Life Science Journal
200804 (Vol.5, No.4), November 15, 2008
Author/Subject Index,
1. Main hypotheses, concepts and theories in the study of Alzheimer’s disease
1 – 5
Yuhui An, Chao Zhang, Siyu He, Chunxia Yao, Limei Zhang, Qian Zhang
2. Application of ISSR markers in detection of genetic variation among Chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb) cultivars
6 – 12
Yanqing Zhou, Chune Zhou, Huanling Yao, Yanju Liu, Rongtao Tu
3. Correlation between expression of B7-H1 and clinical progression in human esophageal carcinoma
13 – 16
Shuman Liu, Huixia Zhang, Hui Chen, Xiaoping Le, Pei Chen, Qinxian Zhang
4. Expression of iKIR-HLA-Cw in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
17 – 22
Huixia Zhang, Shuman Liu, Zhanju Liu, Jichang Li
5. Genic expression and promotor methylation of hMSH2 in esophageal cancer tissues
23 – 27
Gongyuan Zhang, Qiuliang Liu, Chunxiao Ma, Xiaoping Le, Yi Ding, Qinxian Zhan
6. Differential proteins expression between gastric cancer and normal cell lines
28 – 32
Jing Zang, Ping Wang, Sanyou Gao, Di Xiao, Jianzhong Zhang, Kaijuan Wang
33 – 37
Naigang Zheng, Li Wang, Jinglan Wu, Hongwen Li, Yiling Wang, Qinxian Zhang
38 – 40
Li Li, Zhisong Li, Yanqiu Ai, Zhongyu Wang
9. Influence of Euonymus alatus Sied extracts on MDCK proliferation and high concentration of glucose induced cell injury
41 – 46
Haiyan Yang, Qiujuan Wang, Danni Zhu
10. Co-detection of five species of water-borne bacteria by multiplex PCR
47 – 54
Hongying Fan, Qingping Wu, Xiaoxia Kou
11. Physicochemical and proximate composition of mango (Mangifera indica) kernel cake fermented with mono-culture of fungal isolates obtained from naturally decomposed mango kernel
55 – 63
R.M.O. Kayode, A. Sani
12. Production of high-ethanol-yielding Saccharomyces cerevisiae of palm wine origin by protoplast fusion
64 – 68
I.N. Nwachukwu, V.I. Ibekwe, R.N. Nwabueze, B.N. Anyanwu, U. Ezeji, I. Kalu, E. Chinakwe
13. The effects of processing on the amino acid profile of Oze (Bosqueia angolensis) seed flour
69 – 74
J.N. Nwosu, C.N. Ubbaonu, E.O.I. Banigo, A. Uzomah
75 – 82
I.C. Onyema, A.A. Ojo
15. Life cycle of earthworms Drawida nepalensis, Metaphire houlleti and Perionyx excavatus under laboratory controlled conditions
83 – 86
Namita Joshi, Madhuri Dabral
87 – 93
C. Sudhakar Reddy, Prachi Ugle
17. Author index and subjects index
On the cover: In the upper row, Figure a showed the filter-screened keratinocytes (KC) via 240 mu contained more
larger KC without nuclei and a few of smaller nucleated cells (putative epidermal stem cell population, ESCP), Wright’s
stain, ×400; Figure b showed the filter-screened KC via 350 mu contained more smaller nucleated cells (putative ESCP),
Wright’s stain, ×400. In the lower row, Figure a showed the eluted ESCP via ELISA-plate showed dark-brownish color,
p63 immunostaining, eosin counterstaining, ×1000; Figure b showed the eluted ESCP via Sepharose 4B minicolumn
showed dark-brownish color, k19 immunostaining, eosin counterstaining,×1000. See Rapid enrichment of stem cell population
by filter screening and biomarker-immunoassay from human epidermis by Naigang Zheng, et al, page 33 – 37
in this issue.
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