

Science Journal


Nature and Science
(Nat Sci
ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online); doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly
Volume 20 - Number 2 (Cumulated No. 179), February 25, 2022
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Titles / Authors





Describe and Statistical Evaluation of Hydrochemical Data of Karst Phenomena in Jordan: Al-Dhaher Cave Karst Spring


* Iyad Ahmed Abboud


*Correspondence to: Dr. Iyad Ahmed Abboud, Associate Professor in Geochemistry

Biology Department, Collage of Sciences, Taibah University, Yanbu', Al-  Madina, Saudi Arabia.

Geology: Geochemistry, Environmental Geochemistry, Mineralogy, P.O. Box: 83 - Al Madina, zip code: 41911

Email: Iyad.Abboud@yahoo.com

Telephone: 00966550770541 and 00962795547578


Abstract: Karstification in Al-Kura District, northwestern of Jordan, is distribution in the Tertiary rocks at chalky and marley-limestone unit and it forms a local shallow unconfined aquifer. This research is constructed to describe and study the hydrogeochemical of karst features and their effects on the hydrochemistry of the Al-Dhaher Cave. Studied samples were collected from the water of wells and springs in the study area. All types of water have a composition in milligram units for cations (Ca2+>Mg2+>(Na++K+)), and anions (HCO3->Cl->NO3->SO42-). Calcium and bicarbonate accounts approximately 80% of the total ions. The concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ are strongly correlated with HCO3-. The rCa2+/rMg2+ ratio for Al-Dhaher Spring is about 1.54, which suggests that water moves in chalky and marly limestone. Our data revealed that the main ions Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3- have very strong correlation to spring discharge. The water is undersaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite, and the correlation of SIc and SId to discharge is very strong (r=0.97 and 0.96). Depending on comparing the coefficients variations, the type of Al-Dhaher Spring could be classified as conduit spring. The results of water analyses studies show that the aquifer system is prone to karstification and they show the impact of karstification on the chemical composition of spring waters.

[Iyad Ahmed Abboud. Describe and Statistical Evaluation of Hydrochemical Data of Karst Phenomena in Jordan: Al-Dhaher Cave Karst Spring. Nat Sci 2022; 20(2);1-23]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 1. doi:10.7537/marsnsj200222.01.


Key words: karst, water chemistry, carbonate, Al-Dhaher Cave, Jordan

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Woody Biomass and Soil Carbon Stocks under Patch Natural Forests and Adjacent Enset-Coffee Based Agroforestry in the Midland of Sidama Zone, Ethiopia


*Abiot Molla[1], and **Zebene Asfaw[2]


[1]Corresponding author: Lecturer in Madawalabu university, Bale Robe, Ethiopia

Email: abiotmolla@yahoo.com and phone No. +251925746262,

[1] Corresponding author: Hawassa University Wondo Genet College of forestry and natural resources. ASS. Professo, in agroforestry and seliviculture.  Email: zebeneasfaw@gmail.com


* Department of forestry Madawalabu university, Ethiopia, school of biodiversity and natural resources; P.b.ox 247, Bale robe, Ethiopia

** Department of agroforestry hawassa university Wondo Genet College of Forestry and natural resources, Ethiopia, school of forestry ; P.O. Box 128, Shashemene, Ethiopia


Abstract: Trees in agroforestry systems are potential sinks of atmospheric C due to their fast growth and productivity, high and long-term biomass carbon stock. Soil under forest and agroforestry also plays a major role in global C sequestration. The potential of woody species and selected perennial plants in carbon sequestration in the patch natural forests and enset-coffee based agroforestry land uses in the midland of Sidama zone, Ethiopia was examined. The assessment on biomass carbon stocks was based on a total inventory for woody stems at ≥5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH), except coffee and enset. The diameter of coffee and Enset shrub was measured at 15 cm and 10cm aboveground, respectively. Aboveground biomass was estimated using appropriate allometric equation. The aboveground carbon stock was calculated by multiplying the 0.5 conversion factor to the biomass. Soil organic carbon was sampled by using “X” design at depths of 0-30cm for each patch natural forest, enset-coffee based agroforestry and annual crop agricultural land uses. The results indicted the total biomass carbon stock in the patch natural forests was significant (p < 0.05) higher (258.67±41.1 Mg ha-1) than values for enset-coffee based agroforestry (175.3±9.77 Mg ha-1).  In terms of SOC, the differences were in the order of: patch natural forests (76.18±3.58 Mg ha-1) > ECAF (66.79±2.73Mg ha-1 > annual crop agricultural land (38.93 ± 2.75 Mg ha-l). In CO2 sequestration, highest estimate values were from patch natural forests which sequestered (58.04%) of CO2 over its lifetime followed by enset-coffee based agroforestry (41.96%). The results of the present study confirm that the patch natural forests and enset-coffee based agroforestry play a major role in climate change mitigation.

[biot Molla and  Zebene Asfaw. Woody Biomass and Soil Carbon Stocks under Patch Natural Forests and Adjacent Enset-Coffee Based Agroforestry in the Midland of Sidama Zone, Ethiopia. Nat Sci 2022; 20(2);24-34]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 2. doi:10.7537/marsnsj200222.02.


Kew words: biomass; carbon stock; CO2 ; SOC

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Effect of anisakid nematode larvae on Carangoides bajad fish liver from the Red Sea, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Safaa A. Alowaidi 1, Amaal Hassan1, 2*, Osama A. Abuzinadah1


1Department of Biology, College of Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

2Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt

*Corresponding author: ahassanmo@gmail.com


Abstract:  Carangoides bajad fish are broadly dispersed in tropical and subtropical seas and are economically important in coastal ecosystems. The impact of parasites on their fish populations is well documented. The present study examined Carangoides bajad fish liver and clarified the histological response due to Anisakis simplex  larval infection. One hundred forty-two samples of C. bajad were collected monthly from the al-Shoaiba site at Jeddah coast, Saudi Arabia, for one year (from July to 2020 June 2021). Infected and non-infected fish liver tissues were fixed and prepared for histological investigations. The prevalence of anisakid nematode larval infection was (45,77%) ranging from 1 to 60 per one fish. The present results showed that larvae were isolated within a granuloma, and the inflammatory constituents were concluded within the thickness of the granuloma. This encapsulation of the nematodes protects the rest of the liver to maintain its function and keep the fish's life.

[Safaa A. Alowaidi, Amaal Hassan, Osama A. Abuzinadah. Effect of anisakid nematode larvae on Carangoides bajad fish liver from the Red Sea, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Nat Sci 2022; 20(2);35-41]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 3. doi:10.7537/marsnsj200222.03.


Key words: Carangoides bajad, Anisakid, Nematoda, Liver, Hepatic granuloma, Histopathology

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Development Of Geotechsystems In The Adir’s Of The Ferghana Valley And Their Consequences


Mirzamahmudov Odiljon Tukhtasinovich


Department of Geographical, Namangan State University, Namangan, Uzbekistan

E-mail: m_odiljon@mail.ru


Abstract: This article examines in detail the development processes of geotechsystems of the hills of the Fergana Valley, focusing on their consequences for the resulting changes. The hills of the Fergana Valley have undergone a number of changes under the influence of various sectors of human economic activity, especially agriculture. They include changes in relief, reduction of humus in the soil, the formation of agroirrigation deposits, leaching of the soil layer, pollution of landscapes, the development of engineering geographical processes, and others.

[Mirzamahmudov O. Development Of Geotechsystems In The Adir’s Of The Ferghana Valley And Their Consequences. Nat Sci 2022; 20(2);42-44]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 4. doi:10.7537/marsnsj200222.04.


Key words: Adir landscapes, geotechsystems, development of geotechsystems, classification of geotechsystems, landscape modification, natural-man-made systems, anthropogenic landscapes, altered landscapes

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Artificial Knee Menisci: Indications, Types and Outcomes


Waheeb S. Aggad*, Gamal S. Abd El-Aziz, Hamid A. Saleh


Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA

*e-mail: dr.aggad@hotmail.com


Abstract: In the knee joint, the menisci are crucial functional units, which serve as lubricating and shock-absorbent structures during different movements, as well as providing stability and load distribution which is very important inside the knee. The most common knee injury is meniscal tears which is ailments and continue to rise due to ageing and several sport activities. The most of these injuries are usually subjected to conservative management; however quite a few of these cases are non-reparable lesions and generally require a partial or even total meniscectomy. However, most of the patients gain from post-meniscectomy relief of pain and functional improvement, some still to suffer from severe symptoms, meniscal substitution procedures or replacement options are mandatory. These options ranged from the use of autologous and allografting to the implantation of an artificial synthetic meniscal substitutes in recent years, which is only recommended for the very severely damaged menisci. In terms of potential polymeric biomaterial combinations, there have been recent developments in meniscal tissue engineering and regenerative medicine., resulting in innovative strategies. The goal of this review is to give comprehensive information on the indications, types, and outcomes of meniscal substitutes, with a special emphasis on tissue engineering leveraging new technological breakthroughs in scaffolds for meniscus reconstruction and regeneration. Outcomes: Over the last few decades, increasing clinical data and great scientific efforts have raised awareness which is the significant of the menisci into the knee joint. However, leading to the development of the replacing the knee meniscus therapy alternatives for irreversible meniscal lesions. The part of materials which resembles the physical and mechanical properties of native menisci, as well as the preservation of the meniscal microenvironment, has resulted from advances in tissue engineering. Nonetheless, all research on the development and testing of meniscus replacements provides a wealth of knowledge that may be applied to constructing the ideal meniscal substitute with the purpose of improving post-meniscectomy syndrome patients' outcomes.

[Waheeb S. Aggad, Gamal S. Abd El-Aziz, Hamid A. Saleh. Artificial Knee Menisci: Indications, Types and Outcomes.Nat Sci 2022;20(2);45-51]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online).

http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 5. doi:10.7537/marsnsj200222.05.


Keywords: Tissue engineering, Knee Meniscus, Substitute, Scaffold, Biomaterial, 3-D printing

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RANTES and CCR5 Gene Polymorphisms and Risk of HIV-1 Infection and Progression


Getinet Ayalew


Department of Biotechnology, College of Natural Sand Computational Science, Debre Markos University, Debre Markos, Ethiopia



Abstract: The advanced stage of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which takes 2-15 years to develop depending on individuals. This variation is due to Regulated upon Activation, Normal T-cell Expressed and Secreted (RANTES) and chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) polymorphism. The 32 base pairs deletion of CCR5 and RANTES-403 confer resistance to HIV-1. However, the prevalence and association of these protective markers and HIV-1 was not studied in Northwest Ethiopia. Hence, a review was conducted to investigate the prevalence and association of RANTES-403 and CCR5Δ32 with HIV-1. RANTES-403, evaluated by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and CCR5∆32, evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The prevalence of CCR5∆32 homozygous in seronegative group was much higher than the prevalence in seropositive. Hence, CCR5∆32 was very strongly associated with HIV-1 infection. Even if the review was in light of allocation bias, the significant association of CCR5∆32, in contrast to RANTES-403, with HIV-1 infection suggests that people with CCR5∆32 are resistant to HIV-1 infection. Hence, it is better to conduct detail review, systematic review, research with intensive search to provide more conclusive result with clear association.

[Getinet Ayalew. RANTES and CCR5 Gene Polymorphisms and Risk of HIV-1 Infection and Progression. Nat Sci 2022;20(2);52-67]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 6. doi:10.7537/marsnsj200222.06.


Keywords: CCR5Δ32, HIV-1/AIDS, polymorphism, RANTES-403

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A systematic review about potential use of sterile insect in integrated pest management


Haseeb Ullah Kamber1, Nasir Abbas2, Amara Ashraf1, Hassan Saif Khan3, Mariam Tallat4, Javed Iqbal Khan4


1Department of Plant Pathology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan

2Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan

3Institute of Agriculture Extension and Rural Development University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan

4Department of Entomology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad Pakistan

Corresponding authors: jiqbalkhan3@gmail.com; haseeb.khaaani204@gmail.com


Abstract: The indiscriminate use of broad-spectrum insecticides has caused major problems with pest resistance, residues in food, environmental contamination, outbreaks of secondary pests, and reductions in populations of beneficial insects. This results in increased demands for pest control methods that are both efficient and friendly to the environment. The sterile insect technique (SIT) is an environment-friendly method of pest control that integrates well into area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) programmes. During the last six–seven decades, the sterile insect technique (SIT) has been used as part of area-wide integrated pest management strategies to suppress, contain, locally eradicate or prevent the (re) invasion of insect pest populations and disease vectors worldwide. The SIT involves rearing large numbers of the target species, exposing them mainly to gamma rays (but increasingly also to X-rays to avoid the transport, security, and regulatory issues related to radioactive sources to induce sexual sterility, and then releasing them into the target population. The released sterile males’ mate with wild females to prevent them from reproducing. The SIT has constantly proven its capacity to suppress, contain, prevent (re)introduction or even locally eradicate populations of selected key insect plant and livestock pests. However, there is also a continuous need to further refine and improve the efficiency as well as the cost-effectiveness.

[Haseeb Ullah Kamber, Nasir Abbas, Amara Ashraf, Hassan Saif Khan, Mariam Tallat. A systematic review about potential use of sterile insect in integrated pest management. Nat Sci 2022;20(2);68-72]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 7. doi:10.7537/marsnsj200222.07.


Key words: sterile insect technique (SIT), area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM)

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The role of quantification to present the components of the economic importance of some fiber and oil crops in Egypt


Dr. Mohammed  Ibrahim  Mohammed  Raafat1,  Dr. Alaa  Ali  Abd- ELsalam  Neama1, Dr. Zainab  Omar  Omar  Mahjoub2, Dr. Noura  Mahmoud  Rabie3


1Senior Researcher, Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Arab Republic of Egypt.

2Researcher at the Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Arab Republic of Egypt.

3Lecturer of agricultural economy , faculty of agriculture, Zagazig University,  Arab Republic of Egypt .

Alaa_nema10@yahoo.com, Mraafat73@yahoo.com


Abstract: This research aims to measure the impact of the components of monetary economic importance for cast cotton and linen straw as fiber crops, and for flaxseed, soybeans and sesame as oil crops, as well as to measure the impact of the relationship between those elements and each other on changing this importance , to change the extent of the contribution of the crops studied in the total monetary value of national agricultural income in the Arab Republic of Egypt during the period (2000-2020), in an attempt to determine the responsibility of each element of the Arab Republic of Egypt during the period (2000-2020), in an effort to determine the responsibility of each element of the elements associated with the changes in this importance on the one hand, and to obtain some digital indicators that appoint planning men and makers of productive and price policies in efficiently guiding resources and achieving the objectives of the agricultural economic policy related to increasing production and agricultural income on the other. The research method relied on the use of records as a statistical analytical tool that enables to isolate the effect of each of these elements by dividing the general record into partial records by the number of elements, with the methods of studying the separate change of the element away from the influence of other elements, and the successive change of the element with its relationship with the other elements in analysis and measurement. The results of the research indicate that a range of elements have influenced the increase in the monetary economic importance of the crops in question, while another group has reduced them. Changes have arisen by increasing the monetary economic importance as a result of the increase in prices, in addition to the increase or decrease caused by the increase or decrease in the area under cultivation and/or the average production of acres in varying proportions. It is clear from the research that the price element is the active factor in increasing the monetary economic importance of the crops studied, as well as it is clear that the amount of monetary increase can be influenced by increasing farm prices, especially since their increase may be an incentive for farmers to continue if not expand the cultivation of those crops, while reducing the decrease in the area cultivated and working to increase the productivity of the field.

 [Mohammed  Ibrahim  Mohammed  Raafat,  Alaa  Ali  Abd- ELsalam  Neam1, Zainab  Omar  Omar  Mahjoub, Noura  Mahmoud  Rabie. The role of quantification to present the components of the economic importance of some fiber and oil crops in Egypt Nat Sci 2022; 20(2);73-85]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 8. doi:10.7537/marsnsj200222.08


Keywords:  Fiber crops, oil crops, records, quantification, qualitative weight, component, economic importance, total monetary value, production resources, element isolation.

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