
Biomedicine and Nursing
ISSN 2379-8211 (print); ISSN 2379-8203 (online); doi prefix: 10.7537; Quarterly
Volume 10 - Issue 4 (Cumulated No. 39), December 25, 2024. 
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Morphometric And Allometric Study of Zonal Geranium (Pelargonium × Hortorum) Species Collected from northern Pakistan


Samina Batool1, Tika Khan1, Nasreen2, Misbah1, Ghaznain Ayaz1


1.      Department of Plant Sciences, Karakoram International University, Konodas Gilgit, 15100

2.      Department of Animal Sciences, Karakoram International University, Konodas Gilgit, 15100



Abstract: Geranium zonale (Pelargonium × hortorum), is an enormously cultivated ornamental and medicinal plant. Its ancestry stems in wild Geranium africanum found in Africa. Then, it moved to Europe and to the world in the 17th century. Its journey accumulated great morphometric variation. Now, hybridization has infused diversity across its geomorphological variegations. Study attempted to investigate climate induced variation on different parts of the plant body along altitudinal gradient. Very recently it has become part of the gardens in the northern part of Pakistan. By examining various floral and leaf traits, this research aims to elucidate the adaptive strategies employed by G. zonale in response to the unique environmental conditions prevailing in this high-altitude region. G. zonale species collected showed a great variation in coloration of flower. However, this does not show any preference of color towards altitudinal and temperature variegation. They can be found in white, pink, red and a mix of these colors. They uniquely bear 5 sepals, 9 petals, 6 stamens and 5 carpels in number. The mean area of sepals was 18.19 mm (R2 = 0.0006) followed by petals with 117.51 mm (R2 = 0.003), leaves 112.60 mm (R2 = 0.001), stamens observed with 2.5 mm (R2 = 0.005) and carpel showed nearly equal area to stamens i.e. 2.5 mm (R2 = 0.005). Sepals showed negligible variation in their number and size. However, petals with no difference in number showed variation in their size. Petals and leaves showed greater response towards sunlight, temperature and altitude. An inverse relation with altitude and a direct relation with temperature and sunlight. Moreover, stamens and carpel showed no variation in their number and size. They showed the least response towards sunlight, slop, and temperature. They can be considered reliable characters in taxonomic dealings. [Samina B, Tika K, Nasreen, Misbah, Ghaznain A. Morphometric and Allometric Study of Zonal Geranium (Pelargonium × Hortorum) Species Collected from northern Pakistan. Biomedicine and Nursing 2024;10(4):1-4]. ISSN 2379-8211 (print); ISSN 2379-8203 (online). http://www.nbmedicine.org.   01. doi:10.7537/marsbnj100424.01


Key words: Morphometry; Allometry; Zonal geranium; Hybridization Ornamental.

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Investigation and Review on PPR disease in Lasta District: North Wollo Zone, Ethiopia


Teleko Girma Fetene


Abstract: Peste des petite ruminants (PPR) are highly contagious viral disease of sheep and goats with high mortality. The disease is considerable economic importance in countries such as Ethiopia, especially in the district Lasta where small ruminant products are the main sustainable livelihoods. The disease is appear in those three years and this year it shows endemic level with death and illness of sheep and goat with establishment of typical clinical findings. This review shows the current issues for prevalence of the disease in our area. There are need collaborative efforts to develop and interventions to control and eradicate the disease with the establishment of regional laboratory for PPR to achieving the global goal of eradicating PPR by 2030.

Teleko Girma Fetene. Investigation and Review on PPR disease in Lasta District: North Wollo Zone, Ethiopia. Biomedicine and Nursing 2024;10(4):5-6. ISSN 2379-8211 (print); ISSN 2379-8203 (online). http://www.nbmedicine.org.   02. doi:10.7537/marsbnj100424.02


 Key words: Lasta; Peste des petit; small ruminant; Morbilli virus; sheep; goat

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Allomorphic study of Campsis grandiflora  Species Collected from Mountainous Region of Gilgit, Pakistan


Issar Karim1, Tajidar Ali Taj 1, Noreen Fatima1, Fozia Jamal1, Midhat Fatima1, Shamsia1, Imrana Wali1, Nasreen2, Tika Khan1


1.             Department of Plant Sciences, Karakoram International University, Konodas Gilgit, 15100, Pakistan

2.             Department of Animal Sciences, Karakoram International University, Konodas Gilgit, 15100


Abstract: Campsis grandiflora, native to East Asia, is loved for its showy flowers and aggressive growth habit. It is adapted to varied adapho-climatic conditions. It is cultivated widely because of ornamental and medicinal choice. Study was carried out to investigate impact of independent variables i.e. slop, sunshine, humidity and elevation. Quantitative dependent variables were length, width and area of sepals, petals, stamens, pistils and leaves. Research revealed that mean sepal (total number in a flower = 05) length recorded was 15.50 mm (R2 0.4008 ), width of 0.57 mm (R2 = 0.4329) and area 4.12 mm2 (R2 = 0.4076). Mean petal (total number in a flower = 05) recorded was 30.24 mm (R2 = 0.1703), width 12.20 mm (R 2 = 0.224), and area 263.03 mm2 (R2 = 0.4952). Stamens (total number in a flower = 4) with a mean length of 27.62 mm (R2 = 0.072),  width 0.47 mm ( R2 = 0.2259) and area 12.77 mm2 (R2 = 0.1818). Moreover, carpels with a mean width of 0.8 mm, length 49.8 mm (R2 = 0.400) and area 13.80 mm2 (R2  = 0.407). The mean length of leaves was 33.56 mm (R2 = 0.1046), width 18.06 mm (R2 = 0.018) and area 713.75 mm2 (R2 = 0.0399). Current investigation concluded that Campsis grandiflora growing at slightly lower altitude bear brighter and vibrant colored flowers. Number of floral parts showed no variation across altitudes. Plant prefers higher sunshine, longer sunny days, slightly silty and lesser humidity for growth. Petals show highest vulnerability towards climatic conditions including altitude, soil type, average temperature, and water availability. Plant population in Danyore showed greater size and smaller in Khomer. Leaves data reveals  a greater influence of climatic conditions. There is a direct correlation between slop, sunlight and temperature with the size of the leaves.

[Issar Karim, Tajidar Ali Taj, Noreen Fatima, Fozia Jamal, Midhat Fatima, Shamsia, Imrana Wali, Nasreen, Tika Khan. Allomorphic study of Campsis grandiflora  Species Collected from Mountainous Region of Gilgit, Pakistan. Biomedicine and Nursing 2024;10(4):7-12]. ISSN 2379-8211 (print); ISSN 2379-8203 (online). http://www.nbmedicine.org.   03. doi:10.7537/marsbnj100424.03


Key words: Morphometry; Allometry; Campsis grandiflora; Ornamental; Chinese trumpet.

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Review On Salmonellosis, Economic And Public Health Importance


Asmamaw Aki *and Arega Muleta


Assosa, Regional Veterinary Diagnostic, Surveillance, Monitoring and Study Laboratory, P.O. Box 326, Assosa, Ethiopia; asmamawaki@gmail.com, phone: +251- 902330029


Abstract: Salmonellosis is an infectious disease of humans and animals caused by organisms of the two species of Salmonella (Salmonella enterica, and S. bongori). Although primarily intestinal bacteria, salmonellae are widespread in the environment and commonly found in farm effluents, human sewage and in any material subject to faecal contamination. Salmonella organisms are aetiological agents of diarrhoeal and systemic infections in humans, most commonly as secondary contaminants of food originating from animals and the environment, usually as a consequence of subclinical infection in food animals leading to contamination of meat, eggs, and milk or secondary contamination of fruits and vegetables that have been fertilised or irrigated by faecal wastes. Salmonella passes through M-cells overlying Peyer’s patches or through the epithelial lining of the lower part of small intestine or proximal colon to arrive in the sub epithelial location which is also transported to extra intestinal sites such as the liver, spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes. Bovine salmonellosis is caused by S. typhimurium and dublin. The disease in cattle is characterized by septicemia, acute or chronic entritis or abortion. Salmonella entrica sub species entrica develop a resistance to multi antibiotics in which results in increasing failure of treatment and severity of infection. Basic hygiene practices and the implementation of scientific based management strategies can efficiently mitigate the risks associated with animal contacts. However, the general public is frequently unaware of the specific disease risks involved and high-risk behaviors are common. The disease can be also controlled by vaccination of cattle.

[Asmamaw Aki and Arega Muleta. Review On Salmonellosis, Economic And Public Health Importance. Biomedicine and Nursing 2024;10(4):13-25]. ISSN 2379-8211 (print); ISSN 2379-8203 (online). http://www.nbmedicine.org.   04. doi:10.7537/marsbnj100424.04


Key words:  Cattle; Foodborne; Human; Salmonella; Zoonosis

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Review On Diagnostic Techniques And Public Health Importance Of Escherichia Coli


Asmamaw Aki Jano


Assosa, Benishangul Gumuz, Regional Animal Health Diagnostic, Surveillance, Monitoring and Study Laboratory, P.O. Box 326, Assosa, Ethiopia; asmamawaki@gmail.com, phone: +251- 902330029


Abstract: Escherichia coli are normal inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract of animals and humans. Some strains have become highly adapted to cause diarrhoea and a range of extra-intestinal diseases. E. coli O157:H7 is the predominant and most virulent serotype in a pathogenic subset of VTEC, designated Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). Ruminants represent the main natural host of VTEC and are generally healthy carriers of the organisms. Cattle are considered to be the main reservoir of E. coli O157:H7 infection for humans. The presence of VTEC in animal faeces provides the potential for these organisms to enter the food chain by fecal contamination of milk products, contamination of meat with intestinal contents during the slaughter process or contamination of fruit and vegetables by contact with infected manure. Diagnostic procedures for VTEC have been developed, primarily for E. coli O157:H7. Potential virulence for humans is confirmed by the demonstration of Verocytotoxin production using Vero cell assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or agglutination tests. Phage typing and pulsed field gel electrophoresis are widely used by reference laboratories for sub typing VTEC O157 for epidemiological purposes. Antimicrobial agents have no proven value in the treatment of E. coli O157:H7 infections. No vaccines are currently available for controlling VTEC infections in animals or humans, but variety of experimental vaccines are being developed.

[Asmamaw Aki Jano. Review On Diagnostic Techniques And Public Health Importance Of Escherichia Coli. Biomedicine and Nursing 2024;10(4):26-44]. ISSN 2379-8211 (print); ISSN 2379-8203 (online). http://www.nbmedicine.org. 05. doi:10.7537/marsbnj100424.05


Key words: CT-SMAC; Diagnostic techniques; E. coli O157:H7; Public Health; Shiga Toxin

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Risk Assessment of Time and Cost Overrun Factors throughout Construction Project Lifecycle


Prof. Mostafa Hasan Kotb 1, Prof. Amin Saleh Aly 2, Eng. Khaled Muhammad Ali Muhammad 3


1. Professor, Civil Engineering Dep., Structural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar Univ., Egypt

2. Professor, Civil Engineering Dep., Structural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Univ., Egypt

3. Ph.D. Student, Civil Engineering Dep., Structural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar Univ., Egypt



Abstract: The construction industry has a reputation for delivering projects over budget.  This research identifies actual project examples illustrating the problem of cost overruns.  Results of a questionnaire survey present perceptions of the main reasons why building construction projects sometimes exceed the initial budget estimate.  The paper reviews how the construction industry is responding to the challenge of accurate budgeting.  In the domain of facility capital cost budgets and risk management, two key conclusions are made.  Firstly, that complete design information leads to more accurate budget estimates.  Secondly, that client driven design change is the greatest risk.  Clients are the key drivers of change and they must therefore take a look at themselves before blaming the industry for being inefficient

[Prof. Mostafa Hasan Kotb, Prof. Amin Saleh Aly, Eng. Khaled Muhammad Ali Muhammad. Risk Assessment of Time and Cost Overrun Factors throughout Construction Project Lifecycle. Biomedicine and Nursing 2024;10(4):45-63]. ISSN 2379-8211 (print); ISSN 2379-8203 (online). http://www.nbmedicine.org.   06. doi:10.7537/marsbnj100424.06


Keywords: Qualitative Analysis; design changes; design information; cost overruns; risk management

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Study of Environmental Health Status in Vicinity of ACC Cement Plant Barmana, Bilaspur District (H.P.)


Pawan K. Attri & Sufalica Kalia


Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies (UGC-Centre of Excellence)

H.P. University Summerhill, Shimla -5 (H.P.)



Abstract: This paper presents the qualitative impairment of ambient air due to sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulate matters and carbon monoxide which is emitted from ACC Cement Factory in Barmana city. Barmana is situated at 31` 25.022’ N latitude and 76` 49.789`E longitude. Barman is about 18 km north of Bilaspur on National Highway NH-21 connecting Ambala and Mandi. Passes through ACC Gagal and its colony. The raw material for the cement factory comes from the place kowari which is located at 31` 24.490` N of 680m. The ill effect of these ambient air pollution on human health such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and Ischemic heart disease and other diseases occur by cement are (respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, blood pressure diseases, dental diseases, eye diseases, skin diseases). Cement industry is a potential anthropogenic source of air pollution. It is a major contributor to dust, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and carbon monoxide (CO) in metropolitan areas. In cement industries, dust is emitted from stock piles, quarrying, and transportation of raw materials, kilns operation, clinker cooling and milling. Therefore the study on air pollution and related impacts on human health have a special consideration today. The human populations of all selected sites were surveyed for prevalence of various diseases such as common diseases occur by cement are (lung cancer, eye irritation, cough, cold, T.B., dental problem, skin diseases, asthma etc.), hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and Ischemic heart disease from the result and observation.

[Pawan K. Attri & Sufalica Kalia. Study of Environmental Health Status in Vicinity of ACC Cement Plant Barmana, Bilaspur District (H.P.). Biomedicine and Nursing 2024;10(4):64-72]. ISSN 2379-8211 (print); ISSN 2379-8203 (online). http://www.nbmedicine.org. 07. doi:10.7537/marsbnj100424.07


Key Words: Environmental health; ACC Barmana; Air Pollution  

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The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from October 15,, 2024. 

All comments are welcome: editor@sciencepub.net, nbmeditor@gmail.com or contact with author(s) directly.

Websites: http://www.sciencepub.net/nurse; http://www.nbmedicine.org; E-mails: editor@sciencepub.net, nbmeditor@gmail.com.

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