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Nature and Science
(Nat Sci
ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online); doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly
Volume 18 - Number 5 (Cumulated No. 158), May 25, 2020
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Titles / Authors





Comparison of Double & Single-dose Methotrexate Protocols for Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy


Hossam Aldin Hussein Kamel1, Adel Aly Elboghdady2 and Hamza Mohamed Elkilany Hamza3


1Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department - Faculty of Medicine – Al Azhar University, Egypt

2Lecturer, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department - Faculty of Medicine – Al Azhar University, Egypt

3 Resident Obstetrics and Gynecology - Kafr El-Zayat General Hospital, Egypt

hossam626@yahoo.com,elboghdadyd8@gmail.com, dr.mezo8008@gmail.com


Abstract: Background: Approximately 19.6% of all pregnancy-related deaths and 45.6% of early pregnancy deaths in the UK during 2006–2008 were associated with ectopic pregnancy. Objective: To comparison efficacy and safety of double dose of methotrexate at day 0 and day 4 versus single dose of methotrexate at day 0 in patient with tubal ectopic pregnancy. Patients and methods: This prospective randomized controlled clinical study was done at Sayed Galal University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Al-Azhar University, between period March 2018 to March 2019, included 60 patients with a tubal ectopic pregnancy whom were be divided into two groups: Group A (n=30): received single dose (50mg/m2) intramuscularly on day 0). Group B (n=30): received double dose (50mg/m2) intramuscularly on day 0 and 4). Results: The overall success rate in this study was 93.3% where the success rate in group A was 90% while it was 96.7% in group B with significant difference (p=0.046). Three participants (two in group A and one in group B) had failed response to methotrexate treatment followed by surgical treatment. In group A, both patients' quantitative b-hCG titers at day 7 didn't not decline more than 15% than day 4 of the treatment. The third patient in group B had shown signs of disturbed ectopic pregnancy where urgent surgical interference (laparotomy) was done for her. Conclusion: Methotrexate therapy is a safe and effective alternative for the management of undisturbed ectopic pregnancy with mild side effects and associated advantage of avoiding invasive surgery provided that the criteria of medical management are strictly fulfilled.

[Hossam Aldin Hussein Kamel, Adel Aly Elboghdadyand Hamza Mohamed Elkilany Hamza. Comparison of Double & Single-dose Methotrexate Protocols for Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy. Nat Sci 2020;18(5):1-6]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 1. doi:10.7537/marsnsj180520.01.


Keywords: Double & Single-dose Methotrexate Protocols, Ectopic Pregnancy

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Survivin Expression in Breast Carcinoma and It's Correlation with Clinicopathological Features: Immuohistochemical Study


Dr. Hany Mahmoud Khattab1, Alaa Saad Abd El Hamid2, Dr. Mohammed Mahmud Abdellah Ali2, Dr. Reham Shehab El Nemr Ismael2


1Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt

2Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University, Egypt


Abstract: Background: Breast cancer (BC) is the most common type of cancer among women world-wide and a leading cause of cancer related deaths. Survivin is the smallest member in the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) gene family. It has a potential dual role in inhibition of apoptosis by inhibiting caspase-9 and cell proliferation via regulation of mitosis. Survivin overexpression in cancer promotes survival of aneuploid cells, facilitates bypassing of cell cycle checkpoints and increases angiogenesis, thereby using its cytoprotective character to ensure tumor progression. Objectives: Investigation of immunohistochemical expression of survivin in breast carcinomas and correlation with the clinico-pathological aspects & molecular subtypes of the tumors. Materials and methods: 60 formalin fixed paraffin embedded BC tissue sections were randomly collected. Both epidemiological data and molecular subtypes were collected from the patients’ reports. The paraffin blocks were sectioned, stained with hematoxylin & eosin stains for histologic evaluation. Additional sections were immune stained with survivin. Results: Survivin expression was detected in 58.3% of cases and showed statistically significant correlation with higher tumor grade, large tumor stage, cases with lymphovascular invasion (LVI),Oestrogen, progesterone receptor negativity, high Ki-67 index, Human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER-2/Neu) enriched subtype and Triple negative subtype (TN) (P value < 0.05). Conclusion: Survivin expression is associated with poor prognostic factors & triple negative subtype and HER-2/Neu enriched molecular subtype.

[Hany Mahmoud Khattab, Alaa Saad Abd El Hamid, Mohammed Mahmud Abdellah Ali, Reham Shehab El Nemr Ismael. Survivin Expression in Breast Carcinoma and It's Correlation with Clinicopathological Features: Immuohistochemical Study. Nat Sci 2020;18(5):7-27]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 2. doi:10.7537/marsnsj180520.02.


Key words: Breast cancer - Surviving - Triple negative

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Rehabilitation Program for Injury to The Shoulder Joint Muscles and Its Effect On Some Athletes


Fatemah Assad Khuraibet


Department of Physical Education and Sport, College of Basic Education, Kuwait

Email: prof.fatemah.khuraibet@gmail.com


Abstract: This research is concerned with the design of a proposed hydrothermal rehabilitation program in an aqueous medium to reduce the severity of symptoms and pain associated with revolving tendonitis and the resulting muscle compression, anatomical and functional effects of the shoulder joint and attention to strengthening the scapular and pectoral muscles of the scapula and not only the focus on strengthening the revolving muscles (RC). The researcher has chosen the research sample intentionally from athletes with inflammation in the shoulder joint, where the sample size (8) individuals, and the size of the core sample (6) were injured while the size of the exploratory sample (2) injured were chosen from within the research community and from outside The basic sample of the research in light of the results reached by the researcher and based on the conclusions, the researcher recommends the following: The hydrological rehabilitation program prepared by the researcher in the Therapeutic Rehabilitation Department of the Specialized Sports Medicine Center is preferred and is used to treat and rehabilitate those with shoulder joint injuries. The need to emphasize the interest in warm-up exercises and their duration to avoid shoulder muscle injuries. The need to adhere to the progressive application of water exercises from easy to difficult to avoid injuries.

[Fatemah Assad Khuraibet. Rehabilitation Program for Injury to The Shoulder Joint Muscles and Its Effect On Some Athletes. Nat Sci 2020;18(5):28-34]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 3. doi:10.7537/marsnsj180520.03.


Keyword: Shoulder joint, Habilitation, Hydrotherapy program, athletes

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Highlighting the Salient Safety Issues in the National Road Traffic Regulation 2012


Iyowuna F. Tubobereni1 and Opiriba K. Ikiriko2


1 & 2Department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Environmental Science, Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Rumuola, P.M.B. 5936, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

iyofeshu@yahoo.com; opiribai@yahoo.com


Abstract: Land transportation is an integral part of modern day life. It has bridged spatial activities, enhanced commerce and general developments across large areas of society. However, it has also resulted in series of untoward consequences that have negatively affected families as a result of different fatalities. Therefore, the need to institute measures to regulate and control operations, use and behavior on public roads by pedestrians, drivers and other vehicle users became apparent in Nigeria. The 2012 National Road Traffic Regulation was therefore prepared to guide all public road users in relation to their conduct and use of road infrastructure. The complete disregard by the public and enforcement agencies of the regulation has, therefore, necessitated highlighting of some salient safety issues in the regulation which will lead to a better use of our roads and highways when adhered to. These ranges from the registration of vehicles to the processes of the issuance of drivers licenses, parking speed and other personal conducts that could jeopardize safety of persons and property of road users.

[Tubobereni, I. F. and Ikiriko, O. K. Highlighting the Salient Safety Issues in the National Road Traffic Regulation 2012. Nat Sci 2020;18(5):35-41]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 4. doi:10.7537/marsnsj180520.04.


Key words: Traffic Regulation; Safety; Drivers; Road Users.

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Impacts of Agrochemical on Water Quality and Macroinvertebrates Abundance and Distribution in Ikpe Ikot Nkon River, South-South, Nigeria


Jonah, U. E1., George, U. U2., Avoaja, D. A1.


1Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State.

2Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Mkpat Enin, Akwa Ibom State.

talk2georgeubong@gmail.com, Telephone: 08032625310


Abstract: A study on the impacts of agrochemicals on macro-invertebrate’s abundance and distribution in Ikpe Ikot Nkon River was carried out between October, 2016 and September, 2017. Surface water and macro-invertebrate’s samples were collected monthly from three sampling stations along the river course. Macro-invertebrates were collected using a standard hand net of 0.5mm mesh size for samples within the water column while van-veen grab sampler of 0.5m2 surface area was used for collection of macro-benthos. Water samples were collected using water sampling bottles (1liter). Sample identification and analysis were achieved using standard identification guide and laboratory procedures. The range value of surface water temperature was 27.52-27.59 0C, EC 7.96-16.69 µs/cm, pH 6.58-6.79, DO 2.36-6.87 mg/L, TDS 10.53-17.88 mg/L, BOD 2.07-6.45 mg/L, COD 134.20-298.83 mg/L, Alkalinity 62.95-86.33 mg/L, phosphate 1.77-4.78 mg/L, Nitrate 3.40-6.82 mg/L and chloride 15.94-31.01 mg/L. The abundance of macro-invertebrates and the physicochemical parameters at the various stations were significantly different (p<0.05). A total number of 27 species comprising of a total number of 747 individuals’, belonging to 3 phyla and six (6) classes were identified across the stations. Phylum Arthropoda were the most abundance accounting for 75.78%, followed by Annelida and Mollusca with relative abundance of 16.46% and 7.76% respectively. Higher macro-invertebrates were identified in station 1 (336) individual followed by station 3 (210) and station 2 had the least (201) with relative abundance of 44.98 %, 28.12 % and 26.90 % respectively. From the investigation of findings in the present study it is believed that the river is impacted with agrochemicals which comes into the river via surface run-off. This stem from the low values of DO and high values of nitrate, phosphate and COD recorded in station 2 and 3 which are closed to agricultural farmlands with extensive use of agrochemicals for pest control and high yield of crops. In terms of macro-invertebrate’s abundance station 2 and 3 had the least when compared to station 1 which was sited far from where there are no farmlands and serves has the control. Based on the findings of this study it is evident that agrochemical have impact on water quality and macro-invertebrate’s abundance and distribution in the study area. This study recommends the use of agrochemicals at low concentrations and ridges should be built around farmlands to prevent surface run-off during heavy precipitation.

[Jonah, UE, George, UU, Avoaja, DA. Impacts of Agrochemical On Water Quality and Macroinvertebrates Abundance and Distribution in Ikpe Ikot Nkon River, Southern, Nigeria. Nat Sci 2020;18(5):42-49]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 7. doi:10.7537/marsnsj180520.07.


Keywords: Agrochemicals; Impacts; Water Quality; Macro-Invertebrates; Abundance; Distribution

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Assessing the Impacts of Coastal Activities on the Water Quality of Qua Iboe River Estuary, South-South, Nigeria.


George, U. U1, Akpan, E. R2.


1Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Mkpat Enin, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

2Institute of Oceanography, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.



Abstract: Studies on the impacts of coastal activities on water quality of Qua Iboe River Estuary in Akwa Ibom State, South- South Nigeria was conducted for 12 months (between May 2015 and April 2016) with the aim of Understanding the current sources of contaminants concentration in the system and provide a model which allows policy-makers and local actors to design programs and policies to improve the existing practices and mitigate future problems. Water samples were collected monthly in five stations along the estuary and analyzed using standard procedures. Mean values obtained for physico-chemical parameters of water samples in wet and dry season were as follows: pH (7.69±0.29 and 7.79±0.38), temperature (26.19±0.05 and 26.72±0.08 oC), electrical conductivity (34562.59±8905.32 and 35049.25±9058.56 µs/cm), total dissolved solids (17949±469.71 and 17964.84±46.83.07 mg/l), dissolve oxygen (6.20±0.09 and 5.97±0.12 mg/l), chlorides (10391.06± 2811.82 and 10703.90±2811.82 mg/l), turbidity (23.58±3.77 and 25.31±4.74 NTU), total suspended solids (40.98±5.78 and 43.43±4.00 mg/l), bicarbonate (84.29±20.75 and 92.68±22.85 mg/l), alkalinity (68.86±16.94 and 75.32±18.53mg/l), biochemical oxygen demand (2.15±0.15 and 2.07±0.44 mg/l), chemical oxygen demand (145.56±38.08 and 129.60±33.82mg/l), total hydrocarbon content (6.55±2.09 and 6.62±2.33 mg/l) total organic carbon content (8.42±3.06 and 9.44±3.47 mg/l), nitrate (28.45±7.00 and 29.00±7.08 mg/l), phosphate (4.02±1.31 and 4.25±1.38 mg/l), sulphate (2038.57±560.89 and 2160.20±585.28 mg/l) and ammonia (11.28±4.19 and 16.96±4.23 mg/l) respectively. Silicates were below detectable limits in the water samples. Physico-chemical parameters (electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, chloride, turbidity, chemical oxygen demand, sulphate and ammonia) exceeded the permissible WHO Standard for surface water. Analysis of variance and paired sample t-test revealed significant (p = 0.05) spatial and seasonal variations respectively. Correlation analysis revealed strong positive relationships amongst physicochemical parameters of water. Multivariate analytical techniques (PCA and HCA) imprinted that the estuary is a continuum in environmental block swayed by multiple contamination sources. However, the series of activities evident, coupled with the findings of this study further vindicate the need for proper monitoring and management of our indigenous water bodies.

[George, U. U, Akpan, E. R. Assessing the Impacts of Coastal Activities on the Water Quality of Qua Iboe River Estuary, South-South, Nigeria. Nat Sci 2020;18(5):50-64]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 6. doi:10.7537/marsnsj180520.06.


Keywords: Assessing; Impacts; Coastal Activities; Water Quality; Multivariate Statistical Tool

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Impacts of Agrochemical on Water Quality and Macroinvertebrates Abundance and Distribution in Ikpe Ikot Nkon River, South-South, Nigeria


Jonah, U. E1., George, U. U2., Avoaja, D. A1.


1Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State.

2Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Mkpat Enin, Akwa Ibom State.

talk2georgeubong@gmail.com, Telephone: 08032625310


Abstract: A study on the impacts of agrochemicals on macro-invertebrate’s abundance and distribution in Ikpe Ikot Nkon River was carried out between October, 2016 and September, 2017. Surface water and macro-invertebrate’s samples were collected monthly from three sampling stations along the river course. Macro-invertebrates were collected using a standard hand net of 0.5mm mesh size for samples within the water column while van-veen grab sampler of 0.5m2 surface area was used for collection of macro-benthos. Water samples were collected using water sampling bottles (1liter). Sample identification and analysis were achieved using standard identification guide and laboratory procedures. The range value of surface water temperature was 27.52-27.59 0C, EC 7.96-16.69 µs/cm, pH 6.58-6.79, DO 2.36-6.87 mg/L, TDS 10.53-17.88 mg/L, BOD 2.07-6.45 mg/L, COD 134.20-298.83 mg/L, Alkalinity 62.95-86.33 mg/L, phosphate 1.77-4.78 mg/L, Nitrate 3.40-6.82 mg/L and chloride 15.94-31.01 mg/L. The abundance of macro-invertebrates and the physicochemical parameters at the various stations were significantly different (p<0.05). A total number of 27 species comprising of a total number of 747 individuals’, belonging to 3 phyla and six (6) classes were identified across the stations. Phylum Arthropoda were the most abundance accounting for 75.78%, followed by Annelida and Mollusca with relative abundance of 16.46% and 7.76% respectively. Higher macro-invertebrates were identified in station 1 (336) individual followed by station 3 (210) and station 2 had the least (201) with relative abundance of 44.98 %, 28.12 % and 26.90 % respectively. From the investigation of findings in the present study it is believed that the river is impacted with agrochemicals which comes into the river via surface run-off. This stem from the low values of DO and high values of nitrate, phosphate and COD recorded in station 2 and 3 which are closed to agricultural farmlands with extensive use of agrochemicals for pest control and high yield of crops. In terms of macro-invertebrate’s abundance station 2 and 3 had the least when compared to station 1 which was sited far from where there are no farmlands and serves has the control. Based on the findings of this study it is evident that agrochemical have impact on water quality and macro-invertebrate’s abundance and distribution in the study area. This study recommends the use of agrochemicals at low concentrations and ridges should be built around farmlands to prevent surface run-off during heavy precipitation.

[Jonah, UE, George, UU, Avoaja, DA. Impacts of Agrochemical On Water Quality and Macroinvertebrates Abundance and Distribution in Ikpe Ikot Nkon River, Southern, Nigeria. Nat Sci 2020;18(5):65-72]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 7. doi:10.7537/marsnsj180520.07.


Keywords: Agrochemicals; Impacts; Water Quality; Macro-Invertebrates; Abundance; Distribution

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The Anti-microbial Efficacy and Phytochemical Analysis of the Root Bark of Uvaria chamea


Adekunle Odunayo Adejuwon 1, 2, 3, Victoria Anatolyivna Tsygankova 4, Olubunmi Sharon Obayemi 5, Hannah Odunola Ogundare 6


1 Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kings University, Ode-Omu, Osun State, Nigeria

2 School of Health Information Management, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria

3 Community Health Officers’ Training Programme, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria

4 Department for Chemistry of Bioactive Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1, Murmanskaya Str., 02660, Kyiv, Ukraine

5 Department of Public Health and Community Health Promotion, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, United States of America

6 Department of Microbiology, Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria



Abstract: Background: Medicinal plants show an important role in diseases prevention and treatment through the enhancement of anti-oxidant activity, inhibition of bacterial growth and modulation of genetic pathways. Materials and Methods: The anti- microbial efficacy of the root bark of Uvaria chamea was evaluated using various solvents for extraction. The solvents used for extraction were hexane, methanol, petroleum ether, water and ethanol.The efficacy was tested on four different bacterial isolates: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and a fungal isolate Candida tropicalis. Agar Well Diffusion (AWD) technique was used for the analysis. Results: It was observed that methanol extract at undiluted concentration (100%) and diluted concentrations (133.3mg/ml and 50mg/ml) was effective on Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The petroleum ether, water and methanol extracts at undiluted concentration (100 %) and diluted concentrations (133.3mg/ml and 50mg/ml) were not effective on Staphlococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli and Candida tropicalis. Hexane at undiluted concentration (100%) was effective on Klebsiella pneumonia. Also the hexane extract at undiluted concentration (100%) and diluted concentrations (133.3mg/ml and 100mg/ml) was effective on Escherichia coli. Only the ethanol extract at undiluted concentration (100%) and diluted concentrations (133.3mg/ml and 100mg/ml) was effective on Candida tropicalis. Flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and tepenoids were detected in the Uvaria chamae root bark. Conclusion: The hexane and methanol extracts of the root bark of Uvaria chamae were effective on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The ethanol extract of the root bark was effective on Candida tropicalis. Hexane, methanol and ethanol seemed better solvents for the extraction of the anti-microbial compounds of the root bark of the plant. The root bark of Uvaria chamae seemed not to possess broad spectrum activity but however active on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Candida tropicalis. In spite of the narrow spectrum activity of the root bark of Uvaria chamae, the use of ethanol, hexane and methanol will be appropriate for the extraction of the anti-microbial constituents of the root bark of the plant during therapeutic development.

[Adekunle Odunayo Adejuwon, Victoria Anatolyivna Tsygankova, Olubunmi Sharon Obayemi, Hannah Odunola Ogundare. The Anti-microbial Efficacy and Phytochemical Analysis of the Root Bark of Uvaria chamea. Nat Sci 2020;18(5):73-80]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 8. doi:10.7537/marsnsj180520.08.


Key words: Uvaria chamea; root bark; anti-microbial; solvent extracts; pathogenic; bacteria; fungi; antibiotics

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Heavy Metal Contents of Cassava Leaves (Manihot esculenta) obtained from Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State


Victoria Daminabo and Susan Okparanta


Department of Science Laboratory Technology, School of Science and Technology, Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Rumuola, P.M.B. 5936, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.



Abstract: The concentrations of selected heavy metals in cassava leaves obtained from Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) and compared with the soils on which they Cassava grows. The result obtained showed a high level of heavy metals in the order Zn > Pb > Hg in cassava leaves when compared with heavy metal detected in the different soils on which they grow. For all the farms, the soil plant transfer values were in the order Pb> Zn> Hg. This shows that among the three metals studied, lead was the easiest to migrate followed by zinc and then, mercury. This trend signifies that plant absorbs a higher concentration of lead from the soil in which it grows when compared to other metals present while Hg is the least absorbed metal. It was observed that the lead content in cassava leaves was above World Health Organization (WHO)/Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) safe limit.

[Daminabo, V. and Okparanta, S. Heavy Metal Contents of Cassava Leaves (Manihot esculenta) obtained from Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State. Nat Sci 2020;18(5):81-90]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 9. doi:10.7537/marsnsj180520.09.


Keywords: Cassava, leaves, soil, heavy metals, farms, WHO/FAO safe limit.

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Study on the Prevalence of Ovine Haemonchosis and its Associated Risk Factors at Debre Birhan Municipal Abattoir, North Shoa, Ethiopia


Hailemariyam Amarea, Getinet Ayalewb, Asgelil Amarea


acFaculity of Veterinary Medicine, College of Medical and Health science, University of Gondar, P.O. Box. 196, Gondar, Ethiopia.

b Institute of Biotechnology, University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia, P. O. Box. 196.



Abstract: A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Haemonchosis at Debre Birhan municipal abattoir of North Shoa zone of Amhara Regional State from November 2011 to March 2012. A total of 384 abomasums of sheep were selected and taken with simple random sampling and examined according to standard procedures. Data cleaning was conducted on the collected row data within excel. OpenEpi and SPSS V.20 were used for statistical analysis. The overall prevalence recorded in this study was 41% (158 of 384). The infection rate was highly significant on body condition, origin of animal (lowland or highland) (P = 0.000). While, the observed value was not statistically significant across age and sex (P = 0.223, P = 0.182). The result of current study indicated as there is very significant value on the bases animals body condition and color of conjunctival mucus membrane basis (P = 0.000, P = 0.000). Ovine Haemonchosis with its wide distribution has become a very important production constraint especially in the study area where sheep production is common. Body condition, origin, mucus membrane had significance difference on the Haemonchosi, while age and sex did not have significant result. So proper control measure of the disease should be implemented.

[Hailemariyam A, Getinet A, Asgelil A. Study on the Prevalence of Ovine Haemonchosis and its Associated Risk Factors at Debre Birhan Municipal Abattoir, North Shoa, Ethiopia. Nat Sci 2020;18(5):91-96]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 10. doi:10.7537/marsnsj180520.10.


Keywords; Debre Birhan; Haemonchus contortus; Ovine; Prevalence

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