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Science Journal


Academia Arena


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi:10.7537/j.issn.1553-922X, Monthly

Volume 7 - Number 12 (Cumulated No. 78),  December 25, 2015

Cover Page, Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, All papers in one file


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Evaluation of Geotechnical Properties of Crude Oil contamination Lateritic Soils in Iyana Ejigbo Lagos, Nigeria


Olowofoyeku, Adeoye1, Ofuyatan Olatokunbo2, Fakeye Kolade 1


1Department of Civil Engineering, Yaba College of Technology, Lagos, Nigeria

2Department of building Caleb University Lagos. Nigeria.

Corresponding author: toksofuya@yahoo.com


Abstract: This study evaluated the geotechnical properties of lateritic soil in, Southwestern Nigeria. Short term studies on the influence of crude oil spillage on lateritic soil were performed for some weeks. Two samples of lateritic soil were investigated, samples A and B (uncontaminated and contaminated). Soil sample B contained 10% by weight (2kg) of crude oil. Sieve analysis, Atterberg limits, compaction test, California bearing ratio test (CBR), Consolidation test and shear strength tests were performed for a period of 84 days. This test was carried out in accordance with British standard code of practice (BS1377:1990). Contaminated soil was prepared by adding total of crude oil (2kg) on the sample already sieved and measured (20kg ) by weight of the dry soil sample and mixed until a uniform mixture was obtained. The classification results showed that crude oil contamination caused an increase in liquid limit and plastic limit between days of contaminations. The compaction result showed that there was an increase in maximum dry density while the optimum moisture content decreased between 7days and 84days of crude oil contamination. The result showed that there was a decrease in the cohesion value and the frictional angle due to the introduction of the crude oil into the soil. Although crude oil altered the geotechnical properties of the lateritic soil and reduced its strength, the soil can still be used for geotechnical purposed after remediation.

[Olowofoyeku, Adeoye; Ofuyatan Olatokunbo; Fakeye Kolade. Evaluation of Geotechnical Properties of Crude Oil contamination Lateritic Soils in Iyana Ejigbo Lagos, Nigeria. Academ Arena 2015;7(12):1-2]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071215.01.


Keywords: Lateritic soil, Oil spills, Contamination, geotechnical properties

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Recommended: 王德奎, y-tx@163.com; 张洞生 (Zhang Dong Sheng), ZDS@Outlook.com


Abstract: 把物质可分记为P,把物质无限可分记为NPP = NP还是PNP,曾经既是一道数学难题,又是一道政治难题,由此产生的物质无限可分敬畏,才形成了60年暗物质追踪的故事。如果有的东西就一定有限,无限的东西才是无限的话,就有两种情况:一是时间是可以无限循环的,有与无也可以无限循环。二是时间是进入到“无”,就是没有时间,停止时间是绝对的无,无限循环没有了。这只能是从开始,探索的起点,用非常深刻的理论,才能解决。这里,非计算机专业的理工类,能看懂;计算机专业的,更能透彻地看懂。因为要计算或解决一个问题,该问题通常有一个大小规模,用n表示,分析计算一个二进制数,该数有多少位,这个位就是其大小规模。从n个数里面找出最大的那个数,这个n就是该问题的规模大小。这是要比较n-1次才能得到结果,这个n-1就是所花的时间,也就是时间复杂度。再如将n个数按从大至小排序,n是其规模大小,第一次从n个数里找最大,第二次从n-1个数里找最大,以此类推,需要的比较次数就是n(n-1)/2;称所用n(n-1)/2。为该算法的时间复杂度。

[李升. 暗物质追踪60年辩驳“僵尸”论. Academ Arena 2015;7(12):3-21]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071215.02.

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Incidence Of Urinary Tract Infections Among Patients Who Attended University Of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Choba


Ruhuoma Wosu Kinika1*, Bibiana Chinyere Uzor2, Leera Solomon3


1Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B 5323, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

2Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Madonna University, P.M.B. 48, Elele, Rivers State, Nigeria.

3Department of Science Laboratory Technology, School of Science and Technology, Rivers State College of Arts and Science, P.M.B. 5936, Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

unipas013@gmail.com, sololeera@yahoo.com


Abstract: Incidence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) among patients who attended the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH), Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria for healthcare services was investigated. A total of 100 samples of mid-stream urine were aseptically collected using a sterile wide leak-proofed container and transported to the laboratory for microbiological analyses. Antibiotics susceptibility test was performed to determine susceptibility and resistance of isolates to selected conventional antibiotics using peptone water. Results obtained indicated that 75.7% (males) and 84.7% (females) had UTIs. Furthermore, 86.6% of males aged 16 to 20 and 66.6% aged 21 to 25 years had UTI. For females, 79.4% aged 16 to 20 and 87.1% aged 21 to 25 years had UTI. However, the results indicated that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) among the male and female subjects aged 16 to 20 and 21 to 25 years. Bacterial isolated includes Escherichia coli 22(43.14%), Klebsiella spp. 13 (25.49%), Staphylococcus aureus 9(17.65%), Proteus spp. 3(5.88%) and Pseudomonas spp. 4(7.84%). Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. were predominant. The susceptibility of isolated organisms was higher with gentamycin followed by cifrolox. These are known therapeutic drugs for treating UTI and should be administered properly. It is recommended that Ceporex, Nalidixic acid, Rifampicin and Levoflaxacin in which isolates shown resistant to be removed from the markets.

[R. Wosu Kinika, B. C. Uzor and L. Solomon. Incidence of urinary tract infections among patients who attended university of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Choba. Academ Arena 2015;7(12):22-28]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071215.03.


Keyword: Urinary tract infections, healthcare services, UPTH, therapeutic drugs, Port Harcourt

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Recommended: 王德奎 y-tx@163.com; 张洞生 (Zhang Dong Sheng), ZDS@Outlook.com


Abstract: 汪一平,浙江海宁人,1937年生,高级建筑工程师。1961年浙江大学土木系毕业,分配到浙江衢州市地区从事建筑设计、施工,曾在电大、电视中专等学校讲授数学、力学、物理等课程。1982年开始从建筑力学的特例,投稿研究描述相对性的论文,创建相对可变的底数与不变的重整化指数的圆对数等成果。

[倪问. 汪一平圆对数到四色夸克禁闭应用. Academ Arena 2015;7(12):29-38]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071215.04.


Keywords: 汪一平; 相对性; 底数; 指数;圆对数; 四色夸克禁闭

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Algebraic Structures of Soft subsets and Partitions of a soft set


1Singh, D. , 2 Onyeozili, I.A.


1(Former Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay)

Department of Mathematics, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.

Email: 1 mathdss@yahoo.com

2Department of Mathematics, University of Abuja., Abuja, Nigeria.

Email: 2 ijeozili@gmail.com (corresponding author)


Abstract: This research paper describes certain  monoids, semirings and lattices of subsets and partitions of a soft set.

2010  AMS  Classification:    20M32,     03E20,    03E02,   03E99

[Singh, D. , Onyeozili, I.A. Algebraic Structures of Soft subsets and Partitions of a soft set. Academ Arena 2015;7(12):39-44]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071215.05.


Keywords: soft set, soft subset, partition, semigroup, monoid, semiring lattice


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Our Picture Of The Universe

It is cosmology’s most fundamental question: How did the universe begin?


Alexander Vilenkin




Abstract: We Humans, a curious species, are accustomed into an inquisition. The question is not ‘do we know everything?’ or it is ‘do we know enough?’ But how perfectly we know about things? For many people this might sound like a startling claim. But scientific knowledge is often transitory: some (but not all) unquestionably fraught with misinterpretation. Science once introduced irradiation to prevent food poisoning by destroying molds, bacteria and yeast and control microbial infestation. But now it has been blamed to cause the loss of nutrients, for example vitamin E levels can be reduced by 25% after irradiation and vitamin C by 5-10% and damage food by breaking up molecules and creating free radicals. And these free radicals combine with existing chemicals (like preservatives) in the food to produce deadly toxins. This has caused some food manufacturers to limit or avoid the process and bills have even been introduced to ban irradiated foods in public cafeterias or to require irradiated food to carry sensational warning labels. And the rapid advancement of science combined with human aggression and aim for global supremacy has led even the smaller nations to weaponize anthrax spores and other viruses for maximum death and destruction. And thus the entire planet is gripped with fear that one day a terrorist group may pay to gain access to weaponized H5N1 flu and other viruses.

[Alexander Vilenkin. Our Picture Of The Universe. Academ Arena 2015;7(12):45-69]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071215.06.


Keywords: human; species; inquisition; free radical; virus; irradiation

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Deduction of New Gravitational Formula:


Chun-Xuan Jiang


Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL34682-1577, USA

P. O. Box 3924, Beijing 100854, China

jiangchunxuan@sohu.com, cxjiang@mail.bcf.net.cn, 123jiangchunxuan@gmail.com


Abstract. In this paper we deduce the new gravitational formula. Gravity is the tachyon centripetal force. Anybody may understand gravity.

[Chun-Xuan Jiang. Deduction of New Gravitational Formula:. Academ Arena 2015;7(12):70-72]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071215.07

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Fermat Last Theorem was Proved in 1991


Jiang, Chun-xuan


Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL34682-1577, USA

P. O. Box 3924, Beijing 100854, China

jiangchunxuan@sohu.com, cxjiang@mail.bcf.net.cn


Abstract: We found out a new method for proving Fermat last theorem (FLT) on the afternoon of October 25, 1991. We proved FLT at one stroke for all prime exponents , It led to the discovery to calculate . To this date, no one disprove this proof. Anyone can not deny it, because it is a simple and marvelous proof. It can fit in the margin of Fermat book.

[Jiang, Chun-xuan. Fermat Last Theorem was Proved in 1991. Academ Arena 2015;7(12):73-77]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071215.08.


Keywords: Fermat last theorem (FLT); calculate; cyclotomic real number; cyclotomic field

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Fermat’s Marvelous Proofs for Fermat’s Last Theorem


Chun-Xuan, Jiang


Institute for Basic Research, Palm Harbor, FL34682-1577, USA

P. O. Box 3924, Beijing 100854, China

jiangchunxuan@sohu.com, cxjiang@mail.bcf.net.cn


Abstract: Using the complex hyperbolic functions and complex trigonometric functions we reappear the Fermat’s marvelous proofs for Fermat’s last theorem (FLT). We  present three proofs: (1) Jiang’s marvelous proofs, (2) Fermat’s marvelous proofs and (3) Frey-Ribet-Wiles proofs. Ribenbiom points out that there are some mathematicians who are not satisfied with the method of proof using elliptic curves and modular form, perhaps wrongly? or rightly?

[Chun-Xuan, Jiang. Fermat’s Marvelous Proofs for Fermat’s Last Theorem. Academ Arena 2015;7(12):78-80]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 9. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071215.09.


Keywords: Fermat’s Marvelous Proof; Fermat’s Last Theorem; trigonometric function

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孙纯武 (1948-),男(汉族) ,中国江苏省扬州市,研究员, 主要从事研究自然科学等;



邮编 225008,   电子信箱:yzscw0514@163.com,   qq 458669609, 手机 18652544068


摘要: 千万不能误认为是病毒引起癌细胞疯长,长期采用放疗化疗实破坏了人体气体运动的统一和没治到生病的病根上,这样的长期治疗会使基因发生变移,从原来的存在形式突然改变成另一种新的存在形式,就是在一个位点上,突然出现了一个新基因,代替了原有基因,但那些放化疗时进入人体的那么多化学物毒品,便峰涌对流进入新基因质量再生场空穴中。再同病人治疗过程中痛苦气流结合等,被基因自旋系统就像滚雪球似地将化学物和痛苦气流越滚越大聚合复制成一个完整新的癌细胞。【也就是化疗助长抗疗癌细胞的生成】由于新癌细胞貭量更加大,就加重病人各组织结构关系一时更不能被协调,以致病人的系统功能被彻底破坏。

Abstract: It is totally wrong to believe that the overgrowth of cancer cells is caused by viruses; a long-term chemoradiotherapy actually breaks the unity of human internal airflow, and will not cure the root causes of illnesses; such long-term treatment may trigger gene variation, a change from the original form to another new existing form, and generate a new gene at the locus to replace the original gene. Although the genes are functionally disabled to duplicate cancer cells during chemoradiotherapy, when new genes are duplicated in the human bodies, many chemical toxins introduced through chemoradiotherapy and entering the human bodies will convectively swarm into the cavities of the new cancer cells duplicated by the new genes; if combined with the patient’s painful airflow during the treatment, the new duplicated cancer cells will be largely increased, [that is, the chemotherapy fosters the generation of the treatment-resistant cancer cells.]; and aggregate the discordance of various organizational structures so that the systemic functions of the patients are completely destroyed.

[孙纯武. 停止放化疗治白血病、癌病、艾滋病. Academ Arena 2015;7(12):81-93]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 10. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071215.10.



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就邵逸夫, 丘成桐, 杨振宁, 吴文俊, 杨乐, 何祚庥等拱手把费马大定理送给美国怀尔斯的质疑




Recommended: 王德奎, y-tx@163.com; 张洞生 (Zhang Dong Sheng), ZDS@Outlook.com



摘要:邵逸夫, 丘成桐, 杨振宁, 吴文俊, 杨乐, 何祚庥,方舟子和中国院士不承认蒋春暄于1991年证明费马大定理,只承认怀尔斯1994年证明费马大定理。这样他们就拱手把费马大定理成果2005邵逸夫数学奖送给美国怀尔斯,蒋春暄证明世纪数学难题费马大定理却遭 封杀”, 这是科学打假大冤案.这样他们就在全球制造一个“名人安德鲁·怀尔斯”。天大的笑话。怀尔斯证明费马大定理是荒谬的。国内千成上万人正在研究怀尔斯错误的证明. 怀尔斯在中国没有市场, 目前只有丘成桐, 杨乐和王元出山宣传怀尔斯1995年证明费马大定理. 他们要这样干下去.

[蒋春暄. 就邵逸夫, 丘成桐, 杨振宁, 吴文俊, 杨乐, 何祚庥等拱手把费马大定理送给美国怀尔斯的质疑. Academ Arena 2015;7(12):94-97]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 11. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071215.11.



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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from December 10, 2015. 

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