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Science Journal


Academia Arena


ISSN 1553-992X; Monthly


Volume 6 - Number 8 (Cumulated No. 62),  August 25, 2014

Cover Page, Cover (Print), Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, All papers in one file; doi:10.7537/j.issn.1553-922X


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Titles / Authors




Investigation the effect of percent and ratio of length to diameter (l/d) in steel fiber on the tensile strength of fiber concrete


Kazem Yavari nasab1, Elahe sadat Mirkhalili2


1. Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University, Sadoughi Faculty of Engineering, Yazd, Iran

2. Department of Architecture, University of Payam Noor, Bandar Abbas Branch, Iran



Abstract: Imagine of isotopic and homogeneity of the concrete section will not be very accurate for fixing the fault of reinforcing steel which is brittle. In order to create conditions for a weakness isotopic and reduces the brittle concrete object is relatively long and thin fibers that are dispersed throughout the volume of mixed concrete is homogeneous and can be used. Concrete is a concrete fibrous making use of fiber cement, water, aggregate and additives mixed with fiber. Increased fiber coherence, reduce cracking and increase the softness of concrete is concrete that is leading to changes in the mechanical properties of concrete. This paper is the result of laboratory research on the effects of the length to diameter ratio of steel fiber  concrete tensile strength of the fiber is analyzed.

[Kazem Yavari nasab, Elahe sadat Mirkhalili. Investigation the effect of percent and ratio of length to diameter (l/d) in steel fiber on the tensile strength of fiber concrete. Academ Arena 2014;6(8):1-7] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.01


Key words: Fibrous concrete, steel fiber, tensile strength, Ratio of length to diameter of the fibers

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Convergence Criterion for the Numerical Solution of the Duffin’s Equation by the One Step Euler Scheme.


1ADEWOLE Olukorede.O, 2ALLI  Sulaimon G,  3 Taiwo O.A.


1,3Department of Physics & Electronics, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria.

2Department of  Mathematics and Statistics, The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Nigeria.

1 Correspondence viz: mayowaadewole@hotmail.com


Abstract: The criterion for the convergence of the Duffin’s equation with an approximate expression for the numerical solution by a one step or Euler scheme has been established. The Euler scheme is a one step numerical scheme of first order accuracy.

[ADEWOLE Olukorede O, ALLI Sulaimon G, Taiwo O.A. Convergence Criterion for the Numerical Solution of the Duffin’s Equation by the One Step Euler Scheme. Academ Arena 2014;6(8):8-9]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 2. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.02


Key words:  Duffin’s Equation, One Step Scheme, Convergence

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New Great Game in Central Asia: America and NATO presence and Russia's reaction


Seyed Salman Moradi





Abstract: Central Asia and the Caucasus after the independence have Political, social and economic problems; Therefore wanted The presence of trans-regional and regional powers to resolve some of the economic problems by Their cooperation and overcome security concerns with other military powers; On the other hand, would improve their economic infrastructure inherited from the Soviet era. In this Situation, the United States of America and Russia are rivals with each other and influenced most of the other major powers in the region As a result; they are located in a close competition against each other. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and declaration of independence of Central Asian countries, influence on Central Asia is one of the purposes and principles of the foreign policy of United States of America and NATO and It has been proposed after 2001 and America's presence in Afghanistan more than before; On the other hand, Russia knows Central Asia as its backyard , Therefore, have been always trying that this area has been influenced by itself; Thus Russia, controls carefully The presence of any such power, such as America and NATO and Adopts the necessary measures in their policies.

[Seyed Salman Moradi. New Great Game in Central Asia: America and NATO presence and Russia's reaction. Academ Arena 2014;6(8):10-14]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 3. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.03


Key words: Regional powers, trans-regional, Russia, Central Asia, America, NATO

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Alternative Methods Of Access To Justice In India


Jamshed Ansari


Ex- Guest Faculty at Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

E-Mail- jamshedansari024@gmail.com


Abstract: The aim of the paper is to analyze the prevalent methods in access to justice in light of the power relations. Also this paper seeks to analyze the alternative methods of access to justice and suggest an alternative method of access to justice to suit the needs of Indian society. In the present paper, the author has tried to focus on the alternative dispute resolution mechanisms which can open new vistas for methods of access to justice. The process of adjudication as practiced in Courts presently, the lacunae of such approach is also dealt with in this paper. The author has tried to evolve a new method of access to justice which is suitable for the Indian legal culture. The author has made use of an analytical and descriptive style of writing. The author has done doctrinal research on the basis of available secondary sources like Books, Journals and websites.

[Ansari, Jamshed. Alternative Methods of Access to Justice in India. Academ Arena 2014;6(8):15-20]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 4. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.04


Key Words: Alternative methods, Negotiation, Mediation, Lok Adalat, Nyaya Panchayat, Ombudsman, Courts

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Constitutional Adjudication: Reforming The Judicial Process In India


Jamshed Ansari


Ex- Guest Faculty at Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

E-Mail- jamshedansari024@gmail.com


Abstracts: The object of this paper is to review how the constitutional issues are adjudicated by the Supreme Court as it is only the Supreme Court which can authoritatively say what the law is. And also reviewing the judicial process involved in constitutional adjudication and suggesting measures to review the judicial process. This paper also seeks identify the factors to reform the judicial process. A descriptive and analytical method has been followed throughout of this paper and all aspects have been carefully considered and authenticated before arriving at any conclusions.

[Ansari, Jamshed. Constitutional Adjudication: Reforming The Judicial Process In India. Academ Arena 2014;6(8):21-27]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 5. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.05


Key Words:  Adjudication, Judicial Process, Supreme Court, Access to justice

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The Role Of Judiciary In Corporate Governance In India


Jamshed Ansari


Ex- Guest Faculty at Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

E-Mail- jamshedansari024@gmail.com


Abstracts: The author aims to examine the role of judiciary in corporate governance. Further to see whether there is need to interfere by the judiciary in the self governance of the corporation and what is the position in India? The judiciary plays a central role in corporate governance even when they appear to be merely interpreting statutes. At many places where the situation requires the judiciary has laid down certain guidelines to be followed to enhance the good governance in the corporation. The author has formulated the following questions and has tried to find out the answer- Whether judiciary plays any important role in corporate governance. Is there any effect on the rights and remedies of shareholders, directors, stakeholders etc. because of judiciary’s intervention? What are the positions in India regarding the role of judiciary in corporate governance?

[Ansari, Jamshed. The Role of Judiciary in Corporate Governance in India. Academ Arena 2014;6(8):28-33]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 6. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.06


Key Words: Corporate governance, judiciary, shareholders, investors

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叶眺新  九龙闲人

Recommended: 王德奎, y-tx@163.com


Abstract: 何拔儒探讨盘古文明大爆炸类似的“远古联合国及盆塞海山寨城邦文明地理形成”的话题,虽在民间流传,但知道他使用的“硬证据”主要多在地质学方面的人并不多。这不能苛求何拔儒,我们来看20139月国外《科学公共图书馆—综合》报导,英国赫尔大学水文学者Tom Coulthard等,利用撒哈拉沙漠地区的详细地形数据,了解水流如何从山地向北方流动形成湖泊和内陆三角洲,并在一些情况下到达地中海而创建的计算机模型的最新研究,才发现大约在距今13万年至10万年前的间冰期,与现在相比非洲季风能够到达更北部1000公里之外的地方,季风所带来的暴雨可以滋润撒哈拉沙漠南部的山脉。该地区在最大季节性暴雨时节,每一条主要的河流都能够带走大概相当于尼罗河四分之一的水量。这些河流可以在沙漠中创造植被繁茂的“绿色走廊”和大片水域。这样一来,季风暴雨滋润了穿过撒哈拉沙漠的河流,撒哈拉沙漠曾经处于向北流动的三大水系的纵横交错之中,这为人类向欧洲和亚洲的第一次迁徙创造了可能,即早期现代人类就可以经此迁移到北部地区和其他大陆。何拔儒没有计算机模型,但与此相似的被遗忘的是大约在距今两万年至五千年前的中国西南古盆塞海时期,开创的人类远古联合国和盘古-嫘祖文明,何拔儒还是破解了。何拔儒主动结交的黄兴,正是他很早对张之洞的“存古”解释的注意和崇拜,由此延伸到对张之洞的得意门生黄兴的注意和喜爱

[叶眺新, 九龙闲人. 盐亭壮歌----20世纪初东京弘文学院始闪光. Academ Arena 2014;6(8):34-65] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 7. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.07


Keywords: 何拔儒; 古文明; 大爆炸; 远古; 联合国; 地理形成; 民间; 学院

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李学生 (Li Xuesheng)



Abstract: 万有引力和库仑力都是平方反比力,质点(或点电荷)在平方反比力作用下的运动轨迹是圆锥曲线。质点(或点电荷)的运动轨迹到底是圆锥曲线中的椭圆、抛物线,还是双曲线,则是由如下表所示的质点(或点电荷)所具有的总能量决定.

[李学生. 引力场中的高斯定理. Academ Arena 2014;6(8):66-67]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 8. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.08


Keywords: 万有引力; 库仑力; 平方; 反比力; 质点; 点电荷; 运动轨迹; 圆锥曲线; 能量

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李学生 (Li Xuesheng)



Abstract: 引力是保守力,这是引力最重要的一个物理性质,这个性质在牛顿力学里已被证明了.现在有一个问题,引力是保守力这一性质,在相对论的情况下,还能够成立吗?机械能守恒定律在狭义相对论中也是成立的,机械能守恒定律不但满足力学相对性原理也满足狭义相对论性原理.

[李学生. 狭义相对论中万有引力也是保守力. Academ Arena 2014;6(8):68-69]. (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 9. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.09


Keywords: 狭义相对论; 万有引力; 保守力; 牛顿; 自然哲学

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(A New theory on “ RAMAR CODE”)

M. Arulmani, B.E.



V.R. Hema Latha, M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil.




1.       Abstract:

This scientific research Article focus that “RAMAR”, “MARI-e” shall be considered as “HUMAN ANCESTORS” lived in “MARS PLANET” in the Early Universe much before human population started living on “EARTH PLANET”. It is further speculated that MARS Ancestors used to communicate through Coded Form called as “RAMAR CODE” (or) “AKKI-e CODE” rather than “Alphabet”. Alphabet shall be considered as the “System of languages” originated on Earth Planet. It is further focused that “RAMAR”, “MARI-e” shall be also be called as “AKKANNA”, “AKKILA” based on language identity just like “TAMILIAN”, “SINGALESH”, “KANNADIKAS” identified by their langugage. It is speculated that this research shall pave way about origin of life, human ancestors, human diversity, and Human caste system for further in depth research in this area for the benefit of Global populations.

[M.Arulmani, B.E., V.R. Hema Latha, M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil. RAMAR PALAM? Academ Arena 2014;6(8):70-78] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 10. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.10


2.      Key Words:

a)          Philosophy of “RAMAR”?...

b)          Philosophy of “PALAM”?...

c)           Philosophy of “AKKI-e?...

d)          Philosophy of Acronym “MGR”?...

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Economic approaches in political development of Iran


Mohammad Reza Ghaleghi, Ehsan Nazari(M.A)


Department law, college of private law, Kermanshah Branch Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran


Abstract: Late of Qajar age and during Pahlavi period, civil and political organs have not developed appropriately although economic growth, but not development necessarily, has occurred while dictatorship became stronger even in Pahlavi period than in Qajar's. After Iranian Revolution, economic growth and development became stagnant due to the war and destruction of many economic infrastructures; and this was visible for political development. Even after the end of war, efforts made to create economic and political improvement and development did not lead to acceptable, reliable and stable results and they failed in creating and stabilizing development in economic and political arenas. In Iran, historical experiences have shown that economic development, in its real meaning, has been dependent more on oil while economically right, prospective and stable industries, infrastructures and management have not been realized yet, despite general policies of our system paying attention to economic- political development consistently, this issue has not become feasible yet. In fact, economic development, which was created in some moments of Iranian history under influence of oil market flourish, creation of industries, and development of roads and domestic/ foreign trade, has resulted in power exclusiveness rather than sociopolitical progress. This is so while in current international system, economy and politics are 2 interrelated domains, non e of which can develop by itself. Real reforms are balances ones with sustainable outcomes. At this very point, reforms are being implemented within all domains in all world's countries, whether developed or developing. Political democracy and economic democracy are considered as two wings, defect of each of which prevents flying, and even it is claimed that economy without freedom and politics without democracy both result in underdevelopment or backwardness. In particular, in globalization age, democracy and market economy are considered unquestioningly essential for countries' survival.

[Ehsan Nazari, Mohammad Reza Ghaleghi. Economic approaches in political development of Iran. Academ Arena 2014;6(8):79-87] (ISSN 1553-992X).http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 11. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.11


Key words: Economic approaches, political development, Qajar, Iran

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Ranking for service- giving of rural facilities by means of TOPSIS and SAW methods (Case study: Khodabandeh County)


Alireza Darbane Astaneh1, Mehdi hajiloo2*, Majid Rahmani Seryasat3, Zeinab Valizadeh4


1. Assistant Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Tehran University, Iran

2. MSc Student of Geography and Rural Planning, Tehran University, Iran

3. MSc Student of Geography and Tourism, Tehran University, Iran

4. MSc Student of Geography and Environmental Hazards, Tehran University, Iran

*Corresponding Author Email: mehdihajilo1@yahoo.com


Abstract: Rural organizing and leveling of service providing project is set up as a leading supply in planning for rural areas and aims to improve the conditions and the performance of rural areas in line with their potentials and capabilities, however, one of the fundamental problems in rural community has been the lack of a strategic plan for the organization of rural space and centers, but in this regard, leveling rural services and facilities has been able to eliminate the problem of lack of planning for rural areas and bring about a renewal of rural areas towards their improvement. The present study have been conducted using library research method and statistics from 2006 to 2011, in line with leveling service providing of rural facilities in Khodabande County, with a study population of 219 villages in the study area, and after necessary measures, all data have been analyzed in SPSS software and studied using Topsis and SAW. In the meantime, the results of field research and obtained data suggested that the villages of the county based on the population had different facilities and, the level of service providing was a function of the population indices in these villages, and villages with large populations showed a positive performance in service providing.

[Alireza Darbane Astaneh, Mehdi hajiloo, Majid Rahmani Seryasat, Zeinab Valizadeh. Ranking for service- giving of rural facilities by means of TOPSIS and SAW methods (Case study: Khodabandeh County). Academ Arena 2014;6(8):88-98] (ISSN 1553-992X).http://www.sciencepub.net/academia. 12. doi:10.7537/marsaaj060814.12


Key words: Leveling, service providing, decision-making models, Khodabandeh County

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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from August 14, 2014. 

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