


Life Science Journal, 200702 (Vol.4,  No.2)

Covers, Editors, Instruction, Author/Subject Index, Contents, lsj0402


1. Changes in pharmacokinetics in the elderly and therapeutic drug monitoring of antiarrhythmic drugs

1 每 7

Lexin Wang


2. Comment: COX-2 and VEGF inhibitors could be considered as clinical treatment and prevention

on the esophageal carcinoma

8 每 10

Hongbao Ma


3. Changes of COX-2 and VEGF expressions in esophageal precancerous and cancerous lesions from

the patients at high incidence area in Henan province

11 每 14

Guolan Xing, Lidong Wang, Nengchao Wang, Wei Wen, Ken Qin, Zongmin Fan, Jilin Li,

Mei Zhang, Aiqun Wu


4. Hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes in carcinogenesis of human gastric cardia adenocarcinoma

15 每 18

Mei Zhang, Lidong Wang, Junkuan Wang, Huifang Wu, Hanbing Li, Guolan Xing, Aiqun Wu,

Xiaoshan Feng, Baochi Liu, Zongmin Fan, He Xin


5. Lumbar 5 spinal nerve ligation induced PI3K-PKB/Akt signal pathway activation in dorsal root

ganglia in rats

19 每 24

Jitian Xu, Sufang Kong, Huiyin Tu, Hongkun Fan, Caihong Zhai


6. Effects of angiotensin (1-7) on the expression of tissue factor induced by angiotensin II and its

mechanism in vascular endothelial cells

25 每 27

Hui Zhang, Huiyin Tu, Zhibin Wen, Xiaofan He, Shilin He


7. Isolation, culture and identification of microcystis in source water

28 每 32

Songqin Yang, Ling Dong, Chunxia Jiang, Xuemin Cheng, Huizhen Zhang, Liuxin Cui


8. Review on thyroid carcinoma of molecular pathology

33 每 36

Qiwei Ren, Zhiying Guo, Xu Wang


9. Physiological response of laying birds to Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf meal-based diets: body

weight organ characteristics and haematology

37 每 41

Babington Esonu, Maxwel Nwachukwu Opara, Ifeanyi Charles Okoli, Helen Obie Obikaonu,

Chidi Udedibie, Oscar Okey Martin Iheshiulor


10. Development of a Real-time TaqMAN probe PCR assay for the detection of bacteroide

42 每 45

Guoqiang Wang, Yu Luo


11. The combination of hydration and antiemetics in controlling chemotherapy induced delayed nausea

and vomiting

46 每 49

Khurana Aseem M, Yun Wang, Yuanyuan Ji, Xianbin Liang, Xingya Li


12. Effects of the pathogen infection-related genes on rat liver regeneration following 2/3 hepatectomy

50 每 55

Hongpeng Han, Lianxing Zhang, Cunshuan Xu


13. Oligonucleotide microarray for detection of the hereditary liver diseases-associated genes in rat

liver regeneration

56 每 63

Zikuo Tang, Shoubing Zhang, Cunshuan Xu


14. Bioavailability of cadmium and zinc following salinization of a degraded Isohyperthermic Arenic


64 每 68

Emmanuel Uzoma Onweremadu


15. Genetic diversity of different cultivars in Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch .f. hueichingensis (Chao et

Schih) Hsiao

69 每 75

Yanqing Zhou, Jianjun Li, Fang Wang, Fengping Gu, Chune Zhou, Zhongyi Zhang, Zhiming Gao


16. The many ※faces§ of biotechnology

76 每 77

Abraham Tamir


17. Fungal treatment of industrial effluents: a mini-review

78 每 81

Ashutosh Kumar Tripathi, Nirmal Sudhir Kumar Harsh, Nutan Gupta


18. Graded replacement of inorganic fertilizer with organic manure for sustainable maize production

in Owerri Imo State, Nigeria

82 每 87

Izuchukwu Innocent Ibeawuchi, Faith Amarachi Opara, Christian Thaddeus Tom,

Julius Chiedozie Obiefuna


19. A hypothetic universal PCR: implication for the rapid detection of major pathogenic bacteria in milk

88 每 89

Xiaofeng Ren, Jiechao Yin, Guicheng Huo, Guangxing Li


20. Recognition of ST segment of electrocardiogram based on wavelet transform

90 每 93

Li Shi, Cenyu Yang, Jinying Zhang, Hui Li


21. Author index and subject index



On the cover: The panels showed the results of double immunofluorescence staining in L5 dorsal root ganglia between

p-PKB/Akt (red; B, E, H) and NF-200 (green; A), IB4 (green; D) and GFAP (green; G). Images between panels A and B,

D and E, G and H were merged in panels C, F and I. See Lumbar 5 spinal nerve ligation induced PI3K-PKB/Akt signal

pathway activation in dorsal root ganglia in rats by Jitian Xu, et al, page 19 24 in this issue.





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