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World Rural Observations

(World Rural Observ)

ISSN: 1944-6543 (print); ISSN: 1944-6551 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537; Quarterly

Volume 15 - Number 1 (Cumulated No. 55), March 25, 2023
 Cover (jpg, print), Cover (jpg), Cover (pdf), Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, wro1501
The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from March 2, 2023. 
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Impact of Sewage on Health, Economic and Social Life of Rural People in Al-Hair - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


F. O. Aldosari, Hazem S. Kassem, Muhammad Muddassir, Abdul Qadir Khan and Muhammad Mubushar


Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Society
College of Food and Agriculture Sciences
King Saud University
P.O. Box 2460, Riyadh 11451
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Email of the corresponding author:


ABSTRACTThis paper aimed to evaluate the health, social and economic effects of sewage on rural people's life in Al-Hair, Saudi Arabia. A total of 90 rural people, representing about 1% of the population of the study area, were interviewed using a questionnaire. Percentages, arithmetic means, and standard deviations were calculated.  The study revealed that 26.7% of the respondents had expressed a high degree of health impact from sewage and high social and economic effect with the percentages of 85.6% and 84.4% respectively. The interrelation between the perception of the diverse effects of sewage and people's personal characteristics indicate that age, gender, household size and education level, are key determinants of rural people’ perception on health, social and economic-related risks due to sewage. Therefore, there is need to sensitize rural people about risk-reduction measures of sewage. Additional research is required to suggest intervention framework for dealing with sewage in the study area with collaboration from different stakeholders. This will provide additional information to decision-makers for policy formulation in sewage treatment by considering the adverse effects on people's life and different potential roles from all partners.

[O. Aldosari, Hazem S. Kassem, Muhammad Muddassir, Abdul Qadir Khan and Muhammad Mubushar. Impact of Sewage on Health, Economic and Social Life of Rural People in Al-Hair - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. World Rural Observ 2025;15(1):1-8]. ISSN: 1944-6543 (Print); ISSN: 1944-6551 (Online). 01. doi:10.7537/marswro150123.01.


Keywords: Impact; Sewage; Health; Economic; Social Life; Rural; People

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An economic study of the effect of the field irrigation development project on rationalizing water use in the old lands in Beheira Governorate


Dr. Ramadan Ahmed Mohamed Hassn1, Dr.Amr Said Ali El Shafei2 and Dr. Mohamed Ali Fathallah3


1Senior Researcher at Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center - Egypt

2Researcher at Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center - Egypt

3Associate Professor, Economic and Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture - Alexandria University, Egypt

Email: economic.ramadan72@gmail.com1, Amrelshafey2030@gmail.com2,


Abstract: The issue of rationalizing irrigation water consumption by establishing field irrigation development projects in old lands has become one of the important and necessary issues in the Arab Republic of Egypt, these projects aim to reduce irrigation, maintenance, and operation costs, reduce water infiltration into adjacent areas and rationalize water lost through the network of water channels, And benefit from it in the reclamation and cultivation of new lands, working to raise the efficiency of irrigation water transfer, and finally increasing the area of ​​​​cultivated lands as a result of the cancellation and development of irrigation channels within the field. Therefore, the research dealt with the study of the field irrigation development project established in the Beheira governorate and its expected effects in terms of rationalizing the use of irrigation water and bringing about positive economic changes in the total factor productivity of the crops in the research sample through a comparison between the crops grown in the agricultural associations implementing the project with those cultivated in the agricultural associations that non-implementing the project in the Beheira governorate. Therefore, the implementation of the field irrigation development project in the Beheira Governorate in the old lands increased the area cultivated with rice, watermelon pulp, sugar beet, Broad Bean, and finally artichoke as a result of the cancellation and development of water channels in the field, which is reflected in the increase in the productivity of the feddan of the crops under study by percentages. They amounted to about 10%, 7.1%, 4.5%, 9.1%, and 3.3%, respectively, Thus increasing the unit water productivity of those crops by about 17.1%, 24.5%, 17%, 21.3%, and 12.6%, respectively, and reducing the amount of water used in irrigation by about 6%, 14%, 10%, 10% and 8.3%, respectively, due to the reduction of water infiltration into adjacent areas and the reduction of water loss during its transportation through the network of various water channels. And also reducing variable production costs by about 15.3%, 12.3%, 11.3%, 14.3%, and 11.7%, respectively, and finally reducing irrigation costs by about 38.6%, 51.3%, 47.4%, 45.2%, 32.7% for the aforementioned crops, respectively, which led to an increase in the net return per feddan by about 55.4%, 36.9%, 25.4%, 29.6%, 42.2 %, respectively, and the consequent increase in the net water unit return by about 65.3%, 59.1%, 39.8%, 44%, and 55%, respectively, compared to the net water unit return for farms that use the traditional irrigation system. It was also shown from the indicators of the Malmquist analysis of total factor productivity when the farmer uses the field irrigation development project in the Beheira governorate as an alternative to the traditional irrigation system, which leads to a positive effect greater than one on the changes in the total factor productivity of the rice crop, watermelon pulp, sugar beet, Broad Bean, and artichoke, the total factor productivity of these crops increased by about 32.5%, 31.3%, 23.8%, 23.4%, and 19.2%, respectively, this increase is due primarily to the farmer's use of the field irrigation development project to irrigate the crops under study without the changes in the quantity of inputs, as technological change increased by about 42.5%, 30.6%, 18.6%, 16.9%, and 27.5% respectively, for the aforementioned crops compared to their counterparts with the traditional irrigation system. The results indicated that when the state completed and expands the field irrigation development project at the level of both the Beheira Governorate and Egypt in the old lands. This will contribute to the expansion of cultivation and production of ​​​​yellow maize and wheat crops by directing the amount of rationalized water from the implementation of the project to reduce the gap between production and local consumption, by applying one of the following alternatives: The first alternative: When implementing and completing the field irrigation development project, it will lead to an increase in the quantity of yellow maize crop production at the levels of Beheira governorate and Egypt by about 17.7% and 14.7%, respectively, and the consequent reduction in the quantity of annual imports of the crop by about 4%. On the other hand, it leads to an increase in the production of the wheat crop at the levels of Beheira governorate and Egypt by about 2.6% and 2.1%, respectively, thus reducing the quantity of annual imports of the crop by 1.52%. The second alternative: when implementing the field irrigation development project and excluding the area of ​​watermelon pulp and replacing it with the cultivation of yellow maize, this leads to an increase in the quantity of yellow maize production at the levels of the governorate of Beheira and Egypt by about 29.5% and 22.2%, respectively, which leads to a decrease in the quantity of annual imports of the crop increased by 6.4%.

[Ramadan Ahmed Mohamed Hassn, Amr Said Ali El Shafei and Mohamed Ali Fathallah. An economic study of the effect of the field irrigation development project on rationalizing water use in the old lands in Beheira Governorate World Rural Observ 2025;15(1):9-27]. ISSN: 1944-6543 (Print); ISSN: 1944-6551 (Online). 02. doi:10.7537/marswro150123.02.


Keywords: Total factor productivity - Irrigation water rationalization - Field irrigation development project - Traditional irrigation.

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Effects Of A Computer Aided Instructional Method On Students’ Performance In Agriculture: A Quasi Experimental Case Study


Dichepi Sebeso

MSc In Agricultural Education, Email:, Phone: 71677158 /73502640


Hulela, K. (PhD)

Tapela Bulala [MEdu], Botswana College of Agriculture,  Faculty of Agriculture,  Private BAG 0027,  Gaborone,


ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of Computer Aided Instructional method (CAI) on improving students’ performance in agriculture for primary schools. A quasi-experimental design was used to study the effectiveness of Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) on improving students’ performance.  A Computer Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) was prepared by the researchers containing agriculture subject matter contents taught to standard five pupils. The subject was pre-tested at a primary school in Sebele (School A) and implemented at school B in Mochudi. Data collected were in the form of students marks recorded as results of teaching the classes using the CAI and views regarding the technology used to deliver classroom instruction.  The study revealed that CAI had significant effect on students’ performance, the results showed the observed mean difference of -12.12500 at the value of t was -5.008 at P<.005, the mean difference of -12.12500 between the pre-test sores and the post test scores in the experimental group was statistically significant. Therefore, it can be inferred that the computer aided instructional method of teaching had an effect on the performance of primary school kids in agriculture. Agriculture, Computer Aided Instruction, students’ performance, CD-ROM,

[Dichepi Sebeso.Hulela, K. Effects Of A Computer Aided Instructional Method On Students’ Performance In Agriculture: A Quasi Experimental Case Study. World Rural Observ 2025;15(1):28-35]. ISSN: 1944-6543 (Print); ISSN: 1944-6551 (Online). 03. doi:10.7537/marswro150123.03.


Keywords: Effect; Computer; Aided Instructional Method; Students’ Performance; Agriculture; Quasi Experimental Case Study

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The use of random sampling in studying the problem of feed as one of the factors affecting the production of red meat in fattening farms in Egypt (case study: Qalyubia Governorate)


Dr. Mona Abd El Halim Talaat, Dr. Wael Abdel Fatah Gowily, Dr. Mohamed Adel Eldin


Senior Researcher, Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Cairo, Egypt



Abstract: The topic of research “The use of random sampling in studying the problem of feed as one of the factors affecting red meat in fattening farms in Egypt, Qalyubia governorate as a case study.” The research treated the problem through four main objectives; identifying the problem of fodder locally, identifying the problems of dry feed alternatives and ways to overcome them, studying the functional relationship of the factors affecting the production of red meat in the farms of the research sample, presenting a feasibility study for the manufacture of feed alternatives from agricultural waste in calves fattening farms in the search area. The research used the quantitative and qualitative descriptive approach in the analysis, relying on the primary data of the random sample (for the year 2022), in addition to secondary data related to research in the field of animal nutrition and feed prices, to draw conclusions and make recommendations.

[Dr. Mona Abd El Halim Talaat, Dr. Wael Abdel Fatah Gowily, Dr. Mohamed Adel Eldin. The use of random sampling in studying the problem of feed as one of the factors affecting the production of red meat in fattening farms in Egypt (case study: Qalyubia Governorate). World Rural Observ 2023;15(1):36-45]. ISSN: 1944-6543 (Print); ISSN: 1944-6551 (Online). 04. doi:10.7537/marswro150123.04.


Keywords: random; sampling; studying; problem; feed; affecting; production; Egypt; Qalyubia Governorate

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An Economic Study of Consumer Expenditure Patterns on The Most important of Food Commodities Groups during Inflation in Urban and Rural Egypt


 Dr. Fatma Elzahraa Ahmed Gebril, Dr. Engy Amed Teimaa, and Dr. Yasmeen Mousa Abo Elyazeed Mousa


Agricultural Economics Research Institute - Agricultural Research Center, Egypt,


Abstract:  The main objective of this research is to identify the food consumption expenditure patterns on the most important of food commodities groups in urban and rural Egypt during the prevailing inflation rates in national economy, and the study appeared the most important results which were: (1) The percentage of individual expenditure on food and beverages of total consumption expenditure on commodities during 2017/2018, 2019/2020 decreased from (35.01%, 42.88%) to (28.31%, 36.39%) in both of urban and rural Egypt. And this result was considered as extension of the negative impact of Egyptian pound floatation at the end of 2016, In addition to Corona pandemic spreading in the end of 2019 and the consequent decreasing of wages. (2) The elasticity of expenditure on meat in 2019/2020 increased from its counterpart in 2017/2018 as a result of the economic and social changes which led to decreasing income. (3) The necessity goods turned to inferior goods at the following food groups: dairy, cheese and eggs, vegetables group, cereals and bread group where the elasticity became negative, at highest income levels. (4) working lesser model showed that the poor people has highest elasticity, that means these individuals hadn't reach to their satisfaction of  food commodities groups under study ,and some of necessity goods became luxury goods like dairy ,cheese and eggs and meat groups which acquires the largest share of expenditure. But vice versa, highest income levels have lowest elasticity, which means these individuals achieved their satisfaction of commodities groups under study, and some of necessity goods were considered luxury goods like dairy, cheese and eggs and vegetables, cereals and bread groups as inferior goods where they have negative elasticity. (5) the study recommended that decision-makers and officials should reduce the income gap between the individuals of the low-income group and the poverty line and providing monthly benefits To keep pace with the successive rise in the prices of food commodities and obtain their main needs.

[Fatma Elzahraa Ahmed Gebril, Engy Amed Teimaa, and Yasmeen Mousa Abo Elyazeed Mousa. An Economic Study of Consumer Expenditure Patterns on The Most important of Food Commodities Groups during Inflation in Urban and Rural Egypt .World Rural Observ 2023;15(1):46-61]. ISSN: 1944-6543 (Print); ISSN: 1944-6551 (Online). 05. doi:10.7537/marswro150123.05.


Keywords: Consumption expenditure, Expenditure elasticities, working lesser model

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Groups during Inflation in Urban and Rural Egypt


 Dr. Fatma Elzahraa Ahmed Gebril, Dr. Engy Amed Teimaa, and Dr. Yasmeen Mousa Abo Elyazeed Mousa


Agricultural Economics Research Institute - Agricultural Research Center, Egypt


Abstract:  The main objective of this research is to identify the food consumption expenditure patterns on the most important of food commodities groups in urban and rural Egypt during the prevailing inflation rates in national economy, and the study appeared the most important results which were: (1) The percentage of individual expenditure on food and beverages of total consumption expenditure on commodities during 2017/2018, 2019/2020 decreased from (35.01%, 42.88%) to (28.31%, 36.39%) in both of urban and rural Egypt. And this result was considered as extension of the negative impact of Egyptian pound floatation at the end of 2016, In addition to Corona pandemic spreading in the end of 2019 and the consequent decreasing of wages. (2)The elasticity of expenditure on meat in 2019/2020 increased from its counterpart in 2017/2018 as a result of the economic and social changes which led to decreasing income. (3)The necessity goods turned to inferior goods at the following food groups: dairy, cheese and eggs, vegetables group, cereals and bread group where the elasticity became negative, at highest income levels. (4)working lesser model showed that the poor people has highest elasticity, that means these individuals hadn't reach to their satisfaction of  food commodities groups under study ,and some of necessity goods became luxury goods like dairy ,cheese and eggs and meat groups which acquires the largest share of expenditure. But vice versa, highest income levels have lowest elasticity, which means these individuals achieved their satisfaction of commodities groups under study, and some of necessity goods were considered luxury goods like dairy, cheese and eggs and vegetables, cereals and bread groups as inferior goods where they have negative elasticity. (5) the study recommended that decision-makers and officials should reduce the income gap between the individuals of the low-income group and the poverty line and providing monthly benefits To keep pace with the successive rise in the prices of food commodities and obtain their main needs.

[Fatma Elzahraa Ahmed Gebril, Engy Amed Teimaa, and Yasmeen Mousa Abo Elyazeed Mousa. An Economic Study of Consumer Expenditure Patterns on The Most important of Food Commodities Groups during Inflation in Urban and Rural Egypt. World Rural Observ 2023;15(1):62-77]. ISSN: 1944-6543 (Print); ISSN: 1944-6551 (Online). 06. doi:10.7537/marswro150123.06.


Keywords: Consumption expenditure, Expenditure elasticities, working lesser model

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The above manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from March 2, 2023

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When you submit manuscript(s), please mention that it is submitted to the World Rural Observations.

Marsland Press, 310 W 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. 718-404-5362, 347-321-7172;;

doi prefix: 10.7537

Global Impact Factor: 0.324 (2012); 0.453 (2013); 0.565 (2014); 0.654 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Factor: 4.79 (2015);

InfoBase Index IBI Impact Factor (IF, 2019): 2.5

IF A2016: 3.57

Root Indexing; Journal Index I2OR


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