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(Shen Cherng, Hongbao Ma, Hsien-Chiao Teng)

The Basic Research of Bioelectromagnetic Process
(Hsien Chiao Teng)

Nature of Life
(Hongbao Ma, Shen Cherng)

 Absolute Globalization
(Hongbao Ma)

Animal Clone
(Ma Hongbao)


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NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release
Contact: Anthony H. Lariccia
Investigative Free-Lance Researcher
(814) 833-1242


ERIE, Pa. (10/26/10)-- A recently published five page theory in the peer-review Journal of American Science entitled "Reverse Evolution: The Evolution Darwin Never Saw Supports Creation" explains how a new type of evolution can prove man was created in a way similar to the description in Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible. The theory says the evolution Darwin witnessed and reported in his 1859 book "On The Origin Of Species" was the second of two distinctly different types of evolution that occurred on earth. The first evolution called "Reverse Evolution" was triggered when Adam and Eve were ejected from the Garden of Eden, made mortal and had to be given a sex gene so their species could survive. This new gene corrupted their once perfect genome causing their offspring to degenerate over time to eventually look like "chimps."

Discussed in the paper is the rationale for the beginning of both types of evolution, the mechanism of their operation, the scientific method to confirm they occurred and why the need to find a "missing link" is no longer appropriate. You can view the entire report at:, Item #55.

Science Panel Issues Report on Exposure to Pollutant  New York Times
... Richard Canaday, a representative of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, responded in a telephone interview: "There is no basis for that ...

Science Advice 'Essential' to Meet Development Goals, Africa
... countries are also being urged to explore ways of securing closer collaboration between the public and private sectors in applying science to development goals ...

Hearings on science standards scheduled  The Wichita Eagle
Four public hearings will be held in February on a new set of standards listing what Kansas students should learn in science classes. The State Board of Education is scheduled to adopt a version of these standards this summer after public hearings and a review by experts.

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