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Science Journal


Report and Opinion

(Rep Opinion)

ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 15 - Issue 5, Cumulated 167, May 25, 2023

Cover (jpg), Cover (pdf), Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers


The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from , 2023. 
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Marsland Press, 310 W 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. 718-404-5362, 347-321-7172




Titles / Authors /Abstracts

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Importance of Fundamental rights under Indian Constitution


Virat Parashar


H. No. 667/1, Near Sukhdev Nagar, Panipat, Haryana (India)

Email: parasharvirat0001@gmail.com


Abstract: According to Article 15 of the Indian Constitution “The state shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them”. But why the society through dictates and judgment determine the identity of an individual and do gender inequality. These individuals who faces these challenges due to personalities and sexual orientations are later on categorized as ‘others’. They are basically abandoned by families and ridiculed by negative comments after that they have no other option than to beg or sing at wedding. Various rights have been given to the third gender but due to gender inequality and thinking of people these rights are not much active in society. LGBTQ has not been given that position that the other gender has got. Many developments has been made in society but despite these development and awareness contribution, major problems still plague this section of society. The paper aims to act as an expose when it comes to make-believe cases of being LGBTQ and third gender. Through my research paper, I want to aim at discrimination the third gender is suffering. Major Problems are still being faced by this section of society. In addition to this, I will also focus on the social and legal position of the third gender and LGBTQ.

[Parashar, V. Importance of Fundamental rights under Indian Constitution. Rep Opinion 2023;15(5):5-8].ISSN1553-9873(print);ISSN2375-7205(online).http://www.sciencepub.net/report. 02.doi:10.7537/marsroj150523.02.


Keywords: Constitution, Equality, Fundamental Rights, Gender, Third Gender, LGBTQ, Transgender

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Importance of Fundamental rights under Indian Constitution


Virat Parashar


H. No. 667/1, Near Sukhdev Nagar, Panipat, Haryana (India)

Email: parasharvirat0001@gmail.com


Abstract: According to Article 15 of the Indian Constitution “The state shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them”. But why the society through dictates and judgment determine the identity of an individual and do gender inequality. These individuals who faces these challenges due to personalities and sexual orientations are later on categorized as ‘others’. They are basically abandoned by families and ridiculed by negative comments after that they have no other option than to beg or sing at wedding. Various rights have been given to the third gender but due to gender inequality and thinking of people these rights are not much active in society. LGBTQ has not been given that position that the other gender has got. Many developments has been made in society but despite these development and awareness contribution, major problems still plague this section of society. The paper aims to act as an expose when it comes to make-believe cases of being LGBTQ and third gender. Through my research paper, I want to aim at discrimination the third gender is suffering. Major Problems are still being faced by this section of society. In addition to this, I will also focus on the social and legal position of the third gender and LGBTQ.

[Parashar, V. Importance of Fundamental rights under Indian Constitution. Rep Opinion 2023;15(5):5-8].ISSN1553-9873(print); ISSN2375-7205(online).http://www.sciencepub.net/report. 02.doi:10.7537/marsroj150523.02.


Keywords: Constitution, Equality, Fundamental Rights, Gender, Third Gender, LGBTQ, Transgender

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D H. Lawrence’S novel: Lady Chatterley’s Lover


*Ramu. K and **Dr. Ajit Kumar


**Research Scholar, Department of English, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

*Assistant Professor, Department of English, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

e-mail: ramuchavanu43@gmail.com


Abstract: Another thing Lawrence and Freud share is the popular misconception that they were obsessed with sex. In Lawrence’s case this is not least due to the explicit treatment of the subject in his last great work, Lady Chatterley’s Lover (1928). Nevertheless, the novel is really a traditional story about a married woman who falls in love with a man below her station. However, unlike the knights of medieval romances about courtly love, the vassal, Oliver Mellors, is not content with worshipping his Lady Constance Chatterley from a distance to keep their love pure. In Lady Chatterley’s Lover love is genuine only when it is based in the body, and thus Connie’s love for her husband, Lord Clifford Chatterley, is doomed from the moment he returns from the First World War, an invalid below the waist, incapable of having a physical relationship with his wife. Connie and Mellors break most of the laws of decency in their relationship, and they do this as an act of defiance against their society, which they perceive to be corrupted by industrialization.

[Ramu, K. and Kumar, A. D.H. Lawrence’S novel: Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Rep Opinion 2023;15(5):9-18]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/report. 03.



Keywords: Lawrence, Novels, Plumed serpent.

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*Duryodhan Ray and **Dr. Amit Kumar


*Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

Email: duryodhanray28@gmail.com


Abstract: Poverty can be looked at in absolute or relative terms and using objective or subjective perspectives. Deprivations can be of a physiological nature or of a sociological nature. In any case the roots of poverty are situated in the “underlying structural inequities and inherent disadvantages” that are at work in any social make-up, and therefore is a socio-economic and political phenomenon. In the power play continuously taking place within any society, the perspective of the strongest often becomes the imposed norm. Definitions and approaches to poverty follow this rule, so that it is the perspective of the powerful that usually takes precedence over the perspective of the main actor in the poverty drama, i.e. the poor themselves. Homeless International and its local partners are concerned with community-led urban development. In view of what has just been said, it is not surprising to find that the ‘orthodox’ indicators compiled and used by state’s ministries and multi-lateral agencies do not reflect outlooks and priorities shared by the poor and their organisations. There is therefore a need for these organisations of locally specific indicators to help them in their work, to identify where to concentrate their efforts and to monitor the results of such policies they would have chosen.

[Ray, D. and Kumar, A. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ONPOVERTY ALLEVIATION STRATEGIES IN SOCIETY. Rep Opinion 2023;15(5):19-22]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/report. 04. doi:10.7537/marsroj150523.04.


Keywords: Review of Literature, Poverty, Allevation

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*Anjali Mishra and **Dr. Vibha Gupta


*Research Scholar, Department of English, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Assistant Professor, Department of English, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

Email: anjalimishra1089@gmail.com


Abstract: Feminist analyses of novels can give insights about women‟s life in contemporary society. Fifteen Indian novels written after independence by women and men novelists have been reviewed to understand the role of patriarchy with feminist approach. These novels depict patriarchy as symbolic power, property rights, essence of father, husband and child, urge for son, women‟s activities for the sake of husband, etc. Hierarchal stratified caste base Indian social structure supports patriarchy as notion. Characters, setting or situations, dialogues, point of view, etc. in these selected novels show unequal, secondary and exploited status of women in Indian society. Women blindly follow patriarchal rules and traditional structure with rituals. Therefore, justice, liberty, equality and fraternity given in Constitution of India are yet to be achieved for women. Only few characters are rebellious for their constitutional rights and came out of home at workplaces but as „hands of gold‟. The findings and analysis of the study are useful to understand the status of women in Indian society for planning and management to achieve constitutional provisions for social welfare.

[Mishra, A. and Gupta, V. STUDY ON NOVELS OF POST INDEPENDENCE ERA. Rep Opinion 2023;15(5):23-29]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/report. 05. doi:10.7537/marsroj150523.05.


Keywords: Literature, Post, Independence, Feminist, Novels, Era

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*Mary Kutty and **Dr. Manoj Sharma


*Research Scholar, Department of Philosophy, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Research Supervisor, Department of Philosophy, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

Email: jyotijames289@gmail.com


Abstract: Growing understanding of spirituality at the end of life demands more theoretical research on the subject. Empirical studies have highlighted the need for exploring philosophical and cultural concepts to facilitate a fuller understanding of spirituality at the end of life. This paper explores Indian philosophy to inform the conceptualisation of spirituality at the end of life in the Indian context. Three key themes from discourses on spirituality at the end of life have been analysed: the concept of the human person, the purpose of life and the meaning of death. The human person is from and of the Divine, eternal and is capable of cognition and experience. The purpose of human life is to unite with the ultimate Reality, the Divine, by living life righteously according to prescribed ways and by achieving detachment from the illusion of the world. Death is part of life and not that which ends it. The moment of death is an opportunity for the ultimate transformation, Moksha. Analysing these philosophical foundations can provide the contextual frame for understanding the spiritual needs of palliative care patients and their families and the possibility of developing culturally relevant approaches to providing spiritual care at the end of life.

[Kutty, M. and Sharma, M. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ONPHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN INDIAN  THINKERS. Rep Opinion 2023;15(5):30-32]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/report. 06. doi:10.7537/marsroj150523.06.


Keywords: Review of Literature, Indian, Thinker

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*Diptee Rekha Mishra and **Dr. Gulab Singh


*Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

Email: mishradiptee742@gmail.com


Abstract: The literature review revealed that many modern consumers sought peer advice over social networks thus social media has promoted consumer-to-consumer communication and has made it possible for consumers and brands to interact with each other (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). It was concluded that whilst social media marketing presents marketers with a more cost effective form of marketing, further research regarding South African’s online purchasing activities would be required to assess if the time, money and resources required to manage social media marketing for CTSA would be beneficial to the organisation. As a result a qualitative empirical study was conducted by means of a questionnaire. The research elements were broken down into three segments; the internet and social media, consumer-brand engagement and online.

[Mishra, D.R. and Singh, G. REVIEW OF LITERATURE SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AND THE CONSUMER DECISION MAKING PROCESS IN CONTEXT OF MILLENNIALS. Rep Opinion 2023;15(5):33-36]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/report. 07. doi:10.7537/marsroj150523.07.


Keywords: Internet, Business, Marcketing

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Anaxagorian Universe & Irlapatiam-A New Hypothetical Model of Multiverse - A comparison to theorize the actual universe and cosmology


                                                                       Gangadhara Rao Irlapati


H.      No.5-30-4/1, Saibabanagar, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad - 500 055, Telangana,  India.

Email: gangadhar19582058@gmail.com

Googlepay/Phonepe A/C No.+91 6305571833


Abstract:  Anaxagorian universe is one of the cosmological theories regarding the creation of the universe. There are many theories about the origin, structure, nature, and evolution of the cosmos in the time-line of old, and modern theories, ideas, and discoveries from ancient time to present day. Some of the best minds in history-both philosophers and scientists-have applied themselves to an understanding of just what the universe is and where it came from, suggesting in the process a bewildering variety of theories and ideas, from the Cosmic Egg to the Big Bang and beyond. Every theory is good and also not every theory can be described the universe and could not explain the universe indefinitely. One of them is Anaxagorian universe of 5th century. I also proposed A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology in 1977 regarding the origin, structure, nature, and evolution of the cosmos. In this paper, a study is made comparing the Anaxagorian universe of 5th century and Irlapatism-A New Hypothetical Model of Multiverse of 1977. So, scientists can study these two theories with each other and theorize the cosmology.

[Gangadhara Rao Irlapati. Anaxagorian Universe & Irlapatiam-A New Hypothetical Model of Multiverse - A comparison to theorize the actual universe and cosmology. Rep Opinion 2023;15(5):37-123]. ISSN 1553-9873(print); ISSN 2375-7205(online).http://www.sciencepub.net/report. 08.doi:10.7537/marsroj150523.08.


Key Words: Irlapatism-A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology, Geo-universe, Atomic-universe, Photon-

universe, Geo-environment, Atomic-environment, Photon-environment, Spacegenesis, Space-atmosphere, Space-climate, Space-weather, Space-active region, Space-inactive region, Space-high pressure area, Space-low pressure area, Space-high pressure system, Space-low pressure system, Space-cyclone, Black-hole, the eye of space-cyclone, Galaxies are space cyclones

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The manuscripts in this issue were presented as online first for peer-review, starting from , 2023. 

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For back issues of the Report and Opinion, click here.

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Marsland Press, 310 W 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. 718-404-5362, 347-321-7172


doi prefix: 10.7537
Global Impact Factor: 0.343 (2012); 0.432 (2013); 0.543 (2014); 0.675 (2015)

InfoBase Index IBI Factor: 4.89 (2015);

InfoBase Index IBI Impact Factor (IF, 2019): 2.5

IF A2016: 2.71

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