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Science Journal


Academia Arena


Supplement 2013

January 1, 2013 – December 25, 2013, ISSN 1553-992X

Cover Page, Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, All papers in one file


The articles in the following are presented as online first for peer-review starting from October 1, 2013. 
All comments are welcome: editor@sciencepub.net

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Titles / Authors








作者简介:孙纯武 (1948-),男 (汉族),扬州市,主要从事研究自然科学等

单位名称、江苏省扬州三力电器集团通信地址、苏省扬州市念香苑44203, 邮编225008

 手机18912144117电子信箱: yzscw0514@163.com, qq458669609


摘要:老子创立了道教,入世无为。孔子创立了儒教出世, 有为。及具体地设出了阴阳金,,,,土五行来演化万物运动上升到哲学高度。本文是孙纯武几篇文章的文集

[孙纯武. 孙纯武论文集. Academ Arena 2013;5(1s):1-31] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1

Full Text





Author: Sun Chunwu

Translator: Yang Lin


单位名称、江苏省扬州三力电器集团  通信地址、江苏省扬州市念香苑44203,

手机18912144117  邮编225008

电子信箱: yzscw0514@163.com, qq: 458669609

作者简介:孙纯武(1948-),男(汉族) ,扬州市,主要从事研究自然科学等


Abstract: 自然科学里有许多难题困扰着科学家,爱因斯坦却把思维定制在寻找统一引力、电磁力、强作用力、弱作用力的场。所以他也无法先创立出统一场理论,再来分析论述是谁质量大,统一了这些力而转化出新物质。因此,创立统一场论和图形及公式,得到正确认识自然界起因和运动后力多少的能力去造福人类。

[孙纯武. 统一场论研究. Academ Arena 2013;5(1s):32-41] (ISSN 1553-992X). 2


[关键词]: 统一场论, 椭圆图图解及公式, 统一场论的应用

Full Text



Heterodoxy on Geophysics and Celestial Movement


Guo Xuannian (郭选年)


通讯地址:中国湖南省株洲市嵩山路268 (中国湖南省株洲市水务局), 邮编:412007

联系电话:13873300270, Emailxuannian@126.com


Abstract: Guo Xuannian, born in December 1948, in Liling, Hunan, China. He published 7 papers on domestic magazines and 3 technical papers on international magazines about water conservancy and hydropower, and has won two city-level and provincial awards for scientific and technological achievements on water conservancy and hydropower. He proposed different opinions on part of the geophysics and celestial movements in 1967. After retirement, he wrote the book Heterodoxy on Geophysics and Celestial Movement, publicly throwing down his challenge to Copernicus’s heliocentric theory, the first law of Kepler and Newton’s three laws on mechanics.

[Guo Xuannian. Heterodoxy on Geophysics and Celestial Movement. Academ Arena 2013;5(1s):42-100] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3


Keywords: Heterodoxy; Geophysics; Celestial Movement

Full Text



Heterodoxy on Geophysics and Celestial Movement


Guo Xuannian (郭选年)


Zhuzhou Water Conservancy Bureau, Hunan 412007, China

268 Songshan Road, Zhuzhou, Hunan 412007, China

中国湖南省株洲市嵩山路268 (中国湖南省株洲市水务局), 邮编:412007

联系电话:13873300270, Emailxuannian@126.com


Abstract: Guo Xuannian, born in December 1948, in Liling, Hunan, China. He published 7 papers on domestic magazines and 3 technical papers on international magazines about water conservancy and hydropower, and has won two city-level and provincial awards for scientific and technological achievements on water conservancy and hydropower. He proposed different opinions on part of the geophysics and celestial movements in 1967. After retirement, he wrote the book Heterodoxy on Geophysics and Celestial Movement, publicly throwing down his challenge to Copernicus’s heliocentric theory, the first law of Kepler and Newton’s three laws on mechanics.

[Guo Xuannian. Heterodoxy on Geophysics and Celestial Movement. Academ Arena 2013;5(1s):101-177] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4


Keywords: Heterodoxy; Geophysics; Celestial Movement

Full Text



郭选年天体物理论 (论文 1-19


郭选年 (Guo Xuannian)


通讯地址:中国湖南省株洲市嵩山路268 (中国湖南省株洲市水务局), 邮编:412007

联系电话:13873300270, Emailxuannian@126.com


摘要:本文是郭选年有关天体物理论文集的论文 19 篇。日心说源于哥白尼的猜想和假设,缺乏理论依据和模型实验证明,存在自相矛盾和不能自圆其说。开普勒、牛顿等天体物理学家,不是想方设法证明日心说是否正确,反而为其辩护,以致天体运动的真相不能大白于天下。电子绕原子核旋转产生了磁场,磁场力使任何物质、天体具有吸引力。吸引力具有吸引动力和吸引阻力,这符合哲学正反观点。把摩擦阻力和吸引阻力分开,就知存在吸引阻力,行星不能绕太阳转,卫星也不能绕行星转,无疑日心说和开普勒第一定律不成立,万有引力定律也不完善。

[郭选年. 郭选年天体物理论文集. Academ Arena 2013;5(1s):178-224] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5


关键词:日心说; 开普勒定律; 万有引力;行星; 太阳; 轨道; 天体

Full Text



Heterodoxy on Geophysics and Celestial Movement (Paper Collection)


Guo Xuannian


Zhuzhou Water Conservancy Bureau, Zhuzhou, Hunan 412007, China

268 Songshan Road, Zhuzhou, Hunan 412007, China

Phone: 13873300270, Emailxuannian@126.com


Abstract: This is a paper collection on Guo Xuannian on the topic of Heterodoxy on Geophysics and Celestial Movement. Guo Xuannian, born in December 1948, in Liling, Hunan, China. He proposed different opinions on part of the geophysics and celestial movements in 1967. After retirement, he wrote the book Heterodoxy on Geophysics and Celestial Movement, publicly throwing down his challenge to Copernicus’s heliocentric theory, the first law of Kepler and Newton’s three laws on mechanics.

[Guo Xuannian. Heterodoxy on Geophysics and Celestial Movement (Paper Collection). Academ Arena 2013;5(1s):225-279] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6


Keywords: Heterodoxy; Geophysics; Celestial Movement

Full Text



张洞生(Zhang Dongsheng) 论文选: 黑洞宇宙学





张洞生   Zhang Dong Sheng  


17 Pontiac Road, West Hartford, CT 06117-2129, U.S.A.


Email: zds@outlook.com; zhangds12@hotmail.com


【内容摘要】: 本文对黑洞理论的新发展和新公式完全是根据霍金的黑洞理论发展而来的。发展后的黑洞理论的新观点和新公式可完好地解释和验证我们宇宙的演变规律,而成为名符其实的‘黑洞宇宙学’。本文分为2篇。第一篇是《黑洞理论的新发展、新公式和新结论》。最重要的成果是推导出来霍金辐射量子mss与黑洞质量Mb 之间的新公式(1d),还有最小黑洞Mbm(1e) 、单位信息量Io SB等一系列新公式,并用经典理论解释了黑洞发射霍金辐射的机理。从而使黑洞理论趋向完善。第二篇《黑洞理论和宇宙学完善的结合成为‘黑洞宇宙学’》是作者用第一篇的黑洞理论的公式解决宇宙起源和演化中的一些重大问题。如证明我们宇宙诞生于在普郎克领域Planck Era新生成的大量原初最小黑洞Mbl= 2Mbm 2mp,即普朗克粒子 mp的合并,而不是诞生于“奇点”或“奇点的大爆炸”;证明我们现在宇宙是一个质量为1056g的真正的巨无霸宇宙黑洞(CBH);宇宙‘原初暴涨’(Original Inflation)的新机理和新证明等。

[张洞生. 黑洞宇宙学 - 作者对黑洞理论的新发展达成了黑洞理论、宇宙学、基本信息理论之间结合. Academia Arena 2013;5(1s):280-347] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7



Full Text


The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from October 1, 2013. 
All comments are welcome: editor@sciencepub.net

For back issues of the Academia Arena, click here.

Emails: editor@sciencepub.net; sciencepub@gmail.com
Website: http://www.sciencepub.net/academia

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