Academia Arena


Volume 2 - Number 3, March 1, 2010, ISSN 1553-992X

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Force exerted by Hawking radiation emitted from Black hole


Manjunath. R.

#16, 8th Main road, Shivanagar, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010, Karnataka, India.


Abstract: Hawking radiation (also known as Bekenstein-Hawking radiation) is a thermal radiation with a black body spectrum predicted to be emitted by black holes due to quantum effects. The Hawking  radiation  process reduces the mass of the black hole and is therefore also known as black hole evaporation. Force exerted by hawking radiation is defined as function of entropy of black hole emitting hawking radiation, density of black hole and schwarzschild radius of  blackhole .The above equation    F =  K  ρ  /  rs S ( where F = Force exerted by hawking radiation  ,  K=proportionality constant , rs =  schwarzschild radius of black hole,s = entropy of black hole , ρ =black hole density) was developed based on quantum mechanical concepts  . The above equation also describes outward force is exerted by hawking radiation to overcome the gravitational force of attraction of black hole. [Academia Arena, 2010;2(3):1-4] (ISSN 1553-992X).


Keywords: force, density, entropy

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1Universidade Castelo Branco – LABNEU II, Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brazil.

2Universidade Estácio de Sá – Centro de Ciências da saúde,  Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brazil.

3Projeto de pesquisa da escola de medicina da Unigranrio – Rio de Janeiro/ RJ – Brazil.

4Universidade Estadual da Zona Oeste, Colegiado de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Campo Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

5Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro, campus Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

6Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


ABSTRACT: The inherent goal here was to verify the effects of brain stimulation via an instrumentation frequency hearing and vision, aiming, immediate results (acute effect) on memory tasks associated with short-term. The random sample included 20 individuals of both genders, aged between 18 and 25 years (mean 21.8 years). The application for evaluation was to memorize in 10 seconds, a sequence of letters submitted and requiring the faithful reproduction of this sequence, after 20 seconds. Two days later, this providence, proceeded to brain stimulation by means of an electronic computer named Orion manufactured by Mindplace (brain machine), using the auditory modality of stimulation for only 10 individuals, and the visual, for others ten. Next, we carried out a reassessment in the same manner as the previous one. The pre-and post-stimulation were studied using three parametric Analysis of Variance (One-way ANOVA) independent, and the first occurred on the basis of global data, regardless of the rules and, second, by viewing the auditory modality, while the third, the visual. The results indicated a significant difference in performance from the whole group joining the two modalities (visual + auditory), compared to post-stimulation, F 7.467, df (1.38) = 0.009, p <0.05. Checking the effects isolated by method of stimulation, the analysis revealed to be F 6.68, df (1.18) = 0.019, p <0.05 and F = 1.699, df (1.18) = 0.209, p> 0.05 for the visual and auditory modalities, respectively. These results were interpreted as restricting or promoting support for the benefits of acute brain stimulation on the function of short-term memory, indicating further that the photic stimulation is more interactive than the auditory modality when dealing with this benefit. [Academia Arena, 2010;2(3):5-14] (ISSN 1553-992X).


Key words: Brain, Memory, Young persons, Acute effects, photic, sound

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中国2019 年前后的房地产、中国反腐败以后还有出路吗?垄断国企将走向何处?

【前言】: 下面集合了最近作者在博客上发表过的3篇文章。1*。也谈2019 年以前和以后的中国房地产。2*。为什么中国现在反腐败太难太难,以后还有出路吗?3*中国现在发展的国有垄断企业,今后是否会成为祸国殃民的国家垄断资本主义?文章的观点是否正确并不重要。可以讨论和批驳。在科学上,提出问题比解决问题更为重要。题目是不是危言耸听,愿人们能认真思考。[Academia Arena, 2010;2(3):15-31] (ISSN 1553-992X).


 关键词:中国; 房地产; 腐败; 垄断; 国企

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Regarding ultimate fate of our mother earth


Manjunath. R. (Reader in physics)

#16, 8th Main road, Shivanagar, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010, Karnataka, India;


Abstract:  From past several centuries many scientists are struggling hard  to understand the truth of  ultimate fate of our mother earth . Most of the assumptions and predictions regarding the ultimate fate of our mother earth have been proved to be wrong .I have made an attempt to figure out the ultimate fate of our mother earth through a mathematically derived  equation  i.e R = c/ H cosec θ [ (ρ /  ρ0 )^ 1/3  - 1] { where R=Radius of elliptical orbit in which earth moves around the sun, c= speed of light in vaccum  (3*10^8m/s), H=present Hubble constant ( which is the function of time),  ρ0 = present mass  density of universe , ρ= later mass density of universe  which vary with respect to time ‘t’. θ =angle between concepts d1 and d  respectively}.The above expression was developed based on cosmological, astronomical  and mathematical concepts.The above paper also describes about the variation of  radius of earth’s elliptical orbit around the sun with mass density of infinite universe. [Academia Arena, 2010;2(3):32-40] (ISSN 1553-992X).    


Keywords: Angle, Density, Radius

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Sorbent capacities and intensities of thermochemically cracked shea nut shells for the removal of waste water dyestuff

Itodo A. U.1 and  Itodo H. U. 2

1Department of Applied Chemistry, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Nigeria

2Department of Chemistry, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria.


Abstract: The sorbent capacities and intensities of activated carbon by one-way thermochemical pyrolysis of shea nut shells were studied on waste water dye removal and the results are presented in this paper. The relationship between the ordinary (kf), maximum (qm) ,and theoretical saturation capacities (qD ) were also investigated to follow the order ; qm > qD > kf. H3PO4 catalyzed sorbent at a longer activation dwell time, SS/A/15 presented a higher adsorption capacities (qm=6.024 mgg-1,qD=4.189 mgg-1 and kf = 0.628 ) and higher sorption intensity (1/n =0.714) ,than the other 3 series.The high % dye removal (%RE up to 84.80%), adsorption normalcy (1/n <1 and RL<1) and good applicability (R2 >0.869) are critical for considering shea nut shells as precursor for generating low cost active biosorbents. [Academia Arena 2010;2(3):41-50]. (ISSN 1553-992X).


Keywords: Adsorption capacities, intensities, Dye, Shea nut shells, waste water

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Itodo A.U. 1 and  Itodo H.U.2

1Department of Applied Chemistry, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Nigeria.

2Department of Chemistry, Benue State University, Makurdi.


ABSRACT:  Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and Zinc chloride (ZnCl2) catalyzed Shea nut shells, subjected to a one way activation scheme was employed to study the adsorption kinetics and mode of diffusion of industrial dye uptake. Thermodynamics data obtained in this study indicate that the sorption of dye spontaneously increases with time and decreases after equilibration was reached. The adsorption follows the pseudo second order kinetic model which gave the least % SSE (0.449-1.348), best linearity (R2=0.998-0.999) and closer agreement between the experimental and calculated qe values (qe exp., 96.985/qe cal., 100.00).Mode of transport deviate from the intraparticle diffusion model. According to this study, percent dye removal coupled with the close proximity of generated data to those reviewed in literatures, is an indication that Shea nut shells could compare, to a good extent with commercial activated carbon for organic dye removal from dyestuff waste water. [Academia Arena 2010;2(3):51-60]. (ISSN 1553-992X).


Key Words: Activation Chemistry, Kinetics, Shea nut, Biosorbents, Textile Wastewater

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Tangential acceleration of emitted photon from the star


Manjunath. R. (Reader in physics)

#16, 8th Main road, Shivanagar, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010, Karnataka, India.


Abstract : It is shown that the equation for the calculation of tangential acceleration of emitted photon from the star accounts for the potential  energy of gravitational field of star .The above equation aT=kEg (k = proportionality constant  ,aT = tangential acceleration of emitted photon from the star, , Eg= potential  energy of gravitational field of star) was developed based on the quantum mechanical concepts , gravitational concepts and classical mechanical concepts  .The new mathematical model allows to calculate tangential acceleration of emitted photon from the star . The above equation also describes the variation of  tangential acceleration of emitted photon with the potential  energy of gravitational field of  the star. [Academia Arena 2010;2(3):61-64]. (ISSN 1553-992X).



Key words: Force, photon, gravity, speed of light , acceleration

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Screening Six Cultivars of Cowpea (Vignia unguiculata (L.) Walp for Adaptation to Soil Contaminated with Spent Engine Oil


Agbogidi, O. M.

Faculty of Agriculture, Delta State University, Asaba Campus,Delta State, Nigeria.


Abstract: Field experiments were carried out in 2007 and 2008 growing seasons at the Delta State University, Asaba Campus teaching and Research Farm to screen six cultivars ( ) of cowpea for adaptation to soil contaminated with spent engine oil. 0 (control), 25, 50, 75 and 100ml of the oil served as the treatments. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The results showed that cowpea cultivars grown in 25ml of spent engine oil gave consistently significant higher (P≤0.05) values than the control and the other treatments (50, 75 and 100ml) of the spent oil plant height, leaf area, number of leaves, stem diameter, days to 50% flowering, member of nodes on main stem, number of branches, and number and length of penducle. The results also showed that as from the 50ml of oil application to soil, all the traits examined showed significant reductions (P³ 0.05) when compared to their controls however, TVx3226 and IT84S – 2246-4 were higher in performance whereas, IT890.699 and IT870- 941-1, showed the lowest inhibitory effect. The current study has demonstrated that spent engine oil has a highly significant effect of reducing the growth characteristics of the six cultivars of cowpea examined. [Academia Arena 2010;2(3):65-75]. (ISSN 1553-992X).


Keywords: Screening, cowpea cultivars, adaptation, spent engine oil.

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Dynamic Simulation for Domestic Solid Waste Composting Processes

Beidou Xi 1, *, Zimin Wei 1, 2, Hongliang Liu 1

1.       Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China

2.       Northeast Agriculture University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150030, China,


Abstract: Modeling composting processes is the prerequisite to realize the process control of composting. In this paper, a simulation model for domestic solid waste composting processes was developed based on microbial process kinetics, mass conservation equation, energy conservation equation and water balance. Differential equations describing microbial, substrate, oxygen concentrations, moisture content and temperature profiles were derived. Considering that several factors (temperature, oxygen, moisture and FAS) in the process interacted to composting processes, microbial biomass growth kinetics was described. In order to verify the model, a series of aerobic composting experiments on domestic solid wastes were conducted. Temperature, moisture, microbial biomass growth, oxygen consumption rate and the concentrations of organic components were monitored in the composting processes and also simulated with the developed model. The simulation results were well consistent with the experimental results. It also could be seen from the model that the efficiency of composting processes could be raised and aeration requirements could be reduced by controlling the oxygen concentration in the exhaust air within a proper range. When the range is 8% to 12%, the aeration requirements reduced 79.61%. This result was verified by the composting experiment. When initial moisture content was higher than 66% or lower than 33%, it would significantly reduce the rate of substrate degradation. It indicated the effect of initial moisture content on the composting processes was significant. A simple sensitivity analysis demonstrated that two key parameters in composting modeling to determine were maximum specific growth rate () and yield coefficient (YY/S). Therefore, the composting processes could be optimized by the application of the developed simulation model. [Academia Arena 2010;2(3):76-89]. (ISSN 1553-992X).


Key words: dynamic simulation; model; composting; domestic solid waste

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江苏省扬州三力电器集团, 中国江苏省扬州市西湖镇59

电话: 0514 82822538 邮编225008; 电子信箱:; 博客:


摘要: 自然科学里有许多难题困扰着科学家,爱因斯坦却把思维定制在寻找统一引力、电磁力、强作用力、弱作用力的场, 所以他也无法先创立出统一场论。再来分析论叙是谁质量大,统一了这些力而进化出新物质。因此,创立统一场论和图型及公式,得到正确认识自然界起因和运动后能量多少的能力, ,去造福人类。[Academia Arena 2010;2(3):90-100]. (ISSN 1553-992X). doi:10.7537/marsaaj020310.10

[关键词]: 统一场论,椭圆图图解及公式、统一场论的应用

Abstract: There are many problems disturbing the scientists in the field of natural science. But Einstein focused his thinking on searching for fields of unified gravity, electromagnetic force, strong force, and weak force, so he could not take the lead in creating the Unified Field Theory to analyze which one is of greater quality, and what has integrated all these forces to create new substances. As a result, creating the Unified Field Theory, its graphics and formulas to clearly get to know the causes of nature and the ability of energy-change after movement is of vital importance to the depiction and redesign of both evolution models of celestial bodies and all other things, so as to benefit the humankind. [Academia Arena 2010;2(3):90-100]. (ISSN 1553-992X).


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