Report and Opinion
2 - Issue 5, Cumulated 11, May 25, 2010, ISSN 1553-9873
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Contents, Call for
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Analysis Of The Major Ion Constituents
In Groundwater Of Jaipur City
Dinesh Kumar Tank And C. P. Singh Chandel*
Department of Chemistry, University
of Rajasthan, Jaipur – 302004, India
Abstract: The
present study focused on the hydrochemistry of groundwater in Jaipur city to
assess the quality of groundwater for determining its
suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes. Groundwater
samples were collected from eleven stations of Jaipur city
during monsoon season and were analyzed for physico-chemical
parameters such as pH, EC, TDS,
sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulphate,
carbonate, bicarbonate, nitrate and fluoride. Comparison of the
concentration of the chemical constituents with WHO (world
health organization) drinking water standards of 1983, the
status of groundwater is better for drinking purposes. Results
indicate that nitrate concentrations are in an alarming state
with respect to the use of groundwater for drinking purposes.
The calculated values of SAR, RSC
and percentage sodium indicate that the water for irrigation
uses is excellent to good quality. US
Salinity diagram was used for evaluating the water quality for
irrigation which suggests that the majority of the groundwater
samples were good for irrigation. [Report and Opinion
2010;2(5):1-7]. (ISSN:1553-9873).
Key words: Physico-Chemical
Parameters, Groundwater, US Salinity Diagram and Piper diagram
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Impact of Inflation and Government Agricultural
Policies on Relative Price variability of Cash Crops in Nigeria
Mesike, C.S1. Okoh, R.N2,
and O.E. Inoni2
1Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria,
PMB 1049, Benin City, Nigeria.
2Department of Agricultural Economics
and Extension, Delta State University, Asaba Campus, Nigeria
, ,
Abstract: The paper investigated the impact of
inflation and government agricultural policies on relative
price variability of cash crops in Nigeria using co-integration
and ECM approach. The analysis was carried out on time series
data collected from 1970 to 2008. The result shows that
inflation has a significant positive impact on relative price
variability in the short-run and long-run. Polices like
Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP), Post-Structural
Adjustment Programme (PSAP) and Green Revolution (GR) affected
price changes that led to efficient re-allocation of resources
among cash crops in Nigeria. It is therefore recommended that
long-run government agricultural policies should therefore be
continued and also, policies that would protect the
agricultural sector from the impact of inflation in the
short-run should be encouraged. [Report and Opinion
2010;2(5):8-13]. (ISSN:1553-9873).
Keywords: inflation, agricultural policies,
price variability, Nigeria
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Comparative study of serum lipid profile between
chronic hepatitis C Egyptian patients and normal controls and
the effect of viral eradication on lipids profile
Ehab H
Nashaat, MD
Associated professor of internal
medicine ,Faculty of medicine ,Ain Shams university.
Background: Hepatitis
C is a common infection in the Egyptian population, specially
genotype 4 .It is well recognized in many studies that
hepatitis C chronic infection is associated with hypolipidemia
,so in our study we compare the lipid profile between 150
patients with chronic hepatitis C and 150 normal persons with
comparable age, sex and body mass index (BMI). The fasting
cholesterol ,low density lipoprotein(LDL),high density
lipoprotein(HDL),and triglyceride were compared .Then 36
patients of them received treatment in the form of pegylated
interferon and ribavirin and then the patients who achieved
viral clearance was reevaluated as regard the lipid profile
versus the patients who did not achieve viral clearance and the
relpsers. In our study we found that patients with chronic
hepatitis C had significant lower LDL, cholesterol, and triglycerides
than normal persons with comparable age, sex and BMI .The
treated patients with sustained virological response showed
increased LDL, cholesterol, and triglycerides from baseline
compared to patients without viral clearance and even 2of them
had increased LDL more than 130 mg/dl and had increased in
cholesterol level more than 200 which necessate treatment for
dyslipidemia in order to prevent the risk of coronary heart
disease. Conclusion: patients with chronic hepatitis C had high
levels of LDL, cholesterol, and triglycerides than non infected
persons and after viral clearance a significant number of
patients showed LDL, cholesterol, and triglycerides rebound
even to levels may be associated with increased risk for
coronary heart disease, so lipids should be carefully followed
up after successful clearance of hepatitis C infection .
[Report and Opinion 2010;2(5):14-20]. (ISSN:1553-9873).
Key words: HCV infection,lipids profile ,pre and
post treatment.
Full Text
Gastrointestinal Parasitism In Captive
Animals At The Zoological Garden, Nekede Owerri, Southeast
Opara, M.N.,
OSUJI, C. T. and Opara J.A+
Animal Health and Welfare Research Group Department of Animal
Science and Technology
of Health Services Federal University of Technology
1526, Owerri Nigeria.
This survey was
carried out to establish the gastrointestinal parasites profile
in animals at the zoological garden in Nekede, Owerri Southeast
Nigeria. Thirty two animals consisting of 18 males and 14
females of 16 different species were examined. Faecal
examination revealed an overall prevalence of 76.6%. Out of 118
gastrointestinal parasites encountered, 97(82.2%) and 21(17.8%)
were helminthes and protozoa respectively. The helminthes
observed were nematodes (Ascaris
sp, Cooperia sp, strongyles, Trichuris sp. and Enterobius vermicularis), trematodes (Fasciola sp, Fasciolopsis
buski, Schistosoma sp) and cestodes (Taenia sp), while Entamoeba sp and Giardia lamblia were the protozoa encountered. In the
males, Haemonchus sp.
had the highest prevalence of 19.7%, while Cooperia sp and Strongyloides
sp each had the highest prevalence (29.4%) in the females. Enterobius vermicularis,
(3.3%) and Taenia sp,
(3.3%) and Fasciolopsis
buski (5.9%) yielded the lowest prevalence in the male and
female animal species respectively. All the animals examined harboured at least one GIT
parasite, except the Mangabey (Cercocebus torquatus).Results
of the faecal culture yielded Strongyloides sp. and Haemonchus sp. larvae in the male and female cane
rats, male tortoise and hyena. GIT parasites were 74(62.7%) and
44(37.2%) in the male and female zoo animals respectively. [Report
and Opinion 2010;2(5):21-28]. (ISSN:1553-9873).
Key words: Gastrointestinal Parasitism, Captive
Animals, Zoological Garden, Nekede Owerri, Southeast Nigeria
Full Text
Relation Of Smoking And Serum
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) To Hepatic Fibrosis
In Chronic Hepatitis C Patients
Ehab H Nashaat
, Mohamed AM Makhlouf, Emad A Awad, Amal M El-Afifi,
Ameer Helmy and
*Mohammad Abolfotouh
Departments of Inetrnal Medicine and * Clinical
Ain Shams University.
Abstract: Background:Liver fibrosis
is an important pathological event in chronic hepatitis (CHC) patients
that eventually progresses to liver cirrhosis. Host factors can
affect the progression of liver fibrogenesis in CHC patients.
Pathologic angiogenesis is linked to necroinflammation and
fibrosis in CHC patients. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
is a major pro-angiogenic factor, trigerred by hypoxia as in
smokers, to stimulate angiogenesis and perpetuate hepatic
inflammation and fibrosis. Aim of this study: was
to assess serum VEGF in smoker and non-smoker CHC patients in
relation to liver inflammation and fibrosis. Patients and
methods: We determined serum VEGF level by competitive
enzyme immunoassay method (ng/L) in 60 CHC patients and 30
healthy controls. The studied 60 CHC patients were divided
into: group I (30 smoker CHC patients) and group II (30
non-smoker CHC patients). 30 healthy controls were included in
group III. Complete blood count (CBC), liver biochemical
profile including: serum ALT, AST, bilirubin, albumin and
prothrombin time were determined for all groups. Serological
diagnosis by determination of HCV-antibodies was done in group
I and group II in addition to determination of viral load by
quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Histopathological
diagnosis according to histological activity index (HAI) was
done in CHC patients who were naïve to antiviral therapy. Results: We found significantly increased
serum VEGF level in CHC patients compared to controls and in
group I compared to group II (403±96.5 vs 320.5±102.8 vs
49.5±23.31, F= 18.4, P<0.01). Serum VEGF was significantly
correlated to fibrosis stage in group I (r= 0.64, P<0.01)
and group II (r= 0.38, P< 0.05). Serum VEGF was
significantly correlated to grade of inflammation in group I
(r= 0.72, P<0.01) and group II (r= 0.42, P<0.05).
Significant fibrosis (F
³S2) was present
in higher percentage of smoker than non-smoker CHC patients (c2= 14.8, P<0.01) and serum
VEGF was correlated with number of cigarettes/day in group I
(r= 0.61, P<0.01). Conclusion: We concluded
that serum VEGF stimulated by smoking and possibly other
hypoxic condition, is involved in pathological angiogenesis
which is linked to fibrosis progression in CHC patients.
Smoking seems to be a prognostic factor in CHC patients with
impact on fibrosis progression and response to antiviral
therapy. [Report and
Opinion 2010;2(5):29-35]. (ISSN:1553-9873).
Keywords: Smoking; Serum Vascular
Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF); Hepatic Fibrosis; Chronic
Hepatitis C; Patients
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Software Cost Estimation
through Entity Relationship Model
Arshid Ali 1, Salman Qadri 2,
Syed Shah Muhammad 2, Jalil Abbas 3, Muhammad
TariqPervaiz 2,
Sarfaraz Awan 2
1. Department of Computer Science, GCU Faisalabad,
2. Department of Computer Science, Virtual University of
Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan
3. Department of Computer Science, University of Central
Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Software Cost
Estimation is essential for efficient control and management of
the whole software development process. Today, Constructive
Cost Model (COCOMO 11) is very popular for estimating software
cost. In Constructive Cost Model lines of code and function,
points are used to calculate the software size. Actually, this
work represents the implementation stages but in early stages
in software development, it was not easy to estimate software
cost. The entity relationship model (ER Model) is very useful
in requirement analysis for data concentrated systems. This
paper highlights the use of Entity Relationship Model for
software cost estimation. Pathway Density is ushered in. By
using the Pathway Density and other factors, many regression
models are built for estimating the software cost. So in this
paper, Entity Relationship Model is based on estimated cost of
software. [Report and Opinion 2010;2(5):36-40].
Keywords: ER Model, Cost Estimation, Entity
Full Text
and Dynamic Simulation of a new High Deflection
Constant-velocity U-joint (Persian Joint)
Majid Yaghoubi 1*, Seyed
Saeid Mohtasebi 1, Ali Jafary1
1. Department of Agricultural
Machinery, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University
of Tehran, Karaj, Iran*,,
This paper simulates statically and dynamically a new universal
joint (Persian joint) which newly has been invented by M.
Yaghoubi. The intersecting angle range of this joint is up to
100 degrees and even more and can transmit power at constant
angular velocity at all angles. Because of its complex design, it
can not be designed by analytical analysis. To solve this
problem, the joint is designed with initial dimensions and by
simulation of components statically and dynamically at a
specified torque a new safety factor according to a component
which has maximum stress was determined. By this safety factor
all components can be designed. [Report and
Opinion 2010;2(5):41-44]. (ISSN:1553-9873).
Keywords: Dynamic; Intersecting angle; Persian joint; Safety
factor; Static; Stress
Full Text
Comparative study of lipid profile between chronic
hepatitis C Egyptian patients and normal controls and its
levels pre and post treatment
Ehab H
Nashaat ,MD
Associated professor of internal
medicine, Faculty of medicine ,Ain Shams university.
Background: Hepatitis
C is a common infection in the Egyptian population, specially
genotype 4 .It is well recognized in many studies that
hepatitis C chronic infection is associated with hypolipidemia
,so in our study we compare the lipid profile between 150
patients with chronic hepatitis C and 150 normal persons with
comparable age, sex and body mass index (BMI). The fasting
cholesterol ,low density lipoprotein(LDL),high density
lipoprotein(HDL),and triglyceride were compared .Then 36
patients of them received treatment in the form of pegylated
interferon and ribavirin and then the patients who achieved
viral clearance was reevaluated as regard the lipid profile
versus the patients who did not achieve viral clearance and the
relpsers. In our study we found that patients with chronic
hepatitis C had significant lower LDL, cholesterol, and
triglycerides than normal persons with comparable age, sex and
BMI .The treated patients with sustained virological response
showed increased LDL, cholesterol, and triglycerides from
baseline compared to patients without viral clearance and even
2of them had increased LDL more than 130 mg/dl and had
increased in cholesterol level more than 200 which necessate
treatment for dyslipidemia in order to prevent the risk of
coronary heart disease. Conclusion : patients with chronic
hepatitis C had high levels of LDL, cholesterol, and
triglycerides than non infected persons and after viral
clearance a significant number of patients showed LDL,
cholesterol, and triglycerides rebound even to levels may be
associated with increased risk for coronary heart disease, so
lipids should be carefully followed up after successful
clearance of hepatitis C infection. [Report and Opinion
2010;2(5):45-51]. (ISSN:1553-9873).
Key words: HCV infection,
lipids profile, pre and post treatment.
Full Text
Okra Yield – Period
Model in a Derived Savannah eco climatic zone of Nigeria.
Dauda, T.O. Agbaje, G.O. and Akintoye,
Institute of Agricultural Research and
Training, Obafemi Awolowo University
PMB 5029, Moor Plantation. Ibadan,
Abstract: Okra yield model development for the
Savanna eco climatic zone of Nigeria was carried out. The
experiment was carried out at Moor Plantation Ibadan, Nigeria
between January and July 2006 as well as 2007. Five rates of tyrax
concentrations, 0, 0.01, 0.02,
0.04 and 0.6% active ingredient (T0 T1 T2
T3 and T4) in 500ml of water and
replicated four times in a randomized complete block design (RCBD)
were used. The correlelogram of the okra yield for the lag
period of 20 showed a decreasing trend over the lag period and
5% of the autocorrelation values for the 2007 data and 40% of
that of the 2006 fall outside the range .
The mean okra yield, 3.97, 210.02 and 3.14 returned for the
period, season, and season by period were greater than F(9,
100;0.01) = 2.59
and F(1, 100, 0.01) = 6.9. The 3 models
investigated for the relationship between periods and yield
returned the coefficient of determination (R2) that
were high and it (R2) ranged from 0.52 for the
linear regression model and 0.67 for the natural logarithmic
model. Also, all the models showed that there exist significant
difference between the residuals returned for the dependent (crop
yield) and the independent (period) variable. This was because,
the 8.665, 6.384 and 16.278 returned for the linear, quadratic
and the logarithmic models were greater than F(1, 8, 0.05)
= 5.32 and F(2, 7,
0.05) = 4.74. The test of the residuals for these
different models showed that the quadratic model had the least
residual variance V(r) of
0.0003 while the natural logarithmic model had the highest
residual variance, V(r)
of 0.716. [Report and Opinion 2010;2(5):52-58].
Key words. Correlelogram,
yield capsule, Okra
Full Text
Assessment of Noise Level Status in
Different Areas of Moradabad City
Avnish Chauhan, Mayank Pawar,
Dharmendra Kumar, Navneet Kumar and Rajeev Kumar*
Department of Applied Sciences &
*Department of Computer Science
College of Engineering, Teerthanker
Mahaveer University, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh-244001
Abstract: This first paper from this region
which is based on noise level study. Exposure to high level of
noise may cause severe stress on the auditory and nervous
system. Transportation and electricity generator are the major
source of noise pollution in Moradabad City. For this purpose
present study was carried out at 14 different locations with
Sound Level Meter to asses the day and night sound level in
Moradabad City. It is observed that all the selected locations,
the level of noise was found to be above prescribed noise
standard level of CPCB, India. [Report and Opinion
2010;2(5):59-61]. (ISSN:1553-9873).
Keywords: Noise
Level Status; Areas; Moradabad City
Full Text
Evolutionary Analysis of Quasars
Tom Heymann
Rue Chandieu no. 3, 1202 Geneva,
Abstract: The principal objective of this study was
to investigate the formation and evolution of quasars. A method
to build the density-distance curve for quasars was proposed,
by applying a geometric normalization to account for the
sampling bucket volume. Then the distribution of quasar
relative magnitude was investigated, and led to a first order
rate kinetics for the decay which was attributed to the nuclear
activity of quasars. The quasar density-distance curve and
quasar decay are in favor of the big bang hypothesis. Furthermore
bright quasars seem to be formed by coalescence during an early
epoch close to the big bang which is one of the underlying
hypothesis in the herein study. The analysis of bright quasar
formation gives us some insights on the environmental
conditions under which they were formed (i.e. collision rate,
density of celestial objects, and the energy availability in
the universe). [Report
and Opinion 2010;2(5):62-67]. (ISSN:1553-9873).
Key words: Big bang,
coalescence, decay, density, half-life, magnitude, quasar,
Full Text
sounding and horizontal profiling)
A .A Alabi 1,2 *, R. Bello
2,3, A.S Ogungbe1,2, H.O Oyerinde1,
Department of Physics, Lagos State
University, Lagos, +234, Nigeria1
Department of Physics, University of
Agriculture, Abeokuta,+234, Nigeria2
Department of Physical Sciences,
Crescent University, Abeokuta, +234, Nigeria3
resistivity survey was carried out to study groundwater
potential in Lagos State University (Faculty of Law open
field), such as depth, thickness, resistivity and sediment at
which water can be obtained. The geo-electrical methods used in
the survey are Vertical Electrical Sounding and Horizontal
profiling, with the aim of determining which method is best
used to determine groundwater potential. Four Vertical
Electrical Soundings were conducted using the Schlumberger
configuration and Horizontal spread covering the entire area.
The VES data were subjected to an iteration software (WIN
RESIST) which showed that the area is composed of top soil,
clay, sandy clay and sand. The Horizontal Profiling data was
also subjected to an iteration software (DIPPRO) which gave the
imaging of the lateral variation in resistivity. Based on the
interpretation of the two methods, interested layer under the
geoelectric section is sand in VES1-4 which signifies a
probable aquiferous zone with resistivity range between 206.2Ωm
to 406.6Ωm, and thickness from 3.0m to 13.0m. Areas with
favourable resistivity and thickness were sand formation along
the traverse with resistivity ranging between 226Ωm to
436Ωm. It was observed that there is really no difference
between the VES and the horizontal profiling. [Report and
Opinion 2010;2(5):68-75]. (ISSN:1553-9873).
KEYWORDS: Groundwater potential, vertical electrical
sounding, horizontal profiling
Full Text
Effects of
Active Materials in Alcoholic Extract of Iraqi Propolis on
Growth of Some Cancer Lines in The Laboratory and Cancer of
Mammary Gland in Mice
Jasim H. Naama; Zeid A. Nima; Ghassan M.
School of Biochemical Technology,
Applied Sciences Dept., University of Technology, Baghdad,
Abstract: The
present study was designed to Extract and investigate the
chemical composition, antitumor activity of Iraqi propolis
ethanolic extract (PE), which has not been studied previously.
Nine compounds were identified by TLC and HPLC chromatography.
Total phenolics were determined to be 29.29, 21.56, 21.90 mg.g-1
by using soxhlet, maceration 7 days, maceration 10 days
respectively. Phenolic acids and flavonoids are present in
medicinal plants and propolis in high concentration. A
water-soluble extract of propolis (PE) was investigated for
direct antitumor activity in vivo and in vitro.
The local presence PE in the tissue caused a significant delay
in tumor formation and increased life span 54.50 to 75.80%,
respectively. PE was found to show very potent cytotoxicity
against four neoplastic cancer cells: SF-295 (central nervous
system), HCT-8 (colon), MDAMB-435 (breast) and HL-60
(leukaemia), with IC50 below 1 µg/mL. Their
cytotoxicities were compared to doxorubicin as a positive
control. Based on these results, we postulate that the
antitumor activity of Iraqi PE compounds includes direct
cytotoxic effects on tumor cells. [Report and Opinion
2010;2(5):76-85]. (ISSN:1553-9873).
Key words: antitumor activity; cytotoxic
effects; propolis
Full Text
High-Tech Courier Services as an
E-Courier services in India Prospective
Chauhan1, Satyendra Singh3, Ankur Jain2
and Rajeev Kumar2
1Department of Applied Sciences &
Humanities, College of Engineering, Teerthanker Mahaveer
University, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh-244001
2Department of Computer Science,
College of Engineering, Teerthanker Mahaveer University,
Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh-244001
3Faculty of HTS, Noida, UP, India.,
Abstract: This present study “e-Courier
Services” has been developed to keeping in mind
the heights of “Information technology has reached to new
height” and when everything is powered with computers
does make a great difference. This website contains information
about user function such as booking the couriers and services,
loading the collection of lots in the selected consignments in
container as well as administrator function such as office
registration, creating user, viewing suggestions and complaints
of user, adding new cities and states, view the status of
consignment etc. [Report and Opinion 2010;2(5):86-93].
Keywords: Pincode locator, Destination locator,
Pickup, Client, Consignment Search, Rate calculator
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