Report and Opinion
(Rep Opinion)
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online),
doi:10.7537, Monthly
9 - Issue 3, Cumulated 93, March 25, 2017
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Study of Clinical Profile of
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Diagnosed By Ultrasonography
Aijaz Bhurgri1, Kashif
Aziz Siddiqui2
Medical Collage, LUMHS,
University, Hyderabad
Background & Objective:
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a main reason of
CLD. NAFLD may advance towards fibrosis, cirrhosis, liver
failure and hepatocellular carcinoma, like alcoholic fatty liver
disease (AFLD). The objective of the present research was to
study the clinical profile of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
diagnosed by ultrasonography. Material and Methods: The
observational study was conduct at the Department of Radiology,
Isra University, the patients diagnosed as NAFLD.
Simple random sample
pattern was carried out among 100 patients aged 30 to 55 years
old identify of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in this study
was formed on by sonographic of a fatty liver. Results:
60% of patients of NAFLD had abnormal clinical profile was
found. A level of Total cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase
(ALT), and triglyceride and HDL cholesterol was an increased and
abnormality as the severity of fatty liver increased.
Conclusions: Abnormal levels of clinical profile are risk
factors for NAFLD. Therefore it is suggested that
ultrasonography of the liver requisite portion of the regular
health checkup of patients. Prompt findings may support in
varying the disease progress, conceding obstacles and may
similarly play a main part in preventive complications.
[Aijaz Bhurgri, Kashif Aziz Siddiqui, Bhurgri A,
Siddiqui KA. Study of Clinical Profile of Non Alcoholic
Fatty Liver Disease Diagnosed By Ultrasonography. Rep
Opinion 2017;9(3):1-3].
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). 1.
Non-alcohol fatty liver, clinical
profile, Ultrasonography |
Full Text |
A comparison between the
level of anxiety and aggression patterns in adolescents
Hossein Karimi1, Ali
MA in Clinical Psychology,
Islamic Azad University, Yasuj Branch, Kohgiluyeh and
Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran
BS in Counseling, Shahrekord
University, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Iran
Abstract: The main purpose of this study is a comparison
between level of anxiety and aggression patterns in adolescents.
Increasing evidence supports the notion that both internalizing
(e.g., anxiety) and externalizing (e.g., aggression) behavioral
dysregulation are associated with abnormal communication between
brain regions. Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals across two
electrode sites are said to be coherent with one another when
they show consistent phase relations. However, periods of
desynchrony with shifting of phase relations are a necessary
aspect of information processing. The components of EEG phase
reset (‘locking’ when two regions remain in synchrony, and
‘shifting’ when the two regions desynchronize momentarily) show
dramatic changes across development. We collected resting EEG
data from typically developing 12 to 15-year-olds and calculated
phase shift and lock values in the alpha frequency band across
14 pairs of electrodes varying in inter-electrode distance. A
composite measure of anxiety levels was positively associated
with alpha phase locking at sites over both hemispheres,
consistent with changes in connectivity reported during anxious
thinking in adults. Associations with anxiety could not be
explained by traditional EEG coherence measures and suggest that
phase shifting and locking might provide an important
non-invasive associate of clinically problematic behavior. A
composite measure of participants’ aggression levels was
positively associated with phase shifting, particularly in the
low alpha frequency range, most strongly over the left
hemisphere, consistent with the relatively greater
left-prefrontal activity reported in aggressive adults.
[Hosein Karimi, Ali Karimi. A comparison between the level of
anxiety and aggression patterns in adolescents. Rep
Opinion 2017;9(3):4-11].
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). 2.
Key words:
Anxiety, Aggression patterns, Adolescents |
Full Text |
Factors Influencing Smallholder Farmers Access to Credit in Ondo
State, Nigeria
* Ibidapo, I.; Ogunsipe, M. H. and Oso, O. P.
Department of Agricultural Science, Adeyemi College of
Education, Ondo.
Access to credit among smallholder farmers has being a major
problem confronting smallholder production in the rural areas.
However previous studies on access to credit focused on farming
households with little empirical evidence to understand factors
influencing smallholder farmers’ access to credit. Hence,
factors influencing smallholder farmers’ access to credit in
Ondo state. Nigeria was investigated. The multistage sampling
technique was used to select respondents for the study. The
primary data for the study was gathered with a structured
questionnaire. The descriptive statistics and multinomial logit
models were used to analyse data collected. The mean age of
smallholder household heads was 44.3±7.6 years, 60.3% were male
headed households while 57.1% were married with 7±2.6 members
per household and 58.3% had primary education while 51.9% were
primarily into farming with 10.4±7.1 years of experience. The
main source of credit was the money lenders with inadequate
funds and collateral security as major challenges in accessing
credit. The MNL estimates revealed age, education, gender,
household size, land size, occupation among others were the
significant variables influencing smallholder farmers’ access to
credit in the study area. It was recommended that smallholder
farmers should be given access to credit; credit policy and
collateral security arrangements should be reviewed.
[Ibidapo, I.; Ogunsipe, M. H. and Oso, O. P.
Factors Influencing Smallholder
Farmers Access to Credit in Ondo State, Nigeria.
Rep Opinion 2017;9(3):12-19].
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online).
3. doi:10.7537/marsroj090317.03.
Access, Informal credit, Smallholder farmers, Ondo State. |
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Cluster Analysis and Association Between Simple Sequence Repeat
Makers With Qualitative Trait in Some Nigerian Achishuru
Cowpea Land Races
Amos Cyrus1, Mohammed F. Ishiyaku2, Yusuf
Mansir1, US Abdullahi1
of Plant Science Faculty of Agriculture, Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria. Nigeria
of Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria,
Most studies on cowpea in Nigeria are restricted to the
mainstream cowpea germplasm with little attention to
achishuru type despite its age-long importance in the
survival of over one million people of the mid central Nigeria.
A total of twenty achishuru cowpea accessions where
collected for genetic diversity studies through grouping the
accessions into similar agronomic characteristic using the
cluster analysis, since little is known on the genetic
architecture of the crop, Morphological data was taken in a
completely randomized block design. Accessions were
characterized based on ten quantitative and thirteen qualitative
traits. The Cluster analysis shows that cluster I consist of ten
accessions with similar earliness to maturity, cluster II
consist of six accessions with similar days to grain filling,
cluster III and IV consist of two accessions each. For the
qualitative traits, cluster I consist of seven accessions whose
members are tolerant to cowpea bruchid. Six polymorphic
simple sequence repeat, were amplified using the six primers
(VM31, VM35, VM36, VM68, VM39 and VM70) using the PCR technique.
The level of association between the simple sequence repeat
primers and some qualitative traits were analyzed using a non
parametric statistics. No SSR marker
was suspected to be associated with any of the qualitative trait
except for twinning tendency and VM39 (P<0.05).
[Amos Cyrus, Mohammed F. Ishiyaku, Yusuf Mansir, US Abdullahi.
Cluster Analysis and Association Between Simple Sequence Repeat
Makers With Qualitative Trait in Some Nigerian Achishuru
Cowpea Land Races.
Rep Opinion
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online).
simple sequence repeat; achishuru; association; PCR;
landrace |
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A study on Anaemia among Adolescent Girls in District Pulwama
Ahmad Wani & 2Syed Bushra Muzamil
department of Education Central University of Kashmir
of drinking water and sanitation of J & K
India has the world’s highest prevalence of iron deficiency
anaemia among women, with 60 to 70 percent of the adolescent
girls being anaemic. Adolescence is considered as a
nutritionally critical period of life. The present study is an
effort to study the prevalence of iron deficiency of anaemia
among adolescent girls. The study was conducted on a sample of
60 adolescent girl students from four different secondary
schools of district pulwama. Self constructed Questionnaire was
developed by the investigator were used for data collection.
Significant results were found that the students which belong to
govt. school are more anaemic than private schools.
[Irshad Ahmad Wani & Syed Bushra Muzamil. A study on Anaemia
among Adolescent Girls in District Pulwama. Rep Opinion
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online).
5. doi:10.7537/marsroj090317.05.
study; Anaemia; Adolescent; Girl; District Pulwama |
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Survey On Bovine Trypanosomosis In Mandura District Of
Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Western Ethiopia: Prevalence
And Associated Risk Factors
Aki Jano, 2Kebede Guremesa, and 3 Gutema
Regional Veterinary Diagnostic, Surveillance, Monitoring and
Study Laboratory, P.O.Box:326, Asossa, Ethiopia; email address:;
Cele phone: +251922232353
This study was conducted in Mandura district of Benishangul
Gumuz Regional State, Western Ethiopia between January and
April, 2017 to determine trypanosomosis status, anemia
association with trypanosomosis, trypanosomes species and to
identify associated risks. Dark phase contrast buffy coat
procedures were used for determining prevalence. Whereas,
haematocrit method was used for packed cell volume (PCV) values
determination. Furthermore, traps were deployed for the purpose
of entomological survey. Of the total animals diagnosed
101/384(26.30%) were trypanosomes positive.
Trypanosoma congolense
Trypanosoma vivax
6/101(5.94%), Trypanosoma brucei 2/101(1.98%) were
detected with their mixed infections 5/101(4.95%). Trypanosomes
infection rate was statistically significant (P<0.0001). Mean
packed cell volume (PCV) value of parasitaemic animals was lower
(22.01% +3.81) than that of aparasitaemic animals (27.03% +
0.65) and the variation was statistically significant
(P<0.0001). Among the examined animals, 45.83% (176/384) were
found anaemic. Anaemia distribution was significantly higher
31.25% in infected cattle than in non-infected 14.58%. Study
sites (p>0.05) and age categories were demonstrated significant
risk factors, however, sex groups were found non- significant
(P> 0.05). But body conditions has significant difference
(P<0.003). During the survey,
Glossina tachinoides
was found in the area (5.64 f/t/d) along with other mechanical
vectors such as stomoxys (4.24 f/t/d), haematopota 0.72 f/t/d)
and tabanid (1.06 f/t/d). To summarize, the present study showed
high trypanosomosis prevalence in the area reflecting the need
for strategic control measures.
[Asmamaw Aki Jano, Kebede Guremesa, and Gutema Gudeta. Survey
On Bovine Trypanosomosis In Mandura District Of Benishangul
Gumuz Regional State, Western Ethiopia: Prevalence And
Associated Risk Factors. Rep Opinion 2017;9(3):36-42].
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online).
6. doi:10.7537/marsroj090317.06.
Key Words:
Anaemia; Mandura; PCV;
Risk factor;
Trypanosomosis; Tsetse fly |
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Some researches on Chinese enterprises who invest in Mongolia
Bayartsogt Oyun
degree in Business administration,
China Nanjing University Science
and Technology
Chinese enterprises in Mongolia did a lot of benefits to
Mongolian people but broadcasting through local media is not
enough. How to spread good news timely and to learn to connect
with local news media is the vital purpose of Chinese
enterprises. The branch office of the Bank of China in
Ulaanbaatar city established “Chinese Mongolian Education and
Culture Fund” and “Chinese Mongolian Social Development Fund”
and they have done a lot of good deeds for Mongolian people such
as giving stipends to students who are poor. Thus, they
transferred positive energy to local people and formed the good
image of Chinese enterprises in Mongolia.
[Bayartsogt Oyun.
Some researches on Chinese enterprises who invest in
Mongolia. Rep Opinion 2017;9(3):43-46].
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). 7.
Chinese; enterprise;
Mongolia; benefit; energy; people |
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Evaluation of Novel Nutrient
Formulations for Use in Hydroponics.
Cyrus, aI.
S Usman
Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Ahmadu
Bello University, Zaria. Nigeria
Abstract: An experiment was
conducted with an aim of evaluating commercially available
nutrient formulations for use in hydroponics. The locally
nutrients formulations are modified crystallizer,
modified polyfeed, and
a standard (coffer formulation). These
were tested in pails arranged in a completely randomized
design. Electrical conductivity (E.C.)
and pH measurements were maintained at 2.5-2.7mhos and 6.5
respectively. Aeration was provided using aquarium pumps to the
lettuce and the cabbage roots to encourage root respiration.
Final results of the experiment
shows that a significant difference exist among the treatment
means, there was a significant difference among the nutrient
solution and the test crops for fresh weight, dry weight, leaf
area, and crop growth rate (CGR). The difference among
treatments was significant for, plant height, while coffer
formulation and modified polyfeed produced the highest fresh
weight mass of cabbage and lettuce vegetable crops. The
choice for nutrient formulation to be used in hydroponics is no
longer a problem as modified polyfeed has been proven in this
work to be more promising, which is locally available in the
market as Haifa polyfeed foliar fertilizer.
[Amos Cyrus, I.S Usman. Evaluation of Novel Nutrient
Formulations for Use in Hydroponics.
Rep Opinion 2017;9(3):47-52].
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). 8.
Hydroponics, Electrical conductivity, Aeration, Nutrient
solution. Aquarium pumps. |
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Determinants Of Rural Women Economic Empowerment
In Ondo State, Nigeria
*Ibidapo, I., Oso, O. P. and Shittu, B. A.
Department of Agricultural Science, Adeyemi College of
Education, Ondo State, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author’s Email:
The study examined the determinants of women economic
empowerment in Ondo State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling
procedure was used in the selection of 128 respondents for the
study. Structured questionnaire with Interview schedule was used
to elicit information for the study. Data collected were
analyzed with the aid of descriptive statistics and regression
analysis. The mean age of respondents was 45.7±2.4years, 57.7%
were married with mean household size of 8±3 members. Majority
of the respondents (66.5%) had adult literacy education and
54.8% were into farming. Constraints facing women economic
empowerment included inadequate funding, poverty, illiteracy,
among others. The regression analysis revealed that age (beta =
0.380; p<0.05), education (beta = 0.451; p≤0.01), occupation
(beta = 0.295; p≤0.01) were the significant factors influencing
women economic empowerment. Access to credit, education and
entrepreneurship training should be provided for the rural
[Ibidapo, I., Oso, O. P. and Shittu, B. A..
Determinants Of Rural Women Economic
Empowerment In Ondo State, Nigeria. Rep Opinion
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online).
9. doi:10.7537/marsroj090317.09.
Economic empowerment, Rural women, Access to credit, Ondo state. |
Full Text |
Review On
Reproductive Biotechnology And Its Role In Dairy Cattle
Production And Health
Shibiru Bedasa2, Abriham Kebede1*, Ashebr
Of Veterinary Medicine, College Of Medical And Health Science,
Wollega University, P.O. Box, 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia
College of Veterinary Medicine, Haramaya University
*Corresponding Author: Dr
Abriham Kebede: School Of Veterinary Medicine, College Of
Medical and Health Science, Wollega University, P.O. Box, 395,
Nekemte, Ethiopia.
Contact Address:
Mobile Phone No=+251-917-095-077
Biotechnology is a key
technology in the generation of an adequate food supply for the
ever growing human population. The main objectives of using this
biotechnology in dairy cattle are to increase production,
reproductive efficiency and rates of genetic improvement. To
achieve this goal, reproductive biotechnologies like: -
artificial insemination (AI), synchronization, Embryo transfer
(ET), in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cloning, and newly emerging
reproductive biotechnologies. Artificial insemination, the
oldest and most powerful among the reproductive technologies
because it is easy to perform, cost-effective, and highly
successful and synchronization are the most applicable
technology almost all over the world. It does not mean that it
is morally acceptable or friendly welfare. It can prevent
venereal transmission of sexually transmitted diseases;
increases milk production and also reproduce disease resistant
offspring. However, improper use of this technology can affect
the production and the health of animal. Reproductive
biotechnology have also drawbacks like high cost, need
instruments & materials, patience, longtime, skilled man power
and animal welfare consideration. Most of these biotechnologies
(cloning (nuclear transfer), embryo transfer and in-vitro
fertilization) are not comfortable to apply for commercial
purpose unlike AI. In Ethiopia, most of these technologies are
not widely used due to different constraints. Hence, there
should be a means to apply most of the technologies in extensive
animal production system across the globe to improve dairy
production and health.
[Shibiru Bedasa, Abriham Kebede. Ashebr Abraha. Review On
Reproductive Biotechnology And Its Role In Dairy Cattle
Production And Health. Rep Opinion 2017;9(3):60-70].
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online).
10. doi:10.7537/marsroj090317.10.
AI, Cloning, ET, Genetic improvement, In-vitro fertilization,
Synchronization |
Full Text |
Factors Influencing Smallholder Farmers Access to Credit in Ondo
State, Nigeria
*Ibidapo, I.; Ogunsipe, M. H. and Oso, O. P.
Department of Agricultural Science, Adeyemi College of
Education, Ondo.
Access to credit among smallholder farmers has being a major
problem confronting smallholder production in the rural areas.
However previous studies on access to credit focused on farming
households with little empirical evidence to understand factors
influencing smallholder farmers’ access to credit. Hence,
factors influencing smallholder farmers’ access to credit in
Ondo state. Nigeria was investigated. The multistage sampling
technique was used to select respondents for the study. The
primary data for the study was gathered with a structured
questionnaire. The descriptive statistics and multinomial logit
models were used to analyse data collected. The mean age of
smallholder household heads was 44.3±7.6years, 60.3% were male
headed households while 57.1% were married with 7±2.6members per
household and 58.3% had primary education while 51.9% were
primarily into farming with 10.4±7.1years of experience. The
main source of credit was the money lenders with inadequate
funds and collateral security as major challenges in accessing
credit. The MNL estimates revealed age, education, gender,
household size, land size, occupation among others were the
significant variables influencing smallholder farmers’ access to
credit in the study area. It was recommended that smallholder
farmers should be given access to credit; credit policy and
collateral security arrangements should be reviewed.
[Ibidapo, I.; Ogunsipe, M. H. and Oso, O. P.
Factors Influencing Smallholder
Farmers Access to Credit in Ondo State, Nigeria.
Rep Opinion 2017;9(3):71-78].
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online).
11. doi:10.7537/marsroj090317.11.
Access, Informal credit, Smallholder farmers, Ondo State |
Full Text |
Prevalence of Cattle Trypanosomosis, Vector density and
associated risks in Dangur District of Benishangul Gumuz
Regional State, Northwest Ethiopia
Aki Jano and 2Kebede Guremessa
Regional Veterinary Diagnostic, Surveillance, Monitoring and
Study Laboratory, P.O. Box: 326, Asossa, Ethiopia; email
Telephone: +251922232353
Cross - sectional study was conducted in Dangur district of
Benishangul Gumuz Regional State between March and June, 2017 to
determine the prevalence of cattle trypanosomosis, the
prevailing species of trypanosomes and to identify associated
risks. Parasitological (buffy coat technique) and haematological
(measuring packed cell volume) procedures were employed to
analyze the blood samples collected from (n=382) randomly
selected cattle (Bos indicus). The overall prevalence of
trypanosomosis was 87(22.77%). The infection was mainly caused
by T. congolense 68 (78.16%), T.vivax 12 (13.79%),
T.brucei 2(2.29%) and mixed infection of T. Congolense
and T. vivax 3(3.44%) and T. Congolense and
T.brucei 2(2.29%). The variation in prevalence was
statistically significant (chi2=316.44, p<0.000). The mean
packed cell volume (PCV) value of infected animals was
statistically significantly (p <0.000) lower (21.59%) than that
of non-infected animals (30.4%). The prevalence showed no
significant difference in susceptibility among study sites,
between sex categories, age groups and body conditions.
During the survey,
was found in the area (6.06 f/t/d) along with other mechanical
vectors such as stomoxys (4.15 f/t/d), haematopota 0.93 f/t/d)
and tabanid (1.36f/t/d).
The study revealed that trypanosomosis is an important disease
of cattle in the study area signifying the need to devise
control strategies towards the diseases to alleviate its adverse
[Asmamaw Aki Jano and Kebede Guremessa. Prevalence of Cattle
Trypanosomosis, Vector density and associated risks in Dangur
District of Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Northwest
Ethiopia. Rep Opinion 2017;9(3):79-85].
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online).
12. doi:10.7537/marsroj090317.12.
Key words:
Cattle, Dangur, PCV, Prevalence, Risk factor, Trypanosome,
Trypanosomosis |
Full Text |
Creativity influenced by management, not by facilities
Dr. Mohsen Rasoulian1,
Morteza Kheirkhah2
Azad University, Naragh Branch
Azad University, Naragh Branch
study is a descriptive and analytical study that aims to compare
the factors effecting creativity in public and private
This study was conducted with 34,350 people in 1,100 public and
private organizations in Iran. During this study, we collected
information through 346 questionnaires within several public and
private organizations.
Ratings for 30 questions was
on a five-point Likert scale, and Cronbach's alpha
coefficient of 0.94 was used to measure the reliability and
internal consistency of the research. To analyze the
assumptions, inferential statistics (t independent, correlation
coefficient, Kendall, Pearson, Friedman test) were used.
The finding shows
that employees found ‘management’, ‘individual staff
characteristics’ and ‘corporate culture’ the most important
factors that influenced the creativity of staff in both public
and private organizations. Government agencies have similarly
found creativity alongside basic education effective in building
staff, organizational structure, laboratory and other
facilities. In the private sector, three factors were mentioned,
‘basic and professional education’ and ‘laboratory facility’
respectively, which more greatly influenced employee creativity.
The study also found a correlation between organizational
structure, management, organizational culture, creativity and
personal characteristics within both types of organizations. The
study also found the effect of basic and vocational education
was more pronounced in the incidence of creativity in private
organizations than public. Lab facilities where creativity was
stressed found productivity increased by 94 percent.
[Mohsen Rasoulian,
Morteza Kheirkhah.
influenced by management, not by facilities.
Rep Opinion 2017;9(3):86-93].
ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). 13.
Creativity, organizational structure, management, personal
characteristics, organizational culture |
Full Text |
The New Prime theorem(14)

Chun-Xuan Jiang
P. O. Box 3924, Beijing 100854,
P. R. China
Using Jiang function we prove that there exist infinitely many
primes such
that each of is
a prime.
[Chun-Xuan Jiang. The New
Prime theorem(14) .
Rep Opinion
2017;9(3):94-96]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205
(online). 14.
prime; theorem; function; number; new |
Full Text |
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