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Nature and Science
(Nat Sci
ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online); doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly
Volume 14 - Number 9 (Cumulated No. 114), September 25, 2016
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Geochemical and petrogenetic characteristics of the marble deposit at Ikpeshi southern Nigeria


Henry Madukwe, Romanus Obasi


Department of Geology, Ekiti State University Ado-Ekiti, NIGERIA



Abstract: The marbles at Ikpeshi are granoblastic rocks of low grade metamorphism. Based on different classification schemes for marbles; Ikpeshi marbles are pure calcite marbles, pure dolomite marbles, pure dolomitic calcite and pure calcitic dolomite. The concentration of the total alkalis is very low, which indicates that the environment of deposition of the protolith was probably a shallow, saline environment. Due to the presence of both calcitic and dolomitic carbonates, the dolomites observed in the marbles were probably of precipitatory origin. The concentration of the immobile Ni and Cr in the Ikpeshi marbles is similar to the sedimentary carbonates. The Mn content is lower than that in both deep and shallow seas carbonates. This may be due to the substitution of Mn by Ca during the recrystallization at higher temperature. The Zn and Sr values of the marbles studied are however similar to that of carbonates from the deep sea. Using various trace and rare earth element ratios, the paleo-oxygenation of the protolith depostional environment is basically oxic and to a lesser extent suboxic. Bivariate tectonic discrimination plots of the Ikpeshi marbles based on major oxides, shows majority of the samples in the passive margin zone and few in the active continental margin zone.

[Madukwe HY, Obasi RA. Geochemical and petrogenetic characteristics of the marble deposit at Ikpeshi southern Nigeria. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):1-11]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 1. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.01.


Keywords: Ikpeshi, protolith, marbles, calcite, dolomite

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Approaches and principles related to learning the language properties of a literary text at native language lessons


Mavlonova Klarakhon Maxmutovna.


Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Senior Researcher Candidate



Abstract: In this article it will be spoken about the approaches and principles and their interpretation related to learning of the language properties of a literary text at lessons of a native language and literature. The principle of time optimization spent for studying of any language property of the literary text. Among the above-mentioned principles during the work on the literary text, the following principles take a specific place as well: the principle of support to the perceived ideological content during the assessment of language properties of the literary text; the principle of the accounting of individualism, principle of peculiarity in verbal skill of the writer; the principle of drawing attention to beauty of sense of words and expressions; principle of practical introduction of pupils with methodical rules.

[Mavlonova Klarakhon Maxmutovna. Approaches and principles related to learning the language properties of a literary text at native language lessons. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):12-16]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 2. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.02.


Key words: a literary text, native language and literature, integration, approaches and principles, communicative, directed to an activity, emotional and expressive means, innovation, comprehension principles, artwork means, artistic and aesthetic education, speech culture development

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Effect of Education on Reduce the Number of Radiography of Hospitalized Patients in Hekmat Hospital in Sari


Mehdi Ghadi Sahebi1, Atousa Khoshkar2, Dr. Majid Bahrami3, Dr. Nourollah Sadeghzadeh4, Mahboubeh Ebrahimi5


1.  Expert of Radiology in Hekmat Hospital, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran

2.  Expert of Accreditation in Hekmat Hospital, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran

3.  Head of Hekmat hospital, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran

4.  Assistant Professor, Department of Radiopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

5.  MSc in Management


Abstract: The increasing cost of treatment, it can motivate managers to fine indications costs, have special sensitivity. Since your health care providers determine the demand unlike other markets. Recent demand in this market is much less than providers of information and awareness, increasing knowledge and awareness of patients (demanders) can contribute to excess cost control have created. As well as knowledge creators demand (doctors) will have a significant role in reducing the surplus diagnostic service request. In addition, part of the costs caused by the surplus of skilled personnel in the health sector is inadequate which can be prevented with the raising of the additional costs.

[Mehdi Ghadi Sahebi, Atousa Khoshkar, Majid Bahrami, Nourollah Sadeghzadeh, Mahboubeh Ebrahimi. Effect of Education on Reduce the Number of Radiography of Hospitalized Patients in Hekmat Hospital in Sari. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):17-20]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 3. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.03.


Keywords: Radiography, Healthcare, Hekmat Hospital

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Morphometric Study of the Proximal Femur in Normal Egyptian Individuals (Aged One To Sixty Years)


Saadia Ahmed Shalaby MD, Essam Mohamed Aid MD, Osama Fouad Ahmed MD, Ali Mohamed Ali MD and Marian Victor Zaki M.Sc


Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt



Abstract: Background: Hip fractures are a major problem for elderly people nowadays. The shape of proximal femur is known to be an important risk factor for hip fractures. Also the treatment of those fractures uses implants which are based in proximal femur measurements. Aim of the work: the present work aimed to study the measurements of the proximal femur in living Egyptian individuals in relation to age, sex, side, height and length of the femoral shaft by using radiography and in adult dried femurs in relation to sex, side, length of the femoral shaft. Materials and methods: This study was carried out on 250 living Egyptian human individuals divided into five age groups 1st group from 1 year up to < 6 years, 2nd group from 6 years up to <12 years, 3rd group from 12 years up to < 20 years, 4th group from 20 years up to < 40 years, 5th group from 40 years to 60 years subjected to pelvic radiographs. The following parameters were obtained, Hip axis length (HAL), femoral neck axis length (FNAL), femoral head width (FHW), femoral neck width (FNW), intertrochanteric width (ITW), cervicodiaphyseal angle (Q angle), femoral offset and length of femoral neck (LFN). As regards the 100 dried human femurs, A sagittal section of their proximal parts was done then photographed. The following parameters were obtained, femoral neck axis length (FNAL), femoral head width (FHW), femoral neck width (FNW), intertrochanteric width (ITW), cervicodiaphyseal angle (Q angle), femoral offset and length of femoral neck (LFN). Results: Regarding the radiological cases, we found that the maximum increase of the linear femoral measurements occurs between the third (12-20 years) and the fourth age group (20-40 years). But the cervicodiaphyseal angle showed maximum decrease between the first (<6 years) and second (12-20 years) age groups. Also this study showed strong positive correlations between age and HAL, FNAL, FHW, FNW, ITW and Q angle. The measurements obtained in this study presented some variations which were statistically significant in comparison with previous studies. This study showed significant differences of sex and side measures. Conclusion: From this study we conclude that the maximum increase of the proximal femoral measurements occurs between age of 12-40 years. While the cervicodiaphyseal angle (Q angle) showed maximum decrease between age of 1-20 years.

[Saadia Ahmed Shalaby, Essam Mohamed Aid, Osama Fouad Ahmed, Ali Mohamed Ali and Marian Victor Zaki. Morphometric Study of the Proximal Femur in Normal Egyptian Individuals (Aged One To Sixty Years). Nat Sci 2016;14(9):21-29]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 4. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.04.


Keywords: Morphometric; Proximal; Femur; Egyptian

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Ethnomedicinal Study of Important Medicinal Plants Used for Gynecological Issues among Rural Women Folk in district Gilgit, Pakistan


Nosheen Akhter*1, Shaheen Akhtar1, Saima Kazim1, Tika  Khan1&2


1Department of Biological Sciences, Karakoram International University, Pakistan

2Integrated Mountain Area Research Centre, Karakoram International University, Gilgit, Pakistan.

*Corresponding author: nosheen_ghulam@yahoo.com


Abstract: Survey based study was conducted to document most ignored and rapidly perishing ethnomedicinal folk wisdom on medicinal plants used for gynecological treatments among elderly women (≥70) of district Gilgit. Young generation (below age 40) has abandoned traditional healing practices. Interview of hundred (n=100) women identified forty seven (47) medicinal plants belonging to 29 families were used to treat ten different gynecological diseases. Out of twenty (20) identified diseases, most common are irregularities in menstrual cycle, gonorrhoea, spontaneous abortions, infertility and leucorrhoea. It also revealed that whole plant use frequency (19.23%) dominates consumption followed by roots (17.3%) and leaves (17.3%). Most of these plants, informants and folk wisdom are at the verge of extinction. Habitat destruction, over grazing, unwise cutting and commercial exploitation are among the key ecological factors impacting negatively on their population and diversity.

[Akhter N, Akhtar S, Kazim S, Khan T. Ethnomedicinal Study of Important Medicinal Plants Used for Gynecological Issues among Rural Women Folk in district Gilgit, Pakistan. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):30-34]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 5. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.05.


Keywords: Infertility, Gonorrhea, Irregular Menstrual cycle, infertility, leucorrhoea

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Study of The Prevalence, Species Identification and Risk Factors Associated with Poultry Coccidiosis in Gondar Town, North Ethiopia


Belaynew Alene 1, Wudu Temesgen 2, Mengestie Abebaw 1, Ayalew Negash 1, Kassa Demelash 1, Mebrie Zemene 3, Genene Girma 1


1 Faculity of Veterinary Medicine, College of Medical and Health science, University of Gondar, P.O. Box. 196, Gondar, Ethiopia, 2 Faculity of Veterinary Medicine, College of Medical and Health science, University of Gondar, Department of Veterinary epidimeology and public health, P.O. Box. 196, Gondar, Ethiopia, 3 Lecturer at University of Gondar, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Pharmacy,Gondar, Ethiopia, P.O. Box. 196.



Abstract: A cross sectional study was conducted from November 2015 up to April 2016 in Gondar town todetermine the prevalence of poultry coccidiosis, to identify the associated risk factors and to identify Eimeria species involved in the disease. A total of 407 birds were used for the study from different areas of Gondar town. Fecal sample were taken from all the 407study chickens examined by floatation method to detect Eimeria oocysts and identify species. The result revealed that out of the 407 chickens, 218 (53.6%) of the chickens were found positive for coccidiosis.The prevalence was found statistically significantly different (P=0.001) between different age groups which was 66.1% in young chickens and 43.3% in adult chickens. A statistically insignificant difference (P = 0.986) in prevalence of coccidiosis was noted across breeds of chickens, with the prevalence of 54.1%, 53.3% and 53.2 % in local, cross and exotic respectively. There was a significant difference (p=0.001) in prevalence of coccidiosis among the different housing system with the prevalence of 28.6% in Floor, 60.8% in Backyard. There was no statistically significant difference (p= 0.698) in the prevalence between male (54.9%) and female (52.9%) chickens. The effect of body condition on the disease prevalence was significant in which higher prevalence was recorded in those chickens which have poor body condition (69.5%) than those chickens with good body condition (39.6%)). This study showed that coccidiosis was prevalent in the study area. Body condition, age, housing system and management system were found as important risk factors. The most frequent species are Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria tenella and Eimeria acervulina). These signifies the need for intervention through awareness creation among farmers and veterinarians.

[Belaynew A, Wudu T, Mengestie A, Ayalew N, Kassa D, Mebrie Z, Genene G. Study on the Prevalence, Species Identification and Risk Factors Associated with Poultry Coccidiosis in Gondar Town, North Ethiopia. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):35-40]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 6. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.06.


Key words:Coccidiosis; Eimeria species; Ethiopia; Gondar; Prevalence; Risk Factors

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Assessment of variation and interrelationship among plant growth and development traits in Chenopodium album


* Muhammad Inzamam1, Qurban Ali2, Aqib Manzoor1, Muhammad Talha1, Muhamamd Aslam1 and Idrees Ahmad Nasir2


1.  Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan

2.  Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan

Corresponding author’s email: m.inzi@hotmail.com


Abstract: Chenopodium album is an important weed plant that grows in maize, cotton and wheat fields. It caused harmful effects on plant growth and development of crop plant which reduced crop yield. Present study was conducted in the Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab Lahore during February 2016 to access the variation among growth and development traits under three different locations and inter relationship of studied traits of Chenopodium album. It was found from mean performance and GGEbiplot that the growth and development of Chenopodium album was higher under locations 1 and 3. Significant and strong correlation was found among most of the studied traits which indicated the higher ability of Chenopodium album to withstand in harsh and stress environmental conditions. The fresh plant weight, leaf length leaf width, leaf area, total fresh and dry plant weight were found strongly inter-correlated with each other. It was suggested that the removal of Chenopodium album should be carried out to reduce harmful effects on growth and development of crop plants. The use of pre-emergence herbicides, induced mutations for herbicide resistance and transgenic crop plants would be an advantage to combat weeds in crop field.

[Inzamam M, Ali Q, Manzoor A, Talha M, Aslam M and Nasir IA. Assessment of variation and interrelationship among plant growth and development traits in Chenopodium album. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):41-45]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 7. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.07.


Keywords: Chenopodium album, weeds, correlation, GGEbiplot, crop plant field, yield, stress environment

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Analysis of The Seedbeck Effect of Some Thermocouples


A.S. Ogungbe*, O.O. Babalola, C.O. Ogabi, B.A. Idowu, E.O Onori, O.A Adejo


Department of Physics, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria



Abstract: A thermocouple is a temperature-measuring device that consists of two dissimilar conductors that are joined at each end. In this experiment, two junctions were created between two different materials; Nichrome and Constantan, Copper and Constantan, and Nichrome and Copper, by twisting the wires firmly together. The voltmeter leading to the two free ends was set to the most sensitive DC voltage (200 mV). The voltage was measured and recorded with both junctions at room temperature. One junction was inserted into an ice block at 0oC, while the other junction was inserted into hot liquid maintained at 100oC and the voltage was measured and recorded. The procedure was repeated using different pairs of materials to create the junctions with various lengths and diameters of the wires, with a view to determining the pair that will generate the highest voltage. It was observed that the combination of Nichrome and Constantan generated the highest value of voltage, ranging from 1.73 mV – 7.13 mV, than that of Copper and Constantan and Nichrome and Copper, ranging from 0.2 mV- 4.0 mV and 0.2 – 1.67 mV respectively. The combination of Nichrome and Constantan is therefore the best thermocouple material.

[Ogungbe AS, Babalola OO, Ogabi CO, Idowu BA, Onori EO, Adejo OA. Analysis of The Seedbeck Effect of Some Thermocouples. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):46-50]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 8. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.08.


Keywords: Thermocouple, temperature, voltage, length, diameter, ionization energy

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Prevalence and its associated risk factors of sport injury in the case of male Volleyball premiere League clubs residing in Amhara Region


Abeje kumilachew, Alemayehu Belay, Ephrem Tamirat


College of Natural and Computational Science, Department of Sport Science, University of Gondar, Ethiopia, P.O. Box. 196



Abstract: Background: Volleyball is one of the most widely played sports in addition to football and basketball. International de Volley-Ball Federation (FIVB) represents about 150 million players in approximately 170 countries played volleyball. While a large body of research has been conducted regarding the nature and prevalence of volleyball injuries internationally, but not conducted in Ethiopia. Objective: the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of injuries, injured body part and factors on volleyball players of a club in Wollo Anbasal and Tana Bahir-Dar in the season of 2014-2016 G.C. Methods: Descriptive survey study was used. For this study all players and coaches was included on the two selected clubs (20 volleyball players and 2 coaches). A self–administered questions and observation were used. The collected data were taken and analyzed by means of the Statistical Package for Social Science version 16.0. The associations between variables were evaluated by means of the chi-square test. The results are displayed using table and figures. Results: response rate of 100% was obtained, 80% of the volleyball players experienced with one or more injuries in the season, 26 injuries occurred on the seasons and the rate were 1.3 per player. Among the injured players knee (34.6%), foot and abrasion injuries showed each (15.4%). Players in the left and right front row were more exposed to injury at the time of spiking & blocking, higher injury occurred due to contact with players and wrong landing. Most injury occurred during the 3rd and 4th set of the game. Conclusion: Knee, foot and abrasion injuries were the most common types of injuries occurred to players. Above half of the injured players were not used kneepads. Playing court also increase the prevalence of injury. Players were not getting access of water during match & training, and physiotherapy services were not functional in the club due to absence of physiotherapists. Finally most injuries were occurred due to extrinsic factors.

[Abeje k, Alemayehu B, Ephrem T. Prevalence and its associated risk factors of sport injury in the case of male Volleyball premiere League clubs residing in Amhara Region. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):51-63]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 9. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.09.


Keywords-prevalence; Injury; volleyball

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Study Feasibility of Making Smart Office Buildings (Case Study: Power Energy Control)


Pirooz Jafari, Payam Mohebbi


MSc in Industrial Engineering, System Management and Productivity, Amirkabir University of Technology, Mahshahr Branch, Khuzestan Province, Iran



Abstract: The main purpose of this study is study the feasibility of making smart office buildings, especially in Germany and Italy, with the focus on power energy control. In an attempt to overcome the defects of quiescent power shutdown system, smart quiescent power control system has been developed. However, due to its higher investment costs, feasibility evaluation must be conducted. Energy management system (EMS) is a system of computer-aided tools used by operators of electric utility grids to monitor, control, and optimize the performance of the generation and/or transmission system. The evolution of the electricity grid towards the smart network is kind of energy sources in smart office buildings: a combination of local power generation, battery storage and controllable loads can greatly increase the energetic self-sufficiency of a smart office buildings, enabling it to maximize the self-consumption of electricity, thus taking advantage of control their electrical building loads and time-variable tariffs to achieve economic savings. The performance is compared to the optimal energy usage scheduling, which would be obtained assuming the exact knowledge of the future energy production and consumption trends. In addition, sensitivity analysis is carried out to quantify accuracy of estimates.

[Pirooz Jafari, Payam Mohebbi. Study Feasibility of Making Smart Office Buildings (Case Study: Power Energy Control). Nat Sci 2016;14(9):64-69]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 10. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.10.


Keywords: Smart Office Buildings, Power Energy Control, Electricity Grid

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Survey Data Mining and its Application in Industrial Engineering


Payam Mohebbi, Pirooz Jafari


MSc in Industrial Engineering, System Management and Productivity, Amirkabir University of Technology, Mahshahr Branch, Khuzestan Province, Iran



Abstract: Data mining is the computational process of discovering patterns in large data sets and is the process of discovering correlations, patterns, trends or relationships by searching through a large amount of data stored in repositories, corporate databases. Industrial engineering is a broad field and has many tools and techniques in its problem-solving arsenal. Each place of operation may generate large volumes of data. Corporate decision makers require access from all such sources and take strategic decisions. The data warehouse is used in the significant business value by improving the effectiveness of managerial decision-making. The purpose of this study is to improve the effectiveness of industrial engineering solutions through the application of data mining. To achieve this objective, an adaptation of the engineering design process is used to develop a methodology for effective application of data mining to databases and data repositories specifically designed for industrial engineering operations. This paper concludes by describing some of the advantages and disadvantages of the application of data mining techniques and tools to industrial engineering; it mentions some possible problems or issues in its implementation.

[Payam Mohebbi, Pirooz Jafari. Survey Data Mining and its Application in Industrial Engineering. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):70-75]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 11. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.11.


Keywords: Data Mining, Industrial Management, System Management and Productivity

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Antiplasmodial and Hepatoprotective Potentials of Certain Traditional Antimalarial Remedies Used in Nigeria


ADETUTU, Adewale*, 1OLORUNNISOLA, O. Olubukola, 1OWOADE Olusoji Abiodun and 2ADESINA Babatunde Taiwo


1Department of Biochemistry, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, PMB 4000, Ogbomoso. Nigeria

2Department of Animal Science, College of Agricultural Sciences. Landmark University Omu Aran. Kwara State

*Corresponding Author: aadetutu@lautech.edu.ng,


Abstract: This study was performed to evaluate the antiplasmodial and hepatoprotective activities of aqueous leaves and stem bark extract of selected medicinal plants (Azadirachta indica, Khaya senegalensis, Parquetina nigrescens, and Citrus paradisi) in Plasmodium berghei infected mice and to document the components of these plants. The selected plants were marcerated in distilled water. Mice were inoculated with chloroquine sensitive NK 65 P. berghei for each test. Mice were treated with 100 mg/kg of extracts and 5 mg/kg chloroquine (positive control) and distilled water only. Blood films were prepared on slides, stained in Giemsa and examined for number of parasiteamia using microscope. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in serum were determined using standard laboratory procedure. Photomicrographs of liver sections were also determined to examine the histoarchitecture of this organ of biotransformation. Gas Chromatography system was used to determine the chemical profile of the extracts. The aqueous crude extracts of A. indica, K. senegalensis, C. paradisi leaves and stem bark at 100 mg/kg significantly (p<0.05) inhibited the parasite with varying percentage in the curative, suppressive, and prophylactic tests. However there was no significant (p<0.05) reduction in parasitaemia load in the prophylactic test for P. nigrescens. The histopathological studies of the liver sections showed that some of the extracts had significant (p<0.05) hepatoprotective activity which was in close correlation with the activities of the liver enzymes results. The Gas Chromatographical analyses also revealed many phytochemicals, lipids and essential oils which could be responsible for the hepatoprotective effect of the extracts. These findings provide some justification for the use of the selected plants in the treatment of malaria in Nigeria. Therefore, further studies are ongoing to study the mechanism of action of some of the identified components.

[Adetutu, A., Olorunnisola, O. S, Owoade O. A. and Adesina B. T. Antiplasmodial and Hepatoprotective Potentials of Certain Traditional Antimalarial Remedies Used in Nigeria. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):76-86]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 12. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.12.


Keywords: Antiplasmmodial; Plasmodium berghei; Hepatoprotective; Medicinal plant; GC

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Prevalence of Bovine Hydatidosis and Its Cyst Characterization in Debre Zeit Elfora Export Abattoir, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia


Alebie Mekuriyaw1, Girma Kebede1, Tilahun Zenebe2, Tadele Kabeta1, Addisu Demssie3


1Wollega University, School of Veterinary Medicine, P.O. Box 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia

2National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center, P.O. Box 04, Sebeta, Ethiopia

3Addis Ababa University, college of veterinary medicine and agriculture

Email: girmakebede27@yahoo.com


Abstract: Cystic hydatidosis is one of the important zoonotic parasitic diseases caused by infection with the larval stage of the dog tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. The disease has both public health and economic importance worldwide. A cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2015 to March 2016 to assess prevalence, identify risk factors and cyst characterization of bovine hydatidosis in cattle slaughtered at Debre Zeit Elfora export abattoir. Ante mortem examination, post mortem examination (visualization, palpation and incision) and cyst characterization were conducted. As a result of 384 examined animal, 69 (17.97%) were harbouring a single or multiple hydatid cysts. Out of 69 viscera harboring hydatid cysts, the highest 46(66.67%) was lung followed by liver 13 (18.84%), heart 3(4.35%), kidney 3(4.35%) and spleen 1(1.45%) and the rest 3 (4.35%) infections involved multiple organs. Out of the total 69 cysts collected, 32 (46.37%) were fertile, 19 (27.53%) calcified and 18 (26.08%) sterile. Hence, 32 fertile cysts subjected to viability test, 25 (78.13%) were viable and 7(21.87%) nonviable. Cyst size assessment was made on 69 hydatid cysts indicated that 25 (36.23%) were small, 21 (30.3%) were medium and 23(33.33%) were large size cysts. The highest numbers of large size cysts were recovered on the lung (45.83%) than in the liver (7.14%), while the liver was found harboring large number of small size cysts (71.42%). There was highly statistically significance variation between the age (P=0.000, x2=28.972, CI=0.014-0.049), body condition score (P=0.000, x2=46.498, CI=0.024-0.065) and prevalence of cyst recovered. But no significant variation was observed with regard to origin of animals (p=0.733, x2=19.352, CI=0.765-0.844) and the prevalence of the disease. High prevalence of the disease and fertile cysts was recovered from the current study. Especially, liver and lung were the most affected organs than other visceral organs. Therefore, public awareness about the zoonotic importance of the disease and application of the conventional preventive and control measures like detail meat inspection and proper disposal of infected organs at abattoirs should be practiced.

[Alebie Mekuriyaw, Girma Kebede, Tilahun Zenebe, Tadele Kabeta, Addisu Demssie. Prevalence of Bovine Hydatidosis and Its Cyst Characterization in Debre Zeit Elfora Export Abattoir, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):87-93]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 13. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.13.


Key words: Abattoir, Bovine, cyst characterization, Ethiopia, hydatid cyst, Prevalence

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Welfare Assessment of Cart Pulling Mule in Durbete Town, North Western Ethiopia


Metadel Tilahun 1, Ashenafi Assefa 2, Mengestie Abebaw 1, Ayalew Negash 1, Kassa Demelash 1, Mebrie Zemene 3, Genene Girma 1, Belaynew Alene 1, Bruktayet Wondu 1


1Faculity of Veterinary Medicine, College of Medical and Health science, University of Gondar, P.O. Box. 196, Gondar, Ethiopia, Lecturer at University of Gondar, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Gondar, P.O. Box. 196, Gondar, Ethiopia, 3 Lecturer at University of Gondar, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Pharmacy, Gondar, Ethiopia, P.O. Box. 196.



Abstract: Across sectional study was conducted from October 2015 to March 2016 with the objective of assessing the general health problems and welfare concerns of cart pulling mules in Durbete town. Both direct (animal based) and indirect (owner interview) assessment methods were used. Out of the total 274 examined cart mules,12.4% had dermatological problem due to ectoparasite and harnessing material, 33.9% had musculoskeletal problems 21.9% mules were lame. The effect of wound in this study area was greater than 100% due to the presence of injury more than one anatomical position in one mule from harness contact areas mostly breast, chest and back. And there was no significant association between wound with work type, age and body condition (p>0.05) and intensity of wound also didn’t significantly associated with age and body condition score (p>0.05). According to this study 9.9% of mules had poor body condition and 28.5%, 6.2% and 0.7% of mules also had depressed, difficult to handle and nervousness behavior respectively. The age proportion obtained were 17.5%, 52.6%, 21% and 8.8% in the age group 0-5year, 6-10year, 10-15year and >15year respectively. Result of indirect assessment through interview 110 owners showed that they used different method for the management of diseased cart mules and 79.1% of the respondents were take their mules to veterinary clinic and 20,9% of respondents treat by themselves, but 15.5% owners did not deworm their mules. Among the studied mules 9.1%, 45.5%, 6.4% and 100% mules were used as pack, saddle, drought and cart respectively. In this study 88.2% of owners provide supplementary feed and sufficient amount of clean water and feed were given with the frequency of 5.5%, 47.3%, 18.2% water for once, twice, three times and more than three times respectively and 10%, 36.4%, 29% and 24.5% of feed for once, twice, three times and more than three times respectively but 6.4% owners not give rest within a week. But the welfare of these animals was found compromised. To improve this situation education of owners about overall animal management of cart mules’ owner awareness about animal welfare, proper attention to health of equines by the veterinary service were recommended.

[Metadel T, Ashenafi A, Mengestie A, Ayalew N, Kassa D, Mebrie Z, Genene G, Belaynew A, Bruktayet W. Welfare Assessment of Cart Pulling Mule in Durbete Town, North Western Ethiopia. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):94-102]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 14. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.14.


Key words: cart mule; welfare; direct; indirect; assessment

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Detection of five major pathogenicity islands in Salmonella serovars isolated from broiler chicken


Asmaa El Sayed Mohammed El Sayed 1, Mohamed Wael Abdel-Azeem2, Serageldeen Sultan2, and Amany Abbas Yousif 1


1Animal Health Research Institute, Sohag Branch, Sohag 82525, Egypt.

2Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, South Valley University, Qena83523, Egypt.



Abstract: Background: Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium are the most prevalent serotypes in broiler chicken. These isolates possess a zoonotic impact to public health. PCR technique is sensitive, specific and useful in detection of pathogenicity islands genes to determine the virulence of Salmonella serovars. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of five major Salmonella pathogenicity islands (SPIs) in Salmonella serovars isolated from broiler chicken in Sohag Governorate, Egypt. A total of 1000 samples were collected from 200 broiler chicken. The samples were intestine, liver, spleen, heart and yolk sac. Results: The colonial morphology, biochemical and serological identifications of the isolates revealed the presence of Salmonella in 32 out of 200 chicken (16%). The rate of recovery of Salmonellae from the different internal organs showed that high recovery rate was from intestine, liver, spleen, heart then yolk sac as the follow (35%), (23%), (16%), (14%) and (12%) respectively. Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium were the most prevalent serotypes (34.7%, 18.4% respectively) followed different Salmonella serotypes; Salmonella kentucky, Salmonella virchow, Salmonella newport, Salmonella infantis, Salmonella anatum and Salmonella chester (12.2%, 8.1%,8.1%,8.1%, 6.2% and 4.2%) respectively. PCR assay was carried out to detect InvE/A for SPI-1, ssaQ for SPI-2, mgtC for SPI-3, spi4R for SPI-4 and sopB for SPI-5 in all Salmonella isolates. InvE/A, ssaQ, mgtC and sopB genes of the four pathogenicity islands, are detected in all Salmonella serovars isolated from broiler chicken. While spi4R was present in all Salmonella serotypes except Salmonella infantis this may due to deletion or mutation. Conclusion: PCR technique is sensitive, specific and useful in detection of pathogenicity islands genes to determine the virulence of Salmonella serovars. Salmonella (enteritidis, typhimurium, kentucky, anatum, newport, virchow and chester) carried all the virulence genes of the five pathogenicity islands. So these serovars can be considered as a fully virulent serovars.

[Asmaa El Sayed Mohammed El Sayed, Mohamed Wael Abdel-Azeem, Serageldeen Sultan and Amany Abbas Yousif. Detection of five major pathogenicity islands in Salmonella serovars isolated from broiler chicken. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):103-110]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 15. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.15.


Keywords: Salmonella, Broiler, pathogenicity islands, Virulence Genes

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Correlation between 25-(OH) vitamin D level and autoimmune thyroid disease in polycystic ovary syndrome


Osama Alsaeed, M. D.1 and Loay Emam, M. D.2


1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt


ABSTRACT: Background: Low 25(OH) vitamin D levels have been associated with several autoimmune diseases and recently with autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD). Objective: To investigate the association of AITD with 25(OH) vit D levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Materials and Methods: Fifty women with PCOS were enrolled in this study. Routine health checkups were done which included measurement of 25(OH) vit D, anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO-Ab), anti-thyroglobulin (TG-Ab) antibodies, FT3, FT4 and TSH selecting 50 nmol/L as cut-off point. Results: Low 25(OH) vit D levels were detected in 24 of 50 patients (48%). AITD was diagnosed when TPO-Ab, levels exceeding 80 U/ml and/or TG-Ab levels exceeding 70 U/ml. ATTD was detected in 12 of 50 patients (24%). The level of 25(OH) vit D were significantly lower in women with PCOS and AITD when compared to women with PCOS and without AITD (P = 0.02). I woman with AITD no correlation was found between 25(OH) vit D and TG-Ab (r = 0.48); P = 0.16), IPO-Ab (r = 0.43; P = 0.21), TSH (r = 0.38; P = 0.27), FT3 (r = -0.4; P = 0.25) and FT4 levels (r = -0.54; P = 0.10). These findings suggest that low levels of 25(OH) vit D were significantly associated with AITD in women with PCOS. Conclusion: Low 25(OH) vit D levels were associated with AITD in PCOS women. So, supplementation of vit D could represent a promising therapeutic approach to prevent or improve the development of AITD in these women.

[Osama Alsaeed, M. D. and Loay Emam, M. D. Correlation between 25-(OH) vitamin D level and autoimmune thyroid disease in polycystic ovary syndrome. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):111-114]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 16. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.16.


Keywords: Vitamin D, polycystic ovary syndrome, metabolic and endocrine disorders, systemic review and meta-analysis

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Synthesis and anti H5N1 activities of some pyrazolyl substituted N-heterocycles


Wael S. I. Abou-Elmagd*1, Nassif, S. A,2 Alaa R. I. Morsy, 2 Salah M. El-kousy 3 and Ahmed I. Hashem1


1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, 11566. Abasia, Cairo, Egypt.

2Central Laboratory for Evaluation of Veterinary Biologics, Agricultural Research Center, Abasia, Cairo, Egypt. 3Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, El-Menofia University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt.



Abstract: The acid hydrazide derivative 1 was utilized for the construction of pyridazine, pyridazinone, pyrazole, pyrazolone, pthalazinedione and schiff bases upon condensation with different carbonyl compounds. However, the reaction of Schiff base 13 with thioglycolic acid gives the thiazolidinone derivative 14. The structures of the newly synthesized compounds were established on the basis of IR, 1H-NMR, mass spectral data, and elemental analyses. The antiviral activities of the synthesized compounds against HPAI H5N1 were examined. Some of the tested compounds showed promising activities.

[Wael S. I. Abou-Elmagd, Nassif, S. A, Alaa R. I. Morsy, Salah M. El-kousy and Ahmed I. Hashem. Synthesis and anti H5N1 activities of some pyrazolyl substituted N-heterocycles. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):115-124]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 17. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.17.


Keywords: pyridazine, pyridazinone, Pyrazole, pyrazolone, phthalazinedione, Thiazolidinone. Antiviral, H5N1

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Influence of Climatic Conditions on Chemical Configuration of Seeds in Safflower, Soybean, Linseed and Sesame.


Hafiz Saad Bin Mustafa*, Ejaz ul Hasan, Mariam Hassan, Sehrish Sarwar, Abdul Qayyum and Tariq Mahmood


Directorate of Oilseeds, Ayub Agricultural Research Institute (AARI), Faisalabad, Pakistan.

*Corresponding author’s email: saadpbg@gmail.com


Abstract: The present review article is very helpful to understand the effect of environmental factors on minor oilseed crops. Environmental factors play a vital role during the growing stages of crops and eventually influence the chemical composition of seed. Temperature during growth stages, planting time, irrigation, rainfall, fertilizers, growing season and soil type affect chemical composition of different oilseed crops. Oil content and protein content are specially influenced by prevailing environmental conditions during maturity and post flowering period. Drought stress at flower blossoming and seed development stages reduces oil content and un-saturated fatty acids, while increases saturated fatty acids and protein in safflower. High temperature during seed development stage reduces oil percentage and increases protein content in safflower. Genotype and location has significant effect on protein content, oil percentage and unsaturated fatty acids, as linoleic acid, oleic acid and linolenic acid in soybean. Oil content and oleic acid increase while protein, linoleic and linolenic acids decrease in early sown soybean. Due to drought stress, protein content increases while oil content decreases in soybean. Pod position also affects protein, oil and iso-flavon contents of soybean. Temperature differences after flowering express immense impact on content and composition of the linseed oil. Late sowing decreases oil content in linseed while cool temperature, adequate moisture and long day length during and after flowering stage increase the grain yield, quality and quantity of oil content. Oil percentage and configuration in sesame is effected by soil type, genetic, climatic and agronomic factors as well as growth stages of plant.

[Hafiz Saad Bin Mustafa, Ejaz ul Hasan, Mariam Hassan, Sehrish Sarwar, Abdul Qayyum and Tariq Mahmood. Influence of Climatic Conditions on Chemical Configuration of Seeds in Safflower, Soybean, Linseed and Sesame. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):125-140]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 18. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.18.


Keywords: Drought, Genetic variation, Oil quality, Oilseed crops, Rainfall, Temperature

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Comparison between Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) versus Acry Sof Cachet Phakic Intraocular Lenses in Correction of Moderate to High Myopia


Khaled Nada, M. Sc.; Mohammed Attia, M. D and Ashraf El Habbak, M. D.


Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt.



Abstract: Purpose: to evaluate the safety, efficacy, predictability and stability of two phakic intraocular lenses (pIOLs), Visian ICL (ICL) and AcrySof Cachet for correction of moderate to high myopia. Patients and methods: In this prospective study that included (42) eyes of (23) patients. (21) eyes of (11) patients received Visian ICL; (21) eyes of (12) patients received AcrySof Cachet. Uncorrected Visual Acuity (UCVA), Best Spectacle Corrected Visual Acuity (BSCVA), Endothelial cell density, Intraocular pressure (IOP) and Postoperative complications were evaluated. Results: All patients completed six months follow up. The mean pre-operative spherical error was -14.13 ± 3.92, and -11.68 ± 0.98 diopters (D) for ICL and AcrySof Cachet (P= 0.014) respectively. The mean postoperative spherical error postoperative (6months) was -0.37 ± 0.48, -0.57 ± 0.20 (D) for ICL and AcrySof Cachet (P= 0.001) respectively. The mean uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) postoperative (6 months) was 0.63 ± 0.17 and 0.78 ± 0.11 (decimal) for ICL and AcrySof Cachet (P= 0.002) respectively. The mean preoperative endothelial cell density (ECD) was 2923.71±208.95, 2719± 188.68 cell/mm˛ for ICL and AcrySof Cachet (P= 0.002) respectively. The mean percent endothelial cell loss postoperative (6months) was -1.99%,-5.57% for ICL and AcrySof Cachet (P= <0.001) respectively. Conclusion: ICL and AcrySof Cachet are almost equal in the terms of efficacy, predictability and stability, but regarding safety ICL had much less incidence of endothelial cell loss than AcrySof Cachet.

[Khaled Nada; Mohammed Attia and Ashraf El Habbak. Comparison between Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) versus AcrySof Cachet Phakic Intraocular Lenses in Correction of Moderate to High Myopia. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):141-146]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 19. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.19.


Key Words: Implantable contact lens (ICL), AcrySof Cachet, Phakic IOLs, Myopia

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The failure rate of short and long segment fixation of post traumatic thoracolumbar fractures


AlaaA. Farag, Mohamed H. El Sayedand Mohamed A.S. Osman


Department of Neurosurgery, Banha University Hospitals, Banha, Egypt



Abstract: Background: Thoracolumbar area of the spine is the most common site for injuries and the surgical treatment of fixation for treatment of these fractures remain controversy. Objectives: to evaluate the failure rate of short and long segment fixation of post traumatic thoracolumbar fractures. Methods: 40 patients had been taken and divided into two groups I andII; each category consists of 20 patients whom undergo fracture at thoracolumbar region (D11, D12, L1, L2 or L3). Group I was operated by short segment posterior fixation (one level above and one level below fractured vertebrae) while group II was operated by long segment posterior fixation (two levels above, two levels below or two levels above, one level below or one level above and two levels below).All cases were followed up clinically for improvement of neurological deficits & late postoperative complications (broken screws, kyphosis and back pain).Also all cases had been followed up radiologically by plain radiogram +/- C.T. scan for assessment of the instrumental system, decompression & improvement of kyphotic deformities. Operation’s time and the amount of blood loss were considered. Follow up at least six months. Results: Complications are more in short segment fixation (30%) than long segment fixation (5%). Back pain is the most common complication followed by post-operative kyphosis then system failure (broken screw or dislodgment). Blood loss and time of surgical procedure in short segment fixation (SS) is less than long segment fixation (LS).Conclusion: The surgical treatment of unstable thoracolumbar fractures using a short fixation showed greater loss of kyphosis correction in the long-term follow-up of patients and high rate of instrumental failure, compared to long fixation. These radiographic findings make long fixation an effective option in the management of thoracolumbar fractures. Despite the higher rate of failures with short fixation, it has shorter surgical times and less blood loss.

[AlaaA.Farag, Mohamed H. El Sayed and Mohamed A.S. Osman. The failure rate of short and long segment fixation of post traumatic thoracolumbar fractures.Nat Sci2016;14(9):147-149].ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online).http://www.sciencepub.net/nature.20. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.20.


Key words: short segment fixation, long segment fixation, thoracolumbar fractures.

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Study of insulin resistance in patients with variable grades of gastroesophageal reflux diseases


Mohamed kamal1, Ashraf Elbahrawy1, Mahmoud Abdel monem1, Zakarya M. Zakarya1, Aida Ebrahim2 Mohamed Samy Elhakim3, Mohamed N Rafaat Farahat1


1 Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University, Egypt

2 Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University

3 General Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University



Abstract: Back ground: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide; its community-based prevalence is 19.8%. GERD not only affect the quality of patient's live but also increase risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Recent studies have linked insulin resistance (IR), a principle component of metabolic syndrome to carcinogenesis, moreover increased insulin resistance was identified in association with increased prevalence of GERD. Aim of the work: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of insulin resistance on the severity of Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Subject and Methods: this study was conducted on 90 patients with GERD symptoms. The patients were divided into 4 groups. 30 patients with non-erosive GERD included in Group I. 30 patients with mild GERD (grade A and B) included in group II. Group III (n=20) included patients with severe GERD (grade C and D). In addition 10 patients with Barrette esophagitis were tested (group IV). The diagnosis and grading of GERD and barrett's esophagitis based on endoscopic findings. Insulin resistance was measured for all subjects using the equation (Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance HOMA-IR). H pylori IgG was tested for all subjects. Results: The mean age of included subjects was 36.5±16.8 years, 36 were females (40%) and 54 were males (60%). The mean HOMA-IR was 2.86±2.2 Iu/l. While 32 patients were reacting for H. pylori-IgG antibodies, 58 were H. pylori -IgG negative. There were no significant differences among patients with different GERD grades regarding the level of fasting insulin or HOMA-IR. In addition there were no significant differences between the grades of GERD and H. pylori serostatus. Conclusion: there is no significant relation between insulin resistance and severity of GERD in our study. The relation between GERD and IR seems to be multifactorial.

[Mohamed kamal, Ashraf Elbahrawy, Mahmoud Abdel monem, Zakarya M. Zakarya, Aida Ebrahim Mohamed Samy, Elhakim, Mohamed N Rafaat Farahat. Study of insulin resistance in patients with variable grades of gastroesophageal reflux diseases. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):150-156]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 21. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.21.


Keywords: GERD, Insulin Resistance

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 The relation between time of intercourse and time of ovulation and their effect on Sex Determination


Mahmoud S. Eledessy, Abd Elraouf Oun, Ahmed Bendary


Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University, (Assiut).


Abstract: Rational: Natural sex selection methods have been applied for several decades, but their use and effectiveness are still a matter of debate. Sex selection could be needed for personal, social, or cultural reason. In most cases the principal medical indication for sex selection is to avoid giving birth to children with a sex-linked genetic disorder like Duchenne muscular dystrophy.  Objective: Sex selection using (ART) Assisted Reproductive Technologies without doubt accurate and precise but unfortunately very expensive. So, this study was designed to assess the efficacy of timing of intercourse in relation to ovulation as a method to improve the chances of conceiving a girl or boy. Subject and Methods: A total of 100 women were recruited in this study during (2012-2015). Patients signed an informed consent explain the nature of the study. Compliance of timing of intercourse in relation to ovulation was determined by ovulation tests. Patients were grouped in tow groups; Group1:- timing of intercourse close to ovulation, Group2:- timing of intercourse away from ovulation, Data was tabulated and calculated using SPSS software ver15. Results: Our results showed 68% response rate to use of protocol of selection of male, and 64% response rate to use of protocol of selection of female. Conclusion This study concluded that; The use of the timing of intercourse in relation to ovulation are one of the many methods believed to influence whether a female or a male is conceived.

[Mahmoud S. Eledessy, Abd Elraouf Oun, Ahmed Bendary. The relation between time of intercourse and time of ovulation and their effect on Sex Determination. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):157-159]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 22. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.22.


Keywords: Gender selection, Timing of ovulation

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Studying the role of serum calcium as a prognostic factor of acuteischemic stroke


Essam Mahdy Ibrahim1, Sabry Mohammad Fathy1, Hossam Abdel-Monem Ali1, Saad Eldeen Mohammed Elsheref2 and Mohammad Gaber1


1Neurology and2InternalMedicine Departments, Al-azhar Faculty of Medicine, Egypt.



Abstract: Background: Although the relationship of serum calcium (Ca2+ ) levels and the pathways involved in cell death in acute cerebral ischemia remains unclear; clinical studies suggest that serum Ca2+ levels may be associated with severity of clinical symptoms, prognosis and infarct volume. The decrease in serum Ca2+ may reflect a response to the presence of tissue ischemia. Objectives: Evaluation of the prognostic significance of the levels of serum Ca2+ that obtained from the patient within 6 hours and at 72-96 hours of the onset of ischemic stroke. Patients and methods: The study consisted of 50 acute ischemic stroke patients older than 18 years, who were admitted to the hospital within 6 hours of stroke onset. All patients were subjected to the following: detailed history taking, thorough general and neurological examination, Laboratory investigations, brain CT scan, brain MRI including DWI, Carotid duplex and Echocardiography. Serum calcium (total and ionized) was obtained from the patients on admission and 72-96 hours post event. Results: There was no difference between admission total Ca2+ quartiles regarding age distribution, sex distribution, risk factors and laboratory investigations. All cases showed a decline in both total and ionized calcium. Serum Ca2+ obtained after 72-96 hours post event showed a significant decrease in comparison to serum calcium obtained within 6 hours from stroke onset. Early serum Ca2+ had no prognostic significance, there was weak or no correlations between the admission total calcium from side and the stroke severity, global disability, functional independency and infarct size from the other side. Late serum calcium (obtained from the patient 72-96 hours post event) is of prognostic significance. The level of late serum Ca2+ is inversely proportional to the stroke severity, stroke disability and MRI infarct size, while it was directly proportional independency. Conclusion: In ischemic stroke patients, the early serum calcium is apparently within the normal ranges. During the first 3 days of ischemic insult, serum calcium (total/ionized) is at least temporarily decreased. This decrease reflects a response to tissue ischemia. The extend of this decrease is directly proportional to the stroke severity, the size of brain infarcts and the degree of disability.

[Essam Mahdy Ibrahim, Sabry Mohammad Fathy, Hossam Abdel-Monem Ali, Saad Eldeen Mohammed Elsheref and Mohammad Gaber. Studying the role of serum calcium as a prognostic factor of acute ischemic stroke. Nat Sci 2016;14(9):160-163]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 23. doi:10.7537/marsnsj140916.23.


Key words: Ischemic Stroke, Prognostic factor, Serum calcium

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