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Science Journal


Academia Arena


ISSN 1553-992X (print); ISSN 2158-771X (online), doi:10.7537/j.issn.1553-922X, Monthly

Volume 7 - Number 11 (Cumulated No. 77),  November 25, 2015

Cover Page, Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, All papers in one file


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The use of Silver Compounds in Water Treatment and Prevention of Biofilm Formation in Water Distribution Channels.


*Erena, N B., 1Mu’azu, N K. and 2Musah, M.


*1Department of Integrated Science, Niger State College of Education, Minna

2 Department of Chemistry, Niger State College of Education, Minna.

*Corresponding Author: erenanuhu@gmail.com


Abstract: This paper revealed biofilm as an aggregation of microorganisms that grows on solid surfaces or substrates. The surface can be living (body of animals and plants) or non living (rocks and water pipes), they are characterized by structural interactions and cellular matrix of polymer substances which may be specific or non- specific. Biofilms affect many part of everyday life, which include contamination of water, blocking of water channels and causing infections. Biofilm can be prevented by adequate cleaning of water storage systems and use of antimicrobial agents also known as disinfectants. The paper also highlight notable disinfectants such as silver compounds, which when impregnated into water filters, robbins device, diffusion gel and coatings of inner surface of water channels can inhibit a lot of cellular activity of the microorganism and can also kill the organism. The paper concluded by recommending the use of silver compounds in water treatment and prevention of biofilm formation in water channels.

[Erena, N B., Mu’azu, N K. and Musah, M. The use of Silver Compounds in Water Treatment and Prevention of Biofilm Formation in Water Distribution Channels. Academ Arena 2015;7(11):1-4]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071115.01.


Keywords: Biofilm, Water Channel, Silver, Compounds, Microorganisms.

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严河流 老骥


Recommended: 王德奎 y-tx@163.com; 张洞生 (Zhang Dong Sheng), ZDS@Outlook.com



[严河流 老骥. 读李淼评《三体》. Academ Arena 2015;7(11):5-18]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071115.02.


关键词:三体问题  红岸  质子  外星人

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The Study Of Compressive Strength On Concrete With Partial Replacement Of Cement With Cassava Peel Ash


Owolabi, T.A*, Popoola O.O and wasiu j


Department of Civil Engineering Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti. Nigeria



Abstract: This research work presents the properties of concrete using cassava peel ash (CPA) as a partial replacement for cement. Specific gravity, sieve analysis, density test, slump test and cube test were carried out in the concrete laboratory. Concrete cubes were cast, cured and tested at curing ages of 7, 14, 21 and 28 days using 0, 5, 10 15, and 20 percentage replacement levels. The density test showed that CFA has no significant effect on the density of the concrete. The optimum compressive strength of 17.5N/mm2 was obtained at 5% replacement at 28 days of age compared to the control of 23.6 N/mm2. The slump test results show that the workability of the concrete decreased as the CFA content increased. Water binder ratios of 0.55 0.6, 0.65 and 0.75 were used for the concrete mix 1:2:4 with varying percentage of cassava peel ash (CPA) as replacement for cement. Water binder ratio of 0.75 was found to be optimum to produce workable blended concrete. This shows that more water is needed to maintain the same uniformity as the percentage of CPA increases. CPA can be used optimally in concrete work by prolonging the curing age. Therefore, the use of agricultural and industrial wastes as pozzolan cementitious materials in concrete production should be encouraged.

[Owolabi, T.A, Popoola O.O and wasiu j. The Study Of Compressive Strength On Concrete With Partial Replacement Of Cement With Cassava Peel Ash. Academ Arena 2015;7(11):19-23]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071115.03.


Keywords: Cassava peel ash, Compressive strength, Concrete, Slump test

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Selecting Different Industrial Competitors Influence The Risk Level of Viet Nam Hardware Companies


Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy


MBA, PhD candidate, Banking University, HCMC – GSIM, International University of Japan, Japan, dtnhuy2010@gmail.com


Abstract: This research shows marketing factors such as business competitors could affect business market risk, from a quantitative point of view. Using a two (2) factors model, this research paper estimates the impacts of not only the size of firms’ competitors, but also leverage in the hardware industry, on the market risk of 22 listed companies in this category. This paper founds out that the risk dispersion level in this sample study could be minimized in case the competitor size remaining as current (measured by equity beta var of 0,067) and leverage down to 20%. Beside, the emprical research findings show us that when financial leverage increases up to 30%, max asset beta value decreases from 1,069 to 1,033 in case the size of competitor doubles. Last but not least, this paper illustrates calculated results that might give proper recommendations to relevant governments and institutions in re-evaluating their policies during and after the financial crisis 2007-2011.

[Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy. Selecting Different Industrial Competitors Influence The Risk Level of Viet Nam Hardware Companies. Academ Arena 2015;7(11):24-31]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071115.04.


Keywords : risk management, competitive firm size, market risk, asset and equity beta, hardware industry

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Recommended: 王德奎 y-tx@163.com; 张洞生 (Zhang Dong Sheng), ZDS@Outlook.com



[王加问. 如何造就中国学神学霸. Academ Arena 2015;7(11):32-47]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071115.05.



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Ma Hongbao 1, Margaret Young 2, Yang Yan 1


1 Brookdale Hospital, Brooklyn, New York 11212, USA; 2 Cambridge, MA 02138, USA



Abstract: 面对宇宙的奥秘,人类至今依然有许多难题没有得到解答。根据迄今的科学及学术界与网络上的发现与报道,本文选出28最重要的科学问题,内容包括物质、能量、时间、空间、黑洞、虫洞、及宇宙及其生命等重要问题,以供读者讨论。

[Ma H, Young M, Yang Y. 二十八个科学问题. Academ Arena 2015;7(11):48-58]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071115.06.


Key words: DNA; eternal; life; stem cell; universe

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Recommended: 王德奎, y-tx@163.com; 张洞生 (Zhang Dong Sheng), ZDS@Outlook.com


摘要: 仅从质子中取走一个夸克是不允许的, 同样,一个自由运动的裸露夸克也不允许存在。但这只是一个假设。该假设是为了解释没有观测到自由夸克和胶子而提出来的。这个假定从来没有被完整地证明过。中国的超越,是三旋理论把物质无限可分和环壳与球壳结合起来,研究从地球的自旋、偏转、行星轨道运转,到基本粒子的自旋、偏振与同位旋、重子数、电荷、量子纠缠、量子信息隐形传输、里奇张量效应、薛定谔猫叠加态和“坍缩”、质量希格斯机制、暗物质暗能量等,是可以大统一的,其统一秘密就在于环量子的体旋及偏振与质量希格斯机制的交叉,数学四色定理证明与量子态的量子数黑洞熵面积禁闭交叉等有关。这是经历了半个多世纪努力的结果。例如,1957年钱伟长教授未错划右派前,是清华大学副校长,他作为中国现代力学的主要奠基人之一,系统研究的环壳很有名。所谓环壳即圆环壳形,如救生圈或汽车轮胎,它是一种形状比较复杂的旋转壳。由于环壳非常复杂,世界上研究一般都使用复变量方程。钱伟长教授曾说“环壳理论有两个特点:方程复杂和求解不易”。

[倪问绯. 夸克禁闭四色定理新解----再评汪一平四色定理证明. Academ Arena 2015;7(11):59-74]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071115.07.


关键词:量子; 夸克; 粒子; 自然; 质子; 数学; 四色定理;黑洞;熵面

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Li Xusheng




摘 要分析了在研究机械能守恒定律与力学相对性原理的关系时需要准确理解的十个问题,正是这些问题造成了长期的争论,建议力学教材明确指明,尤其是势能定义最基本,根据势能定义推导惯性系中势能的一般公式,外势能不具有伽利略变换的不变性,最后给出一个简要的一般性证明——机械能守恒定律满足力学相对性原理,也具有单独的协变性,牛顿定律满足伽利略变换是机械能守恒定律满足伽利略变换的充分条件.

[Li Xusheng. 机械能守恒定律是质点动力学规律-------------力学相对性原理与机械能守恒定律的关系研究综述. Academ Arena 2015;7(11):75-79]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071115.08.



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Li Xusheng





[Li Xusheng. 弹性势能的外势能不具有伽利略变换的不变性. Academ Arena 2015;7(11):80-85]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 9. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071115.09.



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作者简介:孙纯武 (1948-),男 (汉族) ,中国江苏省扬州市人,主要从事研究自然科学等;

单位名称: 江苏省扬州三力电器集团有限公司

通信地址: 江苏省扬州市西湖镇蜀秀花园20805, 邮编: 225008

电子信箱:yzscw0514@163.com; qq: 458669609; 手机 18652544068


摘要:解八卦任重而急迫, 决不能像达尔文的进化论那样,不能让人去复制成功。也要让周易接近平民掌握运用。更不要像唯心论、唯物论那样,只将精神世界、物质世界圈定为谁是第一性,而不讲事物在运动发展中, 它们之间关系是互动随机应变中,形成了统一场性这个文明性的数学道理来设题解题。因人们是处在一个法制、伦理等厧量大的无形力量包围中,好比一个统一场上。世界科学技术许多领域处于即将发生对原有基本理论实现重大科学技术创新的一场科技革命大风暴的前夕。

Abstract: Integration of China I like to gossip arrow to the heart of one of the following law of motion, the creation of yin and yang, gold, wood, water, fire and earth movement to rise to the evolution of all things philosophical thought highly of Taoism inaction WTO, stressed the unity and contradiction of opposites. Confucius is indeed the gossip on for another centrifugal motion like an arrow, the creation of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, faith Confucianism, born promising the highest level of moderation for Ethics. Unfortunately, they generally last from a macro, a microscopic look at the problem from the analysis. Volt meter painting of the Eight Diagrams physically not really understand, following no way to find the source, but also did not explain the Eight Diagrams are shown all the true meaning of things, in science and technology can not play a huge role.

[孙纯武. 我的理解太极八卦图. N Y Sci J 2015;8(11):86-93]. (ISSN: 1554-0200). http://www.sciencepub.net/newyork. 10. doi:10.7537/marsnys081115.10.


关键词:八卦图图解;  来源 功能作用等

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Evaluation Of The Thermal Difference Between Mud Brick House And Cement Block House In Girei, Adamawa State, Nigeria.


Adediran. S. Adekunle, Adebayo. A. Abel, Zemba A. Ambrose


Abstract :The adverse effects of extreme climatic conditions, which cause discomfort to man and also hamper various human activities in their various residences is quite alarming. To man, buildings should serve as protectors from adverse environmental occurrences. This research analyzed the thermal characteristics of brick material among other building material as a means of recommending the fitting brick material in Girei, Adamawa State, Nigeria. This study evaluated the significant difference between mud brick house and cement block house. Mud brick house performed a little better than cement block house when it comes to heat regulation. Cement block house has a mean value of 35.440C while mud brick house has 34.880C in the dry season, while in the rainy season, cement block has 30.1600 and mud brick has 26.7600 as their mean values. Using SPSS Package at 0.05 level of significance, there was a significant thermal difference between the two buildings at both seasons considered. Values were lesser than 0.05 in both seasons as the rainy season was 0.001 and dry season was 0.000 respectively.

[Adediran. S. Adekunle, Adebayo. A. Abel, Zemba A. Ambrose. Evaluation Of The Thermal Difference Between Mud Brick House And Cement Block House In Girei, Adamawa State, Nigeria. Academ Arena 2015;7(11):94-97]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 11. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071115.11.


Key words: Mud Brick House; Cement Block House; Temperature

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An Examination Of The Thermal Transfer Rate In Rice Husk Ash Brick And Sand Crete Brick. (A Means Of Reducing Buildings’ Indoor High Temperature In Girei, Adamawa State, Nigeria)


Adediran. S. Adekunle, Adebayo. A. Abel, Zemba A. Ambrose


Abstract: There is a need to proffer solution to the relatively high temperature being experienced in various residential buildings, especially in the tropics. The kind of building material being used are of paramount importance when considering how to reduce heat passage from the ambient into the indoors of the residences. This research considered brick material among other building material. Therefore, there was an examination of thermal heat transfer rate comparison between rice husk ash brick and the popular sand crete brick. To achieve this, a 9 inches (230mm) Rice Husk Ash Block was produced (50% of cement content of the normal 100% cement block was replaced with RHA) and compared to the popular full cement 9 inches (230mm) block. Thermal Measurements were taken at the heights of 3.5cm and 23cm. At 3.5cm height, RHA brick has maximum temperature of 260C while full cement block has 440C. The minimum values at 3.5cm were 30C for RHA block and 130C full cement block. At 23cm above the burning side of the block, the mean temperature of RHA and full cement blocks was 1.3333 and 4.6667 and the maximum value were 3 and 100C. Paired sample test showed there is significant difference between the RHA and Full cement block.

[Adediran. S. Adekunle, Adebayo. A. Abel, Zemba A. Ambrose. An Examination Of The Thermal Transfer Rate In Rice Husk Ash Brick And Sand Crete Brick. (A Means Of Reducing Buildings’ Indoor High Temperature In Girei, Adamawa State, Nigeria). Academ Arena 2015;7(11):98-101]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 12. doi:10.7537/marsaaj071115.12.


Keywords: Rice Husk Ash Brick; Cement Block; Temperature

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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from November 5, 2015. 

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