ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online), doi:10.7537, Monthly
Volume 9 - Issue 2 (Cumulated No. 92), February 25, 2017
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The Fundamentals and
Principles of Islamic Management in Entrepreneurship Development
Hosein Aliahmadi1,
Aref Azadegan2, Amid Azadegan3
Assistant Professor of Private Law and Faculty member of Iran
University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
MSc student of MBA Entrepreneurship, Iran University of Science
and Technology, Tehran, Iran
MSc of Curriculum, University of Birjand, South Khorasan
Province, Iran
In this paper, the principles of
entrepreneurship from the perspective of Islamic management was
introduced. As religious teachings and worship for all social
behavior policy is set to work, and to emphasize development in
human society. According to the Quran, God for man, has been
appointed work and business and entrepreneurial vision of
Islamic monotheism is a value and considering the importance of
the business in an Islamic society, everyone should feel
responsible, work is still to anyone on the size of your ability
with quality, sincerity and good intentions. Business and
entrepreneurship in Muslim society makes society do not
dominated by aliens, and all the forces mobilized against
enemies and the decline of Islamic society is prevented.
Coordination between individuals and social units makes clear
the need to manage to get things done. Islamic management
principles based on religious teachings and principles saying
that entrepreneurs can learn from these principles apply to the
development of entrepreneurship in the country.
[Hosein Aliahmadi, Aref
Azadegan, Amid Azadegan. The Fundamentals and Principles of
Islamic Management in Entrepreneurship Development.
Researcher 2017;9(2):1-4].
ISSN 1553-9865 (print);
ISSN 2163-8950 (online).
principles, Islam, entrepreneurship, management, development |
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Assessment Of Soil Ph Of
Selected Land Use In Kabba, Southern Guinea Savanna Zone,
Babalola, T.S, and Kadiri, W.O.J
Kabba College of Agriculture,
Division of Agricultural Colleges, Ahmadu Bello University. PMB
205, Kabba
Corresponding Author:,
This study was conducted to assess the pH levels of soils of major land
use types in Kabba College of Agriculture. An area that is
representative of each land use was selected and soil samples
were collected following standard procedures for laboratory
analysis for pH in CaCl3. Laboratory results were
analyzed using graph to show pH distribution across field, pH
scale was used to determine the level of acidity or alkalinity
of the soil; Standard nutrient availability chart was used to
determine nutrient availability for the area while the lime
requirement was calculated from the pH values. Results obtained
shows that Forest land is having the highest pH value (5.3)
followed by Oil palm plantation (5.2), citrus orchard (5.0)
and Nursery site (4.9). The lowest pH
value was recorded at the Arable land site (4.0). Also the soils
of the study site are classified to be slightly acidic this may
hamper nutrient availability to plants. Lime application
is recommended for the area at Forest Land: 10t/ha, Nursery
Site: 13t/ha, Oil Palm: 10t/ha, Arable: 13t/ha, Citrus Orchard:
[Babalola, T.S, and Kadiri, W.O.J.
Assessment Of Soil Ph Of
Selected Land Use In Kabba, Southern Guinea Savanna Zone,
Researcher 2017;9(2):5-8].
ISSN 1553-9865 (print);
ISSN 2163-8950 (online).
pH value, Nutrient Availability,
Lime requirement |
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Performance Analysis of Technical
Palm Oil Marketing in Ondo and Ekiti States Nigeria
Oluwatusin, Femi Michael
Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Services, Ekiti
State University, P. M.B 5363, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
Cell phone number: +2348034942647
Nigeria has fallen from being the world’s leading producer and
exporter of palm oil in 1960’s to being a net importer of the
produce for both food and industrial uses. The produce is
marketed throughout the year and the domestic food market
focuses on technical palm oil (TPO) which is consumed by
households and commercial enterprises. The study looked at the
performance analysis of technical palm oil marketing in Ondo and
Ekiti State, Nigeria. A multistage random sampling method was
employed to select 180 marketers of TPO in the study area.
Analytical tools used include, descriptive statistics, gross
margin analysis, Shepherd Futrel model and regression analysis.
The results showed that 54.45 percent of the marketers were
below 41 years of age while the mean age was 40 years. Most
(98.33%) of the marketers were women while 76.67 percent were
married. The majority (86.11%) were able to acquire formal
education while just 12.22 percent had access to various forms
of loan. Also, 90.56 percent of the marketers believed that
storage materials were inadequate. The level of marketing
experience (mean = 8 years) in the study area was low. The
majority (90.56%) of the marketers were members of cooperative
societies while 70 percent used family labour. In addition,
67.22 percent started and ran the business with their personal
capital. Most (68.33%) operated as retailers while 80.56 percent
of the marketers got their supplies from the processors of TPO
directly. Gross margin analysis revealed that the business was
profitable while coefficient of marketing efficiency of 37.46%
indicated efficiency use of resources. The main constraints to
the business were high transportation cost/bad road, lack of
capital and price fluctuation. The main determinants of
profitability were age, educational level, marketing experience,
access to loan, cooperative society membership and road
condition. It is recommended that in order to solve problem of
lack of capital, financial institutions should be coerced by
government to give marketers loan at one digit interest rate.
Femi Michael.
Performance Analysis of Technical
Palm Oil Marketing in Ondo and Ekiti States Nigeria.
ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN
2163-8950 (online).
Key words:
palm oil, profitability, efficiency, marketing, retailers. |
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Results Of Research On Meterology
Gangadhara Rao Irlapati
H.No.5-30-4/1, Saibaba Nagar, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad – 500 055,
Telangana State, INDIA
Email ID:
Meteorology is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the
atmosphere. Meteorological phenomena are observable weather
events that are explained by the science of meterorolgy, I have
conducted researches in the field of meteorology and invented
some related discoveries & inventions which may also be useful
in understanding the extent of the meterorolgy.
Rao Irlapati.
Results Of Research On Meterology.
ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online).
Cyclones, Low pressure systems, Monsoons |
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Efficacy of Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser in Early Treatment
of Post-Surgical Scar
Fatma Mounir Aly; M.B., B.Ch
Supervised by:
Prof. Dr. Attia Abdallah Attia, Professor of Dermatology,
Venereology and Andrology, Faculty of Medicine-AL-Azhar
Dr.Shady Mahmoud Attia, Lecturer of Dermatology, Venereology and
Andrology, Faculty of Medicine-Al-Azhar University,
Faculty of Medicine AlAzhar University
Abstract: Background:
Surgical scars represent an entirely highly challenging
frustrating clinical problem. Various modalities and protocols
were suggested. Fractional CO2 laser has proved
marked improvement in scars. Aim of work: In this study
we will assess the safety and efficacy of treating surgical
scars using an ablative carbon dioxide fractional laser during
the early postoperative period.
Patients and methods:
We performed a prospective, split-scar on the postoperative
scars of 20 egyptian patients. Patients began treatment 3 weeks
after surgery and were treated in 3-5 sessions of CO2 fractional
laser therapy on half of the scar at 2-week intervals with
clinical assessment using the Vancouver Scar Scale(VSS)and the
patients were asked to rate their overall satisfaction using a
quartile grading scale.
The mean of total score of VSS showed significant improvement in
comparing before (5.15±
and 3 months post-treatment
(P≤0.001). Among the individual parameters in the VSS,
the most significant improvements were found in vascularity,
height and pliability. Patient's subjective satisfaction scores
showed a significant greater degree of satisfaction(40%) after
laser treatment.
Fractional ablative CO2 laser is an effective and safe treatment
modality for surgical scars in the early postoperative period.
Mounir Aly; M.B., B.Ch.
Efficacy of Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser in Early Treatment
of Post-Surgical Scar.
ISSN 1553-9865
(print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online).
Efficacy; Fraction; Carbon Dioxide; Laser; Treatment;
Post-Surgical Scar |
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Limitations of Conventional
Decomposition Method in Comparison with Modified Decomposition
for Simulating the Instability of Nano-Switches
Ali koochi1,
Asiehsadat Kazemi2, Mohamadreza Abadyan3
Mechanical Engineering Group, Naein Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Naein, Iran
Engineering Department, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Bojnourd, Iran
Engineering Group, Naein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naein,
Herein, the conventional Adomian
decomposition (CAD) and modified Adomian decomposition (MAD)
methods are applied to solve the forth-order nonlinear
deferential equation of nano electromechanical switches (NEMS).
The pull-in instability parameters of the switch have been
determined and compared with those of numerical solution. It is
found that using conventional decomposition method in solving
NEMS problems can lead to physically incorrect results. The
values of instability parameters computed by CAD series might
converge to the values which differ from that obtained by
numerical methods. The inaccuracy becomes more highlighted in
the case of doubly-supported NEMS compared to cantilever one.
This shortcoming is not observed for MAD and therefore, modified
decomposition method could easily utilize to simulate the
pull-in performance of the beam-type NEMS.
[Ali koochi, Asiehsadat Kazemi,
Mohamadreza Abadyan.
Limitations of
Conventional Decomposition Method in Comparison with Modified
Decomposition for Simulating the Instability of Nano-Switches.
Researcher 2017;9(2):57-63].
ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN
2163-8950 (online).
Nonlinear differential equation,
Conventional Adomian decomposition, Modified Adomian
decomposition, Nano electromechanical switch (NEMS), Instability |
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Simile’s Functions in
Masnavi’s Satiric Stories
R. Ghodmanan 1, G. A.
Zare 2
Golestan Non-Governmental Institute, Gorgan, Iran
Medical Science University of Golestan, Golestan Province, Iran
The range of Molavai’s
imagination faculty, among great poets, and his variety of
poetical images are wonderful and unique, and his mystical love
couldn’t restrain the progression of imagination in his poems,
therefore the aim of this paper is determined to describe the
general trends of the roles of simile in Molavi’s satirical
For investigation of simile’s
roles in Masnavi’s satirical stories, similes in forty satiric
stories are examined and were under analysis. Molana used
‘simile’ in satirical stories for different aims such as
1- Joking and entertainment
2- Simplification of concepts
and contents
3- Conciseness
4- Description and
5- Content creating and
Those roles or functions are used
by Molana for increasing the effect of his satiric writings. We
have more attention to “joking and entertainment” than other
functions, when we are describing the roles of simile in
Molana’s satiric stories. The methods which are used by Molana
for that function are as follows:
1- Using animals
2- Exaggeration
3- The image which results from
inconsistency with texture of writing
4- Contradiction between parts
of expression
5- Allusion to satiric stories
6- Contradiction between
reality and imagination
7- Satirical sceneries
Although Molana, in regarding to
conditions of satire, for joking and entertainment in satirical
stories used simile mainly, and for this aim, he used different
methods, but he didn’t neglect other functions of simile and he
used this technique for goals such as simplification of concepts
and contents, conciseness, description and circumlocution,
content creating and composition.
[R. Ghodmanan, G. A. Zare.
Simile’s Functions in
Masnavi’s Satiric Stories.
Researcher 2017;9(2):64-70].
ISSN 1553-9865 (print);
ISSN 2163-8950 (online).
Mental Masnavi; satiric; simile;
simile’s functions |
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A New Solution to Account Pseudo-skin Due to Partial Completion
of Wells
Vahid Farokhi1, Shahab Gerami2
Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Technology
(Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran
National Iranian Oil Co. (IOR Research Institute), Tehran, Iran,,
To prohibit gas and/or water coning, it has been very common for
wells to be completed over only a portion of their productive
zone. Such procedure causes an additional pressure drop termed
as pseudo-skin that reduces the well productivity. In order to
figure out whether a partially-penetrated well required to be
stimulated or not, it’s crucial to both qualitatively and
quantitatively determine different components of the total skin.
Hence, in a partially-penetrated well, accurate evaluation of
pseudo-skin as one of the main components of total skin is
extremely essential. Many authors have proposed mathematical
methods that can be used to estimate the pseudo-skin factor due
to partial completion.
This paper aims to present a simple analytical model that can be
used to accurately predict the pressure behavior as well as the
pseudo-skin factor in a partially-penetrated well. In this
model, the impacts of anisotropy and arbitrariness of the open
interval location are taken into account. To better illustrate
the validity and reliability of the model for estimating the
pseudo-skin factor, a comparison of the values obtained by the
presented model and those estimated by other available models
with a numerical simulator as the comparison base has been made.
The results have shown that the assumptions on the basis of
which the model is developed are valid and furthermore, compared
to other methods the analytical model has estimated the
pseudo-skin factor favorably so close to that obtained by the
[Vahid Farokhi, Shahab Gerami. A New Solution to Account
Pseudo-skin Due to Partial Completion of Wells.
Researcher 2017;9(2):71-81].
ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online).
pseudo-skin factor, analytical model, partial completion,
anisotropy, numerical simulator |
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A Conductivity
Study of Salt and Temperature Effect on Critical Micelle
Concentration of Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid
Mohammad Ali Ahmadi1*,
Seyed Reza Shadizadeh2
Department of Petroleum
Engineering, Ahwaz Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum
University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Abadan Faculty of Petroleum
Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Abadan, Iran
After primary and secondary oil
recovery methods, reservoir is faced to residual oil condition.
Surfactants can reduce interfacial tension between rock surface
and residual oil. Temperature and salt are two affective
parameters that affect surfactants behavior in the reservoir in
addition to critical micelle concentration (CMC) of them. The
purpose of this experiment is measuring the (CMC) of two
surfactants; this was to be done by conductivity method.
Conductometry is a very promising technique, the CMC value of
Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid (ABSA) as an anionic surfactant was
determined by electrical conductivity measurements. The
influences of salt and temperature conditions on CMC variation
of selected surfactant are considered. It was found the addition
of NaCl reduces the CMC of surfactants. The variation of CMC was
investigated under different temperatures from 25°C to 70°C with
increments of 5°C. Results were shown when temperature rises,
the CMC of surfactant reduces.
[Mohammad Ali Ahmadi, Seyed Reza
A Conductivity Study
of Salt and Temperature Effect on Critical Micelle Concentration
of Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid.
Researcher 2017;9(2):82-87].
ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN
2163-8950 (online).
Temperature, Salt, CMC, Alkyl
Benzene Sulphonic Acid, Anionic Surfactant |
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A Taxonomy of Game Theory
Approaches for Intrusion Detection in MANETs
Mohammad Masoud Javidi, Marjan
Kuchaki Rafsanjani, Laya Aliahmadipour
Department of Computer Science,
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran,
MANETs are self configuring
networks that are formed by a set of wireless mobile nodes
and have
neither fixed network infrastructure nor administrative support.
Since transmission range of wireless network interfaces is
limited, forwarding hosts may be needed
each node in a wireless ad hoc network functions as both a host
and a router, and the control of the network is distributed
among the nodes. Due to
their communication type and resources constraint, MANETs are
vulnerable to diverse types of attacks and intrusions.
Because of these, security is a
critical issue. Network security
is usually provided in the three phases: intrusion prevention, intrusion
detection and intrusion tolerance phase.
However, the network security
problem is far from completely solved.
Researchers have been
the applicability of game
theoretic approaches to address the network security issues.
This paper surveys the existing game theoretic solutions which
are designed to enhance network security in the intrusion
detection phase.
[Mohammad Masoud Javidi, Marjan
Kuchaki Rafsanjani, Laya Aliahmadipour. A Taxonomy of Game
Theory Approaches for Intrusion Detection in MANETs.
Researcher 2017;9(2):88-96].
ISSN 1553-9865 (print);
ISSN 2163-8950 (online).
Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET);
Intrusion Detection System (IDS); Host based; Game theory. |
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On The Prime Equatons:

Chun-Xuan Jiang
P. O. Box 3924, Beijing 100854,
P. R. China
Using Jiang function we prove
that there exist infinitely many primes such
that each is
a prime.
[Chun-Xuan Jiang. On The
Prime Equatons: .
ISSN 1553-9865 (print);
ISSN 2163-8950 (online).
prime; theorem; function; number; new |
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Effect of Methotrexate in Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis
Hesham Eldosoky Abd Elwahab, Saad Mahmoud Elzokm and Nansy
Rheumatology, Physical medicine & Rehabilitation, Al-Azhar
University - Faculty of Medicine, Damietta, Egypt.
Abstract: Osteoarthritis
(OA) is one of the most prevalent condition resulting to
disability particularly in elderly population. Lacking of
effective therapies available to relieve the symptoms of OA or
to slow the disease associated structural progression is a major
barrier for the reduction of the impact of OA. Emerging evidence
is increasingly indicating a high prevalence of synovitis in OA
that is found to be associated with severity of pain. The aim of
this study is to determine the effect of Methotrexate (MTX) in
treatment of knee osteoarthritis (KOA). This was a single
blinded randomized controlled trial of parallel design, A total
of 200 consecutive eligible patients with symptomatic
radiographic primary KOA participated in the study that
fulfilled ACR Criteria for radiologic and clinical KOA. Patients
were recruited from the Rheumatology and Rehabilitation
Outpatient Clinic of Al-Azhar University Hospital in Damietta,
Egypt. The patients were randomized into two groups; (a) MTX-treated
KOA group: included 100 patients that received oral MTX and (b)
non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)-treated KOA
group: included 100 patients were received NSAIDs. The study was
done at the period between April to November 2016. Clinical
parameters including pain, tenderness and Ontario and McMaster
Universities arthritis index (WOMAC) score were significantly
lower in the MTX-treated group than in the NSAIDs-treated group
at 3 months and at 6 months from treatment. On US examination,
at 3 months of treatment the OA severity was significantly lower
in the MTX-treated KOA group as compared to the NSAIDs-treated
KOA group and the difference of osteoarthritis ( OA) severity
between the two groups was more prominent at 6 months of
treatment. From this study we found that MTX significantly
reduced pain and tenderness and improved joint mobility. MTX had
significantly improved synovitis and effusion and decreased
cartilage damage. There was a significant improvement in
physical function of MTX therapy. MTX may be a therapeutic
option on the treatment of pain and inflammation related to KOA.
[Hesham Eldosoky Abd Elwahab, Saad Mahmoud Elzokm and Nansy
Physical medicine & Rehabilitation, Al-Azhar University -
Faculty of Medicine, Damietta, Egypt.
ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN
2163-8950 (online).
Methotrexate and Knee Osteoarthritis |
Full Text |
12 |
The manuscripts in this
issue were presented as online first for peer-review starting
from February 17, 2017.
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