

Science Journal


Stem Cell 

ISSN: 1545-4570 (print); ISSN: 1945-4732 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Quarterly

 Volume 9 - Issue 2  (Cumulated No. 34), June 25, 2018

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Field Evaluation of vaccines against Respiratory viral disease in chickens


Kh. M. Elbayoumi1, Nagwa S. Rabie1 and Mona S. Zaki2


1Department of Poultry Diseases, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt

2Hydrobiology Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza Egypt



Abstract: In modern poultry industry, vaccination is the backbone for prevention of avian respiratory viruses parallel with strict hygienic measures such as good ventilation, proper stocking density, hygienic disposal of carcasses, and control of ammonia gas. Vaccination regimen against these viruses vary from one to another as it was found that in Avian Influenza it could be prevented by only inactivated vaccines against subtype specific strain. On the other hand in case of Infectious Laryngotracchitis, only live vaccine is used and immune response produced mainly cellular immunity, while in case of Infectious Bronchitis it depends mainly on Protect-type phenomena taken in consedration the recommendation of using of different vaccinal strains start with classical parent one. In Newcastle disease, we depend on both live and inactivated vaccines parallel with serological monitoring using Haemagglutination Inhibition test for choose proper time of vaccination. Reo virus vaccine was used only in breeders with four times doses two live and two inactivated vaccinal doses. In case of swollen head syndrome; vaccinations occurs only in breeders with two doses one live for priming followed by second inactivated one together with good hygienic measures. Field evaluation of viral respiratory vaccine is a field mirror for either vaccination success or failure which reflects on bird survival. Moreover vaccination success depend on different factors including type of vaccine used, route of application, age of bird, time of application, concomitant disease condition as well as type of production. Viral respiratory diseases cause severe economic losses among poultry industry and strict vaccination regimen should be applied in order to prevent infection.

[Kh. M. Elbayoumi, Nagwa S. Rabie and Mona S. Zaki. Field Evaluation of vaccines against Respiratory viral disease in chickens. Stem Cell 2018;9(2):1-9]. ISSN: 1945-4570 (print); ISSN: 1945-4732 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/stem. 1. doi:10.7537/marsscj090218.01.


Keywords: Field; Evaluation; vaccine; Respiratory; viral; disease; chicken

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Effect of using slow release N and humic substances as partial replacement of inorganic N on growth and nutritional status of Bartemuda date palms


Moawad A. Mohamed1; Abbas S.A. Saad2 and Ahmed Abd El- Aaty A. Badawi1


1Hort. Dept. Fac. of Agric, Minia Univ. Egypt.

2Tropical Fruits Res. Dept. Hort. Res. Instit. ARC, Egypt.



Abstract: This study was undertaken during 2016 & 2017 seasons to examine the effect of reducing inorganic N partially by using some slow release and humic fertilizers on some vegetative growth aspects, leaf photosynthetic pigments and N, P, K and Mg in the leaves of Bartemuda date palms grown under Aswan region conditions. Three slow release N fertilizers namely urea formaldehyde (UF) sulphur coated urea (SCU) and phosphorus coated urea (PCU) were used at 20 to 60 %from inorganic N as well as humic and fulvic aids were applied at 20 to 60 ml/ palm. Replacing 60- 80 % inorganic N partially by using 20 to 40% any slow release N fertilizers ( UF, SCU or PCU) or 20 to 40 ml humic or fulvic acids had an announced promotion on all growth characteristics relative to the use of Nas 100% inorganic N form. Using inorganic N as 40% besides any one of the there slow release fertilizers at 60% or humic and fulvic acids each at 60ml / palm caused an obvious reduction on these growth, aspects. Reducing inorganic N percentages growth from 100 to 40% and at the same time enhancing percentages of the slow release N fertilizers from 0.0 to 60% and both humic and fulvic acid levels from 0.0 to 60 ml / vine caused a gradual promotion on chlorophyll a & b, total chlorophylls, total carotenoids N, P, K and Mg. The minimum values of these leaf chemical components were recorded on the palm that received N as 100% inorganic N. For enhancing growth and tree nutritional status of Bartemuda date palms, it is necessary to fertilize the palms with N ( 1000 g / palm/ year) as 60 % inorganic N + 40 ml humic acid per palm/ year.

[Moawad A. Mohamed; Abbas S.A. Saad and Ahmed Abd El- Aaty A. Badawi. Effect of using slow release N and humic substances as partial replacement of inorganic N on growth and nutritional status of Bartemuda date palms. Stem Cell 2018;9(2):10-15]. ISSN: 1945-4570 (print); ISSN: 1945-4732 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/stem. 2. doi:10.7537/marsscj090218.02.


Keywords: Inorganic N, SCU, PCU, UF, humic acid, fulvic acid Bartemuda date palms, growth nutritional status.

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Sudden Death Syndrome in chicken: A review


Eman R. Hassan1, Nagwa S. Rabie1 and Mona S. Zaki2


1Poulatry Diseases Department, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

2Hydrobiology Department, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt



Abstract: Sudden death is a condition in apparently healthy fast growing broilers. Chickens die suddenly without any previous signs. Broilers of all ages are subjected to sudden death starting as early as 2 days of age and up to market age. Sudden death may occur due to infectious or non infectious causes. Infectious causes include viral and bacterial causes are the most predominant. Also, Mycotoxicosis may cause sudden death due to ingestion of ration contaminated with mycotoxins. Among non infectious causes, nutrition, management and high intensity and lighting which appear to increase the incidence of Sudden death. This condition is characterized by a short wing beating convulsions prior to death and majority of affected broilers are found dead lying on their backs, Condition often been referred as “Flip-Over Disease”. This condition causes major economic losses in broilers industry worldwide for many years. The mean mortality rate due to sudden death syndrome was 3 - 9 % and peak mortality usually occurs between 3 and 4 weeks of age. There is no proper treatment and preventive measures for control of sudden death syndrome but incidence can be reduced by massive vaccination program, hygienic measurements and managemental techniques.

[Eman R. Hassan, Nagwa S. Rabie and Mona S. Zaki. Sudden Death Syndrome in chicken: A review. Stem Cell 2018;9(2):16-22]. ISSN: 1945-4570 (print); ISSN: 1945-4732 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/stem. 3. doi:10.7537/marsscj090218.03.


KeywordsSudden; Death; Syndrome; chickeny; A review

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Effect of Silicon and Chitosan on Growth and Nutritional Status of Zebda Mango Trees Grown Under Minia Region Conditions

Mohamed A. EL- Sayed1, Ali A. Gobara1; Abbas S. Abdalla2, and Sadam H.A. Ayed2

1Hort. Dept. Fac. of Agric. Minia Univ. Egypt.
2Tropical Fruit Res. Dept. Hort. Res. Instit., ARC., Giza, Egypt
E. mail: faissalfadel@yahoo.com


Abstract: During 2016 and 2017 seasons, Zebda mango trees grown under Minia region conditions treated with silicon at two sources namely potassium or calcium at 0.05 to 0.2 % twice or thrice and chitosan at 0.1% (thrice). The merit was elucidating the effect of different sources, concentrations and frequencies of application of silicon and chitosan on growth and nutritional status of the trees. Subjecting the trees to silicon via K or Ca sources at 0.05 to 0.2 % twice or thrice and / or chitosan at 0.1% succeeded in stimulating length and thickness of shoot, number of leaves / shoot, length and width and area of leaf, chlorophylls a, b, total chlorophylls, total carotenoids, N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe and Mn relative to the control. The promotion on growth aspects and leaf chemical components were related to the increase in concentrations and frequencies of application of silicon. Using potassium silicate was materially superior than using calcium silicate in this respect. Using silicon was favorable than using chitosan in enhancing growth and leaf chemical components. For stimulating growth and tree nutritional status of Zebda Mango trees grown under Minia region conditions it is suggested to spray the trees three times (at growth start, just after fruit setting and 21 days later) with a mixture of potassium silicate and chitosan together each at 0.1 %.
[Mohamed A. EL- Sayed, Ali A. Gobara; Abbas S. Abdalla, and Sadam H.A. Ayed. Effect of Silicon and Chitosan on Growth and Nutritional Status of Zebda Mango Trees Grown Under Minia Region Conditions. Stem Cell 2018;9(2):23-30]. ISSN: 1945-4570 (print); ISSN: 1945-4732 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/stem. 4. doi:10.7537/marsscj090218.04.

Keywords: Silicon, Potassium silicate, Calcium silicate, Chitosan, growth nutritional status, Zebda mango

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Effect of Silicon and Chitosan on Growth and Nutritional Status of Zebda Mango Trees Grown Under Minia Region Conditions

Mohamed A. EL- Sayed1, Ali A. Gobara1; Abbas S. Abdalla2, and Sadam H.A. Ayed2

1Hort. Dept. Fac. of Agric. Minia Univ. Egypt.
2Tropical Fruit Res. Dept. Hort. Res. Instit., ARC., Giza, Egypt
Email: faissalfadel@yahoo.com


Abstract: During 2016 and 2017 seasons, Zebda mango trees grown under Minia region conditions treated with silicon at two sources namely potassium or calcium at 0.05 to 0.2 % twice or thrice and chitosan at 0.1% (thrice). The merit was elucidating the effect of different sources, concentrations and frequencies of application of silicon and chitosan on growth and nutritional status of the trees. Subjecting the trees to silicon via K or Ca sources at 0.05 to 0.2 % twice or thrice and / or chitosan at 0.1% succeeded in stimulating length and thickness of shoot, number of leaves / shoot, length and width and area of leaf, chlorophylls a, b, total chlorophylls, total carotenoids, N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe and Mn relative to the control. The promotion on growth aspects and leaf chemical components were related to the increase in concentrations and frequencies of application of silicon. Using potassium silicate was materially superior than using calcium silicate in this respect. Using silicon was favorable than using chitosan in enhancing growth and leaf chemical components. For stimulating growth and tree nutritional status of Zebda Mango trees grown under Minia region conditions it is suggested to spray the trees three times (at growth start, just after fruit setting and 21 days later) with a mixture of potassium silicate and chitosan together each at 0.1 %.
[Mohamed A. EL- Sayed, Ali A. Gobara; Abbas S. Abdalla, and Sadam H.A. Ayed. Effect of Silicon and Chitosan on Growth and Nutritional Status of Zebda Mango Trees Grown Under Minia Region Conditions. Stem Cell 2018;9(2):31-38]. ISSN: 1945-4570 (print); ISSN: 1945-4732 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/stem. 5. doi:10.7537/marsscj090218.05.

Keywords: Silicon, Potassium silicate, Calcium silicate, Chitosan, growth nutritional status, Zebda mango

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Stem Cell and Development Research Literatures

Mark Herbert

Brooklyn, New York 11212, USA, Ms10012002@gmail.com


Abstract: Stem cells are derived from embryonic and non-embryonic tissues. Most stem cell studies are for animal stem cells and plants have also stem cell. Stem cells were discovered in 1981 from early mouse embryos. Stem cells have the potential to develop into all different cell types in the living body. Stem cell is a body repair system. When a stem cell divides it can be still a stem cell or become adult cell, such as a brain cell. Stem cells are unspecialized cells and can renew themselves by cell division, and stem cells can also differentiate to adult cells with special functions. Stem cells replace the old cells and repair the damaged tissues. Embryonic stem cells can become all cell types of the body because they are pluripotent. Adult stem cells are thought to be limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin. This article introduces recent research reports as references in the related studies.
[Mark Herbert. Stem Cell and Development Research Literatures. Stem Cell 2018;9(2):39-73]. ISSN: 1945-4570 (print); ISSN: 1945-4732 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/stem. 6. doi:10.7537/marsscj090218.06.

Key words: stem cell; life; development; research; literature

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Applications of Herbs in Poultry


Zeinab M. S. Amin Girh1, Nagwa S. Rabie1 and Mona S. Zaki2


1Department of Poultry Diseases, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt

2Hydrobiology Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza Egypt



Abstract: The practice of using traditional herbal medicine based therapy is nowadays gaining more attention worldwide in both human and animal health care systems. Among the livestock sectors, poultry production systems are the most intensively reared with developments especially in the areas of nutrition, disease control, genetic improvement, management and organization of dietary requirements along with the pressure of increasing demand for poultry products as well as threats of emerging pathogens. So this sector is badly in need of sustainable therapeutic and production aids especially based on herbs because of the advantages like, low cost, easy availability, no residual effect, free from the threat of antibiotic resistance etc. The present study discusses the various useful and practical applications of the rich heritage of herbal wealth for safeguarding poultry health in general, combating infectious as well as non-infectious diseases caused by microbes and parasites (both ecto- and endo parasites). Moreover, highlighting herb-based poultry growth promoters for increasing production performances use of herbs as antioxidants and their role in organic egg and meat production. The information will be useful to increase poultry production and protect the health of birds in a better way from traditional ways towards modern perspectives and also would promote and popularize usage of herbs amongst poultry producers.

[Zeinab M. S. Amin Girh, Nagwa S. Rabie and Mona S. Zaki. Applications of Herbs in Poultry. Stem Cell 2018;9(2):74-79]. ISSN: 1945-4570 (print); ISSN: 1945-4732 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/stem. 7. doi:10.7537/marsscj090218.07.


Keywords: practice; traditional herbal; medicine; therapy; human; animal; health care; system

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Urinary and serum Zinc Alpha 2 Glycoprotein as Novel Biomarker of Early Diabetic Nephropathy


Mabrouk Ismail1, Maher Borai 2, George Emad1 and Mohamed Elsheikh1


1Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt.
2Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt.



Abstract: Objective: The aim of the study is to elucidate that urinary and serum ZAG could be used as early biomarkers for DN. Subjects and Methods: A total number of 88 participants will be included in this work and we classified them into four groups (each group include 22 subjects). Three patients groups and one control group. Patients groups will include patients with type2 D.M. Diabetic nephropathy notified by urinary albumin/creatnine ratio (UACR) into: normoalbumiuria (UACR < 30 mg/g, n = 22, which further divided according to eGFR to 2 sub-groups: normal eGFR group and increased eGFR group >120ml/min/m2, early DN group (n =22 ) with microalbminuria (UACR >30, but < 300 mg/g); overt DN group (DN, n=22 ) with macro albuminuria (UACR > 300 mg/g); and Control group, selected to be normal healthy volunteers, with no medical diseases (n = 22). Serum and urine concentrations of ZAG were determine linked imunosorbentassay. Results: The concentrations of ZAG in serum and urine were both of significantly higher in patient with T2DM compared with concentrations in healthy control subjects and also a statistical significance difference among studied groups in both urinary and serum ZAG is found. Serum ZAG concentration was positively correlated with eG.F.R. Urine ZAG concentration also, was positively corr. elated with UA.CR. Urine concentration of ZAG in the higher eGFR group was higher than that in the normal eGFR group. Conclusion: These preliminary findings suggest that urine and serum ZAG might be potentially useful biomarkers for early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy in patents with T2DM.

[Mabrouk Ismail, Maher Borai, George Emad and Mohamed Elsheikh. Urinary and serum Zinc Alpha 2 Glycoprotein as Novel Biomarker of Early Diabetic Nephropathy. Stem Cell 2018;9(2):80-89]. ISSN: 1945-4570 (print); ISSN: 1945-4732 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/stem. 8. doi:10.7537/marsscj090218.08.


Key words: Zinc.alpha.2-glycoprotein, diabetic nephropathy, albumnuria, biomarker

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Stem Cell and Genome editing Research Literatures

Ma Hongbao *, Margaret Young **, Zhu Yucui ***, Zhu Huaijie ****

* Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York 11212, USA, ma8080@gmail.com;
** Cambridge, MA 02138, USA;
*** Department of Dermatology, Columbia University Medical Center, 630 West, 168th Street, New York, New York 10032, USA;
**** The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, 2 Jingba Road, Zhengzhou, Henan 450014, China. jacksun689@gmail.com, yz81@columbia.edu; 011-86-150-3711-5732


Abstract: Stem cells are derived from embryonic and non-embryonic tissues. Most stem cell studies are for animal stem cells and plants have also stem cell. Stem cells were discovered in 1981 from early mouse embryos. Stem cells have the potential to develop into all different cell types in the living body. Stem cell is a body repair system. When a stem cell divides it can be still a stem cell or become adult cell, such as a brain cell. Stem cells are unspecialized cells and can renew themselves by cell division, and stem cells can also differentiate to adult cells with special functions. Stem cells replace the old cells and repair the damaged tissues. Embryonic stem cells can become all cell types of the body because they are pluripotent. Adult stem cells are thought to be limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin. This article introduces recent research reports as references in the related studies. Genome editing, or genome engineering is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, deleted, modified or replaced in the genome of a living organism. In 2018, the common methods for such editing use engineered nucleases, or "molecular scissors". These nucleases create site-specific double-strand breaks (DSBs) at desired locations in the genome. The induced double-strand breaks are repaired through nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination (HR), resulting in targeted mutations. As of 2015 four families of engineered nucleases were used: meganucleases, zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector-based nucleases (TALEN), and the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR/Cas9) system. Nine genome editors were available as of 2017.
[Ma H, Young M, Zhu Y, Zhu H. Stem Cell and Genome editing Research Literatures. Stem Cell 2018;9(2):90-108]. ISSN: 1945-4570 (print); ISSN: 1945-4732 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/stem. 9. doi:10.7537/marsscj090218.09.

Key words: stem cell; genome editing; life; research; literature

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