Science Journal


ISSN 1553-9865 (print); ISSN 2163-8950 (online); doi:10.7537/j.issn.1553-9865, Monthly
Volume 7 - Issue 8 (Cumulated No. 74), August 25, 2015
            Cover Page, Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, Researcher 0708

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Investigation various empirical approaches for stock exchange


Hamed Asl Hadad


Msc in Business Management, Islamic Azad University North Tehran Branch


Abstract: This paper will investigate some empirical approaches for stock exchange. First of all, several theory approaches will define and then, we discuss empirical approaches which they have general usage in many stock exchange market.  After all, model of these general approaches will be introduced by a positive view. As you know, there are different types of competition scenarios that exchanges organized as mutuals are particularly compared to trading by outside investors. Three variables of exchange rate, company size, and oil revenues evaluated by this model as control variables in addition to the dependent and independent variables. The interest rate at an assurance level of 95% had a negative and meaningful correlation with the return of the stocks of private banks admitted in stock exchange. The regression equation was generally meaningful.

[Hamed Asl Hadad. Investigation various empirical approaches for stock exchange. Researcher 2015;7(8):1-5]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 1



Key words: stock exchanges, investment decision, profit regressions

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Curie Particle And The Relation Between The Masses Of Sub-Atomic Particles, Supporting (Bicep2`S) Experiments, Mass Of Neutrino, Present “The Lhcb Collaboration” & “Atlas” Experiments.


Nirmalendu Das


Life Member (1): THE VON KARMAN SOCIETY for Advanced Study and Research in Mathematical Science (UKS), Old Post Office line, Jalpaiguri, Life Member (2): Indian Science Congress Association, India. Resident Address: MUKUL DEEP, Saratpally, W.No.- 40, 74/48, Meghlal Roy Road Haiderpara, Siliguri – 734006, Dist: Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India. Mob: +91-9475089337, Email:,


Abstract: Light is very sensitive matter. In terms of mass of a photon is important in every field of matter thus for the universe. The scientists of many countries are trying to find the mass of photon by experiment since 1936 and continuing this work in various countries. But the obtained results are differing to each other. So, we cannot consider these mass of a photon. On the other hand matter is made by the photons. We get this idea from the Einstein equation E = mc2. Again, energy is nothing but the bunch of photons. I calculate the mass of a photon (1.6596x10-54 gm) [1] and this mass is applicable to all fields. Here, in this article, we can calculate the mass of “Curie particle” (Unknown to us) by using this mass of photon & is related to Higgs and other sub-atomic particles. The energy of Higgs particle is very low as per BICEP2`s experimental report [2] and I reported about this matter in the year 2011 to “The Authority of CERN, Editor of Press release of CERN and many other places” by emailing, but did not get answer in this regards. But this is very interesting that as per “Universe Today” report (20th November, 2014) of BICEP2 (Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization), my calculated observation supports their views. Dr. A. P. J. ABDUL KALAM, SRIJAN PAL SINGH reported (17 June, 2015) the mass neutrino as 1x10-37 kg [20] (in terms of energy is 0.056095861 eV) obtained from calculated results from the difference of two particles. Again, as per report, 19th June, & 27th July 2015, my calculated values tallied “The LHCb collaboration”[12], “ATLAS”[18 ]experiments. From this view, we have to think on photon`s mass and its activities.

[Nirmalendu Das. Curie Particle And The Relation Between The Masses Of Sub-Atomic Particles, Supporting (Bicep2`S) Experiments, Mass Of Neutrino, Present “The Lhcb Collaboration” & “Atlas” Experiments. Researcher 2015;7(8):6-17]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 2



Key words: Conflicts Higgs energy (BICEP2), mass of neutrino, present experimental of “The LHCb collaboration”, “ATLAS” experiments, Curie Energy (Unknown), quarks and other sub-atomic particles

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The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy Based on Quality of Life Improvement on the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Relapse Prevention in Addicts under Methadone Maintenance Therapy


Sajjad Motahhari 1, *, Ahmad Etemadi 2, Abdollah Shafiabady 2, Milad Qorbani Vanajemi3


1.  MA in rehabilitation counseling, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.

2.  Assistant professor, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.

3.  MA in family counseling, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Abstract: Objective: This study intended to examine the effect of psychotherapy based on quality of life improvement on the difficulties in emotion regulation and the prevention of relapse in addicts under methadone maintenance therapy. Methods: Semi-experimental pretest-posttest structure and control group were applied. The study population consisted of all male opium addicts kept under methadone maintenance therapy admitted to Aramesh Rehab Center, referred in the summer of 1393. The sample consisted of 30 men who were randomly selected and assigned into two experimental and control groups. Eight sessions of psychotherapy training based on quality of life improvement were implemented for the experimental group; the control group received no intervention. Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) was used. In the post-test phase, both control and experimental groups had a urine test for morphine. For data analysis, SPSS version 18 and the statistical methods of covariance and chi-square analysis were used. Results: The results showed that there is a significant difference between the scores of the difficulties in emotion regulation for experimental and control groups in post-test (P˂0.05). Moreover, the rate of drug abuse relapse among participants in the therapy group based on quality of life improvement was significantly lower than the control group. Conclusion: It was concluded by the findings that psychotherapy based on quality of life improvement was effective on the reduction of difficulties in emotion regulation and the prevention of drug abuse relapse among addicts under methadone maintenance therapy. Therefore, the composting processes could be optimized by the application of the developed simulation model.

[Sajjad Motahhari, Ahmad Etemadi, Abdollah Shafiabady, Milad Qorbani Vanajemi. The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy Based on Quality of Life Improvement on the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Relapse Prevention in Addicts under Methadone Maintenance Therapy. Researcher 2015;7(8):18-24]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 3



Keywords: addiction, quality of life therapy, difficulties in emotion regulation, relapse, methadone maintenance therapy.

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Efficacy of water lettuce mulch as Biostimulant in Jatropha curcas Grown in a crude oil Contaminated Soil


Offor, U. Stephen and Chikordi Agbagwaa


Department of Agricultural Science Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Port Harcourt

Email –


Abstract: The efficacy of water lettuce mulch in growth promotion and toxicity reduction in an oil contaminated soil using Jatropha as a test crop was explored at the teaching and research farm, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port-Harcourt. A randomized complete block (RCBD) design with three treatments -Jatropha polluted with crude oil (JC), Jatropha polluted with crude oil and amended with water lettuce mulch (JCW) and Jatropha planted alone (JA) was used, with each treatment replicated three times. Each seedbed was applied with 3.3 litres of crude oil, while 50g of water lettuce mulch was added on treatments with amendment (JCW). Growth indices used were germination percentage, mean height, leaf number and oil concentration. Data was analysed at intervals, using mean, simple percentage and analysis of variance. Results showed phototoxic nature of crude oil and its reduction and growth promotion with presence of water lettuce mulch.

[Offor, U. Stephen and Chikordi Agbagwaa. Efficacy of water lettuce mulch as Biostimulant in Jatropha curcas Grown in a crude oil Contaminated Soil. Researcher 2015;7(8):25-27]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 4



Keywords: Jatropha curcas, growth promotion, water lettuce mulch, soil restoration and oil reduction

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‘Sabha’ Ritual: Cultural Heritage of Shaukas of Rang Society of Chaudas Valley and its Importance Status of Rang Society in Uttarakhand


Rakesh Singh Phakaliyal1, Daya Pant1 And Shobha Rawat2*


1Department of History, Kumaun University, Soban Singh Jeena Campus, Almora

2Department of Botany, Kumaun University, Soban Singh Jeena Campus, Almora

*Corresponding Author e-mail:


Abstract: The present study focus in ‘Sabha’ Ritual traditional culture of Shedule Tribe from Pithoragarh district, Uttrakhabnd. It’s a ritual, which is performed on the eldest son of the Rung family (Sheduled Tribe) in his childhood. If any Rang family has more than one son then the eldest son is given Sabha rite and the second and other sons are not given this rite.

[Rakesh Singh Phakaliyal, Daya Pant And Shobha Rawat. ‘Sabha’ Ritual: Cultural Heritage of Shaukas of Rang Society of Chaudas Valley and its Importance Status of Rang Society in Uttarakhand. Researcher 2015;7(8):28-32]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 5



Key words: Shabha, Rung Family,  Sheduled Tribe, Dharchula, Pithoragarh, Uttrakhand

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Study on the Prevalence of Bovine Babesiosis and Its Associated Risk Factors in and Around Assosa Woreda, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Western Ethiopia


Bihonegn Wodajnew1*, Haimanot Disassa1, Tadele Kabeta1, Tilahun Zenebe1 and Girma Kebede1


1. Wollega University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Nekemte, Ethiopia


Abstract: A cross-sectional study was conducted from November, 2014 to April, 2015 to assess the prevalence of bovine babesiosis in and around Assosa District, Assosa Zone of Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, western Ethiopia. A total of 402 blood samples were collected from ear vein of cattle from six peasant associations (PAs) that encompasses veterinary clinics. In this study the overall prevalence of bovine babesiosis was found 1.5% (6/402) using microscopic examination of Geimsa stained blood smear. Except sex, most of the risk factors such as PAs, age, body conditions, Babesial species and seasons of study period showed statistical significant associations at (P=0.000) with the occurrence of the disease. Six PAs were assessed and the highest equivocal (equivalent) prevalence of 2.99% was recorded in Abrhamo, Mengele 29 and Amba 12 PAs but in the other three Pas the disease was not encountered throughout this study period. Sexwise prevalence showed that a slight higher prevalence was recorded in male (1.72%) than female (1.32%) but there was no statistical significant association (P=0.739). Age wise prevalence showed that the highest prevalence among old animals (3.51%) followed by adult (0.96%) and the disease was not found in young cattle throughout study period. Body condition of the animals showed highest prevalence recorded in animals with poor body condition (4.08%) followed by 1.03% of prevalence in animals with moderate body conditions and the disease was not observed in animals with good body conditions. Two species of Babesia identified were B. bovis (1.24%) followed by B. bigemina (0.248%). Seasons of the study period revealed that the highest prevalence was compiled during the autumn season (2.99%) followed by extremely low prevalence in the winter season (0.88%) throughout the study period. In conclusion the results of this study have indicated that bovine babesiosis was extremely low prevalent in the study area. However, it has a paramount importance to conduct further study on the prevalence and epidemiological aspect of the disease via immunological based study. In order to alleviate the existing trends, it is far better to adopt appropriate tick control and strategic prophylactic treatment in the focus area.

[Bihonegn Wodajnew, Haimanot Disassa, Tadele Kabeta and Tilahun Zenebe, Girma Kebede. Study on the Prevalence of Bovine Babesiosis and Its Associated Risk Factors in and Around Assosa Woreda, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Western Ethiopia. Researcher 2015;7(8):33-39]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 6



Key words: Bovine, babesiosis, prevalence, Associated Risk Factors, Assosa district, Ethiopia

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Description Image of Believer in Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya


Fatemeh Sharif zade Yazdi, Mohammad Jannati Far


Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Qom branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran


Abstract: Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya contain the most elegant and most accurate while meditating and love of man and Allah is the most beautiful way covers possible portrays many issues in the political, social, moral, psychological, philosophical, economic, scientific. What is this image faithful follow the Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya with the analysis and interpretation of the Quran was performed some prayers. In this paper, an overview of the topic in anthropology from the perspective of Imam Sajjad (AS) have been examined and the positive and negative traits, strengths and weaknesses and the rise and fall of human beings was introduced at the end of the ideal human and divine qualities in human beings and complete recognition and the aim of all the prophets and imams infallible has been studied.

[Fatemeh Sharif zade Yazdi, Mohammad Jannati Far. Description Image of Believer in Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya. Researcher 2015;7(8):40-44]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 7



Key words: Sahifa al-Sajadieh, faithful, idealistic man, fitrat, perfection

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Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Sheep In Gursum Woreda Of Eastern Hararghe Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia


Abdurezak Mohammed 1*, Haimanot Disassa1, Tadele Kabeta1 and Tilahun Zenebe1, Girma Kebede1


1Wollega University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Nekemte, Ethiopia


Abstract: The gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep are one of the important parasitic diseases that obviously result in reduced productivity of sheep. A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2014 to April 2015 in Gursum Woreda, eastern Hararge, Ethiopia with the objective of determining the prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal nematodes in naturally infected sheep and associated risk factors. A total of 384 faecal samples were examined using flotation technique. Out of the total sampled sheep, 248 (64.6 %) had a gastrointestinal nematode infection. Coprological investigation revealed that sheep in the district were infested by a variety of helminth nematodes. Strongyles were the most frequently (52.3%) recovered nematode eggs followed by Strongyloides (6.8%) and Trichuris species (1.8%). The eggs per gram (EPG) count was determined using McMaster technique showed that 95(38.3%) of the sheep were lightly infested, 88(35.5%) moderately infested and 65(26.2%) heavily infested. There was a statistically significant difference between age, body condition scores and season (p < 0.05) with prevalence and eggs per gram (EPG) counts, but no between the sexes. The study revealed that statistically significant difference (p>0.05) was not found in prevalence among the first three PAs, but there is significant difference between harashi and the others. Gastrointestinal nematodes are one of the major problems that could hamper health and productivity of sheep in the study area. Therefore emphasis should be given for the control and prevention of gastrointestinal nematode infection with further studies on species identification and larval ecology.

[Abdurezak Mohammed, Haimanot Disassa,Tadele Kabeta, Tilahun Zenebe and Girma Kebede. Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Sheep in Gursum Woreda of Eastern Hararghe Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. Researcher 2015;7(8):45-54]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 8



Key words: Ovine, Nematode, Prevalence, Eggs Per gram (EPG), Eastern Haraghe, Ethiopia

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Relationship between size corporate and the overinvestment of IPO firms


Ali Reza Hoshmand1, Mohamaad Omidifar2


1 Department of accounting ،science and research branch،islamic azad university، yazd، iran

2 Yazd branch،Islamic azad university، Yazd، Iran


Abstract: Today, the corporation governance is concept emerging concern in the world of business. Corporate governance is the foundation of relations with beneficiary groups. The difference in attitudes is related to the firms' relations range with beneficiaries. Corporate governance at the micro level and macro level considers the achieving the company's objectives and optimal allocation of society's resources respectively. The present study seeks to examine the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and overinvestment of IPO firms. The population of this study is composed of the firms listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange, which has been initially listed on the stock exchange. The sample constitutes of the listed firms from 2005 to 2012. The collected data is analyzed by using the multivariate regression method. The findings reveal that there is a significant direct relationship between size corporate and the overinvestment of IPO firms.

[Ali Reza Hoshmand, Mohamaad Omidifar. Relationship between size corporate and the overinvestment of IPO firms. Researcher 2015;7(8):55-61]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 9



Keywords: size corporate, Overinvestment, Board Members, IPO.

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An Overview of Panchayati Raj and 73rd Amendment


1Ashok Yadav and 2Madhu


1Department of Political Science, P.G. Collage, Mohindergarh-123001, Haryana (India)

2Department of Political Science, Singhania University, Pacheri Badi, Jhunjhunu-333515, Rajasthan (India)



Abstract: The present century has brought some fundamental changes in the system of governance throughout the globe and its influence has come heavily on India too. In the conceptual context, such a change is the idealization of ‘good governance’. Women are the new actors in the system of good governance especially in rural area, who play their role through the grassroots institution like panchayat raj. The women are now being elected to local council in an unprecedented numbers as a result of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment which mandate the reservation of seats and many other advantages for women in local government. Since the year 1994, the country has experienced several rounds of panchayat elections and thus it is necessary to assess the impact of women’s entry into the formal structure of government from the point of view of good governance.

[Ashok Yadav and Madhu. An Overview of Panchayati Raj and 73rd Amendment. Researcher 2015;7(8):62-64]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 10



Keywords: Panchayati Raj, Haryana and 73rd Amendment

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Musculoskeletal system simulations to analyse muscle forces and movement pattern


Zahra khandan khademalreza1, Melika Babaei, Faeze Abdollahi


1Bsc student, Engineering Dept, University of isfahan, isfahan, iran.


Abstract: The musculoskeletal system of the human is a complex system that still has a lot of unsolved mysteries. There is plenty of research being performed right at this moment which is trying to better understand the movement apparatus of the human. In spite of all research being conducted, there are no clear description of the important issues of which facts determine how much and which muscle activates in different movements. This also raises the question of the amount of force each muscle contributes with over the different joints for different movements. The aim of the thesis was to develop a musculotendon unit model for use in optimal control simulations. The model was targeting to be specialized to handle optimization problems in stretch shortening sport movements. The work was concentred on the development of a musculotendon (MT) -unit model, consisting of the muscle and its belonging tendon structure. The model included features for force-velocity and force-length relationship, elasticity of cross-bridges and the passive structures in muscles. The model was made dimensionless which opened the possibility to use it for all skeletal muscles in the body together with the muscle specific parameters. Excluded in the model was the possibility of variable muscle activity and pennation angle. The purpose of the MT-unit model was to incorporate it into a musculoskeletal (MS) model. The MS model developed and used consisted of one degree of freedom, two segments and one muscle. This model was then used in a drop jump simulation where the ground contact phase was evaluated. The muscle was assumed to be fully activated during the whole ground contact. This simulation generated realistic results.

[Zahra khandan khademalreza, Melika Babaei, Faeze Abdollahi. Musculoskeletal system simulations to analyse muscle forces and movement pattern. Researcher 2015;7(8):65-75]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 11



Keywords: Musculoskeletal system; simulation; analyse; muscle; force; movement pattern

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Weed Specie Composition And Diversity As Influenced By Poultry Manure Rates And Weeding Frequency In Okra


1Adeyemi, O. R., 1Olaogun, O., Adigun, J. A, 1 & Adejuyigbe, C. O


1 Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Production, Federal University of Agriculture, P.M. B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

2 Department of Soil Science and Land Management, Federal University of Agriculture, P.M. B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria


Abstract: Yield losses in okra are often aggravated by the soil fertility status, weed types and degree of infestation on the field. Field trials were conducted during the early and late wet seasons of 2012 to investigate the influence of poultry manure rates and weeding regime on weed species composition and weed species diversity in okra. The experiment was arranged in a split- plot fitted into a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates. The main plot consisted of five poultry manure rates (0, 5, 10 and 15 t ha-1) while the sub plots were five weeding regimes namely: weedy check, weeding at 3 weeks after sowing (WAS); weeding at 3 and 6 WAS; weeding at 3, 5 and 7 WAS and weeding at 3, 6 and 9 WAS. Data were collected on weed specie composition, growth and yield of okra. Data collected were subjected to ecological analysis and analysis of variance as appropriate and significant treatment means were separated using Duncan Multiple Range test at p < 0.05. The result shows that thirteen (13) and seventeen (17) weed species were observed in the early and late wet seasons respectively with broadleaves being the most prevalent. In the early wet season weed species diversity (Shannon index H’) (WDI) were mostly reduced in plots weeded 3, 6 and 9 WAP) while the greatest WDI reduction was recorded in plots weeded 3, 5 and 7 WAP. WDI was greater in late wet season than early wet season. Weed dry weights were negatively and significantly correlated with total fruit yield (r = -0.81 and -0.90) in both early and late wet season respectively. It is therefore concluded that weed types and intensity could be influenced by manure rates and weeding regimes in okra.

[Adeyemi, O. R., Olaogun, O., Adigun, J. A, & Adejuyigbe, C. O. Weed Specie Composition And Diversity As Influenced By Poultry Manure Rates And Weeding Frequency In Okra. Researcher 2015;7(8):76-85]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 12



Keywords: poultry manure, weed species diversity, weeding regime

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The Researches on Global Warming


WANG Ruting, LIU Wei, ZHANG Ying, XING Jingbo, LU Di


School of Medicine, Shandong University, 250012 Jinan, Shandong, P. R. China



Abstract: With the development of industry, the burning of fossil fuels and a lot of deforestation, the concentrations of the Earth's atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas are increasing. Due to the greenhouse effect of these gases, in the last 100 years, the global average surface temperature has increased. With the increase of temperature, great changes will take place, and thus lead to a lot of harm. People have work together to find some way to protect the Earth.

[WANG Ruting, LIU Wei, ZHANG Ying, XING Jingbo, LU Di. The Researches on Global Warming. Researcher 2015;7(8):86-93]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 13



Key words: global warming; hazards; melting of glaciers; sea level rising; humans healthy, carbon dioxide, temperatures.

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Phytochemical studies of Eruca sativa affected by gamma radiation or silicon


N. Hamideldin, and N. E. Eliwa.


Natural Product Department,

National Center for Radiation Research and Technology.

Atomic Energy Authority, P.O. Box 29, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.

*Corresponding author e-mail address: n.hamideldin@yahoo.comTel: 0022022748246

The second corresponding author e-mail address:


Abstract: Seeds of Eruca sativa were irradiated with different doses of gamma irradiation (0, 20, 40 and 60 Gy) or treated with different concentrations of sodium silicate (0, 2.5%, 5% and 7.5%). The treatments induced significant enhancements of growth. The maximum increment observed with gamma radiation dose (60Gy). This enhancement was accompanied with an increase in photosynthetic pigments. Analysis of seed oil by gas chromatography – mass revealed that there was variation in concentration of fatty acids, aliphatic alcohol, carbonyl, phenol, sterol compounds, Sulphurandnitrogen compounds, alkaloids as well as alkane compounds. The results of SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of protein showed variation in appearance and disappearance of poly peptide bands in response to Na- silicate or gamma irradiation.

[N.Hamideldin, and N. E. Eliwa. Phytochemical studies of Eruca sativa affected by gamma radiation or silicon. Researcher 2015;7(8):94-104]. (ISSN: 1553-9865). 14



Keywords: Eruca sativa, Silicon, Foliar spray, fatty acid, SDS protein electrophoresis

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