduism" as the national identity of India. On September 17, 1893, at the Dharma Sabha in Chicago, he glorified India in the name of "Hindu nation" and analyzed in detail his "proud to be a Hindu". He told that "Management on Hindu religion" is the national definition of Hindutva. Understanding this from the national perspective, we see the underlying unity in the external diversity of our vast country. For millennia, this India has been a union cultural nation. On his return from Chicago, he said that "only the blind do not see, and the insane do not understand that this sleeping country has now awakened. Nothing can stop it from regaining its former glory." He taught all Hindus to rise above all differences and take pride in their national identity. Once Sanatani, Arya Samaji and Sikhs wanted to organize separate meetings in his honor in Lahore, he rejected it and called everyone on the same platform. There he gave his narrative on the "common ground of Hindutva".

[Singh, J. and Dhande, S.N. राष्ट्रवाद पर विवेकानंद के विचारो का एक अध्ययन. Academ Arena 2023;15(1):7-11]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 02. doi:10.7537/marsaaj150123.02.


Keywords: Vivekananda's, Thoughts, Nationalism, India

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Dr. Raman Nehra


H. No. 123A/14, Kirpal Nagar, Rohtak-124001, Haryana (India)

Email: rnehra39@gmail.com


Abstract: Human rights are the rights relating to overall development of every individual. Every citizen as well as non- citizens caries their rights wherever they go. Simultaneously human rights are essential for the overall development of every individual. In the constitution of India various provisions are there that reflects the basic rights which are also known as fundamental rights. But the thing is that there are some specified as well as some unspecified fundamental rights. But the most important thing is that in India there is Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 with an objective of protecting human beings from violations of Human rights to prevent and punish any gross violation on human rights. India is the largest democracy of the world. Being a democratic country we have to protect our basic rights of the people. Government of India has also given due consideration to the recognition and protection of human rights. The Constitution of India recognizes those rights of the people and yawn them for every individuals concern. Then also violation of Human rights still exist by other form like forced labour, forced prostitution, immoral trafficking, low wages, gender discrimination etc.

[Nehra, R. STUDY ON HUMAN RIGHTS IN INDIA - AN OVERVIEW. Academ Arena 2023;15(1):12-17]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 03. doi:10.7537/marsaaj150123.03.


Keywords: Human rights, fundamental rights, Forced Labour, gender discrimination, immoral trafficking etc

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Rabindra Nath Tagore's Mysticism and Humanism in Poetry


Dr. Sakshi Antil


Flat No. 203, Tower-9, Fresco Apartment, Nirwana Country, Gurugram-122001, Haryana (India)

Email: Sakshiantil75@gmail.com


Abstract:  Mysticism is defined as a collection of diverse practices, discourses, texts, institutions, traditions, and experiences directed at human transformation, as defined by various traditions." Mysticism is a phrase that encompasses anything that has to do with God. Tagore entered the domain of mysticism because of his passion for "nature" and "God," according to an analysis of his words and concepts. As a result, Rabindra nath’s Gitanjali is better described as "Nature Mysticism" rather than "Soul or God." Only enlightened saints and poets such as Kalidasa and Auribindo are capable of attaining mysticism. Humanism is a phrase with a long and complicated history, as well as an unusually broad range of meanings and applications. Readers have been baffled by how various authors have used it in various ways. Humanism was a cultural, literary, scientific, and intellectual movement that advocated for the study of humanities, ancient Greek and Roman languages, literature, and history. In writing, study, and other aspects of life, humanist intellectuals modeled themselves after ancient authors.

[Antil, S. Rabindra Nath Tagore's Mysticism and Humanism in Poetry. Academ Arena 2023;15(1):18-24]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 04. doi:10.7537/marsaaj150123.04.


Keywords: Rabindra Nath Tagore's , Mysticism, Humanism, Poetry

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Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), 绵阳日报社, 绵阳, 四川 621000, 中国, y-tx@163.com



[汪帆一. 曹龙兴等用定制蛋白治新冠病毒能得诺奖吗----读《设计蛋白:未来疫苗的起点》. Academ Arena 2023;15(1):25-33]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 05.doi:10.7537/marsaaj150123.05.



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Production of Natural Rubber in India


*Monika Manchanda and **Dr. Naresh Pratap


*Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

Email: manchandamona11@gmail.com


Abstract: Rubber is a coherent elastic solid obtained from latex of a number of tropical trees of which Hevea brasiliensis is the most important. Rubber is used for a variety of purposes from erasing pencil marks to manufacturing of tyres, tubes and a large number of industrial products. The first rubber plantations in India were set up in 1895 on the hill slopes of Kerala. However, rubber cultivation on a commercial scale was introduced in 1902.

[Manchanda, M. and Pratap, N. Production of Natural Rubber in India. Academ Arena 2021;13(1):34-37].     ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 06.



Keywords: Natural Rubber, Status, India, Productivity

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Recommended: 王德奎 (Wang Dekui), 绵阳日报社, 绵阳, 四川 621000, 中国, y-tx@163.com



[钱金. 从量子色动化学到人工智能----读《量子宇宙》. Academ Arena 2023;15(1):38-77]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 07.doi:10.7537/marsaaj150123.07.



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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from January 2, 2023. 

All comments are welcome: editor@sciencepub.net

For back issues of the Academia Arena, click here.

Emails: editor@sciencepub.net; sciencepub@gmail.com

Website: http://www.sciencepub.net/academia  

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doi prefix: 10.7537



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