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Science Journal


Academia Arena


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi:10.7537, Monthly

Volume 9 - Number 10 (Cumulated No. 100), October 25, 2017

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新黑洞理论之10, 对宇宙「原初黑洞Mbo»1015g」的探讨, 兼论黑洞发射霍金辐射mss的收缩原理,和霍金的一些不正确的观点==本文摘录改编自拙作《黑洞宇宙学概论[4]==


张洞生 (Zhang Dongsheng)


17 Pontiac Road, West Hartford, CT 06117-2129, USA, zhangds12@hotmail.com, zds@outlook.com


Abstract <前言>: 早在1971年,霍金首先提出了「原初黑洞」primordial black hole)的概念,又称为「太初黑洞」,它是一种在现实宇宙中不存在的黑洞类型。霍金认为这类黑洞不是由大质量恒星的‘引力坍缩’形成的,而是来源于宇宙诞生时的‘奇点大爆炸’后,在宇宙形成的初期,暴涨时物质的超高密度在高速膨胀时,一些小团块物质在宇宙缸的巨大压力下,会收缩成为高密度的不同尺度的黑洞,其质量小于太阳质量Mθ = 2×1033g,最小的是由一座山收缩而成的,如Mbo»1015g,其体积仅相当现在的一颗基本粒子。霍金认为在宇宙大爆炸发生之际,各种质量的黑洞都是有可能生成的;因此,宇宙空间里目前仍可能存在着「原初黑洞」。作者在前面「新黑洞理论」的许多文章中,已经论证了,我们宇宙诞生于无数的最小黑洞Mbm= mp=10--5g,而它们的不断地合并造成宇宙黑洞由小到大连续的以光速膨胀,它完全符合哈勃定律。这种在宇宙整体均匀和极快速膨胀过程中,所瞬时形成的各种质量的「原初黑洞」随着宇宙快速均匀地膨胀,而‘转瞬即逝’,不可能如霍金所说,会收缩而生成各种「原初黑洞」,然后能在宇宙空间单独地存留下来,而造成宇宙的密度和温度的不均匀,这是我们宇宙在辐射时代RadiationEra结束以前的膨胀演变的实况。宇宙的微波背景辐射图表明,在此期间,整个宇宙中各处的密度和温度的各向差异是极其微小的,是在极其均匀和快速的膨胀着,毫无「原初黑洞」存在的迹象。作者在2-2[新黑洞理论第6]表二中,举例列出分析了几种有代表性的「原初黑洞」的特性;其黑洞型號有如; #1最小黑洞Mbm=10--5g; #2微型黑洞Mbo=2×1015g; #3小型黑洞Mbx=2×1018g; #4月亮级黑洞Mby=1026g;原生的太阳型黑洞Mθ = 2×1033g;从#2微型黑洞Mbo=2×1015g到原生的太阳型黑洞Mθ = 2×1033g,这些小黑洞都是霍金所称之为具有「原初黑洞」的质量,它们在宇宙辐射时代Radiation Era结束以前,都是在宇宙以光速快速膨胀过程中,瞬间形成而立即瞬间消失,变为更大质量的黑洞的。本文的目的将注重论述现今宇宙中不存在的#2微型黑洞Mbo»1015g的许多特性,即「原初黑洞primordial black hole」的特性。以此作为例子,示范如何利用作者「新黑洞理论」中的公式,以数值计算来定量地解释和解决黑洞和宇宙学中的一些问题。

[张洞生 (Zhang Dongsheng). 新黑洞理论之10, 对宇宙「原初黑洞Mbo»1015g」的探讨, 兼论黑洞发射霍金辐射mss的收缩原理,和霍金的一些不正确的观点==本文摘录改编自拙作《黑洞宇宙学概论[4]==. Academ Arena 2017;9(10):1-4]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.01.


Keywords <关键词>: 宇宙起源于无数#1最小黑洞 Mbm=mp=1.09 ×10--5g;宇宙的膨胀过程;原初黑洞primordial black hole;一种‘原初黑洞 primordial black hole Mbo »1015g 的特性

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浙江大学 传媒与国际文化学院,浙江 杭州310028 中国


[摘要] 邵培仁的传播思想及学术理念发展和成就同中国内地传播学研究三十年行路历程正好相互契合,其传播思想与研究领域因遵循中国传播研究主题的流变而持续演进、转化和升华。鉴于此,文章对邵培仁教授传播思想进路做了四个阶段的划分:1988-1998年为传播理论及学科交叉研究初探;1998-2008年为媒介经营管理理论体系建构;2008-2015年为传播交叉研究的理论创新与学术寻根;2015年至今从事面向未来、走向亚洲、放眼世界的传播理念探索。邵培仁的传播学研究表现出五种特色:开拓创新、与时俱进;学科交叉,融会贯通;学术寻根,立足本土;立意高远,国际视野;严谨踏实,情致诗意;快乐学术、与人为善的治学风格与学术特色。其丰硕的理论成就与独特的人格魅力大大推动了传播学科的建设与发展。作为一位冷静而有良知的中国学者,他不仅发表、出版大量学术论著,致力推进传播学研究的学科进步;而且聚焦理论创新,积极促进传播学研究的视阈拓展;同时还汇聚思想群落,引领建立传播学研究的浙大学派;更加注重扩展学科建制,广泛拓展传播学研究机构。


[关键词] 邵培仁;传播思想;理论成就;中国传播学


From China to the World: A Study on Shao Peiren’s Progressing Path of Academic Idea and Communication Thoughts




Institute of Communication Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China


Abstract: The development of Shao Peiren’s academic ideas and communication thoughts represent that of 30 years’ Chinese communication studies. His communication theories and research fields change with the evolution and variation of the subjects of Chinese communication studies. In this respect, this paper tries to divide his train of academic thoughts into four periods: 1988-1998, preliminary study on communication theory and interdisciplinary research; 1998-2008, constructing the research system of Media Management; 2008-2015, theoretical innovations on cross-over studies and academic root-seeking; from 2015 to the present, exploring communication theory that facing up with future, Asia and the world. Naturally, his academic style can be represented by the combination of theoretical innovation, cross-disciplinary studies, academic root-seeking and internationalization, with personal qualities of rigorous scholarship and deep sincerity. As a Chinese scholar, his prolific works have helped to push forward the advancement of Chinese communication research and also promote the progress of discipline system. Moreover, his efforts on gathering academic groups together and expanding the disciplinary establishment enable the ZJU School and academic institutions to be established.

[ZHOU Ying. From China to the World: A Study on Shao Peiren’s Progressing Path of Academic Idea and Communication Thoughts. Academ Arena 2017;9(10):5-17]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.02.


Key words: Shao Peiren; Communication Theory; Theoretical Achievements; Chinese Communication Study

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浙江大学 传媒与国际文化学院,浙江 杭州310012,中国






Research on the interactive communication mode of public cultural science and technology service based on Omnimedia


Lu Xiaoyan, Gu Mengjie, Xu Jinqian


College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310012, China


Abstract: This paper, taking the China National Science and Technology Support Program Research and Demonstration of Public Cultural Science and Technology Service Capacity-building and Performance Evaluation Technology as an example, with the communication theory as foundation, combined with knowledge of sociology, psychology, economics, politics and cultural creativity and other disciplines, and with computer information technology as assistance, tries to figure out residents’ demands of contact public culture, and discusses the digital onmimedia interactive communication service mode of public cultural resources which lead by the government, and gives a brief introduction of some applications of digital onmimedia interactive communication service of public cultural resources.

[Lu Xiaoyan, Gu Mengjie, Xu Jinqian . Research on the interactive communication mode of public cultural science and technology service based on Omnimedia. Academ Arena 2017;9(10):18-26]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.03.


Keywords: Public Cultural Resources, Omnimedia, Digitalized Communication, Service Mode, Interactive communication

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The Adjustment of Quotas in the IMF: A failure in drafting or an abuse of power?


Amir Hossein Tayyebi Fard1, Dr. Mahmood Bagheri2


1. Ph.D. Student, Department of International Law, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University

2. Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences University of Tehran



Abstract: The International Monetary Fund (IMF or Fund) has been a subject to a variety of criticisms in the recent decades. One of these disapprovals concerns the management of the IMF. This paper analyzes the vulnerability of IMF in its management appointing and quotas adjusting fields. According to IMF Articles of Agreement (AoA), the normative determinant of members’ quotas is their economic size. The remarkable coincidence of the process of determining the initial quotas of original members of the Fund with the necessity of acquiring the required quorum in its management level to adjust quotas could be the Achilles’ heel of the IMF and a source of vicious circle which leads to malfunctioning and criticism of IMF. It follows that some of the original members who have hold veto right by getting the required voting power do not let the economic size of the member states and consequently their quotas to be examined and adjusted in the five-year intervals. It could be represented as an abuse of a right which is derived from a valid international instrument but it is contrary to the objectives of the constituted organization.

[Amir Hossein Tayyebi Fard, Mahmood Bagheri. The Adjustment of Quotas in the IMF: A failure in drafting or an abuse of power? . Academ Arena 2017;9(10):27-33]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.04.


Keywords: International Monetary Fund; quota; Bretton Woods; SDR; quotas general review; abuse of power

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Design and Implementation of a Network Management Proxy Based on MTNM Solution Suite


Ghasem Karami


Department of Computer Engineering, Qazvin Branch Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran



Abstract: The main protocol that is currently used to manage computer networks is known as SNMP. Ease of use and expansion are the main advantages of applying the protocol to the equipments and computer networks. Despite the benefit of these advantages, use of this protocol in networks that generate high traffic and has a wide range of network devices should be faced with serious challenges. To overcome the difficulties of this protocol, several methods have been proposed. One of the best available techniques is a standard under name MTNM that it has been proposed as a solution suite and it has been formed according to distributed architecture, CORBA. In this paper, we intend to design and implement a proxy based on this standard. The main task of this proxy is to extract the data using SNMP commands to be placed in data structures of MTNM solution suite. Evaluation results clearly show the better performance of the proxy than SNMP protocol, in the term of traffic and run time.

[Ghasem Karami. Design and Implementation of a Network Management Proxy Based on MTNM Solution Suite. Academ Arena 2017;9(10):34-40]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.05.


Keywords: Network Management; SNMP protocol; CORBA; MTNM Solution Suite v3.5; Distributed programming

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Using a new permutation and diffusion technique for Image encryption


Ahad Zaregholinejad 1, Shahin Pourzare2, Mojtaba Hoseini3


1. Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Dep. of ICT, Tehran, Iran

2. Karadeniz Technical University, Dep. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Trabzon, Turkey

3. Computer Engineering Dept., Amirkabir Univ., Tehran, Iran

a.z.gholinejad@gmail.com, shaahinpour@yahoo.com, mojtabahoseini@aut.ac.ir


Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the field of data encryption. To carry out image encryption, this paper presents an algorithm which consists of two processes, namely, the permutation process which uses two-dimensional logistic map to confuse the pixels of R, G and B components at the same time, and the diffusion process which shuffle the image pixels by using a hyper-chaotic map. A 256-bit key is used for generating the parameters of the chaotic systems for increasing the security of the proposed algorithm. The prominent features of the proposed algorithm are high security, high sensitivity, and high speed, which is applicable to encryption of color images. Security and performance aspects of the proposed algorithm were both analyzed, and satisfactory results have been achieved. It is observed that the number of pixel change rate (NPCR), the unified average changing intensity (UACI), and entropy, can satisfy security and performance. The experimental results obtained for the CVG-UGR image database reveal the fact that the proposed algorithm is suitable for practical use to protect the security of digital image information over the Internet.

[Zaregholinejad A, Pourzare S, Hoseini M. Using a new permutation and diffusion technique for Image encryption. Academ Arena 2017;9(10):41-46]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.06.


Keywords: Data encryption; Hyper-chaotic map; Permutation; Security

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Thought of Forough Farrokhzad Born from the ‘Rebellion’ to ‘another Birth


Seyyedeh Tavoos Rahmani


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Izeh, Iran



Abstract: The study, titled "Thought of Forough Farrokhzad from the ‘Rebellion’ to ‘Another Birth’ " is consisting of seven sections. The first section was dedicated to her private life from birth to death as a poet. The second section includes stylistic characteristics of her poetry that is one of the most detailed sections in this study. In this section, the hidden and obscure ideas of poet, especially in her second poetic period which are covered with metaphors, symbols, allegories, and personifications, will be revealed and analyzed. Section III, describes her intellectual development and factors influenced her view and explains the reason of survival of her poems. The fourth section is "Forough and patriarchal society". In this section, the difficult status of women and cultural conditions in those times will be illustrated. We will see that, Forough Farrokhzad was the first female poet that expressed his emotions with feminine tone of voice, and as a pioneer female in Persian poet, turned over the patriarchal and restricted society. Fifth section considers her social and political poems and some of her key poems in this case will be criticized. She wrote these poems just after her the second period of poetry namely, since publishing Another Birth. Chapter six investigates the themes of her poetry, including the death of his feminine look and also a return to the childhood. Section seven, describes the mysticism essence in her poems, about the true love that is the foundation and essence of mysticism, and shows that, how the rebelling and inferior love of poet sublime to mystic love.

[Seyyedeh Tavoos Rahmani. Thought of Forough Farrokhzad Born from the ‘Rebellion’ to ‘another Birth. Academ Arena 2017;9(10):47-51]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.07.


Keywords: Forough Farrokhzad, Another Birth, rebel, patriarchal society, mysticism

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Investigating the Relationship between Tax Revenues and Tax Culture in Kerman City


Abdolmajid Jalaei, Leila Asgharpour


Department of Management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran



Abstract: Empirical studies have shown that, culture plays a decisive role in tax revenues and increasing of tax capacities. In this study, we have been proposed some questions that will be investigated in this section. The main question is that, is there any relationship between tax revenues and tax culture in Kerman? Results showed that, there is a positive and significant relationship between tax revenues of jobs and tax culture in Kerman. Moreover, there is a direct relationship between tax revenues of value added and tax culture. Our another conclusion is that, there is a direct relationship between value-added tax revenues and tax culture, so that, with the increase of tax culture both consumers and producers pay their value added taxes without any and consequently, the resulted tax revenues will increase. Another important result of the study is that, the distribution of tax culture varies between male and female respondents because of their various positions. Since men are much more involved in self-employment jobs, they face with tax more than women. Therefore, it is recommended to improve tax culture via timely, adequate and continuous information updates. People should know why they are paying taxes and where these taxes will be expended. In this case, the government should provide enough information as well as costs statements. Tax administration, via mass media, should explain the benefits of tax payment for all society with simple language.

[Abdolmajid Jalaei, Leila Asgharpour. Investigating the Relationship between Tax Revenues and Tax Culture in Kerman City. Academ Arena 2017;9(10):52-57]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.08.


Keywords: tax culture, tax revenues, Kerman, jobs

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In 1976 Jiang Found New Gravitational Formula. It Is The Greatest Gravitational Discovery That Was Ever Made, Mathematical Theory Of Space-Time


Chun-Xuan. Jiang


P. O. Box 142-206 , Beijing 100854, P. R. China, jc Chun-Xuan. Jiangx@163.com


Abstract: This article is about the Jiang Found New Gravitational Formula. It Is The Greatest Gravitational Discovery That Was Ever Made, Mathematical Theory Of Space-Time.

[Chun-Xuan. Jiang. In1976 Jiang Found New Gravitational Formula. It Is The Greatest Gravitational Discovery That Was Ever Made, Mathematical Theory Of Space-Time . Academ Arena 2017;9(10):58-69]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 9. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.09.

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The New Gravitational Formula Is The Greatest Gravitational Discovery That Was Ever Made

Chun-Xuan Jiang


P.O. Box 142-206, Beijing 100854, China, jcxxxx@163.com


Abstract: In 1976 Jiang Found The New Gravitational FormulaIt Is The Greatest Gravitational Discovery That Was Ever Made(Beyond the Newtonian Gravitational Theory and Overthrow the Einstein Gravitational Theory). All the world dark matter, dark energy, and gravitational waves detection experiments and all colliders should be closed.

[Chun-Xuan Jiang. The New Gravitational Formula Is The Greatest Gravitational Discovery That Was Ever Made. Academ Arena 2017;9(10):70-97]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 10. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.10.


Keywords: New Gravitational Formula; The Greatest Gravitational Discovery

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强化教育大学计划组, Queens, New York 11418, USA



Abstract: 教育是现代社会必不可少的一部分。伴随着人类文明的历史,教育更是现代人类社会存在与发展的基石。全世界教育投资之大、发展之快、影响之深、学生人数之多,显而易见。以美国为例,美国50个州3亿人口,有四年制本科大学3000多所,注册本科学生1000万左右,研究生300万左右,各类培训等受教育学生数千万。中国人对教育的需求,更是超过美国,各国各地的人民,对教育的需要也是会永远保持上升之势。虽然全球化是人类社会进步发展的必然,势不可挡,全球化在世界经济方面发展迅猛,文化与教育的国际交流日新月异,各国之间互派留学生数量与日俱增。但是,真正意义上的国际大学全世界至今还没有。本计划是在美国纽约附近建立一所真正意义上的强化教育方式的国际大学(全专业综合大学),供有共同理想兴趣与志向者参考。我们要以高效率的办学教育方式,办出名校,为人类教育发展、教育全球化及社会进步做出贡献。

 [马宏宝. 在美国建立强化教育大学的设想. Academ Arena 2017;9(10):98-103]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 11. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.11.


Keywords: 美国; 建立; 强化教育; 大学; 设想; 国际; 世界


Establishing an Intensive Education University in the United States


Ma Hongbao, PhD


Intensive Education University Program Group, Queens, New York 11418, USA



Abstract: Education is an essential part of modern society. With the history of human civilization, education is the cornerstone of the existence and development of modern human society. The great investment in education around the world, its rapid development, its deep influence and the large number of students are obvious. In the United States, for example, the United States has a population of 300 million in the 50 states. US has more than 3,000 four-year undergraduate universities, about 10 million undergraduate students and about 3 million graduate students. There are tens of millions of educated students of all kinds. Chinese people's demand for education is even more than that of the people in the United States and other parts of the world. The demand for education will always be on the rise. Although globalization is inevitable and unstoppable for the progress and progress of human society, globalization is rapidly developing in the world economy and the international exchanges in culture and education are changing with each passing day. The number of international students to go abroad increases day by day. However, in the true sense of the word, the real international university in the world does not exist until now. This program is an international university (all-professional comprehensive university) that establishes a truly intensive education located near New York, the United States for reference by people with common aspirations. We need to run an elite university in an efficient way to contribute to the development of human education, the globalization of education and the social progress.

[Ma Hongbao. Establishing an Intensive Education University in the United States. Academ Arena 2017;9(10):98-103]. ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 11. doi:10.7537/marsaaj091017.11.


Keywords: America; establishment; education; university; vision; international; world

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