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Science Journal


Academia Arena



Volume 3 - Number 3 (Cumulated No. 21), March 25, 2011, ISSN 1553-992X

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黑洞Mb的霍金辐射mss的信息量 Io = h/2p,一个黑洞的总信息量Im = 4GMb2/C,黑洞在膨胀时,信息量是增加的 


Dongsheng Zhang


 Email: zhangds12@hotmail.com


【前言】。本文的主要任务在于证明:1*。无论任何大小质量的黑洞Mb,它每次所发射的任何一个霍金辐射粒子mss,其所拥有的信息量刚好等于宇宙中最小的、不可再分割的、最基本的信息量(1单元,比特) = Io = h/2p = 普朗克常数,而与黑洞的Mbmss的质量无关。因此,在宇宙中,黑洞在吞噬外界能量-物质时,是最贪婪的饥饿鬼,当它向外界发射霍金辐射时,是最小气的吝啬鬼,每次只向外吐出一份最小的信息,黑洞愈大,愈吝啬。我们现在的宇宙黑洞12年才向外发射一个霍金辐射粒子mss 2*。其次,推导出一个黑洞的总信息量Im = 4GMb2/C 3*。证明黑洞在吞噬能量-物质而膨胀时,信息量是增加的。在发射霍金辐射量子而收缩时,信息总量Im = 4GMb2/C不会改变。

[张洞生. 黑洞Mb的霍金辐射mss的信息量 Io = h/2p,一个黑洞的总信息量Im = 4GMb2/C,黑洞在膨胀时,信息量是增加的. Academia Arena, 2011;3(3):1-5] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.




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 Recommended by: 王德奎, y-tx@163.com


[习强. 盆塞海与洪水朝天初.探Academia Arena, 2011;3(3):6-7] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net. 



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 Recommended: Zhang DongSheng, zhangds12@hotmail.com


Abstract: 2010年9月,美国正式出版丘成桐和科学作家史蒂文·纳第斯,合著的新书《内空间之形——弦理论和宇宙隐藏维度之几何学》,打开了宇宙的命运和几何学自身的命运的联系。20101216日,《科学时报》发表王丹红同志的文章,介绍丘成桐总结证明“卡拉比-丘流形”的《内空间之形——弦理论和宇宙隐藏维度之几何学》)一书。因为弦理论认为,自然界的基本粒子和基本作用力是极小微小的“弦”振动的结果。而该书正好能理解弦理论所需要的数学,同时也介绍了丘成桐证明“卡拉比-丘流形”后,在数学和物理学领域的巨大影响。

[王丹红. 从丘成桐《内空间之形》看中国. Academia Arena, 2011;3(3):8-11] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net


Keywords: 丘成桐;《内空间之形》; 看中国

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Explains the universe microwave background radiation ring structure cause with the unified field theory


Sun Fei

[old name Sun Chunwu]


Unit name, Jiangsu Province Yangzhou three strength electric appliance group Limited liability company Mailing address, Chinese Jiangsu Province Yangzhou Xihu Town 59 Telephone: 0514 82822538 zip codes 225008 Email: yzscw@163.com Blog: http://yzscw.blog.163.com.


Abstract: This ring structure and the hole formation, symbolizes that has the life function birth, it depending on will duplicate many for the present from the organization system energy the quantity maintains the survival and the development. Will cause later to enter the central material to obtain the system spinning centrifugal force to throw the acting, the nature myriad things is these two kinds simple pushes by the friction force table to narrate differently, only will then cause on the unification field on each kind of field strength surface object, regardless in time, had in the space the development spinning energy, then only then gradually had like the attraction, questions and so on electromagnetic force, strong action, weak action. This uses like the primal chaos sub-physics and so on to narrate again to their each kind of table, above and unifies each kind of data to utilize it nimbly, can go to suppose, the solution, the myriad things to occur in unifies on the field the different stochastic problem, reconciles like the spinning not uniform speed question.

[Sun Fei. Explains the universe microwave background radiation ring structure cause with the unified field theory. Academia Arena, 2011;3(3):12-24] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.


Keywords: universe; microwave; background; radiation; unified field theory

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Quercetin Glycosides From Antioxidative Active Aqueous Ethanolic Extract Of Lepidium Ruderale Linn


Jyoti Agarwal And D.L. Verma

 Department Of Chemistry, Kumaun University, S.S.J. Campus, Almora – 263601, Uttarakhand (India)


Abstract: Lepidium Linn, (fam. Brassicaceae) Comprises 150 Species with Cosmopolitan in distribution. Lepidium is a rich source of vegetable producing traditional medicinal plants of Kumaun Hills. Lepidium ruderale Linn, Commonly known as Ban Halam in Kumaun Hills, is a food, fodder and Medicinal Plant of the region. It has been used to cure cough, asthma, piles, depurative, skin diseases and rheumatism by the tribal inhabitants of central Himalaya. Glucosinolates, a class of naturally occurring thioglycosides and a prominent constituents of various members of Lepidium, have been identified for a wide range of biological activities, antifungal, antibacterial and insecticidal. Lepidium ruderale Linn, is a small herbaceous weed with 30 to 45 cm in height, leaves of the plant have been used as a vegetable by local inhabitants, of kumaun hills and is a good fodder for sheeps and goats. Lepidium ruderale has been screened for various biological activities, antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral.

[Jyoti Agarwal And D.L. Verma. Quercetin Glycosides From Antioxidative Active Aqueous Ethanolic Extract Of Lepidium Ruderale Linn. Academia Arena, 2011;3(3):25-33] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net


Keywords: Quercetin; Glycosides; Antioxidative; Aqueous; Ethanolic; Lepidium Ruderale Linn

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Investigations on the effects of lead, mercury and cadmium on the immune response of Oreochromis niloticus


Mohamed M. Moustafa 1Abd El Aziz M. 1, Abd El Meguid A. z. 1 and Hussien A. M. Osman 2

 1.Department of Fish Disease and Management, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University,

2.Department of hydrobiology National Research Center Dokki, Giza, Egypt



Abstract : Evaluation of the effects of lead, mercury and cadmium on both humoral and cellular immune response of Oreochromis niloticus “Tilapia nilotica” fish was challenged with an important fish pathogenic bacteria “Pseudomonas flourscens”. The effects on cell mediated immune response was determined by using the phagocytic assay “phag. index”. The results revealed that, lead, mercury and cadmium have inhibitory effect on phagcytic acgivity of fish macrophages and so having an inhibitory effect on cell mediated immune response. The results also revealed that. The inhibitory effect of lead, mercury was of the same level along the time of exposure while in cdmium the inhibitory effect was high in the first weet of exposure then the percentage of phagocytosis re-increased after 3 weeks and re-increased again after 6 weeks . The effect of these metals on humoral immune response revealed also that these metals having inhibitory effect on humoral immune functions which is manifested by low levels of antibodies and high mortality rates in fish exposed to these metals than in the control fish after experimental infection by Pseudomonas flourscens . Immune response by these metals provides opportunities for the entry of pathogens and developing of many diseases in fish.

[Mohamed M. Moustafa Abd El Aziz M. , Abd El Meguid A. z. and Hussien A. M. Osman. Investigations on the effects of lead, mercury and cadmium on the immune response of Oreochromis niloticus. Academia Arena, 2011;3(3):34-38] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.


Key words : lead – mercury – cadmium - tilapia nilotica - phagocytic assay - antibody titer - pseudomonas flourscens

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21世纪新弦学概论 ---- 从弦到流形及场的算术代数几何





[申之金. 21世纪新弦学概论. Academia Arena, 2011;3(3):39-48] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net. 


关键词:弦论 射隐几何 整体还原全息互补原理

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宇宙黑洞的演化过程、宇宙原初小黑洞Mbom » 1015g和大数假说



Email: zhangds12@hotmail.com


【前言】。早在1971年,霍金首先提出了《‘微型黑洞’的概念,认为宇宙形成初期,一些小团块物质在宇宙浴缸的巨大压力下,会收缩成为不同尺度的黑洞,(作者注:准确的说,并非收缩,而是会膨胀出不同尺度的黑洞)有的是由一座山收缩而成的,其体积仅相当现在的一颗基本粒子,在宇宙大爆炸发生之际,各种质量的黑洞都是有可能生成的;因此,宇宙空间里目前仍可能存在着微型黑洞这也就是‘宇宙原初小黑洞Mbom » 1015g》。在70年代,科学家们曾费力地力求在宇宙空间找到这种宇宙原初小黑洞Mbom,但一无所获。本文将探讨和计算宇宙中7种大小不同类型的黑洞的性能参数,1;论证Mbom » 1015g的原初宇宙小黑洞不可能在现今的宇宙空间存在;2;按计算出的黑洞的数据证明许多1039的神秘大数并无在宇宙中存在的神秘性,只不过是偶然得出来的结果。3;霍金黑洞熵公式的重要物理意义。4;宇宙黑洞的合并膨胀演化过程

[张洞生. 宇宙黑洞的演化过程、宇宙原初小黑洞Mbom » 1015g和大数假说. Academia Arena, 2011;3(3):49-54] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.


【关键词】。黑洞;最小黑洞;微型黑洞;宇宙原初小黑洞Mbom» 1015g1039大数

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摘要: 本书(ISBN978-7-5352-4288-4)归纳总结前辈物理学家们的实验,梳理自然科学原理中存在的问题,全面分析电磁感应纠纷、光速纠纷和时空纠纷的根结所在。概括地讲,本书否定了狭义相对论的论点、论据、推导过程及其历史遗留的相关问题。前五章否定了狭义相对论的第一个论据(相对性原理),第八章否定了狭义相对论第二个论据(光速不变原理),第六章否定了狭义相对论的论点(相对论运动学、相对论动力学、相对论电磁学、相对论时空观),第七章否定了狭义相对论的数学工具(洛仑兹变换)。全书共十章,其中第1章论证了广义洛仑兹磁力的普适性,第2章论证了麦克斯韦旋度场与工程实践不符,第3章否定了麦克斯韦旋度场理论体系,第4章建立了独立发收场模型,第5章论证了电波本性不是能量,与实验一致,第6章否定了狭义相对论的论点,第7章否定了狭义相对论的数学工具(洛仑兹变换),第8章论证了光速叠加原理,第9章重新解释了历史上重大异议的物理实验(包括Michelson-Morley实验和Compton散射实验),第10章进一步论证了牛顿-伽利略时空观的正确性。总之时间是绝对的且是一维流逝的,空间是绝对的且是各向同性的,光速是可叠加的,广义洛仑兹磁力是正确的,电场波与磁场波是独立辐射的,爱因斯坦的狭义相对论和自由空间的旋度场方程是错误的。此外特别指出,Compton的伦琴射线散射实验遵循牛顿定律;光速是矢量,Michelson-Morley实验遵循伽利略相对性原理;电波辐射矢量场守恒,接收场在广义洛仑兹力的作用下形成的信号强度服从距离平方反比率。

[曾清平. 《自然科学原理总结》著者写给科学家们的公开信. Academia Arena, 2011;3(3):55-58] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net


Keywords: 自然科学; 原理; 总结; 公开信

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Assessing Factors associated with employment of rural women


1 Mohammadreza Ghaffari, 2 Khatereh siyar and 3 Abbas Emami

1, 2,3 Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran

Corresponding author: khaterehsiyar@yahoo.com


Abstract: According to the most important factor of economic population development and growth rate are human resources of that community and also each community consists of activist men and women that under the social interaction have direct influence on community economic and development therefore strategies are required to developed community base on more and active participation of women that include the half of society instruct in economic, political and social foundation.

[Mohammadreza Ghaffari, Khatereh siyar and Abbas Emami. Assessing Factors associated with employment of rural women. Academia Arena, 2011;3(3):59-63] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net.



Keywords: employment, rural women

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Longevity by G. Shatalova: the latest case of pseudoscience in Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia) 


M. Trushin1, A. Belov2, R. Moustafin2, L. Astakhova3

 1Department of Biology and Soil Sciences, 2Department of Physical Education, 3Department of Philosophy, Kazan Federal University, Kremlyovskaya 18, 420008 Kazan, Russian Federation.

E-mail: mtrushin@mail.ru


Abstract. In February, 2011, Prof. Renad Zhdanov and Dr. Vladimir Dvoenosov organized a special seminar at Kazan Federal University (founded in 1804) dedicated to the “System of natural invigoration”. Galina Savel’eva, a daughter of Galina Shatalova, was invited as a lecturer. In this brief report, we are intended to show that this invigoration system has not a scientific basis because of many controversial statements.

[M. Trushin, A. Belov, R. Moustafin, L. Astakhova. Longevity by G. Shatalova: the latest case of pseudoscience in Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia). Academia Arena, 2011;3(3):64-65] (ISSN 1553-992X). http://www.sciencepub.net. 


Key words: longevity, Galina Shatalova, pseudoscience.

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The articles in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review starting from March 13, 2011. 
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