

Science Journal


Nature and Science
(Nat Sci
ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online); doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly
Volume 23 - Number 3 (Cumulated No. 216), March 25, 2025
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The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from March 3, 2025. 

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Titles / Authors





Assessing the changes of the glaciers in the Karadarya basin during the period of climate change


Ismatulla Akaboyev


Department of Geography and environmental protection, Namangan State University, Namangan, 160123, Uzbekistan. ismatullaakaboev@gmail.com


Abstract: This article analyzes the changes in the existing glaciers in the Karadarya River basin, which begins in the eastern part of the Fergana Valley, from 1970 to 2018 using geographical comparison, historical analysis, and cartographic methods. In particular, the relationship between changes in glaciers on the southwestern slopes of the Fergana Range and the northern slopes of the eastern part of the Aloy Range in the river basin and climate change is assessed. The distribution of existing glaciers in the Karadarya River basin by river tributaries, how many of them have an area larger or smaller than 0.1 km2, in which tributaries of the river the area of glaciers has decreased or expanded during the studied period, how many glaciers have melted and how many new glaciers have appeared, at what altitude and in what exposure the glaciers undergoing change are located, were analyzed. At the same time, relevant conclusions were drawn based on the above studies.

[Ismatulla Akaboyev. Assessing the changes of the glaciers in the Karadarya basin during the period of climate change. Nat Sci 2025,23(3):1-7]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature 01. doi:10.7537/marsnsj230325.01


Keywords: Climate change; climate change problem; Fergana Range; Alai Range; mountain slopes; mountain glaciers; climate factors; temperature increase; Karadarya River basin; glacier area; large and small glaciers

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Assessing the per capita water footprint of crops in Egypt and calculating the virtual water imported and exported


Samia M. El-Marsafawy1,*, A. I. Mohamed2, M. Khalia3 and K. A. I. Mohamed4


1, * Soils, Water & Environment Research Institute, Agricultural Research Centre, Giza, Egypt

2Agricultural Economic Research Institute, Agricultural Research Centre, Giza, Egypt

3Animal Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Centre, Giza, Egypt

4Teacher at Al-Azhar University, Sadat branch – Faculty of Agriculture, Egypt



Abstract: The current research aims to calculate the water footprint of Egyptian crops, estimate the water footprint per capita from the crops under study, and determine the percentage of dependence on external water sources versus self-sufficiency. Additionally, the study assesses the national self-sufficiency of water available for agriculture and Egypt's total exports and imports of virtual water for the crops under examination.

Monthly weather data was sourced from NASA from 2019 to 2022. The Crop-Wat model was utilized to calculate both green and blue water footprints. The water footprint of 59 crops was analyzed, encompassing a range of field crops and vegetables cultivated during Egypt's winter, summer, and Nili seasons. However, due to insufficient export and import data for certain selected crops, the research narrowed its focus to 25 crops for which this data is available, enabling the pursuit of the study's other objectives. The results indicated that the average total water footprint during the study period was 508, 275, 1578, 385, and 563 m³/ton for the respective crop groups: winter field crops, winter vegetables, summer field crops, summer vegetables, and Nili crops. The overall average was 662 m³/ton. Regarding the average water footprint per capita in Egypt for the studied crops, wheat, maize, and soybeans had the highest values at 130, 163, and 104 m³/capita/year, respectively. The study noted that the percentage of dependence on external virtual water versus self-sufficiency registered the highest values for soybeans (99%), dry faba beans (85%), sunflower (79%), wheat (55%), and maize (54%). Most vegetable crops achieved national self-sufficiency and even surpassed it, with some being exported. Finally, the research revealed that Egypt's total virtual water exports for the studied crops amounted to 231 million m³, while imports reached about 27 billion m³.

[Samia M. El-Marsafawy, A. I. Mohamed, M. Khalia and K. A. I. Mohamed. Assessing the per capita water footprint of crops in Egypt and calculating the virtual water imported and exported. Nat Sci 2025,23(3):8-21]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature 02. doi:10.7537/marsnsj230325.02


Keywords: Green-blue water footprint; Egyptian crops; National Water Self-Sufficiency; National water dependency versus water self-sufficiency

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Influence Of Climatic Conditions On The Maximum Flows Of Water Discharged Into The Lower Water Reservoir


B.F. Khikmatov1, B.R. Rapikov2


1 Civil Protection Institute Ministry of Emergency Situations Republic of Uzbekistan, fvvfmi.uz

2 National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, barkamol_rapiqov@mail.ru


Abstract. The article is devoted to studying the dependence of the maximum flow rates of water discharged into the lower pool through reservoir dams on weather and climatic conditions, using the Tokhtogul reservoir as an example. For this purpose, a statistical assessment of the relationship between air temperature and maximum water flows discharged from the Tohktogul reservoir in the autumn and winter seasons into its lower pool () was carried out and a regression equation for this relationship was obtained. As a result, it was possible to predict the maximum water flows of the Naryn river in the autumn-winter seasons depending on air temperature.

[B.F. Khikmatov, B.R. Rapikov. Influence Of Climatic Conditions On The Maximum Flows Of Water Discharged Into The Lower Water Reservoir. Nat Sci 2025,23(3):22-25]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature 03. doi:10.7537/marsnsj230325.03


Keywords: reservoir; dam;  tailwater;  maximum water flow; air temperature; flood; assessment

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Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Landuse and Land  Cover  in Oil Producing Communities of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


Azubuike N. O; Ogbonna P. C and Ubuoh E. A


Department of Forestry and Wildlife Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria

Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria


ABSTRACT: This study examines the spatiotemporal dynamics of land use and land cover (LULC) in selected oil-producing communities in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, to assess the impact of human activities on vegetation. Remotely sensed satellite imagery from Landsat-5, Landsat-7, and Landsat-8, acquired in 1986, 2003, 2016, and 2021, was utilized for land cover classification and trend analysis. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was applied to assess vegetation health, while the rate of land cover change was calculated using the FAO formula. The findings revealed a continuous decline in vegetation cover over the study period. In 1986, land cover distribution followed a decreasing trend: Secondary forest (38.77%) > Swamp area (24.93%) > Primary forest (22.54%) > Built-up area (6.11%) > Water bodies (5.70%) > Bare surface (1.96%). By 2003, the land cover proportions had shifted, with Primary forest experiencing the most significant reduction. In 2016, the decreasing order of land cover classes was Primary forest > Swamp forest > Built-up area > Secondary forest > Water bodies > Bare surface, indicating an expansion of built-up areas. Between 1986 and 2021, the overall LULC dynamics followed the trend: Primary forest (33.3%) > Secondary forest (26.8%) > Swamp forest (21.6%) > Built-up area (11.6%) > Water bodies (5.5%) > Bare surface (1.3%), with an overall change rate of 16.7%. The dominant decline in primary forest cover revealed the increasing influence of human activities as a key driver of land cover changes. Given these findings, nature-based solutions are recommended as a strategic approach to balancing human activities with ecological sustainability. Implementing sustainable forest management practices will be crucial in mitigating further deforestation and promoting environmental conservation in the region.

[Azubuike N. O; Ogbonna P. C and Ubuoh E. A. Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Landuse and Land  Cover  in Oil Producing Communities of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Nat Sci 2025,23(3):26-39]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature 04. doi:10.7537/marsnsj230325.04


Keywords: Deforestation; Land cover; Land use; Nature-based solution; Oil exploration; exploitation

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Effect of Lifestyle Intervention Program on the Clinical Profile of Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease


Ali Abo Seliman Abdel-Aziz1, Amira Ahmed Hassanein 2, Hanan Abo-Bakr Mohamed 3


1 Clinical Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Damietta University, Egypt.

2 Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt.

3 Assistant Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt.

E-mail: alisliman29@gmail.com 


Abstract: Background:  Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most widespread liver condition globally. Lifestyle modifications are considered the cornerstone and the primary approach in the management of NAFLD. Aim: This study aimed to determine the effect of lifestyle intervention program on the clinical profile of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Design: The study applied a quasi- experimental design. Setting:  This research was performed at the internal medicine outpatient clinics at Al - Azhar University Hospital, New Damietta, Egypt. Subjects: A total of 92 patients diagnosed with NAFLD were randomly assigned into two equal groups. Tools: The study employed two instruments. Tool I: A structured interview questionnaire with two distinct parts: Part I: Demographic characteristics of the study sample. Part II: Health history of the patients. Tool II:  Clinical profile data. Results: After six months of the program implementation, the intervention group demonstrated a significant improvements in all clinical profile variables (anthropometrics, blood pressure, lipid profile, blood glucose, liver enzymes, and fatty liver grades), with a statistically significant difference was found between both groups (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Lifestyle intervention program was effective in improving the clinical profile of the individuals with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Recommendations: Further lifestyle intervention program for NAFLD patients should be conducted to control the disease.

[Ali Abo Seliman Abdel-Aziz, Amira Ahmed Hassanein, Hanan Abo-Bakr Mohamed. Effect of Lifestyle Intervention Program on the Clinical Profile of Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Nat Sci 2025,23(3):40-50]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature 05. doi:10.7537/marsnsj230325.05


Key words: Clinical profile; Lifestyle; Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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Designing and Implementing a Virtual Reality Educational Program for Nursing Students


Mona Ahmed Mohamed Gabr *1, Wafaa Fathi Sleem 2, Nehad Saad El-wkeel 2


1 Nursing Administration Department, Bani-Ebaid Hospital, Ministry of Health, Egypt

2 Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Dakahlia, Egypt

Email: monagabr1357@gmail.com


Abstract: Background: One of the most significant and recent computer applications is virtual reality (VR), which focuses on creating a three-dimensional artificial environment that allows people to transfer their consciousness to an electronically created virtual world where they can use their imaginations without being physically present and where events occur in what appears to be reality rather than reality. The aim of this work was to assess the design and implementation of VR educational programs among nursing students.

Methods: A single group (pretest and posttest) quasi-experimental research design was carried out on 190 nursing students aged from 20 to 22 years old, both sexes. All participants were involved in the design and implementation of a VR educational program.

Results: One hundred percent of nursing students had an unsatisfactory total knowledge level pre-educational program, and (100%) and (81.1%) of nursing students had satisfactory total knowledge level immediately and posted two months of educational program respectively. The students' mean knowledge score was (6.69) for pre-educational program, immediate (46. 54) and post two months educational program (33.69) respectively. There was a significant relation between nursing students' knowledge post two months and their sex of demographic data (P=0.021). While there was no significant relation between pre and immediately post program and demographic data of nursing students.

Conclusions: Most nursing students had an unsatisfactory total knowledge level before the educational program. However, immediately after two months of post-educational program, most nursing students had satisfactory total knowledge. VR should be considered a modern teaching method in nursing education.

[Mona Ahmed Mohamed Gabr, Wafaa Fathi Sleem, Nehad Saad El-wkeel. Designing and Implementing a Virtual Reality Program for Nursing Students. Nat Sci 2025,23(3):51-56]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature 06. doi:10.7537/marsnsj230325.06


Keywords:  Virtual Reality; Educational Program; Nursing Students

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Marsland Press, 310 W 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. 718-404-5362, 347-321-7172; http://www.sciencepub.net


 doi prefix: 10.7537

Global Impact Factor: 0.232 (2012); 0.324 (2013); 0.432 (2014); 0.565 (2015)

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