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Science Journal


Academia Arena


Volume 3 - Number 11 (Cumulated No. 29), November 25, 2011, ISSN 1553-992X

Cover Page (online), Cover (print), Introduction, Contents, Call for Papers, All papers in one file

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Titles / Authors




Isolation And Identification Of Fungi Associated With The Spoilage Of Some Selected Fruits In Ibadan, South Western Nigeria


1Akintobi AO, 2Okonko IO, 1Agunbiade SO, 1Akano OR, 2Onianwa O


1Department of Microbiology, Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria

2Department of Microbiology, University of Port Harcourt, East-West Road, P.M.B. 5323, Choba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria;

mac2finney@yahoo.com, iheanyi.okonko@yahoo.com


ABSTRACT: The spoilage of Pawpaw (Carica papaya), Orange (Citrus sinensis), and Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) from three selected markets in Ibadan, Oyo State, South Western Nigeria were investigated. Healthy fruits (orange, Pawpaw and Tomato) were brought to the laboratory and allowed to spoil on a laboratory bench. The fruits (Pawpaw, Orange, Pineapple and Tomato) showing spoilage signs were examined for the presence of fungal pathogens inducing spoilage. The isolation of fungi from orange and Pawpaw was carried out on potato dextrose agar (PDA) while that of Tomato fruits was on malt extract agar (MEA). A total of nine (9) fungi isolates were obtained. Of all the samples studied (ripe and unripe Pawpaw fruits), five species of fungi were found to be associated with the fruits decay. The most common fungi found were Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, Fusarium solani, Penicillium digitatum, Rhizopus stolonifer and yeasts. Three fungal species Aspergillus niger (50.0%), Penicillium digitatum (100.0%) and Rhizopus stolonifer (50.0%); were found associated with deteriorating Citrus sinensis. Aspergilus niger (50.0%), Aspergillus flavus (50.0%) and Fusarium solani (50.0%) were associated with Carica papaya. The mycoflora found associated with Lycopersicon esculentum were Rhizopus stolonifer (50.0%), Fusarium solani (50.0%) and Candida tropicalis (50.0%). Pathogenicity test carried out revealed that all the fungi isolated were pathogenic. The fungi associated with the spoilage of the fruits were identified based on their colonial and morphological characteristics. These fungi species were found in varying degrees. Aspergillus species (A. niger and A. flavus) had the highest rate of occurrence among the isolated fungi (33.3%). This was followed by Rhizopus stolonifer and Fusarium solani (22.2%) while Penicillium digitatum and Candida tropicalis were the least encountered (11.1%). Pathogencity tests revealed that all the isolated fungi were pathogenic to the different fruits. It showed that each infected fruit gave the initial organism that caused the spoilage of the fruit. The rot symptoms obtained were similar to those observed previously on the fruits when subjected to identification procedures. The moulds seen were the same as those of the isolated fungi of fresh fruits which were subject to spoilage. The fruits changed colour slightly after infection and became soft thus could easily be punctured with a finger at the point of inoculation. Of all the isolated fungi, Aspergillus niger was highly pathogenic leading to rapid disintegration of treated fruits in 3-5 days while R. stolonifer and Fusarium solani were moderately pathogenic, and Candida tropicalis, Penicillium digitatum and Aspergillus flavus was least pathogenic, and caused the least amount of rot on fruits. This study detected the profile of spoilage fungi which caused pathogenecity of some local fruits in Ibadan city. It showed that fruits decay is caused by fungi. Since fruits were usually infected by pathogenic fungi, to be effective, production, preparation and preservation of food such as fruit salads must be carried out as rapidly and hygienically as possible using good quality equipment, produce and materials.

Akintobi AO, Okonko IO, Agunbiade SO, Akano OR, Onianwa O. Isolation And Identification Of Fungi Associated With The Spoilage Of Some Selected Fruits In Ibadan, South Western Nigeria. Academia Arena, 2011;3(11):1-10] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.



Keywords: A. flavus, A. niger, F. solani, P. digitatum, R. stolonifer, Yeasts, Orange, Pawpaw, Tomato, spoilage, Pathogenicity.

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[刘月生. 从诺贝尔化学奖准晶到中国相自旋. Academia Arena, 2011;3(11):11-14] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.


关键词:准晶 自旋 诺贝尔化学奖

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Physico-chemical and bacteriological analysis of water samples used for domestic purposes in Imesi-ile, Osun State, Southwest Nigeria.


1, 2 Alao O.O., 1Adesina F. C., 1, 2Arojojoye O.A. and Ogunlaja O.O 1


1Department of Biochemistry, Lead City University, Ibadan

2Department of Biochemistry, University of Ibadan.



Abstract: One of the Millennium Development Goals is reducing the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water by 50%. Majority of the rural populace in Nigeria do not have access to pipe borne water but depend on ground water for domestic uses. Samples of water used for domestic purposes were collected from wells from different locations in imesi-ile. The physico-chemical and bacteriological analysis were done using standard methods and the results were compared with WHO and FMENV standards for drinking water. The pH ranged from 5.2-7.1, temperature was 26.10C, electrical conductivity ranged from 49 to 1118µScm-1, total dissolved solids ranged from 24 to 559 mgl-1, total hardness ranged from 6.01 to 46.08, nitrate ranged from 2.6 to 20.8, manganese ranged from 2.6 to 20.8, potassium ranged from 0.783 to 39.51, sodium ranged from 56.4 to 72.79, lead ranged from ND to 0.04, cadmium ranged from 0.05 to 0.062, copper ranged from ND to 0.10 and zinc ranged from 0.04 to 0.016. The bacteriological parameters analysed were total viable count which ranged from 1.75 x 103 to 1.81 x 103 cfuml-1. Bacteria isolates were identified as Proteus sp, Bacillus sp, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas sp, Salmonella sp, and Staphylococcus aureus. Even though most of the physico-chemical parameters are within the FMENV and WHO permissible limits, the total viable count for all samples exceeded the WHO and FMENV standards. The coliform counts for some samples were within acceptable limits but others exceeded the WHO permissible limit for drinking water making the water unfit for drinking and other domestic purposes without prior treatment.

[Alao O.O., Adesina F. C., Arojojoye O.A. and Ogunlaja O.O. Physico-chemical and bacteriological analysis of water samples used for domestic purposes in Imesi-ile, Osun State, Southwest Nigeria. Academia Arena, 2011;3(11):15-19] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.



Key words: Physico-chemical parameters, bacteriological analysis, domestic purposes

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汤建国 苟华建 王德奎 陈天鹰 翁杰
(中铁(成)中铁通信信号《Noah's Ark》智能化项目课题组)



[汤建国 苟华建 王德奎 陈天鹰 翁杰. 超导量子信息技术机理和弱力应用. Academia Arena, 2011;3(11):20-34] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.



关键词:超导材料 量子技术 隐形传输 弱力 孤子链

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(作序者系研究员,2005年从绵阳日报社退休,曾任该报记者、编辑), y-tx@163.com


Abstract: 一种是把奇点看成为不可穿透的球,是一种智慧。一种是直接把奇点扩容到环面,是另一种智慧。我感受很深要说到1958年大跃进,当年在穷乡僻壤的四川盐亭县,由于每个区都办起了初中,招生的扩大使我这个脑子笨的农村孩子也进到中学,受到西方数学和物理学知识的一些启蒙。不想第二年自然灾害就袭来,饥荒中的分切红薯,多想一块红薯可以无限可分下去,越分越多,但刀子不能进入红薯以外的虚空。所以虚空相对实体,实际类似不可穿透的球。由于有这点原生态的感受,我在半个多世纪的学习能理解西方自然科学在这两种智慧的基础上,完成的整个数学和物理学的现代结构。而且20世纪后期西方的科学家正是基于此,创造了奇点、视界、黑洞等三个概念。但奇点主要还是指环面,这是出于球面与环面直观的区别,在微分几何和拓扑学上称为不同伦。所以当我认真读屠迪先生寄来的书稿后,想到他说的“偌大的中国,人口13亿之众,应该有自己的‘原创理论’,没顾及到‘是否能被承认’的后果”时,越看越觉得他的“双环”是奇点的原生态,且精彩自然纷呈。

[王德奎. 为《双环结构的宇宙》作序. Academia Arena, 2011;3(11):35-38] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.


Keywords: 奇点;环面;数学; 物理;虚空相对实体; 科学; 视界; 黑洞; 拓扑

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Land Holding Pattern And Technical Efficiency Of Maize Production In Ogbomoso Agricultural Zone Of Oyo State


Ajao, A.O.


Agricultural Economics Department, Ladoke Akintola Univeristy Of Technology, Ogbomoso



Abstract: The major objective of this study is to analyze the farmland acquisition pattern and technical efficiency in maize production in the study area using a stochastic production frontier. The finding showed some level of inefficiency irrespective of the land holding pattern but more pronounced in the community holding land. The study further examined the determinant of inefficiency in these categories and found out that household size and experience are the major determinant of inefficiency.

[Ajao, A.O. Land Holding Pattern And Technical Efficiency Of Maize Production In Ogbomoso Agricultural Zone Of Oyo State. Academia Arena, 2011;3(11):39-49] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.



Key words: efficiency; tenure; community; stochastic

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Determinants Of Urban Charcoal Demand In Ogbomoso Metropolis


Ajao, A.O.


Agricultural Economics Department, Ladoke Akintola Univeristy Of Technology, Ogbomoso, oaajao57@lautech.edu.ng


Abstract: The study analyzes urban households demand for charcoal within the context of overall household cooking fuel consumption, with specific objectives of estimating the respective proportion of expenditure of the main cooking fuel types in total fuel expenditure and describing the household and fuel characteristics which determine demand for charcoal in urban areas. The study employed the use of cross-sectional data from urban households survey conducted on a sample of two hundred households from ten communities in the area. The data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics and Almost Ideal Demand System Model estimated by Ordinary Least Square Regression. It was observed that educational level, household size, electrification status and assets significantly determined the charcoal demand in the study area.

[Ajao, A.O. Determinants Of Urban Charcoal Demand In Ogbomoso Metropolis. Academia Arena, 2011;3(11):41-48] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.



Kew word: charcoal, almost ideal demand system; fuel

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(作序者系研究员,2005年从绵阳日报社退休,曾任该报记者、编辑), y-tx@163.com


Abstract: 《科技日报》2011119日,发表中国传媒大学信息工程学院教授、博士生导师黄志洵先生的文章《欧洲科学家的超光速实验和中国科学家的责任》说:2011922日关于以意大利人为主的科学团队用实验发现中微子能以超光速飞行的报道出来后,我国十几位科学家进行了讨论并写出了建议书:我国不可能也不必要跟在欧洲人后面走,应当搞具有中国特色的、创新的超光速研究。黄志洵教授认为:实现超光速宇宙航行非常困难,但并非毫无希望。无论如何,航天专家有这样的梦想和希望是可以理解的,在百年前谁又曾想到人类可以在月球(甚至火星)上漫步?黄教授说得很恳切,事关国家利益,是可以理解的。但正因事关国家利益,就更应该追求国家利益的最大化,因为关于“科学观”的多种方向选择,选择错了,即使“不必要跟在欧洲人后面走”,国家利益也会受损;选择对了,相反相成,相辅相成,既可实现“不必要跟在欧洲人后面走”,又可实现国家利益的最大化。这是中国传统说的“相反相成,相辅相成”。

[王德奎. 宇宙量子从郭汉英到黄志洵的反潮流. Academia Arena, 2011;3(11):49-54] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net. 8



Keywords: 超光速; 中微子; 航天; 国家利益; 最大化

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Growth as a Prerequisite for Sustainability


P.C. van den Noort


Em Prof. Wageningen University



Abstract: A highly developed economy cannot adopt a zero growth situation. According to chaos theory, in such a developed economy there must be a continuous process of inventions and innovations in order to prevent a collapse of the existing socioeconomic structure.

[P.C. van den Noort. Growth as a Prerequisite for Sustainability. Academia Arena, 2011;3(11):55-59] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.



Keywords: economy, zero-growth, chaos, logistic evolution, innovation, instability, inventions, vitality, revolution

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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from October 20, 2011. 
All comments are welcome: editor@sciencepub.net

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